Before anything, I want to thank the collaboration of @Lady_GodivaIIIn the correction of this story. That as it says in the title, will mark my farewell as a poster, at least for a time
The 31/12 afternoon, a rare discussion with Alba arose. As we had agreed that night, we would receive the new year at her parents' house. But...the devil always puts his foot in it!! Alba told me that her parents had invited her uncle COCO for that night, who was an active policeman from the heavy Buenos Aires of that time, with whom I had many differences (we're talking about 1977, full dictatorship) and he had come to the city to receive the new year. 'Look Alba, you know everything is fine at your place, but sitting down with someone whose hands are stained with innocent blood, don't ask me' 'You know how I think, I saw people being killed when I lived with my uncle, they're the biggest trash that exists, they're eating with you today and tomorrow they'll hand you over to the task groups' Those and a thousand arguments I brought up to get out of that dinner and meet Josefa at midnight. 'But how do I explain it to my olds, what will they say, they'll take it as disrespect' Those and a thousand arguments Alba also brought up, and with good reason! 'Let's make a deal, you go with the kid and tell them I have to go take care of my grandma, who was hospitalized that time due to a severe kidney condition. Explain to them that during holidays there is little staff and my maternal uncles had to travel somewhere else and as I get along well with Grandma I offered to take care of her. That way, by the time the staff returns, I'll go to your place' etc., etc., etc. I never knew if Alba believed my arguments or simply avoided taking things further by accepting my excuses not to go that night to her house. The thing is that a part was already accomplished!!! Josefa, for her part, had also found the way not to participate in the celebrations that year, perhaps due to the political situation, they wouldn't meet at the chapel attached to her home but rather at the parish church alongside a prominent Monsignor who had arrived To the city to direct the reception mass of the new year, which would continue with a meeting with the Intendente de facto and his family for the social ceremony. Therefore, the nuns' house would be completely empty at least until 3 am!! The nuns' living quarters were connected by a corridor to the chapel and hospital, where the sisters normally managed their tasks. That was the path I took, I must say, with few fears!! But at midnight on December 31st, my unconsciousness and I stood in front of Josefa's bedroom door, trembling with nerves and fear, gently knocking, thinking she wouldn't hear my call. And it is at this moment that it becomes difficult to describe all the feelings inside me. Before continuing, I propose we make a small situation diagram. I, although married and having a daughter, was an 18-year-old guy who had lied to my wife and entire family, even a repressive soldier, to meet a 27/28-year-old nun who risked her career for a romantic adventure in her own home at a time when the clergy, encumbent civilians, police forces, and military managed the reality of an entire country, and people disappeared and died for less than our act of madness. It was definitely something to be afraid of!!! Simply, fear disappeared along with doubts, uncertainties, guilt, and other synonyms that can occur. Nothing of that remained inside me when Josefa slowly opened her bedroom door. Framed in the doorway, with a very faint light in the background, she stood before me, with that smile that illuminates everything around me like a 2-kwts reflector!! Her hair, a clear chestnut color that almost reached her waist, fell in a cascade covering her breasts, her body wrapped in a kind of sleeveless tunic... covered down to her knees, transparent like a veil and with a turquoise tone that highlighted the black color of her tiny lingerie set. “You're going to stay out there,” she said, and for me, it was as if an angelic choir were speaking to me!!! I hesitated, extending my trembling hand to deliver a small gift I had bought for her, and entered very slowly, without taking my eyes off that marvelous body standing in front of me. “Although I desired it and prepared myself for a long time, I thought you wouldn't come,” she whispered, while fusing her body with mine in an endless embrace and her lips searched for mine for the first time. The softness of those lips, the warmth of that mouth, the lust of that tongue, the force of that embrace, are still present in me and endure over time as if they had never been interrupted!! She gently and sensually, like a gazelle, separated her body and invited me to sit down. Her room, although humble, was ornate like a royal palace waiting for a prince, with the logical limitations... There were soft lights (from a votive lamp, probably borrowed for the lustful occasion by an image of the sacred) that brought warmth to the place, a small table set with prepared food for starting dinner, two chairs, a small and old but well-preserved armchair, a bed with one square meter, a small closet. And very few things more, but in my agitated head, it was almost like a presidential suite in the best hotel in the world!!! As we sat down, we began a brief chat, mere formalities, as we knew that dinner was only an excuse to take us to other instances, which both of us longed for. I want to note that even though it was a year-end dinner, there were no alcoholic beverages, a very subtle detail!! Perhaps because she didn't know me or feared the situation might take an unwanted turn, or because her budget wouldn't allow it, there was only one exquisite... Lemonade that she had prepared herself. Quickly we realized something about that dinner, and we made a symbolic toast, crossing our arms to drink, it was when we let ourselves be carried away by our most basic instincts.
