My friend, his girl and I. Various juices: Fourth part

Well, I'd like to thank the patience, messages, and good vibes from those who, in some way or other, followed me in this story. It was difficult, although it may seem otherwise, to put into words what I lived that night. I'd also like to say that we still see each other whenever we can and when we're able to arrange it enough. Thanks again. I hope you like it, and I hope your comments, which were ultimately the motor of all this.

She threw herself at me like a dead weight, except she was more alive than ever. She was trying to talk to me, but she was so agitated that it wouldn't let her, so I grabbed her hair, wrapped my right hand around it (my left hand squeezing one of her delicious buttocks), to make sure she looked at me, and said:

Now it's your turn to get me until the last drop. I want you to put my cock in your mouth. I want you to clean it with your juice. I want you to swallow until you're sick and show me before taking it. It seemed to have delighted the daughter of a slut; her eyes sparkled, and still wet and not slow or lazy, she started sucking my cock like probably no one had ever sucked it in my life.

I didn't delay at all in making deep throat, those gasps that warm me up so much, thick saliva was dripping everywhere. My bed had turned into a kind of receptacle: Two excited bodies, like the slut mother, killing each other with pleasure, without intending to stop or do anything else but kill the other, make it twist, moan, scream. Take it to total and full madness of the flesh itself. Take it to the maximum meaning in a state of perdition that we all deserve, that we all want to be part of always. But for some reason or other, we let ourselves be and don't search for it in the same way as what we want.

My legs were already trembling; I won't deny it, the desire to fill her mouth with cum was almost... Impostergables. But I'm going to take it. I'm going to take it because I wanted to put it in my ass; and for that, I tied her up again by the hair. She inclined, I put her on all fours, and after spitting myself a hand and taking her to the use the word: pussy (as if she needed someone's juices, Pompeii was undoubtedly the cutie who had been the wettest of those I've caught in my life), and I put it with all my strength. Delicacy was no longer necessary. We were two sickos, addicted to screams and bad words. I prepared to put a couple of fingers in her mouth, while we moved together at a constant rhythm, my balls sticking to her flesh...

What are you waiting for to catch me? No, I don't want fingers first, I want you to break it, you deserve to break it. And she moved forward so that my cock would come out of her use the word: pussy. I'll never forget that movement, that sensuality, like a cat in heat, with the most appetizing hips and ass that a woman could offer. Finally, I stopped, leaned forward, and supported her hands against the wall. To my surprise, she slid two fingers into her use the word: pussy, then played with her ass, as if calling me... inviting me to pass... and oh, did I pass.

How tightly she had her ass is something that's hard for me to describe, so much like the new cum in her use the word: pussy that squirted while she was doing it. That ended up finishing me off. That and her face against the wall, that and her almost tender screams, that and her scratching on my legs, on my arms that were holding her tight... only softened when I finally gave her what she wanted. She realized immediately, having passed only a few seconds since her second squirt, incredibly, and to my surprise, her third squirt arrived while she was trying to tell me:

What yummy cum, my ass is yours.

I lost all sense of everything, it was the lord orgasm that ran through my body, I trembled and contracted so much that this time the one who collapsed on the bed was me. But the... Night would often surprise me with something; she showed her tenacity and audacity again, opening herself up and letting the cum fall on my pelvis. What followed next, my friends, was the most extraordinary cock cleaning I've ever seen. And it wasn't until the last drop that she rested her beautiful breasts against my chest so we could only hear our breathing. We had sex one more time before she left for Goliat's room and I was left alone again. When I crossed the door to my room, at the same time as a tiny ass was in my hair, she said: 'A pleasure, Fede. I'll come back soon'

6 comentários - My friend, his girl and I. Various juices: Fourth part

Te comento en dialecto oriental para que quede como una íntima confesión de que tu colección de relatos es simplemente sublime: ¡Pah! Salado...
Gracias camarada!
Me alegra que lo hayas disfrutado!
muy bueno todo el relato!!! todas las partes geniales, el manejo de los tiempos y el vocabulario excelente, esta vez van +4, gracias por compartir, y te sigo a partir de ahora
Es de verdad gratificante que se fijen y recalquen los detalles!
@CEDUKA21 Son muy buenos los relatos amigo, sos un literato en potencia...... los uruguayos se ve que son buenos en ésta especialidad, hay otro que tambien es muy bueno en el sitio tambien uruguayo....!!! debe ser que manejan mucho mejor los tiempos y las descripciones que nosotros los parece genial!!!
@Elpndjomacho Gracias por tal reconocimiento amigo! De verdad,gracias! Espero verte en los siguientes comentarios cuando vuelva a publicar algo.
Grosoooooo fede!!! Yo tbm quiero una noche asi!!
Gracias,diosa! Cuando quieras,cruzas el charco y listo!
El cuarto y la cama grande están a las ordenes!
Buenisimo relato muy calientee! Me encanto 😉
Gracias por coparte!
Me encanta saber que te hice mojar 😉
segui así que te sigo!
Voy a tener que seguir entonces!
Gracias por pasar!