Part 1
Enthralled by a Cosplay (Part 2)
Days after the encounter with the mysterious girl. I hadn't been able to find any information about her, although I didn't ask too many questions either, since I didn't want people to compare my questions to those of possibly an abuser.
I began to believe that maybe this girl lived in another city. It could be perfectly possible that she was the cousin or some relative of one of the two boys who accompanied her. She might even be a foreigner. This would explain why she maintained silence throughout the time she spent with me... except for her sudden gasps, of course.
Leaving aside my digression. I had to start accepting that I probably wouldn't run into her again. No matter how much I denied it to myself.
The days passed flying by, while my mood only continued to decline. Even though I didn't understand why this feeling was growing in me, which could be born from a person who would judge another promiscuous and forget about them after a few hours...
Having that in mind, what made this girl different from any other common one?
-Fuck it.-I exclaimed to myself and went out for a walk to clear my head.
Walking along the sidewalk, I enjoyed the perfect symphony for my mental conflict. As night had already fallen, the noise was faint. The typical people in front of the fast-food establishment were laughing joyfully at any bad joke the dueling establishment would shoot towards its evident regular customers. As if it couldn't subtly mock them while taking it with humor and responding in kind.
That scene provoked a thought of hunger in me before any other particular feeling. I remembered that I hadn't eaten anything since morning, so I headed to a mini-supermarket a few blocks away.
A pizza for the microwave and a medium soda were my choice for that night. Well, I mean that night when in reality it's what I always buy when I feel too lazy to prepare food.
Browsing through the store to see if I could find something else to take with me, a bitter feeling invaded me. It felt like all my day of rest had been wasted on senseless things. I found it extremely tedious to think that, the next morning, I would have to wake up and return to my routine that annoyed me so much.
I gazed out at the street through the window. The crumb on the cake was making itself present for my boring day. A light drizzle had started. It wasn't too much water to keep me from going back outside until it passed, although I couldn't help but regret not having brought an umbrella after seeing how cloudy it was.
I finished loading a few art supplies that were missing at home into my basket. Which curiously always ran out thanks to my lack of habit towards what life was like outside the parents' house.
I had just moved in. And even though I did so on impulse, I didn't regret it yet with the difficulties of daily life alone. More for someone as lazy as me.
I paid the bill with some unease since I was afraid that the rain would get stronger and soak me completely. I never liked water in my underwear.
Minutes later, small streams of water began to form between the streets and sidewalks. My hair and shoulders darkened from the humidity. I only limited myself to speeding up as much as I could.
In the distance, two people appeared to be arguing. Even though I couldn't hear anything due to the distance between them and me. I managed to distinguish how one of them was handling something fiercely with their hands. It was a woman with short hair and well-dressed. The other person was a boy whose red locks were falling from his head. He was holding what They seemed to be a group of clothes that increased in number as he picked them up from the floor. The irate lady kept throwing clothes onto the street. Because of this, I couldn't help but feel too uncomfortable to want to walk down that street. However, the alternative options weren't very appealing either. The streets I could take to get home without adding too much distance were considered by me to be somewhat dangerous at night. Neither could I take another longer route simply because the rain would be more annoying than going straight. As I walked, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the poor boy who had to go through all this. At that moment, I felt it was something good for him, the scarcity of people at this hour. Lacking twenty meters from where I would arrive, Hysteria Lady entered what I thought was her house, banging the door shut behind her. While the boy looked down at the floor, holding onto a piece of clothing with force and trembling slightly. I couldn't tell if his movements were involuntary due to the cold or repressed anger inside him. Without thinking too much, I approached him with the intention of helping him at least a little. But before doing so, he showed me his hand as a sign of stop. To which I expressed my confusion only with my face, which Golden-haired Boy couldn't see. -Oh... but look what a mess. What did you do to- I closed my mouth out of precaution. I didn't want to worsen the boy's mood in front of me. I myself knew what it was like to have foolish parents, although never enough to run away from home or something like that. The boy directed a glance at me and spoke. -Honestly, I doubt this situation is any concern of yours. ... (I had it coming, didn't I?) His words reflected anguish more than sadness. I immediately supposed he had nowhere to go. He let out a resigned sigh, sensing that he was I would regret saying what I was about to propose to him.
