My ex's mom Part IV

Good friends of the P community! Today I'm taking some time to tell you another episode that happened with my ex mother-in-law, the woman of my dreams, starting with something that made me laugh and you'll find out how it ended! Enjoy and if you want to know more or less about what was going on, don't hesitate to check out my other posts!Part One
Part II
Part III

Volvi al pueblo, despues de haber rendido unos parciales y con mi novia estudiando donde ella vivia, me disponia a pasar tooodo el finde con amigos, armar un picadito, algun padel, cervezas, salir a la noche, en fin, tomarme el finde para relajarme y descargar tensiones.
Con mi novia las cosas andaban bastante bien, con Lina, su mama, tambien, pero amistosamente y sin segundas intenciones por el momento, habia pasado ya unos meses del ultimo encuentro y no hablabamos del tema. Ademas, en esa semana no tuvimos ningun chat, porque estuve muy ocupado preparando los examenes y cuando tengo que estudiar ella no me escribe porque piensa que me distrae o molesta, y bueno, yo tambien ando con la cabeza en cualquier lado.
En fin, al no hablarnos no tuve oportunidad de comentarle que me volvia a pasar el finde, y pensaba pasar por su casa a saludar a ella y a mi suegro en caso de que estuviese, el domingo antes de volver a estudiar.
Sabado a la tarde, estando con amigos, me llega un mensaje, de un numero que no tenia agendado, diciendo algo mas o menos asi "Si queres, veni a casa a la noche, que estoy sola". Sera cosa del destino, pero se me ocurrio tomarle el pelo a la ( el "estoy sola" me hizo pensar que se trataba de una mujer) emisora del mensaje, total no sabia quien era y crei q me llego el mensaje por error, a lo que le respondi "Bueno bebe, esperame sin ropita interior que esta noche paso" a lo que recibi una respuesta a pocos minutos en la que decia "Dale, te espero jiji".
Quedo en eso, me causo gracia seguirle la corriente al mensaje con destinatario erroneo, se lo conte a mis amigos, todos chequearon a ver si tenian ese numero agendado, pero no hubo caso, nos ibamos a quedar con la intriga de quien era la atorrantita.
Volvi a casa, a cenar en flia para despues salir a algun boliche, y antes de ducharme la intriga me pudo mas, configure el telefono en numero desconocido y llame al numero que me envio el mensaje, y cuando me dijeron "hola" me quede helado y corte, era ella, Lina, ella me habia mandado el mensaje, estaba seguro de que su voz fue quien contesto mi llamada, pero yo desconocia ese numero, no lo tenia agendado, y sabia que ella usaba dos celulares, asi que podria ser que me haya enviado un mensaje, o tal vez no era ella, o tal vez era ella y pretendia enviarselo a otra persona y por error me lo mando a mi, hice mil conjeturas en un instante, la de sospechar que se lo quizo mandar a otro me puso bastaaaante celoso, no aguante mas, la llame con mi numero visible al telefono que si tengo agendado, sin dudas era su voz la que me habia contestado anteriormente, le pregunte como andaba, le comente que me encontraba en el pueblo y que mas tarde iba a pasar a saludarlos, me dijo que bueno y corte.
Vaya cuestion, agregandome por fuera de los planes pasar x su casa a saludarlos y quedarme un rato a charlar con ellos, derrochando tiempo de previa con amigos, y encima con la sospecha de que a lo mejor el mensaje era para alguien mas y no yo, pero el "estoy sola" entonces que significaba? yo creia que mi suegro estaba con ella.
Bueno, despues de ducharme y cambiarme para la noche, fui para lo de Lina, asi me desocupaba lo mas rapido posible, toque timbre y Lina me indico que pasara, que estaba abierto, y que se terminaba de duchar y venia a recibirme, yo buscaba a mi suegro y no habia rastros, pase por el pasillo de su habitacion, y pude ver que sobre la cama habia varias mudas de ropa de Lina, se veian varios pares de zapatos, la luz del tocador encendida, me acerque a espiar un poco, Lina tenia sus maquillajes preparados, y tambien sus perfumes.
Comence a sentir un resquemor interno, mi suegro seguramente no estaba, y Lina, se preparaba para recibir a alguien, quizas algun amante, que si bien no le habia llegado el mensaje por mi "bromita" sin dudas era quien complacia ultimamente a Lina y a causa de quien me tenia un poco olvidado.
Volvi a living, me sente, no veia la hora de que Lina saliera a saludarme a si me iba a sacar la bronca con algun trago en banda.
Lina sali del baño y se metio en su cuarto, sabia que me esperaban otros 30 minutos minimo a que se cambiara y produjera para algun traidor que pretendia ocupar mi lugar, jaja, asi me sentia.
Pero la espera no fue tal, senti que se abrio la puerta, su fragancia, como siempre, inundo el pasillo hasta llegar a donde yo estaba, venia caminando a mis espaldas a paso firme, podia oir los tacos de sus zapatos, se me anotjaba darme vuelta a observarla, pero no queria quedar como jeropa, se acerco por detras de mi, coloco sus manos en mi rostro y me susurró: At last alone...Then I turned around to observe her, Lucia shone splendidly beautiful, her hair fell on her shoulders, two small strips hung from them until her breasts, where a babydoll nightgown, translucent black, left those bare milk-white breasts visible and then went down to end in a kind of flutter halfway down her buttocks, with a thin black thong in contrast, her elegant legs continued the figure to end in her high heels that drive me crazy, very fine lingerie, my fetish I think already.I-Do you wait for me? Lina-Si, who else if not, little one I-But how did you know I was coming? Lina-I told you this afternoon, without any underwear, I asked you, but I want to make you regret a little... I-Thought you had made a mistake because I don't have that number scheduled Lina-That's the idea, daddy I-And how did you know I was here? Lina-I already told you, even though we haven't spoken in days, I wait for you like this, are you going to enjoy me?I must have imagined how I got dressed, flying on a cloud of desire, total ecstasy, we started kissing, I was caressing her entire body, her torso through the fine fabric that covered it, exquisite sensations, she took me by the chin and kissed me, I ran my hands over her silhouette, her breasts, those hard nipples waiting for me, I was giving her little licks on her neck, I turned her around and got behind her, so I could lick her neck and wrap my hands around those delicious tits, I rubbed against her thong in front of her, she took me by the head, and with the other hand, she was searching for my pants, sometimes she moaned, I took her hand, we walked looking at each other fixedly into the room, she leaned over the bed, crawled until the headboard, a wolf-like attitude, I followed her, took her by the neck, sat against the headboard, she sat on me, put her breasts in my face, I undressed myself, I wanted to lick those divine tits, I pressed myself more against her body, slowly scratched her breast, making slutty noises, I took off my belt, took off my shoes, pulled down my pants with her on top of me, she was hanging over my cock that was already trying to act, moved, took off the rest of my clothes...Lina- 'Oh daddy, how I miss eating this cock' Yo-'And I don't give you an idea, give it soft kisses and jerk me a little' Lina-'Oh yes that's tasty'I was sucking her softly with my warm tongue, putting it in her mouth so sensual, playing with my glans, with her small and cold hands provoking a mixture of temperatures very exciting...Lina- I'm going to eat those balls too
You- Yes, drink them all
I was getting blown, he was blowing my cock, balls, I was about to cum at any moment, had to get out of the situation, kissed her passionately in the mouth, put her on all fours, took off her thong and gave her some licks, that pussy was delicious, wet, eager. Continued sucking his bum, twisted a bit, while playing with her pussy, grabbed it a bit with my fingers, rubbed her clitoris, bum.Lina-Get it for me daddy Yo-So? Lina-Ooh yes that's delicious ahhhWhile playing with her butt, I kept fingering it, stopped, gave her more little kisses on her butt, and it was already getting bigger...Lina- Get down on your knees, daddy, I'm going to give you the Booty, pretty pussy

