Solitude and how I changed from a slut to wife 4

Yesterday morning I woke up with a start, once more embracing her, once more her skin next to mine, her breathing on my chest, it repeated what happened yesterday, lifting myself gently, preparing mate and taking it beside her, with the same erection, the same contained desires to hug her but no, didn't want to wake her, surprise her with breakfast in bed, something that after half an hour our bodies flew, our mouths talked, our eyes also and finally once more the wild sex until even in the bathroom was turning into a beautiful habit that routine would surely devour, but now it was time to enjoy, we changed and despite not wanting to go, we went to her work, both of us, as soon as I arrived Fede crossed me and told me.

FED may come to my office

So, never again guys

I scrutinized the situation attentively

Is this Fedey who is it? (I ask Sole)

Iodaniel's husband is having fun

FEDEah good, when you got married Soledad?

I'm done and I come today to quit, you don't extort me anymore

And nobody else

FEDE good calm, because they won't come to my office like this let's chat calmly?

There's nothing to talk about the decision is made go ahead with the liquidation please I'll send you a telegram in a bit

FEDGood, good is fine but did they think it through? If it's because of money you're just a great employee and more efficient than ever, we'd be willing to come to a good economic agreement if you stay, today there aren't many job offers and a single salary complicates things

I leave money being a problem for her, aren't you my clients?

Are Fede's clients yours? I don't know

I led a card of mine, the eyes of sun seemed to get out of orbit, clear she didn't know that my old man was owner of a construction company, casually we used to give them a lot of work at the firm, my way of dressing and acting made it seem like I was just another guy, actually in the company I was in charge of contracts and purchases, a very delicate position among the guys, Fede looked at the card and recognized the company right away

FED for please Daniel I beg you to come to my office

Laura was a few meters away and even though I knew my old man had a business, I never suspected it was the one that practically supported the one she worked for, she looked at me and smiled with a healthy complexion and I realized she wasn't leaving her amazement but was in a dream, her eyes shone with joy, I said to myself Why not?

I'm insisting we go, ahead

Take my hand and let's go into Fede's office and she promptly asked for coffee for three

This office brings me very bad memories, Fede, and you know it very well so let's get out of here as soon as possible

FED is fine, is fine, look at solitude my proposal is this, you are very important and I don't want you to leave, if necessary I am willing to double your salary and I ask Daniel that he not take her away from me, you know better than anyone how much it costs to have an employee as efficient as you

The decision is hers, sir, you decide on love

I don't want to be with you for one more minute, I'd rather stay home all day waiting for you than keep facing someone like this scum.

Doesn't it seem like everything has been said already?

FED but only because so much resentment? Here always treated you well

Solemira fed up Dany knows everything so save the acting let's drink I don't put up with you guys

Give me another heaven, look at Federico, I hope I don't find out about any calls, no messages or visits, unless it's you and your father's company is going to go bankrupt and I'll make sure they sleep on the street, CLEARLY?

FED by the way sir Daniel, solitude this afternoon you can come to pick up the liquidation

Just put it in your salary account, the rest I'll take care of myself

We lifted ourselves and got up and left, without going through the reception desk first to say goodbye to her enthusiastically together.

And you're doing well? I've got you on my mind, just know?

Laura's flat

I don't care if this idiot touches you either

Laura has a son of a thin slut, you never told me anything

You know how I am hahaahaha

Screw it tight and I told him CARE FOR IT

We left there and she just made herself laugh out loud, not stopping to talk or laugh, we got in the car and went to the post office, then passed by the real estate agency and cancelled the contract, I called Raul and they agreed that they would come at night to do the move, so we went home, when we arrived she asked if she could take a bath, I told her this was her house, she didn't have to ask permission for anything, from now on she was the owner, she gave me a tremendous hug and ate my mouth with kisses, she took a bath and I heated up the food, put the table and brought out my best wine, I wanted to celebrate, I was very happy, she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel almost dead, it's just that Sole is a beauty, not counting that she was already overheated, I threw her onto the table, took off the towel and ate her breasts, while caressing all her body, Sole let herself be done and even pulled my shirt off, moaning, pff this wasn't just heat but true love, we were happy because everything was going perfectly, my hands reached her sex and there they made a mess.

Sole for daddy pleaseeeee mmmmmm for sure please me come on

After waiting for a few seconds after his orgasm, the pants fell off and he got out of the boxers. He got down from the table and what never happened this time did happen, he rolled over in front of me saying

Now you're going to get really turned on

My subcock in my penis made me shudder, I stayed quiet, oh god what pleasure, couldn't resist and started to moan, my moans inspired her, everything was a crazy imagined scene, lowered my gaze and seeing her like that drove me wild, I was like possessed and I couldn't take it anymore


He went on as if nothing was wrong, filled her mouth with it, she played with my flows and let them fall over her breasts, I kissed her like never before even though I had my flows in her mouth, no matter what, I lifted her up and since I was still erect, I penetrated her with force and tenderness at the same time, she moaned again like a she-wolf and so we reached a new orgasm together

I can't live without you

I love you less than my love

We lifted ourselves up as we could and this time together we entered the shower, there I ran my hand along every centimeter of his beautiful body with the sponge, if it weren't for both of us being extremely tired, we would have had sex again



2 comentários - Solitude and how I changed from a slut to wife 4

Me encanta la historia pero en serio ponle más atención a ese lío de la separación entre palabras, dificulta un poco la lectura
fue poringa, lo subi 3 veces pero cada vez salia peor en la otra parte esta mejor gracias x comentar y disculpas