I knelt down on the floor and started picking up clothes, arranging them over my leg. Always keeping an eye on the boy's gestures in case this bothered him. Although it didn't seem to bother him.
-Oye… Thanks for the help.
His comment took me by surprise
-Eh… No, no, don't worry about that. In fact, if you don't have anywhere to stay. You could come to my house... But don't think anything weird, it's just that...
I was getting a bit nervous inviting a stranger to spend the night at my place. Although I couldn't just leave him like that.
-Well, I'm renting an apartment for two people that was meant for students and the friend I lived with left to visit his parents on vacation. So, it's free. I don't think it would bother you.
-Vaya, you're a strange person.
-Maybe so. But, would you deny help to someone you know you can help? Wait, do you know what? You don't have to answer. I just say I'm not capable. That's all.
-...You're a good person. Count on me then. And... Thanks
His words felt warm and sincere. Causing a slight smile besides a pleasant feeling for having helped someone.
-Oh. I still haven't told you my name. I'm Erik. Not every day do I meet good people like that so. Nice to meet you.
-Jeje. Well, I appreciate your words, but... maybe you shouldn't put too much expectation on me. I'm not that good of a person. Anyway, Thanks. My name is Daniel.
The rain roared with a cold air. Giving an end to our formal introduction, we increased our pace significantly. We didn't take long to arrive at the apartment.
Once inside, I directed him to the bathroom to leave the wet clothes near the dryer. I looked towards his direction noticing that both of us had hair soaked through. In his case, it covered a significant part of his face, so... late in passing a towel so that at least it could dry off a bit.
As I rubbed my head with the towel, my eyes opened wide to see his complete face. It was identical to the girl from that time.
It must be her brother, I'm sure I thought.
I lowered my gaze as a smile formed on my face, imagining the advantages of becoming friends with him to get closer to the girl who had been driving me crazy since that night.
A bitter feeling followed almost by reflex. I didn't like the idea of making friends just for personal gain. I always considered people with that mentality trash. And now... was I really considering it?
That made me a little sad. Of course, I wasn't willing to do it. Not for that reason.
His fixed gaze brought me back to reality. I don't know what kind of face I had, but his was one of concern.
He came so close that our bodies touched. His arms wrapped around me and I stood still.
It didn't seem like he had any other intention than giving me a hug, so I returned it without hesitation. We stayed like that for almost half a minute. I didn't understand why, but it made me feel better, no doubt. Even so, when we separated, I was surprised to see his face was completely red. Thinking a bit, I supposed mine would be the same.
-Ah... I'll show you your room. It's...
His arms wrapped around me again, this time around my waist from behind.
His mouth rested on my neck, causing my breathing to become deep.
-Do you really not remember?
Those words resonated in me. Maybe... was all that crossed my mind at the moment.
-I thought I'd never see you again... How good it is that I was wrong.
After saying this, Erik rested his lips between my shoulder and neck. It wasn't a kiss, but rather a gentle gesture. And I have to admit that my heart accelerated significantly. I believed it would excite me for a boy. But he managed to shock my instincts with an terrifying ease. Even knowing that in reality it was just a boy. I suppose I had never really been disgusted by the idea of getting involved with boys. It had simply never given me the opportunity.
I startled when I started feeling his hands caressing directly on my chest, reaching my nipples.
My conscience wobbled. I wanted to turn around and ask him to stop. He intercepted me with a kiss on the mouth.
Our tongues clashed just like that time before. I felt his saliva mixing with mine and a sea of feelings flowed through me.
The pleasure consumed me. I took his head gently, bringing our mouths together as if I wanted to devour his.
Erik began to clumsily undress me. I wanted to make it easier for him but I refused to separate from his lips even for a moment.
He turned around, letting me take off his shirt at the same time that I threw mine aside. His figure was slender and delicate, just like I remembered it.
My temperature rose even more. So much so that I couldn't help but move in to suck on his neck, slowly lowering myself. Enjoying every second of the taste of his skin.
I caressed his nipples in circles, reached the lower part of his back, where I stopped and started kissing. Then my hands focused his attention on the button of his pants. Quickly undressing him from it.
I was surprised to see a sensual blueish-pink thong, somewhat small, uselessly covering part of that well-formed butt.
