Mi viaje a la mina (2nda parte y final)

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Compendium III'm so tired of summarizing! Because honestly, I don't want to bore anyone and for me, it was a wonderful experience even though it turned out long. So I apologize sincerely to whoever reads this for the first time and asks them to be patient because we also had a run-in somewhere, but so many things happened that it ended well.


Well, those who have been patient enough to read us know that we are almost pure hearts because he is my best friend and I love him too much. 😅 And good... in sex, it's great too, because it leaves me undone and well-kissed and caressed. 😕

Even if they think I'm weirder for wanting to know the workplace of my husband, but since we know each other so well and he is so wonderful with me, with the kids and with my studies, it gave me a real anxiety to know how he works.

Because even though he's a boss, I know him inside out and I know pretty well that he's not one of those arrogant and shouty people who yell at half the world in his work. 😅

(And more: even here at home, Liz and I play and make jokes all the time with him, hiding razors for shaving or grabbing him to kiss him in the kitchen secretly... and he has a lot of patience with us two XD)

Even when I ruined the trash compactor on purpose (when my mom came and she wanted to play with the neighbor... XP), he didn't even yell at me, but took me to the bedroom and asked me why I did it. 😟

And that worried me when he started working because I imagined he would work with rough and coarse men...

And my husband is so calm, a gentleman and tender... Do you understand me a bit better now? 😃

The rest of the trip was very relaxed. I hadn't realized, but he was right: we needed to do things alone and get away from the little things. We talked about anime (😅 Even when it ran out, we still had more road ahead to keep talking), sang songs of series in Japanese (😂 My pronunciation is still so funny… XD) and I felt very happy, because we were like teenagers again. 😆 Even one of the nicest things that happened to us was seeing the sunrise in the mountains and it made me nostalgic for my sisters and mom, because when I went to school and waited for the bus with my sister, it would dawn like this, between cloudy and sunny on the mountain range. He, who knows me very well, told me he knew I'd like it and I felt great. 😂 But no matter how prepared I was, it was still strong when we got to the cutie! Despite him telling me that most people work long shifts, even sometimes for more than a week, men would look at me quite a bit and asked me to keep an open mind, in case someone said something rude. 😊 Now, I'll tell you that although I have my green eyes, brown hair until the shoulders, fair skin, fine features (according to him XD), my noticeable tiny ass and breasts which grew from being a mom, I don't feel like a Miss Universe or a bombshell, as my husband says. But I have to admit I felt excellent because although I'm not one of those who dress provocatively, nor am I flirtatious and much less, unfaithful to my husband, but the doorman, the wine cellar worker and almost all the men I met who work with my husband were devouring me with their gaze. 😇 The nicest thing was that he made it clear I'm his wife and although they looked at me lustfully, he always kept an eye on me and never left me alone for a moment. But anyway, one of the funniest things that happened to us was at the entrance, just when we arrived. As I said, my husband is a boss, but the doorman spoke with a very gentle tone and it was noticeable from the way he talked to him that there was a respect like between friends. I thought you had gone on vacation! he said. That's what happened! But my wife wanted to know where... work... my husband replied with a smile that made me feel a little embarrassed 😊. He was an old man with a beard and a kind face like a grandfather. Although he gave me discreet glances (which cost me a bit to let pass), I noticed he looked at me with a little disgust, and in reality, most of the people who knew me at first looked at me that way. But after thinking about it for a bit, I understood it was because to them, I am the other and his Hannah is the wife of the cutie. And well, as I'm also respectful, shy, and he looks at me with so much affection and tranquility, little by little people started opening up to receive me 😂. And did she come in a truck again? asked the gentleman, a bit disappointed, because he knows it's a tremendous sacrifice for my husband. Yes! She wanted to live what I do on each trip... he replied and gave me a smile so happy that it made me float away 😍. One of those that makes you feel super loved! Honestly, it's hard to know who loves the other more: me, because I wanted to get up early one day and travel quite far for his work, or him, because no matter where we were on vacation, he wanted to take me to meet him 😃. Hard to tell! And after signing like in a visitors' book and asking for a helmet for me, the gentleman let me enter the cutie... But my husband, who is super protective of me, asked for a reflective jacket, and the gentleman didn't have any left XD. So instead of entering, he took me to the cellar to also get me safety boots 😕. I thought he was exaggerating and felt as impatient as when you go to an amusement park and want to ride the roller coaster and read that damn sign that tells you to wait in line for 15 minutes... 😞 No, Marisol! Here, we have to follow the rules and be protected! He said with a very firm fatherly voice while we were going to the cellar 😓. I was left floored because it almost seemed like a clothing store due to its size! They had helmets, lamps, overalls... everything and also tool and machine spare parts. They managed to get him a reflective jacket on the spot, but they also asked the attendant for safety boots. 😳 They brought me a bunch of boot boxes to try on and all were very nice and shiny, just taken out of the box, with a new smell, wax, and everything! But my feet are so small compared to theirs that none of them fit well. 😔

