This is the story of Emanuel, a 24-year-old winner who has very interesting anecdotes to tell, filled with girls and friends and of course many sexual stories. This story is fiction, however that doesn't mean it's based on some real events...
Chapter 48: My 24th birthday (A new beginning)
- Surprise! - Everyone shouted together.
The boys had organized a surprise party at this guy's house. Juan Pablo had called me to tell me that Lean had had a problem with his mother and she was in urgent care, so we had to go get some clothes from her house. However, when we arrived, I found a surprise party organized in the backyard of his house. Leandro was there and he was the first to hug and greet me. Then I greeted Juan Pablo who looked at me with tears in his eyes. Facundo and Cristian approached afterwards. Flavia and her boyfriend Juan Ignacio were there, next to Camila and Giselle who were chatting. Celeste and Marisol were talking to another girl, someone I didn't know, while Clara was telling Leandro's parents about their future child. On the other side, Esteba, Bruno, Diego, Paola, and Clara from university were there, which surprised me but made me smile. However, I couldn't help feeling a little sad when I saw that Luz was missing.
- I want us to try again, Ema.- Eliana said to me.- We have to give ourselves another chance.
The night had been intense, starting with some drinks and a quiet chat about different topics. Then came a bit of gossip, and when we got to her house, she invited me for a coffee that I couldn't refuse. However, as expected, we ended up in bed, making love like old times and giving each other pleasure after so many months. Finally, she rested on my chest and said that.
- Look, Eli,- I started.- We were having a great time together, we were laughing, could talk and do different things, the sex was excellent. But it's clear that we're not meant to be for each other.
- Yeah, I know...- She said resignedly.
- I think it's best if I leave.- I said getting up.
I changed and left, leaving her with a sad face that despite everything broke my heart in two. But I had to keep going; it had been complicated months with crossed emotions and I couldn't (nor wanted) to relive all that again. Besides, deep down, I knew I didn't have a good future with her. The following days we sent each other some messages, mostly to close the relationship, she confessing it had been great being together, that despite everything she had seen me very happy and I telling her that I thought her decision to end things with Tomás, her ex-high school boyfriend who kept getting back together whenever he went to his hometown, was very mature. A few days ago I found out Eliana is dating a guy from the university, one of her friends, and they seem to be doing well together.
November started and a wave of heat invaded the city. The guys had asked me what I planned for my birthday and since I was done with my last exam the previous Friday before the weekend, I told them I didn't have any plans for the moment. That same Friday, after finishing well and receiving my accounting degree, they invited me to celebrate at a lunch filled with laughter and beer. There, I mentioned we could do something on the eve of my birthday, Sunday the 29th, but several of them told me they couldn't make it due to different reasons, however we agreed to talk to the rest. It was then that Juampi called me the next day at 9 pm to tell me about Leandro's mother and that we had to go to her house to get some things for him.
- Many thanks guys, it's a lovely surprise.- I thanked everyone once we sat down to eat and they asked me to say a few words.- Seriously. Thanks for coming, for organizing everything. I was there for my last exam and it made me very happy to see you all yesterday too.
After that, we continued the celebration, eating, chatting, and drinking cold beer and cocktails to get through the heat. The girl who was there whom I didn't know was Laura, who was dating Facundo About a few months ago and took advantage of the situation to introduce her to the group. A tremendous girl, worthy of my friend. Tall, thin, with a divine butt and not very large but noticeable breasts that knew how to highlight with a good cleavage. Brown eyes, hair of the same color, and a mouth with well-fleshy lips. Plus she was very friendly and didn't have any problems relating to the girls.
Near 1 am, some started leaving and others decided to go dance. In the end, Lean and Facu from the guys and Cami, Sol, Cele, and Laura from the girls were left. That's when they started with weird shots, drinking games, and nocturnal conversations that went off topic and didn't take long for sex and relationships to emerge. At one point, Celeste confessed that she had been dating Leandro at some point. He looked surprised and she laughed at seeing everyone else's faces. Obviously Camila and Marisol started asking her all sorts of questions and she spilled the beans right away.
- Do you remember Ema's birthday last year? Well, we got along really well and after that, we kept talking. When Leandro broke up with Victoria, things became more official and we've been seeing each other since then.
- Have you two been together for a year and didn't tell us anything?- Facundo asked Leandro almost indignantly.
- Hold on! Hold on!- Sol interrupted.- What happened last year at your birthday party?- She asked me.
