Mi prima, Mara XXVIII Final

A delightful translation of an adult content story!

Where are you?

I'm in my room, come and I'll give it to you

What will be? I thought.

I'm making myself a fool and embarked on a journey towards her bedroom. When I opened the door, my eyes widened like two eggs.

Mara was lying on her back on the bed, with her dress lifted up, wearing a black thong and something inserted into her Booty.

It was an explosion of madness that exploded in me.

More so when I noticed what was inside was an 'abre Booty'.

Want it?

- She said, all flushed and excited.

Incredible! I went closer to that perfect Booty.

I pulled out the cock.

Wait!! Come here...

I did as she said and got on the other side.

Looking at her with a Traci Lords-like face, she put my cock in her mouth.

It was all family and she was sucking me off in her room.


The sound it made inside her mouth ooc oogg. She was blowing me.

From my position, I saw her ass in the shape of a heart.

What pleasure!

Now, if...

- She expressed like a pro.

I pulled out my cock from her mouth, with saliva dripping and directed myself towards her Booty.

She took the toy and pulled it out with a groan. Her anal orifice was open to insert my member.

It was a short, triangular thing with a base.

Her anus remained open before I could close it, so I took my cock and placed its head in the anus hole.

And do you want it?

Yes, love. I've been waiting all week, put it in.

With all the lubrication she had, it wasn't very difficult.

It slid in perfectly.

She was going in, accompanied by a luxurious groan.

Until halfway in, without any problems.

What a lovely sight that penetrated ass was!

Not only was I with a cutie who was a dream, but I was also making her Booty and it was my birthday.

I took it out to the outside and put it back in. My phone rang, where were you? some messages said.

Mara was enjoying herself, sarpado.

Every time she went in a little more.

She made gestures of doing force, but it didn't hurt much.

With one hand, she stimulated her clitoris.

It drove her crazy.

Do you like me making your tiny ass?

Oh... yes... love. I love it.

- She expressed with difficulty.

Every now and then, I liked to take it out to see the hole well open.

She knew and enjoyed it even more.

I stayed there for a while, putting it in, until I reached 3/4 of my cock inside her.

I didn't want to hurt her and more than that, I wasn't going to make her do it.

I felt like I was about to come. She started to twist.

Every time she screamed louder.

When I felt her orgasm was imminent, I also came.

All the cum inside her, I accompanied a little while longer until she finished.

She let out a loud scream of pleasure.

MAR: Aaaaaahhh...

- Languidly and fell onto the bed.

Breathing heavily.

With care, I pulled out my cock from inside her.

A band of cum came out.

MAR: Did it all come out, love?

YO: Yes, a bunch... now I'll clean you up.

I grabbed a towel nearby and cleaned her up.

I sat down beside her and kissed her mouth.

MAR: I hope you liked your gift...

YO: I loved it. You surprised me...

MAR: That's good. I wanted to surprise you. I asked Fer for the toy that opens Booty.

Now everything made sense from the other day.

YO: Beautiful... I love you!

MAR: And I, handsome.

We cleaned up and went back to the party, first her and then me.

We screwed all night long and when everyone left... well, you know.

It had been a few days since we were novios.

It had been an incredible summer, unforgettable. The beginning of a great story and the end of this one.

Who knows what unexpected things are coming, what we will live and what we will tell?

It's just a matter of waiting...


Comentarios Destacados

La historia, desde mi perspectiva, debia terminar así. El podia cachondear con las amigas pero no mas de eso, dado que el vinculo con ella era especial. Lo mismo ella con sus amigas. Eran muy unidas como para que se caguen entre ellas. Igual, hubo morbo..
coincido en lo q decís, obvio como en todo final va haber opiniones distintas sobre como debería haber terminado pero le diste un cierre bastante decente👏👏👏 PD: fer no tendra algún primo para algun Próximo relato?
Jodeme que no te pasó de verdad?
Una historia atrapante man, la llevaste muy bien, ahora que lo pienso, la familia lo tomo muy normal el noviazgo ja.
Van puntos.
Epico cierre para una saga q nunca decayo a lo largo de la historia. Mis felicitaciones

52 comentários - Mi prima, Mara XXVIII Final

gran final hubiera sido, que tuvieras una revolcada infiel con alguna de sus amigas. me dejo un sabor................ a poco el final. pero muy bueno fueron los episodios. saludos julieta
coincido con Julieta es como haber visto un final abrupto. cosas inconclusas como en el episodio anterior si Gabi le limpió las gomas a Mara que pasa con Fer y Pao...
Me supo a poco y precipitado aunque hay muchos detalles morbosos es como que me fatan o se saltaron 2 episodios...
Enganchado desde el principio a ver que nos dice el autor. Un abrazo
Ojala la sigas muyyy buen relato, gracias por tanto👏👏
Falto acción con las amigas. Mas q nada fer o gabi. Se estaba dando para eso. Creo q fue apurado el final. Tenias para unos capítulos más. Pero igual muy buena serie
Muy buenos todos los relatos, ojala continuen. Van puntos!!
Buen final!!!!! En el universo mi prima Mara, también lo mas importante es el amor, el amor heterosexual. Gracias crack
Entendi esa referencia jaja
Que mal que sea el fin pero que granhistoria amigo que grande sos
Muy buena saga! Queda abierto a muchas fiestitas con amigas!
Te felicitamos realmente una historia muy caliente y con un final hermoso y romántico,desde ya esperamos que no pase mucho tiempo para saber de ustedes besotes a los dos
Espero realmente q no sea el fin! Buenísimos todos tus relatos+10 en todos!
Excelente, un antes y un despues en lo relatos, espero continue...
Por favor subí alguna parte en que el personaje se coja a alguna amiga y que Mara no se entere.
Muy buena saga sos el mejor van 10 lastima que termino tendre que conformarme y leerlos todos de nuevo
Gran final bro. Creo que es lo que muchos esperábamos.
Muy buen relato! 28 capitulos! Y mantuviste a todos muy atentos. Final abierto que promete mas historias y cruces!,, 👏👏👏👏 +10 y a esperar las nuevas aventuras ya de pareja de Mar y Jonás
Excelente relato ojalá haya secuela con fer y gaby
Muy buen relato y como termino vos con ella sobre todo felicitaciones
Toda le serie fue excelente.
Gracias por compartir con la comunidad!!
Genial!!! Gracias por compartir esta tremenda historia!! Un lujo!
Solo dire waaaaw..... increible toda la historia, 2 dias leyendo sin parar!!!
Extraordinaria historia, atrapante no se podía dejar dw leer conforme pasaban los capítulos.
Muy pero muy bueno!!!! Es una lastima que se termine, espero la historia siga y puedas contar!!! Eso sí, nos merecemos conocer por foto a tu prima!!!!
Es un relato ficticio, retrasado. La prima no existe 🙄
La verde que exelente historia, muy bien relatada y no le falto nada
Maestro, ídolo, titan, gigante!! Que pedazo de historia loco en dos días me bje todos los capítulos. Más atrapante que novela de agatha christie. Te Felicito loco seguí escribiendo y no me cortes la de la mejor amiga que esa promete