But what about Hannah? How did they get her boots? my husband asked, exhausting all possibilities. We had to order a special pair for her. I'll see if there's another pair left! the warehouse manager said.

And luckily, he found a pair that fits her... 😂 Like it was a fairy tale, my husband got down on his knees and put the boots on me and they fit perfectly. 😃

When I looked so happy, he asked the warehouse manager to order them in his name and I took my heavy little boots away, super happy and just then, he presented his work. He works in a large white container with 8 other people, with desks, computers, and filing cabinets. 😈 The men who worked with my husband were looking at me with their eyes and giving me smiles that didn't inspire much confidence! But if he protected me, I had nothing to worry about... 😇

He talked to his replacement, who got a little scared when he saw him, but told him why he came and started showing me a bit of what he does. Then he started introducing me to the people who work with him and they were telling me what they did. 👽 It was like being on Mars for me! Because they were talking about cash flows and standard deviations... But I tried to understand them as best I could... 😳

Suddenly, one of his men appeared with a question for my husband. He looked at me a bit complicated because he was going to have to leave me alone, although he would always be able to see me and they went to the desk where that gentleman worked. 😍 Honestly, I loved him so much

Ahí. Because the gentleman looked very worried and my husband got on the computer and put those beautiful eyes when he concentrates on his things, despite being on vacation and with all tranquility and patience, he helped the gentleman get out of his problem, which gave him a strong handshake for having helped. And there I realized that my husband is that type of boss... 😆

And well, while he was busy there, some found me so good-looking that they started saying to put problems on my husband, that he always went with Hannah...

That Cargo and he do this... and Cargo and he go to such a place and things like that... 😆

And of course it complicated my husband. But I took it well...

So does he always go with her? I asked the one who started it, who surprised me three times looking ugly when his hand approached too close to my hips and who was the one putting more effort into talking to me...

Yes! They go everywhere together... he responded, with a slightly picaresque and shameless look.

But I also wanted to show my husband that I can handle people like that...

And is she very beautiful? I asked, looking at him a little coquettish in the eyes and giving him a mischievous smile.

Very beautiful! he responded, also smiling enormously.

More beautiful than me? I asked, touching the space between my breasts on purpose, turning my head slightly and making myself offended.

His eyes went there and seemed to dream...

No! Of course not! he responded gallantly, but dazed by my charms...


And I gave him the final blow...

Ah! Well... if she's not that beautiful, then there's no problem with her always going with her... I said and left him wanting, while I started chatting with another of my husband's colleagues.

His colleagues mocked and laughed and the gallant had nothing left but to swallow it, because even my husband had seen him do that. 😆