That's when Celeste realized she had gotten herself into trouble. A year ago, Ella, Camila, Facundo, Leandro, Josefina (a friend of Cami's), and I had gotten together for a pretty bizarre orgy between shots, challenges, and provocations. We had decided not to tell anyone and we managed to keep it a secret until that moment. Laura was looking at Facundo with a smile she couldn't contain. In the end, we ended up telling Sol what had happened and she was surprised, unable to hold back a laugh.
- No, no, no. They're incredible.- She said laughing. from the alcohol.- Or so they all caught up with each other? - Actually, it wasn't that way at all.- Camila replied.- Cele and Lean were together, it's more like they went off alone to the room. My friend was with Ema and I was with Facu.- When Sol asked where she was, she answered:- Right here in the park. They're over there and we're over here.- She added, pointing with her hand. - So you got yourself a girlfriend at this very park.- Laura told Facundo, unable to contain a smile.- How bold. The thing started getting distorted when Marisol asked for details and we told her the story of sensual songs and how we provoked them to dance for everyone. She kept being amazed, not giving credit to what she was hearing, but couldn't help asking more. When she tried to ask about poses and how it all ended up, we started acting like fools and didn't respond much anymore, although in the end we didn't remember much either. - We were wasted.- Leandro said, stroking Celeste's leg as she sat next to him. - Like now.- She added, laughing. - Well then I want my hot dance.- I said, laughing. - And make it double, for my birthday and having received my degree. At first everyone made funny comments and the girls threatened to do so, but when Facundo said No one can handle this, Camila took the initiative, got up, and went to turn on the radio. Initially a cumbia sounded, but since she didn't like it, she changed the station. However, nothing was good for a hot dance. Lean stood up and told her that she had a song that could work (he made it in a joke, but she told him to put it on anyway) and seconds later Back in Black by AC/DC started playing and he began to dance. He did it in a sensual but tranquil way, moving mostly his hips while the rest of the girls were screaming and we were laughing. But little by little, he got closer to my chair and once he put his hands on the backrest, things got good. He went straight for me and opened up legs suddenly to get closer to her body and pass her tits, which were hiding under a lovely cleavage, all over my leg and chest. When they reached my face, she moved them from side to side and I pulled out my tongue to give it more excitement. Then she turned around and sat on top of me, pulling her back towards the back and moving her Booty, rubbing it all over my body, causing my cock to start getting hard. Marisol was the one who was most impressed. Celeste was watching while laughing and Laura, who was standing behind Facundo, was caressing his chest while moving her hips to the rhythm of the music.
The song ended and another by AC/DC started playing, also useful for dancing, and Camila continued with hers. Seeing that now it was Cele's turn to dance with Lean and Lau wasn't stopping from moving behind Facu, I encouraged them to let their girlfriends join in and they added to the music, each one provoking her partner. Marisol looked around, surrounded by girls dancing, and couldn't believe what was happening, she looked at me with a smile and I made a sign for her to come over. She stopped and slowly came towards us. I told Camila to let Sol dance for a bit and she stopped and went to the table to get another drink.
Sol looked at me straight in the eye and copied the first movement of her friend, placing her hands on the armrests of the chair, but went further and got bold enough to give me a passionate kiss that ended up getting me fired up. I put my hands around her waist and helped her loosen up a bit to the rhythm of the music. It had been more than three years since something happened with Marisol and seeing her over there in front of me, moving her body so smoothly, her divine waist with her beautiful Booty, was driving me crazy. I couldn't help but put my hand on the back of her neck and kiss her mouth with a passionate kiss, one of those that indicates something good is coming.
Camila came up behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders and then lowered them to my chest, touching me a bit while Marisol and I were We continued to ignite with the kiss. When she got down on her knees in front of me, Cami took advantage of it to take off my shirt and both of them started kissing me. The one in front of me was doing it on my stomach, tracing each of my abs and waistline. The one standing behind me was doing it on my shoulders, neck, and back, and you could tell she was much more relaxed, more used to that situation.
I looked around to see what the others were up to. Celeste had sat down with her back to Leandro and was moving her hips over his body while he wrapped his left arm under her breasts and had his right hand inside her short. Laura was sitting on Facundo but facing him, her shirt was on the floor, and while she looked at him, she took off her bra that went to join the other one. Facu took advantage of it to lick her breasts, while she caressed his back. She looked at me straight in the eye and winked at me, and I returned a smile. But something happening in front of me distracted me.