In a matter of seconds, we were already in the small bed, kissing, eating each other, trying to merge into one another in each of our loving skirmishes.
At a moment between gasps typical of the situation, she suddenly separates herself, her face totally flushed, and tells me: Let's go slow, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time and don't want it to end quickly.
Acting immediately, she began to remove each of my clothes with the softness and tenderness characteristic of someone who knows how to handle pleasure times.
For every piece of clothing she removed, I received kisses, licks, and small bites on every exposed part of my skin. And I reciprocated in equal measure on her magnificent humanity.
When we were both already completely naked, our hands and mouths began a dialogue with each other's bodies.
I ran my tongue over her neck while my hand passed over a mound of Venus, soft and mellow, with only slightly trimmed hair, indicating an apresurado attempt at last-minute thoroughness.
She was doing the same on my chest, licking my nipples that were hardening in a way that had never happened to me before. She licked and nibbled them while her hand searched for that treasure to which she rarely had access, but knew very well how to treat it with firmness and softness to make it stand out in all its splendor.
Those same hands, which had more than once explored her own interior and that of more than one companion in the pursuit of pleasure, calming half the long days and nights of total abstinence. The humidity that produced in her vagina almost immediately gave me the security of an imminent orgasmic explosion, which came accompanied by a kind of guttural ... animal in heat noise. Accompanied its first orgasm, a cataract of tears, product of the pleasure experienced and not losing a second, it rushed onto my penis, licking, kissing, and manipulating with mastery worthy of a sex professional. My body responded by arching from pleasure, twisting almost spasmodically, while internally struggling to contain my own orgasm, in order to make that moment as long as possible, to delight in its prodigious mastery! My hands and mouth were also engaged in a frantic struggle, seeking every sensitive point on that beautiful body, trying to extract every last drop of its sacred juices. And so it exploded again in an exceptional orgasm, flooding my hands and mouth in such a way that I had never lived before. Its body shook almost like an epileptic spasm, then entumied, while its moans and rare, incomprehensible words filled my ears. After a few minutes of recovery, she turned me over onto myself, leaving me face down, and began to traverse my back with kisses, licks, bites, and fingers that in the form of soft scratches made me feel pleasures never experienced before. In one moment, she passed her hands under my belly and with gentleness and firmness managed to position me so that my body arched, exposing my booty to her total mercy. And I can assure you that her tongue and fingers elevated me to such a state of excitement that it was impossible for me to contain any more of my own juices. Perceiving my state, she positioned herself under me, receiving in her mouth the torrent of my semen, which accumulated without stopping to suck my penis until extracting every last drop, ensuring that I saw the sublime moment when with a smile she drank that nectar so eagerly awaited by her!! Exhausted, panting, and filled with pleasure, I lay prone. For a few minutes, with her curled up, almost submerged inside me. Melted into each other in a nearly animal-like embrace!! Silence reigned, only interrupted by staccato breathing, and I can almost assure that we entered a state of trance so deep that I don't know how to describe it.
I'm not exactly sure how much time passed like this. I knew somehow I took consciousness of the place and moment I was living, turned to look at that face, which was almost angelic, kissed her eyelids, forehead, and we melted into each other again in a frenzied kiss that excited us once more and then yes, we settled in to finally introduce myself to that sacred temple.
Slowly, softly, like someone possessing something so fragile they fear breaking it, I entered her moist interior. The walls of her vagina accompanied my movements with incredible muscular contractions, as if trying to grasp my penis, so it would never escape from that delicious prison!!
Then she began to contort her body in a harmonious and graceful way, similar to a classical dance, we followed that rhythm without haste or pause until I felt her hot lava running again, flooding our bodies and flowing towards her anus, which I had penetrated with my fingers, accompanying each of our movements.
Knowing my intentions, she directed a lascivious smile at me and it was she herself who, on this occasion, adjusted her body, arching it in such a way that left her booty totally exposed, like animals do normally, in an act of total submission after a lost battle.
Hoy quiero ser totalmente tuya, disfrútame y permitirme disfrutarte por completo, I whispered, biting the pillow... and silence fell.