But still, I felt great... ¡They do so many things and my best friend, to vary, knows a little bit of everything! At the end, I gave a kiss on the cheek to my husband's replacement. The gentleman didn't expect it, but I told him that if he wasn't doing his job, my husband wouldn't be able to rest and never see... him... And well... all the others left with their mouths open, like from envy... 😊 I asked permission from my husband and he let me go, giving a warm kiss on the cheek to each one. I hugged them, passing my arms over their shoulders and pushing my breasts towards them, giving them the same tender kiss that I gave the gentleman, thanking them for taking care of him in my place... Many turned all red and some touched where they had been kissed, but I felt very happy for having known them and when we left, they came out like a crowd to bid me farewell... But I only gave a glance at my husband... “Do you want to enter the cutie?” he said, very reflective... 😍 That's why I love him so much! Because sometimes, I don't need to talk to him for him to understand me... And we returned to the joy of his men to their office. “Is Tom's team still inside?” he asked his replacement and one of his boys, taking my hand very tightly. They said yes. And we got into the truck. “Look, Marisol! We're going to enter the cutie, but you'll have to stay inside the truck...” he explained to me, while parking at the entrance of the tunnel. 😳 “Why?” I asked, confused. “Because visitors can't enter tunnels and it's very dangerous.” He told me. He explained that I was already a bit in trouble for having taken him where he worked and that inside the cutie it was also dangerous. They gave us authorization and we entered. 😦 It's incredible how dark it is! Not even the darkest nights are as dark as inside the cutie. It gave me a little fear, because if it wasn't for the truck lights, you couldn't see anything, nothing. And yet, they work there. We made turns and turns, on steep climbs and descents... What scared me was that the truck might roll over or I wouldn't be able to control it. But it helped seeing him so calm and that made me calm down too. And after an incalculable time, we arrived at a place with more light. There were several workers checking a machine from a truck's cargo, with enormous wheels that broke my head thinking how it had gotten there. My husband asked me to wait and he went off with a gentleman in a white helmet, similar to his own. 😦 Ah, I realized we had helmets of different colors! Because the bosses had white helmets; mechanics, light brown ones, and mine was electric blue. He was an elderly man and extremely tall and stocky. He had a slightly wrinkled and tough face because it showed he was a working person. But I still saw that he had gentle and respectful clear eyes. “This is my wife, Tom! Her name is Marisol…,” my husband introduced me. 😳 “Are you Mr. Tom?” I asked, excitedly, as if I had found an actor from the movies. “Yes…” the gentleman replied very confused and looking at my husband a bit. “My husband has talked so much about you and your friend Hannah! He didn't know how much he wanted to meet you!” I almost shouted, speaking hastily. The gentleman seemed to like me and gave me a nice smile. I asked if he could show me his injury and he, very kindly, unbuttoned his overall to show me. 😕 He had a deep cut on his leg and it looked like they had had to put stitches in it, but when I asked him if it still hurt, he said not too much. 😅 Now well, although my breasts have grown quite a bit, I don't consider myself big bust... My cousin has the same breast size as mine (actually a little smaller, due to the thing I'm having and all that), but the thing was that the gentleman's eyes kept going to my bust. ¡And honestly, I wasn't walking around being provocative at all! Because I would have destroyed it with a short skirt and a more summery sweater. But I let him pass anyway, because if they called her attention that much, Hannah must be lacking in... And although the conversation was very entertaining and I was having a good time, the gentleman was working. 😊 I looked at my husband again and he gave me permission... Clearly, the gentleman is too tall and really, I had to hang myself from his neck to give him a cheek kiss... But by the blush-colored and confused face she gave me, I knew she liked it quite a bit... And we left the cute little place again. I showed her where they move the material, the tremendous grinders and where they throw away the debris and gave us lunchtime. 😓 And well... again everyone was looking at me in the casino. We tried to sit away from each other and even no one else sat with us. But I felt like a monkey in the zoo... 😕 He smiled calmly... I never thought I'd be sitting with you here... he said, making my heart feel like it was going to burst. And while we were trying yummy food, he told me about when he went to school and how his friends went to girls' schools to study at a boys' school. It lowered my jealousy a bit, but with his sincere tone and gentle look, he said he was going back home, just like I did at the nuns' school and I felt better. And finally, he took me where they rest and the cabins where they sleep. What envy! You're given everything at work! I complained, pouting. Because they have a pool, gym, cafeteria, billiard room, game room, bar, Wi-Fi connection and many other things... But he, more humble and reflective, responded... But do you think that with all these things, I'll forget about you and the little ones and won't want to go back home? 😍 With him saying that, I melted entirely... How can I explain? It didn't give me a feverish heat, but if I had wanted us to make love. Es que pónganse en mi place: he was there, where he always talks to me at night, the week I don't see him and it was even more beautiful than I imagined.

And I know that the things he does with Hannah are because he would like to be with me.

And that if she wasn't there, but I was... 😕

The problem I had was how to tell him?...

And then one of those moments passed for which I love him so much…

“Marisol… Would it bother you too much if we did something… together?” he asked with that timid voice and respectful look.


I was moving my head up and down, with a smile that stretched my lips and showed all my teeth…

“Of course, we'd have to do it somewhere else!” he clarified smiling, seeing that I was more than willing...

Because they wouldn't lend us a cabin and we couldn't get into the cute one again.

But he took me back to where they throw away the material and we searched for a part with shade and not so visible, because the heat and air were unbearable.

I thought we'd do it like when he does it with his Hannah, but he had something else planned.


