Decisions 4

Decisions - 4

I was still having fun teasing her, but without thinking about anyone in particular, just because I wanted to release myself at my own pace. My ribcage wasn't really helping much, as I would have had to go very slowly so it wouldn't hurt, and I knew I wouldn't be able to finish easily... In fact, since I first got her, I hadn't been able to finish more than two or three times...

I couldn't help but think about the three girls who had left with my sisters and their group, not wanting to imagine what they might tell them about me... I was thinking all this when I heard a voice that paralyzed my heart. Quickly, I put the cock back in my Bermudas again... almost, since the rush caused a subsequent strain on my side, which didn't let me put it away as quickly as I wanted, leaving me out of breath for an instant.

- Ah, yes, you're really entertained, Speed... and I won't tell you that what I've seen doesn't bother me... it's not bad at all what you're trying to hide... - Romy said sarcastically.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to... if I had known you were coming... - I apologized, blushing like a tomato, while trying to put my cock back in its place by biting my teeth because my ribcage reminded me that rushing wasn't good for me.

- I know, I know - she made a dismissive gesture -, if you had noticed, you wouldn't have been surprised... Believe me, it would have been a real shame to miss that... - She laughed, making me even more nervous.

- Well, anyway, I'm sorry... it's not planned and...

I was caught off guard when she came over and lay down next to me on the bed, on my good side. She positioned herself like my mother sometimes did to talk to me. In fact, and main reason why I was speechless, was because as soon as she sat down, she turned a bit to look at me, and her hand started caressing my chest, making me ticklish while exciting me... Romy, it didn't seem healthy to me...

- You know... you've always seemed like a handsome guy, you have a good body, you're quite good Speed... but...

- Oh great... and yes, but there's an enormous but between the two of us Romy... so please...

- Sorry, I didn't mean to... Hey Tony, I'm sorry for what I said in front of my sister at the pool... and I regret not having told you who she was... but if I had known, you wouldn't have let me go with you any time...

- Don't worry, I understand... and yes, possibly if I had known that you were Gata's sister, I wouldn't have gone with you like I did. It would have been a shame, really, because I'm having a great time...

- Thanks, I'm glad you're not upset. It slips out when I see her and Aby in that plan... well, I couldn't help but talk about you... sorry.

- No problem, I understand, although now I'll see how I get rid of your sister...

- If –she laughed-, it's going to be hard for you, she's obsessed with you, my mother was right, you know, when we talked about this you're monotone...

- Well, and I thought that whoever wouldn't stop talking about me would be you –I said ironically, provoking her laughter-. And tell me, how are the others?

- Ahhh!!!, you say with your sisters... -she stayed a little thoughtful-. Hey, one question, are they your sisters or your cousins?, because they're making a mess, so soon they call you one way and then another.

- Have they called me brother? –I asked truly surprised.

- Yes, and cousin, they throw me off... Well, what are you?

- We're cousins, my parents died and I was raised by my uncles until their divorce, now I'm with my aunt, although for me it's like my mother, always calling her mom.

- And your cousins?

- Well, that's harder, we don't get along at all, I suppose when they said brother my mother would be nearby... For them, I'm just an intrus They would like to lose sight of it. Is the mystery solved? –I smiled at her.

- No, not at all, you'll see... I'm not that sure about what you're saying. I think your sisters or cousins aren't as fierce as you think they are. The truth is that when they called you brother without thinking, it seemed to me like a pose rather than anything else... I don't know, don't mind me, these are your things...

I decided to accept changing the subject, it was something very prickly to talk about so cheerfully. Romy told me about the latest things she had been doing, where she had moved and with whom she had gone. She confessed that on a couple of occasions she had coincided with her sister and her group, but that she hadn't stayed with them for long because she wasn't having fun like when she was with me... At that moment...

- How can you say you've been with him? –Gata's voice echoed, just a second later, leaning on the frame.

- Well, what you heard, I haven't actually seen Speed, but I've been going for runs with him –Romy said seriously.

- You're telling me that you've been with him all the time, knowing how much I wanted to observe him, and never told me... -Gata asked, her voice growing angrier by the moment.

- Yes, that's what I'm saying. And you know it because you overheard us, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. I want to keep going with him, I don't like how you're moving and your group... I won't risk not being able to do it again because of my tongue.

- You're a traitor... -she said, definitely angry now.

- Well, I think not, Gata. Your sister answered me sincerely. You like doing Parkour one way, and your sister another, and she likes what I like, having fun, moving for the sake of it, without needing to prove anything to anyone. You just think about being the best... stay above all the others... - What's wrong with that? In any sport, you work to improve, to be better than the others... I don't know why Parkour should be different... Is it because I'm a woman?