The 31/12 afternoon, a rare discussion with Alba arose. As we had agreed that night, we would receive the new year at her parents' house. But...the devil always puts his foot in it!! Alba told me that her parents had invited her uncle COCO for that night, who was an active policeman from the heavy Buenos Aires of that time, with whom I had many differences (we're talking about 1977, full dictatorship) and he had come to the city to receive the new year. 'Look Alba, you know everything is fine at your place, but sitting down with someone whose hands are stained with innocent blood, don't ask me' 'You know how I think, I saw people being killed when I lived with my uncle, they're the biggest trash that exists, they're eating with you today and tomorrow they'll hand you over to the task groups' Those and a thousand arguments I brought up to get out of that dinner and meet Josefa at midnight. 'But how do I explain it to my olds, what will they say, they'll take it as disrespect' Those and a thousand arguments Alba also brought up, and with good reason! 'Let's make a deal, you go with the kid and tell them I have to go take care of my grandma, who was hospitalized that time due to a severe kidney condition. Explain to them that during holidays there is little staff and my maternal uncles had to travel somewhere else and as I get along well with Grandma I offered to take care of her. That way, by the time the staff returns, I'll go to your place' etc., etc., etc. I never knew if Alba believed my arguments or simply avoided taking things further by accepting my excuses not to go that night to her house. The thing is that a part was already accomplished!!! Josefa, for her part, had also found the way not to participate in the celebrations that year, perhaps due to the political situation, they wouldn't meet at the chapel attached to her home but rather at the parish church alongside a prominent Monsignor who had arrived To the city to direct the reception mass of the new year, which would continue with a meeting with the Intendente de facto and his family for the social ceremony. Therefore, the nuns' house would be completely empty at least until 3 am!! The nuns' living quarters were connected by a corridor to the chapel and hospital, where the sisters normally managed their tasks. That was the path I took, I must say, with few fears!! But at midnight on December 31st, my unconsciousness and I stood in front of Josefa's bedroom door, trembling with nerves and fear, gently knocking, thinking she wouldn't hear my call. And it is at this moment that it becomes difficult to describe all the feelings inside me. Before continuing, I propose we make a small situation diagram. I, although married and having a daughter, was an 18-year-old guy who had lied to my wife and entire family, even a repressive soldier, to meet a 27/28-year-old nun who risked her career for a romantic adventure in her own home at a time when the clergy, encumbent civilians, police forces, and military managed the reality of an entire country, and people disappeared and died for less than our act of madness. It was definitely something to be afraid of!!! Simply, fear disappeared along with doubts, uncertainties, guilt, and other synonyms that can occur. Nothing of that remained inside me when Josefa slowly opened her bedroom door. Framed in the doorway, with a very faint light in the background, she stood before me, with that smile that illuminates everything around me like a 2-kwts reflector!! Her hair, a clear chestnut color that almost reached her waist, fell in a cascade covering her breasts, her body wrapped in a kind of sleeveless tunic... covered down to her knees, transparent like a veil and with a turquoise tone that highlighted the black color of her tiny lingerie set. “You're going to stay out there,” she said, and for me, it was as if an angelic choir were speaking to me!!! I hesitated, extending my trembling hand to deliver a small gift I had bought for her, and entered very slowly, without taking my eyes off that marvelous body standing in front of me. “Although I desired it and prepared myself for a long time, I thought you wouldn't come,” she whispered, while fusing her body with mine in an endless embrace and her lips searched for mine for the first time. The softness of those lips, the warmth of that mouth, the lust of that tongue, the force of that embrace, are still present in me and endure over time as if they had never been interrupted!! She gently and sensually, like a gazelle, separated her body and invited me to sit down. Her room, although humble, was ornate like a royal palace waiting for a prince, with the logical limitations... There were soft lights (from a votive lamp, probably borrowed for the lustful occasion by an image of the sacred) that brought warmth to the place, a small table set with prepared food for starting dinner, two chairs, a small and old but well-preserved armchair, a bed with one square meter, a small closet. And very few things more, but in my agitated head, it was almost like a presidential suite in the best hotel in the world!!! As we sat down, we began a brief chat, mere formalities, as we knew that dinner was only an excuse to take us to other instances, which both of us longed for. I want to note that even though it was a year-end dinner, there were no alcoholic beverages, a very subtle detail!! Perhaps because she didn't know me or feared the situation might take an unwanted turn, or because her budget wouldn't allow it, there was only one exquisite... Lemonade that she had prepared herself. Quickly we realized something about that dinner, and we made a symbolic toast, crossing our arms to drink, it was when we let ourselves be carried away by our most basic instincts.
In a matter of seconds, we were already in the small bed, kissing, eating each other, trying to merge into one another in each of our loving skirmishes.
At a moment between gasps typical of the situation, she suddenly separates herself, her face totally flushed, and tells me: Let's go slow, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time and don't want it to end quickly.
Acting immediately, she began to remove each of my clothes with the softness and tenderness characteristic of someone who knows how to handle pleasure times.
For every piece of clothing she removed, I received kisses, licks, and small bites on every exposed part of my skin. And I reciprocated in equal measure on her magnificent humanity.
