Relato real- Llene de leche a mi tia (incesto real)

this is a real story of mine and my aunt's  hello i'm e.g. and i want to tell you a story about an occasion i had with my aunt i'm 18 she's around 40 not exactly sure  for her description she should measure 1.65 blonde big tits big ass well firm quite good very mature very good  one day i stayed overnight at my cousins' place (her sons) to mess around play jacking etc until morning more or less (a pretty boring wednesday nothing else we could do) my aunt always warms me up she's a 'mature' but she's still quite good everyone looks at her says things and several close acquaintances always flirt with her it attracts a lot of attention , that day we were messing around i didn't sleep because i had slept during the day and was feeling tired around 5 am i got up to go to the bathroom and passed by my aunt's room and saw she wasn't wearing much clothes (her husband had already left for work) and saw my aunt sleeping and it looked like she was wearing light clothing i had gone to the bathroom because i needed to pee but before going back in i stopped myself from getting hard and said oh well i'll just give myself a masturbation session everyone's asleep in the middle of masturbation someone knocks on the door and out of surprise i froze and hid my thing when i came out it was my aunt who wanted to come in i went out and then she came in and asked what i was doing awake she asked if i had a cell phone charger (i already knew she had one so i said it for her to go get it while we walked she kept looking at that butt of hers because she was wearing a camisole but it was lifting up a bit imagine how hard it was for me she told me the charger was next to her bed plugged into an outlet on the nightstand and asked if i could bring it quickly i said okay and she said good so she went back to sleep i lay down next to her to charge my phone while she settled in to keep sleeping minutes to sleep and I was looking at her back she was looking at that ass so tight it has and in a moment she turns around to tell me to turn off the light in the room and I turn around too and touch her a little with my cock standing up I told her -uh excuse me aunt (while I was adjusting myself to jerk off) she said it's okay but I kept looking weird at her I told her if she could do me a favor (at that moment nothing mattered and nobody had it hard and I wanted to come) she said the charger was next to her bed plugged into an outlet on the nightstand and that if I could bring it quickly I said I could charge it here so I wouldn't take too long she said good then she got up and I got up too to charge my phone while she adjusted herself to keep sleeping I got up for a few minutes to sleep and I was looking at her back she was looking at that ass so tight it has and in a moment she turns around to tell me to turn off the light in the room and I turn around too and touch her a little with my cock standing up I told her -uh excuse me aunt (while I was adjusting myself to jerk off) she said it's okay but I kept looking weird at her I told her if she could do me a favor (at that moment nothing mattered and nobody had it hard and I wanted to come) she said -do you want a favor and turn around ? +why ? +just for a second ,you're a fool +okay she turned around a little bit adjusted herself and lifted up her camisole and touched my whole ass my cock was dripping with how excited I was she told me +what are you doing ? it's bad (she said it in a low voice) -excuse me because you're very good and I had you standing still and well +already know but it's bad you're my nephew since baby I've known you -yes but I'm not a kid anymore and besides you seem attractive to me like other men do +okay but don't touch me -why not ? +of course yes -if you weren't my nephew would you bother me ? +you're very young but I think that's not the case -then think I'm not your nephew and let's make the most of this time. I told her that then she took off her shirt and I saw those tits for the first time in person. She was saying stop, stop but I kept touching and started touching her pussy while I was jerking off (she had cheated on her husband because he had been unfaithful to her) then I told her go ahead, your husband won't even notice apart from not fucking you well and probably not every day. I looked at her like I was saying I'm right. I took off my shorts that were tight and she had a huge head, grabbed it around and pointed it at her pussy and made her come. After that, I sent it back in one go and she said stop, stop. I told her -we're just starting, let's finish, it's not bad to fuck for a bit, you should be fucked like this too-. And I started fucking her while still touching her tits. We were like that for 15 minutes, then I grabbed it again and told her if she was taking pills, she said yes but these days she hadn't been taking them. After another 10 minutes of fucking, I couldn't resist anymore and came inside her, filling her with cum. She kept coming out of her pussy and we stopped for a bit because we were both exhausted. I told her -do you like it? I gave you a good one-. It wasn't the best fuck but you're old enough to handle it. And I had already finished but grabbed it again and gave her a tongue kiss, which was more exciting than having fucked her because my aunt had just come inside her pussy again. The sheet was all wet from the cum that was falling out of her pussy and I kept finishing and giving it to her after about 5 minutes. Then I pulled out her cock when she was half asleep and she was still lying on her back with her pussy, and the bed was all wet. She got up, got comfortable, and went back to sleep. I gave her another tongue kiss and sucked her tits before going to sleep. After that, I jerked off every day thinking about it (when I couldn't fuck). Familiar on top of a close relative but I recommend that if you have the opportunity, take advantage of it, you won't regret it

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8 comentários - Relato real- Llene de leche a mi tia (incesto real)

En terminos de "relato sexual" le falta un poco aun pero va bien. Ahora. En lo posible. Pasa un corrector o editor y volve a leer antes de darlo x finalizado. Y aun lo mandas y ves algo q se repite o esta mal lo podes editar y arreglar. Suerte. Te dejo puntos xq me gusto la historia. 😉
Excelente relato y muy real pero podes subir fotos aunque sea descuidada
te la seguiste comiendo ?
Ultimamente poco pero el otro dia la salude con un beso en la boca y cuando estabamos solo se estaba bañando y ahi aproveche,le acabe adentro 2 veces 😏
Buen consejo, aprovechar el momento, dejo diez y sigo amigo, sube fotos con discreción. Seria mejor