- I didn't say that Gata, don't put words in my mouth that I don't say and less what I don't think, your sister is also a woman and yet I love going with her. About the other thing, obviously you try to improve, but my philosophy is different from yours, I want to be better for and by myself, not because the guy next to me does it to death and I have to kill him to surpass him, I'm done when I think that... - Do you really do Parkour? Do you do all those crazy things jumping everywhere in the city? Do you jump facades and all that? - Belen asks appearing unexpectedly alongside Gata with Aby.

- Oh wow... - she looked at me fixedly and to my surprise, I saw concern. If Belen, that's what I do when I go out, I walk around the city overcoming architectural obstacles in the way I consider most suitable, and no, I haven't lost anything yet by jumping into the void between buildings - something I knew wasn't entirely accurate.

- It's madness, anyway it's madness, does mom know? -

- Since it started - my Mother surprised me by appearing also -, I've known since the first day. -

- Is anyone else going to enter the room? - I asked startled.

- To my surprise, as an answer to my question, Laura entered followed by Gata's parents and Romy. When we saw us lying there, Romy's father made a joke about our situation so compromised on the bed. Then he laughed and made everyone else laugh, telling me not to bring out the shotgun because he was aware that with the ribcage, if I wanted to do something reprehensible my cries of pain would have been heard for several kilometers around as if it were a system of alarm. It didn't make me happy, but Romy was laughing for a good while... she was aware that she was doing it because of the masturbation that surprised me by making me do it.

The truth is that everyone in the room, together, had only one thing to be glad about: that the temperature started rising and that's what made everyone go back where they came from. For about 15 minutes, everyone was talking among themselves, almost not saying a word, although I admit I did give Romy a few punches for her thanks, as she kept pinching her sister, every time she could put her finger in the wound of having been with me without telling her anything.

I also started wondering how long it would take my mother to figure things out, five months earlier we had talked about a girl I liked who was moving with me, although I didn't mention names, as each night we spent together made me like her more than the previous one. The truth is that I had many mental orgasms, I felt bad and organized everything myself. I set it all up perfectly, but perfect for giving myself a cum that makes an era.

Two months later, the conversation with my mother was because the girl in question told me she already had someone in mind and not me precisely... As you can understand after all my mental orgasms, that was a pretty big blow, but good, as usual, I put on a good face and focused on moving on from my feelings, burying them deep, suffocating them, and then expelling them from me. That was something good about love: I didn't look back at it again, considering the past to be just that, and I got over it as quickly as I fell in love. Obviously, that girl was Romy, and I wondered how long it would take my mother to figure it out... because I also knew she would eventually.

In the end... I stayed alone again, with the window open, a gentle breeze blowing that refreshed the room and half asleep. About twenty minutes later, my mother came up, with whom I was dying to talk...

What's up, sky?

The truth is that I'm doing quite well, it no longer hurts me now, it's just more annoying than anything else... Hey mom...

Tell me what's going on,

You're clear that you knew the daughter of your partner was Gata, but... -she interrupted me.

And you want to know how, don't you? -I nodded my head-

Well... Look, the truth is that it was a coincidence, I was talking to her daughter Romina on the phone and mentioned Parkour, as you can understand that made my ears perk up - she laughed-, and when she hung up we started talking...

And I suppose you two got along with Gata and Speed, didn't you?

Yes, more or less like that, I was told that her older daughter also did it, that she was known in that circle and that she only bothered her with a guy named Speed... You have no idea how surprised I was when I asked if her daughter was a certain Gata and she said yes, they called her that... -she looked at me sarcastically.

I suppose...

And when you got hit, looking a bit worn out, we thought of giving you this surprise... even I told Anna to tell her daughter where you could find you...

And Gata didn't suspect that her mother knew?

No, because she didn't tell her mother -I winked and laughed...

!!Romy!!... will be a bitch... -I exclaimed.

I started connecting the dots, things that had passed me by until then, like for example that Romy came running to hug me, but she didn't put on a face of obvious surprise when she saw me there, even Aby and Gata after taking off their helmets showed a face of amazement that I didn't see in Romy, although I didn't notice it at the time. The bitch knew I'd be there, and for sure she was going... licking in surprise at the reception she would receive from her little sister. I then remembered also the faces of my sisters when they entered my room and found out that I was doing Parkour... with much caution, I asked my mother...