When we were both already completely naked, our hands and mouths began a dialogue with each other's bodies.
I ran my tongue over her neck while my hand passed over a mound of Venus, soft and mellow, with only slightly trimmed hair, indicating an apresurado attempt at last-minute thoroughness.
She was doing the same on my chest, licking my nipples that were hardening in a way that had never happened to me before. She licked and nibbled them while her hand searched for that treasure to which she rarely had access, but knew very well how to treat it with firmness and softness to make it stand out in all its splendor.
Those same hands, which had more than once explored her own interior and that of more than one companion in the pursuit of pleasure, calming half the long days and nights of total abstinence. The humidity that produced in her vagina almost immediately gave me the security of an imminent orgasmic explosion, which came accompanied by a kind of guttural ... animal in heat noise. Accompanied its first orgasm, a cataract of tears, product of the pleasure experienced and not losing a second, it rushed onto my penis, licking, kissing, and manipulating with mastery worthy of a sex professional. My body responded by arching from pleasure, twisting almost spasmodically, while internally struggling to contain my own orgasm, in order to make that moment as long as possible, to delight in its prodigious mastery! My hands and mouth were also engaged in a frantic struggle, seeking every sensitive point on that beautiful body, trying to extract every last drop of its sacred juices. And so it exploded again in an exceptional orgasm, flooding my hands and mouth in such a way that I had never lived before. Its body shook almost like an epileptic spasm, then entumied, while its moans and rare, incomprehensible words filled my ears. After a few minutes of recovery, she turned me over onto myself, leaving me face down, and began to traverse my back with kisses, licks, bites, and fingers that in the form of soft scratches made me feel pleasures never experienced before. In one moment, she passed her hands under my belly and with gentleness and firmness managed to position me so that my body arched, exposing my booty to her total mercy. And I can assure you that her tongue and fingers elevated me to such a state of excitement that it was impossible for me to contain any more of my own juices. Perceiving my state, she positioned herself under me, receiving in her mouth the torrent of my semen, which accumulated without stopping to suck my penis until extracting every last drop, ensuring that I saw the sublime moment when with a smile she drank that nectar so eagerly awaited by her!! Exhausted, panting, and filled with pleasure, I lay prone. For a few minutes, with her curled up, almost submerged inside me. Melted into each other in a nearly animal-like embrace!! Silence reigned, only interrupted by staccato breathing, and I can almost assure that we entered a state of trance so deep that I don't know how to describe it.
I'm not exactly sure how much time passed like this. I knew somehow I took consciousness of the place and moment I was living, turned to look at that face, which was almost angelic, kissed her eyelids, forehead, and we melted into each other again in a frenzied kiss that excited us once more and then yes, we settled in to finally introduce myself to that sacred temple.
Slowly, softly, like someone possessing something so fragile they fear breaking it, I entered her moist interior. The walls of her vagina accompanied my movements with incredible muscular contractions, as if trying to grasp my penis, so it would never escape from that delicious prison!!
Then she began to contort her body in a harmonious and graceful way, similar to a classical dance, we followed that rhythm without haste or pause until I felt her hot lava running again, flooding our bodies and flowing towards her anus, which I had penetrated with my fingers, accompanying each of our movements.
Knowing my intentions, she directed a lascivious smile at me and it was she herself who, on this occasion, adjusted her body, arching it in such a way that left her booty totally exposed, like animals do normally, in an act of total submission after a lost battle.
Hoy quiero ser totalmente tuya, disfrútame y permitirme disfrutarte por completo, I whispered, biting the pillow... and silence fell.
Thanks to all of you
My posts below
Thanks for commenting, recommending and participating!!

Rodolfo322 P!
15 comentários - Fucking nun, my goodbye
Lamentamos muchos no haber llegado con las fotos tal lo prometido pero a veces pasan cosas que no podemos controlar, de todas maneras e incluso si nos las usas te vamos a mandar las fotos comprometidas aunque más no sea para tu entretenimiento personal .
Un abrazo y disculpas nuevamente !
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
(después por MP , te comento algo )
Reapareciendo por aca.......
que tremendo!!!!!!!!
Propuesta para warner, paramount pictures, MGM o sony entertainment television:
la historia deberia ser llevada a la pantalla grande .....
"las 80 sombras de las chanclas lujuriosas de rodo"
Por pasar, comentar, y todo el resto, y por todos estos años de amistad P!oringueril compartida!!!
"...como quien esta poseyendo algo tan frágil, que teme romperlo, me fui adentrando en su húmedo interior"
Impresionante.... sin palabras. Y cómo no recordarlo tan vívidamente!!!
Gracias, muchas gracias por compartir!!
gran trabajo!