Now I realize that when we started, we weren't very creative. We did it sitting in a chair when possible (and believe me, it wasn't anything more genius in the world than sitting on the boy you like most, burying that thing that makes your life bigger, hugging him and kissing him, while he ran his hand over my back from top to bottom, like desperate :F).

Or when we did it outside or at university, which gave it a different touch.

But in that opportunity, he put his hands on me and started running his hand over me, as if inspecting me for weapons, and then went down my pants with desperation and force.


A dry, hot, and slightly dusty wind was blowing when I left my pompoms to the air and although it bothered me a little, I didn't mind too much because he had taken off my clothes so quickly that I was already dripping. a thousand an hour and those eternal seconds where he also has to take off his pants to put it in. I thought when the little ones were born, I would be less sensitive and more open, but he still says it feels delicious and that maybe, since I'm younger, my body will firm up faster. The thing is that I still feel this tremendous piece of flesh in my pussy and it makes me sigh because I always think it's not going to fit... 😩 😲 😩 😲 But he's a genius in that... That slow and meticulous advance, which expands me more and more... 🤤 Like that, little by little, but filling me up completely and overflowing. He puts it in and puts it in a little bit more, forcing me and then backs off, leaving me panting completely because he keeps advancing. But not much time passes before he puts it in again and makes me do the same... It's enough to drive you crazy! Because that anticipation makes me come several times and he knows all too well how to take his time, taking advantage of filling me up. I feel like I'm being stretched completely inside when he does it and what drives me craziest is that he always leaves a little more for putting it in completely. And he's affirming himself with such force on my hips, making me moan desperately. “Oh!... Uhm!... Yes!... What tasty!” I felt like I was lifting off because of how strong he was moving, but nothing mattered to me, nothing. Even the view was as dull as it could be: just piles of dirt and rock, but with his rod inserting itself in my pussy and his hands rubbing my waist and breasts, they seemed as beautiful as a landscape painting. He also complained because it cost him just as much to advance. “Ah, darling!... you wouldn't believe how many times I've fantasized about doing this to you here...” he'd say and keep me nicely distracted. 😫 😖 😫 😖 I was full, with that giant, burning thing and what's more, it still wasn't in completely. I felt like I wanted to cry, laugh, pee... And every time, he'd move a little deeper inside. My eyes would cross and I'd see blurry, my arms would I felt like paper. The only thing I felt completely sure about was that he was stretching me to the soul and kept going without stopping.

When he finally got it in, I couldn't take it anymore: my breasts felt squished in the hot dude, my hands stretched out and still resisting, but my Booty moved on its own to make everything easier for him.

💦 💦 💦

He came a lot and left me feeling like a rag doll. We stayed stuck together for a bit, with him on top of me, and when he finally pulled out, he looked at me with those perverted eyes. Do you want to do it again? he asked, but I didn't have time to respond because he stole an intense kiss from me.

I'm not sure if he picked me up or I walked, but when I opened my eyes, I was in the backseat of the car, with my legs open and him discovering my bra. 😩 😖 😩 😖 😩

I could barely talk because I felt so tired. But he kept going and going without stopping, grabbing my breasts and devouring them like a wild animal. 😱

I was going crazy! That feeling when your breast starts to deflate because they're sucking on the cum had me completely disoriented, and when he did it again with the other one, I saw stars and fireworks along with seeing the guy you like die, getting in and out powerfully.

By the time we finished expressing our love, the sun wasn't as burning hot anymore. He looked at me with his tender eyes and always smiling because he had me there, and I was happy because I had an amazing time. Thanks for joining me! he said, and we kissed for a bit, making out and then getting dressed and heading back home... 😉

And well, it seems like I'll finally meet Hannah because we've been invited to Perth to spend some days and celebrate her first anniversary of marriage, since my husband is one of her closest friends... 😈

So we'll be gone for a while. Goodbye and thanks for being patient. 😘
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2 comentários - Mi viaje a la mina (2nda parte y final)

Gracias. Así lo haré. Saludos 😉
Gran acontecimiento que gusto que te dieras tiempo de ir. en el relato de la primera parte me hizo reír las estrellitas azul y rojas estaba tan concentrado que al igual que ustedes no hubiese identificado que era una patrulla. Saludos esperamos mas de ust
¡Pero fue muy emocionante!... 😊 Yo lo volvería a hacer, pero él no se atreve. 🤷 En fin, ahí veremos. Saludos.