- Mom, and how are my sisters getting along with my friends...
- You refer to the three of them or perhaps a more specific one, come on, tell me? - she gave me a gentle tap on the thigh.
- So you're aware, aren't you?
- What do you like about Romy?, yes, from the very beginning - she nodded.
- Well, does it show that much?
- No, actually not, or at least not much, but I have an advantage, you told me you liked someone and they gave you a hard time, so I suppose I was waiting to see if it was one of them... Instinctive mother, I suppose - she said with a laugh.
- Or maybe just gossip, you want to say - I smiled on my part.
- Well, also that, so don't deny it - she let out a crystal-clear laughter.
- And well, then tell me, how's it going with her?
- Well, I already told you she said no, so I'm trying to get over it, although it's not easy since she usually hangs out with me. In a way, I think this rib injury has come in handy...
- Until you brought her home... - my mother said with a smile.
- Well, something like that too. I think this won't be the last time I'll receive visitors - I sighed.
- Do you mean Gata, Aby or Romy?
- Actually, I think it's all three of them, it seems to me they're going to visit me again sometime...
- Come on, let's go eat in a bit, dinner is almost ready, we're waiting for you downstairs, okay?
- Yes, okay, Mom. - When my mother left the room, I was gathering the courage necessary to get up. The bad thing about breaking your rib is that it hurts with any movement you make, and getting up is one of the worst things you can do, since all the muscles in your chest tense up and... Ribs in the middle make a nose-pleasing joke. I stood up and became hunched over, breathing with difficulty, enduring the pain, preparing for the final movement, standing upright completely when some hands grabbed me by one of my arms…

- Come on, let me help you, tell me when you're going to get up and lean on me, come on Speed.

- Okay... come on... -biting my teeth.

- You're now completely standing up, now we're going down... -said without letting go of my arm, only adjusting himself better.

- Thanks for your help Gata, tell me, what were you doing up here?

- I went to the bathroom and passed by to see how you were, I saw you and well... I thought about helping you...

- Thank you again... -looked at her a little surprised, making her laugh.

- I know, I know, I have a reputation for being unsociable with guys...

- Well, that's one way of putting it... -smiled-, come on... -said getting into motion.

- Yes, the truth is that I'm very rude, but make an effort to understand the amount of idiots I have to put up with every day, so I prefer to keep things clear from the start.

- I understand...

- Hey... Is Tony not?

- Yes, Tony...

- Well, look –stopped in front of me- see how I'm doing great, know that I like all the guys, and it's more than enough for them to like me... What am I very rude and almost a daughter of a slut?, yes, but believe me, it doesn't matter if with that I manage to limit them to drooling from afar and not trying to take me out to have sex...

- As I said, I understand perfectly, no need for clarification -smiled again getting into motion-, so I'm a kind of privileged one, aren't I?

- Well, let's say you're a special case...

- Special? -looked at her surprised.

- Yes -laughed-, I think you're the only guy who always runs away when he sees me like it was the boogeyman...
I didn't respond, but couldn't help laughing. with her, what it supposed to be some nice slaps on the ribcage warning me that this wasn't healthy for me in my situation. When we appeared at the pool I found a surprise, all the friends and boyfriends of my sisters group had left or been given a ticket, which was something I didn't have very clear about some of the things and laughs I was hearing. Everyone was there, my mother, her friends, Romy, Aby and my sisters with their whole group of friends.

When I arrived I noticed some things, like I said they were all laughing and commenting on the boys, and I didn't have very clear what they were saying if they had left because of them or if they had been kicked out by them. Another thing was the way my two adorable sisters looked at me, or rather how it seemed they were looking at Gata, who was walking with her arm linked to mine, I provoked a closer hug between us when I saw those looks. What I thought is that those looks possibly had something to do with the boys and the fact that they were no longer there. The last thing I realized was the sidelong glances my friends of my sister's friends were giving me, I think it was the first time they didn't look at me like I was bothering them.

I found myself eating dinner with everyone, they had prepared simple plates like rations that we all tried, I admit that the dinner was fun. My sisters' friends and these just kept sewing questions to Gata, Romy and Aby, also in this my mother and her parents were collaborating. I was splitting my sides laughing with Romy every time a question came up about me, she would just ignore it, whoever it was from, including my mother, except that she would answer saying she already knew because I had probably told her so, to end up laughing and admitting she did know through me.

As much in my sisters as in their friends, like Gata and Aby, every time you saw more frustration with me and Romy, since neither of the two We were talking about Parkour or where we used to move when we went together. When everyone finished eating, everything from the tables was cleared away, and then these were removed and we sat down to chat, since it's true that the temperature was incredibly mild, almost perfect, at least for me. Ten minutes later, Romy sat down beside me, putting her leg over mine and resting her head on my shoulder, obviously on the good side.

I saw Belén had a poker face when she looked at us two, Laura looked like she couldn't be defined with any one word, my mother was looking at us and smiling ironically. My sister's friends were looking at us two in a disguised way, it seemed like they didn't want my two sisters to notice their sudden interest in me, which on the other hand is logical given that they knew we got along like dog and cat.