I slid it a little with my teeth. Enough for me to see the center of those beautiful white buttocks.
Without thinking much, my tongue entered into action. Meanwhile he only held my head weakly. Trying to push me deeper inside him.
I grasped his ass firmly with my hands. Exposing the anus and allowing me to introduce my tongue into it better.
-Ahhh... Dani~ Put it in!
His gasps and his voice they excited me quite a bit. So much that my member was begging me to do it out loud, palpitating incessantly. Posing myself on my feet in no time. I took one of her slippery legs and lifted it. While I was slowly entering him. The first thrust managed to reach the end of his head. But by the third, I was already totally inside. His body was flexed, resting his arms on the washing machine to maintain his balance. His moans were piercing and delicate, combined with his feminine face, creating the illusion that he was a real girl. Although it was a boy, this made me even hotter. I brought my hand towards his mouth, inserting and withdrawing two fingers inside. I loved feeling the sensation of his tongue trying to suck them in, simulating a penis... my penis. The other hand grabbed his hard member, which was approximately the same size as mine. I didn't take long to masturbate him at the rhythm of my hip movements. -Mmmh~ More... Give me more. –He said almost like a plea. His interior was so warm and pleasant. At that moment, I attacked frenetically, although not enough to hurt him. Just enough for his body to lose control. Spasms began. I knew he had come when I put my hand on the head of his penis. I couldn't believe it ended before me while receiving from behind. Between my fingers, a viscous liquid shone. I put it in my mouth out of curiosity. It wasn't an unpleasant taste. Although I couldn't say I loved it or anything like that, but since it was from this person, I didn't care at all to savor it a little. I supposed it was just the heat. I didn't take long to feel lips on my lower part. I had to admit it was quite good sucking him. I was almost done, so I held his head by his silky hair, inviting him to get tangled up in all my semen. He apparently accepted with pleasure.
PD: I'd be grateful if you told me what you think of my writing. Since, to be honest, I'm doing this story for two reasons. The first and main one because I really enjoy erotic tales. And the second is that I want to practice writing short stories so that someday I can publish a book... Hehe, it's my goal I suppose. PD2: Thanks for reading~
Enthralled by a Cosplay (Part 2)
Days after the encounter with the mysterious girl. I hadn't been able to find any information about her, although I didn't ask too many questions either, since I didn't want people to compare my questions to those of possibly an abuser.
I began to believe that maybe this girl lived in another city. It could be perfectly possible that she was the cousin or some relative of one of the two boys who accompanied her. She might even be a foreigner. This would explain why she maintained silence throughout the time she spent with me... except for her sudden gasps, of course.
Leaving aside my digression. I had to start accepting that I probably wouldn't run into her again. No matter how much I denied it to myself.
The days passed flying by, while my mood only continued to decline. Even though I didn't understand why this feeling was growing in me, which could be born from a person who would judge another promiscuous and forget about them after a few hours...
Having that in mind, what made this girl different from any other common one?
-Fuck it.-I exclaimed to myself and went out for a walk to clear my head.
Walking along the sidewalk, I enjoyed the perfect symphony for my mental conflict. As night had already fallen, the noise was faint. The typical people in front of the fast-food establishment were laughing joyfully at any bad joke the dueling establishment would shoot towards its evident regular customers. As if it couldn't subtly mock them while taking it with humor and responding in kind.
That scene provoked a thought of hunger in me before any other particular feeling. I remembered that I hadn't eaten anything since morning, so I headed to a mini-supermarket a few blocks away.
A pizza for the microwave and a medium soda were my choice for that night. Well, I mean that night when in reality it's what I always buy when I feel too lazy to prepare food.
Browsing through the store to see if I could find something else to take with me, a bitter feeling invaded me. It felt like all my day of rest had been wasted on senseless things. I found it extremely tedious to think that, the next morning, I would have to wake up and return to my routine that annoyed me so much.
I gazed out at the street through the window. The crumb on the cake was making itself present for my boring day. A light drizzle had started. It wasn't too much water to keep me from going back outside until it passed, although I couldn't help but regret not having brought an umbrella after seeing how cloudy it was.
I finished loading a few art supplies that were missing at home into my basket. Which curiously always ran out thanks to my lack of habit towards what life was like outside the parents' house.
