Why does it exist? Why does it happen? Why does it happen to some and not others? And why don't they care?
Monotony, a scarce and unattractive sexual passion, discovering new sensations or feeling desired with other people are some of the reasons experts claim as the cause of most infidelities that occur, especially if we learned to maintain sexual relationships only with the person we chose as our partner, FOR LIFE......? Where is it written that this is so? Is it good? Is it bad? What is good and what is bad?
Someone once explained the theory of the two worlds to me.
It's about having a world where one includes our families, the person we chose to share our lives with, commitments, social life, etc.-
And another parallel world that is only ours, with a single valid interlocutor where we share other things, our own things, just our own ideas, secrets, desires, perversions, tastes, etc., etc. In this world, we are an independent being, no commitments, no family, no friends, no confidants, no beliefs, no positions, no religion, nothing, only us and our deepest desires. BUT THAT IS: Both worlds NEVER MIX, NEVER!
Be careful, having two worlds is not for anyone, you must have several concepts clear and know how to manage them, you can understand but managing them sometimes can be a weight that sinks you.
There should be no confusion about whether one of the two wants or pretends to become the other's partner.
Understand clearly that one thing is love and the other is PLEASURE.
If you're committed, you must have it clear what risks you can take with whom, especially if both have families, neither your existence nor that of your valid interlocutor should hinder or twist what has already been built.
The things shared with that valid interlocutor are unique, the things spoken to him do not speak to anyone, he likes listening to you, trying to understand what's going on with you, having your opinion in mind or vice versa and that speaks well of both, two adult people who have something UNIQUE, where it's clear from the start that there are codes and a lot of trust. You chose them as valid interlocutor, not sentimentally nor to project, but because you enjoy it, for pleasure and fun, and the codes are to know that there are limits, obviously your desires will never be able to cause harm to others. Infidelity is not just about giving yourself a treat, that's all. Now well... many of what I mentioned before don't know this and maybe now it will serve them and they'll see it from another perspective like it happened to me, eye, it's just my contribution. There are many unfaithful men, but women? YES, not many, but there are, they have things so clear (better than men) that it doesn't even show up. But why aren't there as many? Because many think they know it all and try... and then can't sustain it (or get hooked or feel guilty) and run away horrified. There are many who talk but don't do (HYSTERICAL), others who are horrified when hearing the topic and their mind tells them everything opposite and they're cowards even to think about it, and others who think they can and imagine each type is the next prince charming, cute ones carrying a disease I call EMOTIONAL WEAKNESS. Those who tell you this is just sex and at three weeks of sex ask for directions, those who are waiting to hook up with someone to give their life meaning. Is it that way? What do you think? Tell me your experiences?
Monotony, a scarce and unattractive sexual passion, discovering new sensations or feeling desired with other people are some of the reasons experts claim as the cause of most infidelities that occur, especially if we learned to maintain sexual relationships only with the person we chose as our partner, FOR LIFE......? Where is it written that this is so? Is it good? Is it bad? What is good and what is bad?
Someone once explained the theory of the two worlds to me.
It's about having a world where one includes our families, the person we chose to share our lives with, commitments, social life, etc.-
And another parallel world that is only ours, with a single valid interlocutor where we share other things, our own things, just our own ideas, secrets, desires, perversions, tastes, etc., etc. In this world, we are an independent being, no commitments, no family, no friends, no confidants, no beliefs, no positions, no religion, nothing, only us and our deepest desires. BUT THAT IS: Both worlds NEVER MIX, NEVER!
Be careful, having two worlds is not for anyone, you must have several concepts clear and know how to manage them, you can understand but managing them sometimes can be a weight that sinks you.
There should be no confusion about whether one of the two wants or pretends to become the other's partner.
Understand clearly that one thing is love and the other is PLEASURE.
If you're committed, you must have it clear what risks you can take with whom, especially if both have families, neither your existence nor that of your valid interlocutor should hinder or twist what has already been built.