You - Yes, drink please
I sucked her cock a little more to lubricate it better, I sat on top of her, leaned back towards the rear, opened my legs, guided her bum onto my cock held with one hand, she was looking at me fixedly, we felt an extreme pleasure, I could perceive it, I entered slowly, swinging gently, deeper and deeper each time, I couldn't keep going anymore...Lina- Are you going to cum on daddy? Yo- Yes, can I? Lina- Yes, let's finish together loveI started to ride her deeper, with more force, while using my fingers to touch her pussy, get myself off with my fingers, slap her clitoris, I was holding her down with the strength of my knees...Lina- Now? Yo- Yes already Lina- Now daddy? Yo- Yes love now give me some!!A short cry of pleasure cut the air, spurts of pleasure burst out of her pussy onto my abdomen and chest, while my cock bombarded cum inside that joyful asshole, our bodies confusingly contracting out of sync, as Lina's moans continued to sound. Breathless, exhausted, sweaty, and with the elixir of our bodies we hugged each other, kissed each other, I stopped at the foot of the bed, took her hand from it until she came over me, Lina climbed on top of me wrapping her legs around my waist, her arms resting on my shoulders, I grasping her by her buttocks, taking her onto me, looking at each other fixedly, to get rid of the heat with a refreshing shower...END

6 comentários - My ex's mom Part IV

Disfrutado como los anteriores te deje mis 10. 😀
Gracias amigo, es la idea..
Muy buena historia, buena forma de relatar también. Muy pocas cosas son tan morbosas como la suegra MILF. Gracias por compartir. Van algunos puntines y espero la continuación. Saludos.
esta muy bueno..!! con tu novia que pasó...? te pescaron con la suegra..?
Muy bueno!! Lo disfrute tanto como los anteriores. Te dejo mis puntos y espero el proximo.
Muy buenas la historia con tu suegra, me la imagino y me vuelvo loco, te deje mis ultimos puntos.