
When I was a dude back in the 70's the hetero man was macho, the typical guy with hairy chest and wide chain that ended in a silver cross that got lost among the thick hair of his chest. I grew up in the lower suburb, surrounded by tough guys, changarines, masons, slaughterhouse workers or some refrigeration plant workers, metalworkers, garbage collectors... Every weekend we would organize football championships on the 11 Hearts pitch from Friday to Sunday, boys from all the neighborhoods would come to play football. My old man would take me and we'd spend the day at that huge field that the neighborhood took care of with dedication. Dad had a huge desire for me to love football as much as he did, and I followed his lead. When I discovered the sexuality of adults, I became a curious spy of male genitality. The payo , a German-born son from the Chaco, blonde, tall, and enormous, my old man's teammate, didn't have problems changing or peeing with his cock sticking out through the short pants... Making myself distracted, I wouldn't miss any detail of his member every time he knelt down by the side of the pitch to pee... The thick finger would completely retract the foreskin, leaving a pink, enormous, thicker-than-the-rest head of meat visible. When I was lucky, I could see his huge testicles, covered in blonde hair, hanging defiantly behind his cock, held by the fingers that shook them in an exciting way. Every time I saw his cock, I would only recreate in my head the pleasure his full woman should experience with that big-headed cock.Machito...

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