Clasificación de pajas por diferentes criterios

As a professional masturbator (and very masturbating) I'll tell you that I study each masturbation and investigate. I've created a manual (of my sole authorship) in which I classify the wanks using different criteria.

The end? None, simply deepening on masturbation. For those who like to read and be informed about everything.

Let's start:

The first classification criterion isThe Time That Lasts.

Masturbation FLASHDura between 0 and 8 minutes. It's when you get up, with half an hour to get ready and go to work or study, but you have a super hard cock and need to bring it down. Therefore, a flash masturbation comes out so as not to waste too much time.
Rapid MasturbationLasts between 8 and 15 minutes. You're hot but not very comfortable because there are people at home or you have to do something important. Quick masturbation comes out to get rid of the heat.
Masturbation NormalIt lasts between 15 and 25 minutes. You have time, and you're quite comfortable. Maybe you're home alone and have good videos or photos to look at. Put in normal masturbation taking advantage of the time.
slow masturbationIt lasts between 25 and 40 minutes. You have time, you're comfortable, you have good videos or photos and on top of that you like to make it last to feel more pleasure. It's one of the most pleasurable orgasms.
Masturbation SupremeIt lasts more than 40 minutes. You could have done slow masturbation but you like it so much that it turned into supreme. It's a complicated masturbation because it's hard to hold the heat but if you manage to do it, it's very good.
Masturbation UNFINISHEDRegardless of the type of masturbation you're doing, if you have to interrupt it for any reason, it will automatically become an unfinished masturbation. When you resume it later or another day, it will be a new masturbation to classify.

NOTEThe time of masturbation is measured from the moment you stop and decide to do it, until you reach orgasm. You can sleep and stop several times during that time.
In case you have to do something that takes a short time and prevents you from continuing the masturbation (for example, answering the phone), your masturbation will not become uncompleted as long as the task does not exceed 8 minutes. If it exceeds, it will be an uncompleted masturbation and when you continue, it will be reclassified.

The second classification criterion isThe Heat Source

Masturbation MudahIn mute masturbation you don't see pictures, nor videos, nor listen to audio. Nothing that heats you up, just your imagination or looking in a mirror (if that heats you up).
Warm MasturbationSee photos and/or videos of friends or family members you like. Familiar people. It doesn't matter if they're wearing clothes or not wearing clothes or if it's a specific part of the body. They all fall into the same classification.
Masturbation thighSee photos and/or videos of girls you don't know (Celebrities come here).
Hot MasturbationYou see photos and/or videos of your partner, whether they're with or without clothes, or even videos you recorded having sex with her.
Masturbation BURNINGSee a girl live and on direct.
Group MasturbationIt's actually a type of mute masturbation. Exactly it is when you masturbate leaving someone to watch you via webcam.That heats up many people (And I'm included. If you want to see me write me pm, it doesn't matter your sex)

NOTE: The classification is in that order and always classifies with the most distant one. That is to say, if you've been looking at photos of friends all the time (which would be warm masturbation) and finally look at a photo of your girlfriend, it automatically becomes warm masturbation. Regardless of how long you looked at the photo, it's over.

In turn, classifications of this category have sub-classifications. In case of the wanksCALIDASNoneSHINSandHOTare subclassified into:
TYPE 1Check out the photos or videos on a cell phone or tablet,TYPE 2Check out the photos or videos on a computer,TYPE 3See the photos or videos on a TV.
In case of burning masturbation, they are subclassified into:
TYPE 1You're seeing the girl through a camera, whether it's a video call or hidden camera,TYPE 2You see the girl through a lock or a window.TYPE 3You see the girl directly but she doesn't know you're looking at her. Generally, she's seen with girls who are asleep.TYPE 4You see the girl directly and she knows you're looking at her. Not very frequent but typical of an uncooperative girlfriend

The third classification criterion is theACCEPTANCE LEVEL

Masturbation VERY ACCEPTABLEYou enjoyed it. It was really good and you lasted a lot of cum.
Masturbation ACCEPTABLEIt was good but could have been a little better.
Masturbation NormalAs the classification says, it's normal.
Masturbation BADYou didn't enjoy it. You feel like it was a waste of time.

NOTEThe goal is to always reach an acceptable masturbation. Bad jerks are infrequent, they usually occur when you're thinking of having a slow or supreme masturbation and for reasons unrelated to you, it ends up being a rapid or normal one. You get frustrated, angry at the interruption, and end up not enjoying the masturbation.

The fourth classification criterion isThe Hour of the Day When It Is Realized

Morning masturbationIt's the masturbation you do between 6 am and 12 pm noon. It's a very frequent masturbation for people who get up early to work or study and take advantage of that time to do it.
Eve-night masturbationIt's the masturbation that takes place between 12 noon and 8 pm. It's a very frequent masturbation, people who leave work or study and arrive home between 6 and 8 pm discover there is nobody at home and they masturbate.
Nocturnal MasturbationIt happens between 8pm and 12am. When everyone goes to sleep.
Masturbation TransnochéBetween 00hs and 6am. It's a fairly frequent masturbation on weekends when you don't have to get up early the next day so you wait for everyone to fall asleep and then masturbate.

There are infinite criteria for classifying a masturbation. These are the ones I've studied. Tell me which ones you do most frequently and let me know if any other criterion occurs to you!

3 comentários - Clasificación de pajas por diferentes criterios

jajjaaa, buenísimo!

La nuestra es una paja cruzada, generalmente cuando nos acostamos y vamos levantando temperatura, el objetivo no es acabar, sino calentarnos bien.
Dura entre 5 y 10 minutos
Conoces el numero de un chat erotico me lo pasas
Yo soy un viejo bien, pero bien pajero...y cada vez me pajeo mejor.. Hace casi 40 años q me hago la paja. Y voy probando diferentes formas. Pero sin dudas la mejor paja es usando crema, mucha crema, para poder frotarse durante mucho tiempo, la crema hace q se retrase la eyaculacion, y el placer q produce es una locura. Hay q frotarse suave y lentamente, para prolongar el goce, haciendo pausas tambien. Por ejemplo, la otra noche me hice una paja SUPREMA !!! Estuve pajeandome desde las 12 de la noche hasta las 5 de la mña. Me empece a tocar muy suave viendo varios videos, despues fotos, tengo miles de fotos de mujeres hermosas desnudas, playmates bien tetonas me vuelven loco... Y cuando encontre una foto de Ursula Vargues desnuda, acostada en un sofa, ahi me puse crema y me empece a pajear enloquecido de placer...incluso me filmo con el celular y puedo verme en el celu mientras me hago bien la paja... Y ahora q estoy re caliente me voy hacer otra hermosa hay nada q me de tanto placer...
Salú! No hay nada más placentero, divertido y sano que masturbarse. Disfrute estimado!!