Sol had unbuttoned my Bermuda shorts and was trying to pull them down, so I lifted my body up a bit to help her and ended up taking off my boxers too, leaving my cock, which was already pretty hard, exposed. She took it with her hand and jerked me off for a few seconds before putting it in her mouth. When she saw that we had already advanced, Lau copied Marisol's movement and got down on her knees in front of Facundo, pulled down his Bermuda shorts and boxers, and started sucking him off. The other couple continued with their intense groping and kissing each other passionately, but slowly the clothes were disappearing.
I decided to stop, moving my chair away a bit and letting Sol keep sucking me while I took Camila's shirt and bra off. She hugged my body and I lowered my head to kiss her breasts. Cami put her hand on Sol's neck and started moving her faster, making her suck me off even faster. I lifted my head and I closed my eyes to concentrate on the pleasure and Camila started sucking my nipples, quickly moving her tongue from one to the other while touching the other one. I lowered my hand down her body and pressed it hard against her ass and inserted my finger between them until I reached her pussy. I only put the tip in but could check that she was totally wet.
Cami got down on her knees next to Sol and took charge of the situation, pulling her cock out of Sol's mouth and putting it in hers as she knew how. Around us things had changed a bit. Facundo was now giving Laura oral sex with her legs in the air, completely open and her hands resting on my friend's neck who was giving her a lot of pleasure with his mouth. Celeste got down in front of Leandro and started sucking him off eagerly while he enjoyed her blow job. I looked at her and she smiled at me. I lowered my gaze and could see Camila and Marisol sharing my cock and couldn't help but smile when I remembered that a few years ago the two of them used to fight over who got to sleep with me.
A few minutes later we started really getting it on, all of us with condoms and enjoying ourselves fully. I lay down on the grass and Cami was the first one to ride me while Sol touched herself just a meter away from where we were. Celeste was sitting with her back to Lean, just like before, but this time naked and with his cock inside her and him with his two hands on her tits. Lau had gotten down on all fours and Facu was entering her from behind, with his two hands on her waist giving it hard and his moans were the loudest ones.
Camila had placed her hands on my chest and mine were around her waist. She was moving forward and backward like crazy, with my cock completely inside her pussy. Her agitated breathing and the moans coming from her mouth reached me directly and the look of pleasure on her face was the best image. Al
Lado his, Sol had her two hands occupied touching herself all over the body with one hand and massaging her clitoris in circular motions with the other. She looked very excited.
It was then her turn, and I decided to take her. I spread her legs open and without hesitation, I pushed myself into her until the end. She moaned immediately, but when I started moving, she didn't stop enjoying it for a moment. She placed her arms on my shoulders and wrapped her legs around me, while I moved forward and backward, holding onto her tightly and quickly. Camila was lying next to us, touching her friend's body and mine. She slapped me twice on the Booty while biting her lips in anticipation, which motivated me to take Sol even faster. Facu was doing the same with Lau on our side, and Lean was giving Cele a blow job.
After a while, my head started fantasizing about those porn videos we watch and I remembered one of a threesome that made me want to imitate it. I told the two girls to get down on all fours, one next to the other, and they obeyed with laughter. First, I got behind Sol and after giving her a good slap on the Booty that made her jump, I pushed myself into her again. I felt like a god, the alcohol was disinhibiting me and the heat motivated me. I stretched out my hand and reached Camila's Booty and put a finger in it. Kiss I said while holding onto one and masturbating the other. A little later, I switched girls.
Facundo had fallen asleep and Laura was riding him eagerly, while he was fondling her breasts. Minutes later, I saw his face of happiness when he finished. Clara was kneeling with her mouth open in front of Cristian who had taken off his underwear and was jerking off to finish filling her mouth with cum. That image really got me going, and after giving Camila's Booty a good pounding, I told the two girls to kneel down and copied my friend's movement. Sol preferred not to join in and gave way to her pussy. friend who settled well in front of me, with her mouth open and her tits squeezed and received all my cum in her body. To finish, she grabbed Marisol's mouth and with lips and tongue full of semen, kissed her. When we finished, we cleaned up, changed, and returned to the table as if nothing had happened. There were a few seconds of silence followed by a laugh. We prepared some drinks and kept taking and talking just like before. The sun was rising, but it didn't matter to us. The night had been excellent and my birthday had started in the best way.
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