La primera vez de a tres

We had been seducing each other with the idea of being three in bed for a long time. We used it as an 'incentive' while we were having sex, that really got me going and you would get hard like a rock.

We knew it was playing with fire, but we have mutual trust and know how to differentiate between sex and love and companionship.

Still, we never managed to get ourselves to take the final step.

One evening you called me to come pick you up after work, looking lovely, we went out for a drink, you said.

I imagined it was going to be one of those wild nights we usually have, so I put on that black mini skirt you like so much and a very revealing top, sexy but not vulgar. Obviously without underwear and with super high heels. A touch of makeup, perfume, and I went out to pick you up.

When you saw me your eyes lit up and almost could guess that your member gave a jerk inside your pants, you love it when I'm your slut and show it.

We went to a bar with a vibe, where the after-work crowd was full. Most of them were men and my mouth started watering.

We started our classic game of who gets it? You know how I can get affected by dressed-up men, so you guessed that that tall, dark-haired guy with his tie loose at the end of the bar was killing me.

-Doesn't he turn you on? You asked with a mischievous smile.

-Mmmmm yes, how do you know me! You always hit the spot.

-I know you and your nipples don't lie, they're super hard since you saw him, your top is giving you away.

I smiled, playing the shy girl...

-And besides he looks like a big cock, just like you like them, you added.

-What do you mean? Mmmmm stop making me think because I'm going to corner you in the bathroom right here.

-Uff I love the idea, but... wouldn't you want to try him too?

I looked up at you, smiled again and went back to playing the shy girl...

Before you could respond, you got up from your seat, I thought the conversation had gotten you hot and that you were going to the bathroom. You followed me with your eyes and saw you getting hard... talk to the skinny guy. He listens to you, looks at me with his gaze, smiles at me and I die!! He can't be that good! And besides that smile!! I smiled back at him and stared at you, I want to kill you! You're crazy!

After a few minutes, you came back to my side, sat down as if nothing had happened and said - Ready! It's all yours - What?? Are you crazy? What did you say?

- Take it! Enjoy it! It's been a long time since you wanted to try another cock and honestly, you deserve it for being the most slutty with me, for letting me do what I do. It's your chance!

- But... and you?

- I'm going with them, I always told you that I wanted to see how someone else would take you.

Focused on our conversation, I didn't notice the guy from the bar standing next to me until he gave me a soft and sensual kiss on the cheek, introduced himself, and looked at me undressing me with his gaze. My crotch couldn't be any wetter.

You paid for what we had and we left the three of us in the direction of our car.

When I was about to get into your side, you said - No no, go around back so they can get into the mood...

I sat down next to him, winked at him through the rearview mirror and we set off...

La primera vez de a tres


28 comentários - La primera vez de a tres

¡No me quedaban más que 5 puntos! Espero tener más para la segunda parte...
No hacen falta los puntos.
Sí, estoy de acuerdo contigo en que no es lo más importante. Fue una rápida manifestación de cuánto me gustó tu excitante relato.
Odin90 +1
te doy 5.. los otros cuando termines el relato.. ajja
Ok, habrá que ver si los vale 😉
más, más, más!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiene que manejar esa ansiedad mi Lady 😆
@Lomorocha no no no no
La previa estuvo buena ahora el público reclama la culminación !!! 😉 😉

Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!

La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
Humm.... se está cocinando 😉
Recién estaba entrando en "calor" amiga, y se termino, y el resto...cuando? Espero con ansias el resto!! +10 🔥 🔥 ❤️ ❤️ 😘
Ya está publicada la segunda parte 😉
Durisimaaaa!!! Asi me la dejaste. Nosotros tambien buscamos 3ro 4to y hasta un 5to!! Manden msj
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 👏 👏 👏
Me gustó mucho! pero...quiero mássss 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Envidio su capacidad de decir todo en pocas palabras.Un abrazo.
Gracias! Un placer que me leas
tremendo post,como siempre ud. @lomorocha,haciéndonos explotar las cabezas,dejé puntos,mandé a favoritos,sigo el post,lo recomendé y también dejé un chorro largo en mis manos,felicitaciones aunque espero ansioso el final!!!
Hummm, lo que más me gustó fue el chorro 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 gracias!
@Lomorocha ud.sabe que siempre le dedico algo...y eso no es todo!!!
muy buen comienzo , una previa que nos atrapo , van pts , la segunda parte imaginamos algo bien hot , gracias por el aporte
que buena descripcion !!! que buen relato!!! excelente, gracias por compartir
creo que en algo te equivocaste, yo estaba de traje, pero sin corvata....... 😉 buen realto y espero la zaga
A veces se me pierden los detalles 😉
uuuuffff... como me hiciste entrar en clima y nos dejas con las ganas....
Uhhhh !!! Y ahora? Sra. .... Que decir... Sin palabras....
Ya tiene la segunda parte 😉
dejo 10 y voy rapido a leer la segunda parte que seguro pone toda la carne al asador

besos Misko
Mortal!!! Y me voy ya mismo a la segunda parte
Espero que acabe de su agrado 😉
@Lomorocha Me extraña amiga... Cada vez que usted acaba a mi me da un ramalazo de placer... 😀
Hola morocha,soy nueva y estoy aprendiendo ,casi pierdo mi matrimonio por la rutina y los priblemas. Asi q usted sera mi maestra en el arte de cojer . Espero ser buena alumna. Me calienta mucho la idea de otra pija pero las dos a la vez . Mmmmmmmm