I had just moved in. And even though I did so on impulse, I didn't regret it yet with the difficulties of daily life alone. More for someone as lazy as me.
I paid the bill with some unease since I was afraid that the rain would get stronger and soak me completely. I never liked water in my underwear.
Minutes later, small streams of water began to form between the streets and sidewalks. My hair and shoulders darkened from the humidity. I only limited myself to speeding up as much as I could.
In the distance, two people appeared to be arguing. Even though I couldn't hear anything due to the distance between them and me. I managed to distinguish how one of them was handling something fiercely with their hands. It was a woman with short hair and well-dressed. The other person was a boy whose red locks were falling from his head. He was holding what They seemed to be a group of clothes that increased in number as he picked them up from the floor. The irate lady kept throwing clothes onto the street. Because of this, I couldn't help but feel too uncomfortable to want to walk down that street. However, the alternative options weren't very appealing either. The streets I could take to get home without adding too much distance were considered by me to be somewhat dangerous at night. Neither could I take another longer route simply because the rain would be more annoying than going straight. As I walked, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the poor boy who had to go through all this. At that moment, I felt it was something good for him, the scarcity of people at this hour. Lacking twenty meters from where I would arrive, Hysteria Lady entered what I thought was her house, banging the door shut behind her. While the boy looked down at the floor, holding onto a piece of clothing with force and trembling slightly. I couldn't tell if his movements were involuntary due to the cold or repressed anger inside him. Without thinking too much, I approached him with the intention of helping him at least a little. But before doing so, he showed me his hand as a sign of stop. To which I expressed my confusion only with my face, which Golden-haired Boy couldn't see. -Oh... but look what a mess. What did you do to- I closed my mouth out of precaution. I didn't want to worsen the boy's mood in front of me. I myself knew what it was like to have foolish parents, although never enough to run away from home or something like that. The boy directed a glance at me and spoke. -Honestly, I doubt this situation is any concern of yours. ... (I had it coming, didn't I?) His words reflected anguish more than sadness. I immediately supposed he had nowhere to go. He let out a resigned sigh, sensing that he was I would regret saying what I was about to propose to him.
I knelt down on the floor and started picking up clothes, arranging them over my leg. Always keeping an eye on the boy's gestures in case this bothered him. Although it didn't seem to bother him.
-Oye… Thanks for the help.
His comment took me by surprise
-Eh… No, no, don't worry about that. In fact, if you don't have anywhere to stay. You could come to my house... But don't think anything weird, it's just that...
I was getting a bit nervous inviting a stranger to spend the night at my place. Although I couldn't just leave him like that.
-Well, I'm renting an apartment for two people that was meant for students and the friend I lived with left to visit his parents on vacation. So, it's free. I don't think it would bother you.
-Vaya, you're a strange person.
-Maybe so. But, would you deny help to someone you know you can help? Wait, do you know what? You don't have to answer. I just say I'm not capable. That's all.
-...You're a good person. Count on me then. And... Thanks
His words felt warm and sincere. Causing a slight smile besides a pleasant feeling for having helped someone.
-Oh. I still haven't told you my name. I'm Erik. Not every day do I meet good people like that so. Nice to meet you.
-Jeje. Well, I appreciate your words, but... maybe you shouldn't put too much expectation on me. I'm not that good of a person. Anyway, Thanks. My name is Daniel.
The rain roared with a cold air. Giving an end to our formal introduction, we increased our pace significantly. We didn't take long to arrive at the apartment.
Once inside, I directed him to the bathroom to leave the wet clothes near the dryer. I looked towards his direction noticing that both of us had hair soaked through. In his case, it covered a significant part of his face, so... late in passing a towel so that at least it could dry off a bit.
As I rubbed my head with the towel, my eyes opened wide to see his complete face. It was identical to the girl from that time.
It must be her brother, I'm sure I thought.
I lowered my gaze as a smile formed on my face, imagining the advantages of becoming friends with him to get closer to the girl who had been driving me crazy since that night.
A bitter feeling followed almost by reflex. I didn't like the idea of making friends just for personal gain. I always considered people with that mentality trash. And now... was I really considering it?
That made me a little sad. Of course, I wasn't willing to do it. Not for that reason.
His fixed gaze brought me back to reality. I don't know what kind of face I had, but his was one of concern.