The things shared with that valid interlocutor are unique, the things spoken to him do not speak to anyone, he likes listening to you, trying to understand what's going on with you, having your opinion in mind or vice versa and that speaks well of both, two adult people who have something UNIQUE, where it's clear from the start that there are codes and a lot of trust. You chose them as valid interlocutor, not sentimentally nor to project, but because you enjoy it, for pleasure and fun, and the codes are to know that there are limits, obviously your desires will never be able to cause harm to others. Infidelity is not just about giving yourself a treat, that's all. Now well... many of what I mentioned before don't know this and maybe now it will serve them and they'll see it from another perspective like it happened to me, eye, it's just my contribution. There are many unfaithful men, but women? YES, not many, but there are, they have things so clear (better than men) that it doesn't even show up. But why aren't there as many? Because many think they know it all and try... and then can't sustain it (or get hooked or feel guilty) and run away horrified. There are many who talk but don't do (HYSTERICAL), others who are horrified when hearing the topic and their mind tells them everything opposite and they're cowards even to think about it, and others who think they can and imagine each type is the next prince charming, cute ones carrying a disease I call EMOTIONAL WEAKNESS. Those who tell you this is just sex and at three weeks of sex ask for directions, those who are waiting to hook up with someone to give their life meaning. Is it that way? What do you think? Tell me your experiences?
10 comentários - Tratando de comprender la “Infidelidad”
Lo interesante viene cuando el cazador cree q es unico y un buen.dia termina dandose cuenta que puede que tenga de compañero/a a alguien que caze mejor.
En sí, creo q todos lo hacemos, incluso esos q me juran y re juran q no lo hacen, entonces digo, por q mejor en lugar de negarlo no intentamos hacerlo de la mejor manera posible?
Pero ta, creo q la gente q caga ni siquiera ama, o tienen una imágen muy deteriorada de lo q es el amor, una imágen muy poco idealista, porque son personas muy poco idealistas. Y el amor, el amor es idealismo.
Cuando arrancas a conocer a alguien el sexo es genial todo es nuevo, siempre hay mas disposicion, ect..y tengo la creencia de que el tiempo ayuda y a medida que te vas conociendo mejora un montòn mas todo lo sexual.
Sin embargo a los meses como que llegas a la cúspide y aunque la piel sea buenísima y tu novia este terrible uno pierde un poco el interes y cuando lo hace es mas como un trámite para satisfacer el deseo y no lo terminas de disfrutar por el solo hecho de conocerla y saber que es lo que va a hacer, cual va a ser el siguiente paso en la cama, que cosas no le vas a poder hacer (porque no le gusta, no te deja, ect), de que manera siempre arranca todo perdiendo la espontaniedad, que ropa interior va a tener, ect
Obviamente en una pareja ademas del sexo hay otras cosas y siempre por mas perfecta que sea la otra persona en algo no te va a cerrar y en algo te va a romper los huevos, pero al menos para mi el sexo es una de las cosas mas importantes y cuando ademas de todo lo q t molesta del otro, de lo que te hace problema y de las cosas que te vas perdiendo por no estar soltero tampoco te sentis bien en el sexo (al menos pleno) la sensacion de vacio y las ganas de salir corriendo se hacen enormes.
Mas de una vez me he acostado al lado de alguna pareja (que justo ese dìa no tenia ganas ) mirando el techo y diciendo la puta madre porque pierdo el tiempo con esta mina cuando podria tener el tinder y hacer lo que se me canta el ort....
En cierto punto como que uno termina teniendo todas las desventajas de una relacion y casi ninguna de las ventajas.
En fin, mas de una vez he caido en la infidelidad, jamas me agarraron porque justamente una cosa es un touch and go y otra tener una doble vida (me refiero a una pareja para garchar estable), me parece que lo mas importante para que no te agarren es no contarle a nadie, ni a tus amigos.
Pero no me parece la mejor salida porque al tiempo algo te deja de llenar, o esa vida secundaria o tu pareja porque cuando volves de haberla pasado genial y te metes en un lugar donde las cosas no estan tan buenas te sentis aun peor.
Ojo, jamàs senti ninguna culpabilidad, creo que lo malo de la infidelidad es que el otro se entere y lastimarlo, sino "Corazon que no ve ojos que no sienten".
Igualmente escribia esto porque aun sintiendome identificado y habiendolo hecho jamas me sirvio ninguna de las 2 opciones, ni ser fiel ni infiel - he hablado con varia gente que me hablo de intentar hacer swinger, pero aunque me pasen todas estas cosas y este de acuerdo no me bancarìa saber que mi pareja esta con otros tipos. Se que es de egoísta pero es lo que me pasa y no lo podria sobrellevar, asi que es un gran dilema, porque ni siquiera podria probar porque el solo hecho de saber que estuvo con otro harìa que ni siquiera la pudiera ver como novia.
Concluyendo, hace 6 meses que estoy de novio en una nueva relaciòn y ya me esta pasando lo mismo, y uno termina sientiendose como el culo porque sabe que a la larga algo va a terminar o la fidelidad o la pareja (porque no me veria siendole infiel toda la vida a alguien) y es triste tener que andar conociendo y cortando con gente todo el tiempo, les mando un saludo