At some point I felt like taking a piss and excusing myself with Romy, saying I had to go to the bathroom... making a face...

- Do you need help?

- No, thank you very much, but no one can do this for me - I said, giving her a tap on the shoulder.

- Well, maybe it would be more pleasant if they held you back, wouldn't it? - she laughed...

- Romy, don't have bad blood, if you make me laugh it hurts... - I smiled, holding in my laughter with her.

- Okay, fine... I'll be good... - she put on a mischievous face.

- Of course, when hell freezes over is when you'll be good... you witch...

Both our parents and my mother were laughing for a while, as well as the other girls, although my sisters seemed a bit forced in doing so. I said goodbye to everyone until later, and carefully made my way to the bathroom on the top floor, that way if someone got an emergency they would have the one downstairs free, because I knew for sure it would take me a little while. The stairs were fine, walking wasn't bad, but at the end I had... What's easy, Bermuda shorts on the floor, hand against the wall to support myself and be very careful peeing in the service... and I felt relief, by the way, I was bursting. When I finished, I was wiping it with paper, threw this away and then the chain... Then...

Oh boy, oh boy Tony, you're really well-armed... who would have thought... -I heard.

I turned my head towards the door to see who I imagined by the voice, it was Eva, one of my sisters' friends, a brunette around 1.62cm tall, beautiful and with a very appetizing body. She didn't cut her hair short, in fact, she was having fun teasing my cock since she couldn't keep herself from running, bending down to pull up my Bermuda shorts hurt and wasn't pleasant to do. I did the only thing I could do in those circumstances... get a little red and make a big deal out of it...

I'm glad you like what you see...

Yes, it's true that I love it... your cock is precious... -she said, getting closer and grabbing me with one hand-... ¡¡Uhmmm!! And how hard you're getting...

Thanks to you, Eva... -I smiled ironically as well as infinitely surprised by her.

Do you like what I'm doing to you? -she whispered while starting to play with me and putting her lips next to my ear.

Of course I like it... -I replied, turning towards her and sticking my hand under her pareo and bikini bottom, finding her sex completely wet-, but I also like participating in the game...

¡¡¡Uhmmm!!! -she limited herself to moaning when my hand reached her pussy, caressing her clitoris.

You'll see how much you like this... -I introduced two fingers while lubricating my thumb with the flow that escaped from her pussy...

Yes, keep going, don't stop... -she asked while continuing to move my cock, with her other hand untangling the pareo's knot and starting to take off her bikini bottom. with my thumb I started to attack her clitoris gently. - ¡¡Agrrhhhhh!!, keep going, you bastard... damn it feels so good... keep going... keep going... - And you, don't stop Eva, keep rubbing it... come on... faster Eva... In the end, Eva was the first to orgasm, almost fell over, grabbed me to avoid it and her rib hit me with such force that all my ardor disappeared in an instant... ¡¡¡Damn pain!!!, I won't tell you how fast my cock shrunk. Eva apologized for what she called her clumsiness and also for what she said, thinking of compensating for it. Before my amazement under the toilet seat, sitting down on her, then I positioned myself in front of her by pulling on my cock with small tugs, once I was where I considered perfect, looking at her eyes, she took my cock into her mouth, making me see perfectly how it disappeared inside. Then I started to notice how it grew back inside her mouth centimeter by centimeter, in a short time, just thirty seconds or so, she had it all out, the pain seemed to fade away slowly turning into pleasure, what I didn't understand was how she could have swallowed it whole that way without choking. When she took it out, my cock came out completely covered in saliva, I saw her gag a couple of times while it was coming out of her mouth, but she managed to control herself. Once my cock was free from her mouth, she started licking it, passing her tongue along the shaft, showing me how she collected her own saliva and then extended it along my entire cock. I couldn't take it anymore, I hadn't been with anyone in a while, and with the rib, orgasms were problematic, even 95% of them had to be abandoned due to pain, so when she started sucking my cock at full speed... She moved her head quickly against my pubis, then separated and ran back to start again, at one point I said... - Eva, I'm going to come... stop... I'm coming... can't take it anymore Eva... stop... Come on, let it all out... Give it to me, come on... Run already Tony...

He kept the cock pointing at his mouth, once the first squirt came out, I saw him trapping the Gland with his lips, receiving the next ones directly in his mouth. When my cock finished giving spasms and releasing its load, he pulled it out, then opened his mouth showing me all its contents, later swallowing everything with a satisfied face... He ran his tongue over his lips to pick up any remaining residue that might have escaped, and then went back to putting my increasingly flaccid cock in his mouth, using his tongue to clean it well, leaving no trace of cum on it. Then he got up without saying another word, and left in the direction where the others were, leaving me in the bathroom with no idea what was going on... but that's just how relaxed I was...


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