He came so close that our bodies touched. His arms wrapped around me and I stood still.
It didn't seem like he had any other intention than giving me a hug, so I returned it without hesitation. We stayed like that for almost half a minute. I didn't understand why, but it made me feel better, no doubt. Even so, when we separated, I was surprised to see his face was completely red. Thinking a bit, I supposed mine would be the same.
-Ah... I'll show you your room. It's...
His arms wrapped around me again, this time around my waist from behind.
His mouth rested on my neck, causing my breathing to become deep.
-Do you really not remember?
Those words resonated in me. Maybe... was all that crossed my mind at the moment.
-I thought I'd never see you again... How good it is that I was wrong.
After saying this, Erik rested his lips between my shoulder and neck. It wasn't a kiss, but rather a gentle gesture. And I have to admit that my heart accelerated significantly. I believed it would excite me for a boy. But he managed to shock my instincts with an terrifying ease. Even knowing that in reality it was just a boy. I suppose I had never really been disgusted by the idea of getting involved with boys. It had simply never given me the opportunity.
I startled when I started feeling his hands caressing directly on my chest, reaching my nipples.
My conscience wobbled. I wanted to turn around and ask him to stop. He intercepted me with a kiss on the mouth.
Our tongues clashed just like that time before. I felt his saliva mixing with mine and a sea of feelings flowed through me.
The pleasure consumed me. I took his head gently, bringing our mouths together as if I wanted to devour his.
Erik began to clumsily undress me. I wanted to make it easier for him but I refused to separate from his lips even for a moment.
He turned around, letting me take off his shirt at the same time that I threw mine aside. His figure was slender and delicate, just like I remembered it.
My temperature rose even more. So much so that I couldn't help but move in to suck on his neck, slowly lowering myself. Enjoying every second of the taste of his skin.
I caressed his nipples in circles, reached the lower part of his back, where I stopped and started kissing. Then my hands focused his attention on the button of his pants. Quickly undressing him from it.
I was surprised to see a sensual blueish-pink thong, somewhat small, uselessly covering part of that well-formed butt.
I slid it a little with my teeth. Enough for me to see the center of those beautiful white buttocks.
Without thinking much, my tongue entered into action. Meanwhile he only held my head weakly. Trying to push me deeper inside him.
I grasped his ass firmly with my hands. Exposing the anus and allowing me to introduce my tongue into it better.
-Ahhh... Dani~ Put it in!
His gasps and his voice they excited me quite a bit. So much that my member was begging me to do it out loud, palpitating incessantly. Posing myself on my feet in no time. I took one of her slippery legs and lifted it. While I was slowly entering him. The first thrust managed to reach the end of his head. But by the third, I was already totally inside. His body was flexed, resting his arms on the washing machine to maintain his balance. His moans were piercing and delicate, combined with his feminine face, creating the illusion that he was a real girl. Although it was a boy, this made me even hotter. I brought my hand towards his mouth, inserting and withdrawing two fingers inside. I loved feeling the sensation of his tongue trying to suck them in, simulating a penis... my penis. The other hand grabbed his hard member, which was approximately the same size as mine. I didn't take long to masturbate him at the rhythm of my hip movements. -Mmmh~ More... Give me more. –He said almost like a plea. His interior was so warm and pleasant. At that moment, I attacked frenetically, although not enough to hurt him. Just enough for his body to lose control. Spasms began. I knew he had come when I put my hand on the head of his penis. I couldn't believe it ended before me while receiving from behind. Between my fingers, a viscous liquid shone. I put it in my mouth out of curiosity. It wasn't an unpleasant taste. Although I couldn't say I loved it or anything like that, but since it was from this person, I didn't care at all to savor it a little. I supposed it was just the heat. I didn't take long to feel lips on my lower part. I had to admit it was quite good sucking him. I was almost done, so I held his head by his silky hair, inviting him to get tangled up in all my semen. He apparently accepted with pleasure.
PD: I'd be grateful if you told me what you think of my writing. Since, to be honest, I'm doing this story for two reasons. The first and main one because I really enjoy erotic tales. And the second is that I want to practice writing short stories so that someday I can publish a book... Hehe, it's my goal I suppose. PD2: Thanks for reading~

7 comentários - Cautivado por un cosplay Parte 2 (Trap)