Brazil Trilogy. Parte 3

Part 1
Part 2In the previous parts I had commented about the hotel barman. A 20-year-old Colombian guy with whom we had a good time but never managed to confirm anything. As the departure date approached, I was getting more anxious to be with the little one.

One of the last nights, I had gone out for a drink around there with my brother and when we got back, I saw the barman at the bar. I'll stay for a bit, I told my brother who said goodbye and went to his room.

I started talking to the Colombian guy and he told me he was waiting for his replacement to arrive. I told him where we had gone but that I still couldn't sleep. When his replacement arrived, I saw them start talking and the new guy looked at me and talked to my chongo.

After a while, he came over and grabbed my hand, taking me to the back. We have a couple of hours until the manager arrives, he said and started leading me to where they change or rest. We went into what seemed like a dining room.

He sat me down in a chair and without hesitation ripped off my clothes and buried his head between my legs, which I had lifted up and rested on his shoulders. His tongue was like 2 meters long as he caught... it didn't stop. It was a tongue-beating behind each other. With the heat I had accumulated, I didn't take long to cum. I was pure screaming. I went crazy. I passed my tongue from the Booty to the pussy and back down again, putting it all in his mouth.

He stopped suddenly and shoved his cock into me. He moved in a way that drove me crazy. The rhythm was fierce. Violent thrusts. Deep penetration, almost his whole cock coming out and then pushing himself until I felt like he hit the bottom.

I couldn't take much of that rhythm without cumming again. Neither could he. I felt him get hard, with his cock buried at the bottom, and when he pulled it out, he threw off the condom and grabbed my hair, putting it in his mouth. I could still feel drops of cum coming from his cock. I had it almost in my throat and I was choking between my saliva that tried to spit out and his cum that kept coming out hot.

He grabbed me by the hair again and sat me on top of the table. He put another condom on and again, he gave me a blow job that made me cum twice more. Now I was lying on top of the table and he could touch me all over with his hands. Incredible how good it was to be screwed.

His hands were running all over my body from my shoulders to my thighs. I was getting more and more excited and the Colombian guy was screwing me harder and harder. I couldn't take it anymore, and I ended up screaming again that I think they must have heard in the whole hotel.

The little guy wasn't stopping, telling me how much of a slut I was and I was screaming desperately asking him to screw me hard. He yelled at me that he was going to make me shit and my pussy was getting wet from listening to him say it like that in his Caribbean tone.

I couldn't stop moving and screaming like a crazy person in heat.

Before he came again, I managed to tell him to fill my tits with cum. The guy obeyed, and when he was about to come, he stopped suddenly and jumped up on the table, putting his cock on my tits and jacking off until he shot two streams of cum that were far from falling into my breasts... they hit my face, hair, ears. He was an animal until the end.

He got off me and instead of waiting to recover, he turned me over and put me in 4, with my legs hanging and leaning on the table. He grabbed my Booty hard and opening my cheeks, he went back to licking my pussy that must have been red by then.

It was a big surprise when his tongue started going up and down, just making passes through my tiny ass and stayed there. I was very hot and couldn't stop what was coming, besides enjoying it like crazy.

His tongue passed and played at the entrance of my Booty, which was... She was dilating, letting him in just a little bit. I felt like he was spitting on my anus and started putting his fingers in without stopping to lick me all over. I didn't stop moaning, and when I felt him pull out his fingers and stand up, I adjusted myself and prepared to wait for his cock.

The only thing I wanted was for him not to come at the same rhythm as my pussy. My hopes were short-lived. He started slowly thrusting his cock into me, which went in slowly at first. When he got halfway, he pulled out and slammed it back in. He started taking me again at a violent pace that made me scream from pain, but I couldn't ask him to stop.

The cock eventually buried itself entirely. My Booty was already used to all that meat going in and out, and I was on cloud nine of pleasure. The table was sliding due to the force with which he was thrusting against my Booty, and I tried to hold onto the edges to avoid being knocked off.

When the lubrication ended and his cock wasn't gliding as smoothly as before, he pulled it out. I lay there with my body flat on the table, my face resting on it, panting heavily, and my legs hanging off the floor. He came over where my head was and put his cock in my mouth. I sucked it for a bit until he went back to me and shoved it into my pussy again. It was a little less lubricated, but when I felt the tip of his cock, I got wet.

He kept taking me until I stopped him and sat him down in the chair. I grabbed his cock at the base and sat on top of him. He slid in easily to the bottom, and now I controlled the rhythm. But he didn't make it any slower. I kept going up and down, burying all of his cock as fast as I could. My legs couldn't take it anymore, but the heat of that cock in my pussy gave me energy from anywhere.

The bartender grabbed my Booty tightly and lifted me up. He grabbed my thighs and held me there, moving me back and forth against his body while thrusting his cock into me. My body started shaking, and I came one or two times in a row. When he... He got me down and supported me on the floor, almost fell. I didn't feel my legs. He knelt in front of him and without giving me time for anything, unloaded all his cum on me again. I didn't care about anything, and as soon as I saw the first violent jets hitting my chest, I put the cock in my mouth. As he kept finishing, I swallowed what I could. The rest came out of my mouth leaving a white trail on my trunk. His cock was still hard, but without realizing it, more than an hour had passed. There was no more time. He accompanied me to the exit. I returned to my room, my brother was sleeping peacefully. The next day we packed our bags and headed back to Rosario. I fell asleep for the whole trip, exhausted from what were supposed to be my quiet vacations. **************************************************

43 comentários - Brazil Trilogy. Parte 3

uff nena !! que maraton de garches!!! jajaj muy bueno tu relato,como siempre....
gracias! 🙂
COmo esperaba estoooo a leeeeeeeeeeeer ! (y calentarsee!)
juuli88 +1
espero que haya calentado mucho! jeje
gracias por pasar! 😉
@juuli88 Juliiii muchoo por supuesto! me imagino toda la situacion y a vos y mmm...
juuli88 +1
@Waltmart jaja genial! 😃
hey bombonazo ¿a cuantos tipos te cogiste en brasil? jajajaj siempre haciendo que los ratones correteen por mi cabeza como si estuvieran re extasiados 😉 en un rato te pongo unos puntos Juli 😘
@juuli88 tengo ganas de irme de vaaciones juli ¿A donde me recomendas ir? 😉
juuli88 +2
@LobomaggoT jjaja que se yo! soy fotografa, no licenicada en turismo 😛
@juuli88 ¡que justo! ¡Siempre quise aprender a ser fotografo! jajajaja
Esta vez fue completito. No contasye mucho de los hermanos. Supongo que habrá sido rutina. Que pasó con la vieja del más chico? Muy buen relato, como siempre! . Besos
jajaj fue rutina, un par de garches con el mayor y cuando se dio con el mas chico nos interrumpio la madre. por suerte no vio nada la mina, aunque capaz sospecho algo jaja.. pero zafe 😛
espectacular relato como siempre...solo tengo una objeción, que paso con los hermanos creo que deberias haber escrito un relato intermedio entre el anterior y este contando esa verdad q calentarian las reacciones de ellos estando con una piba como vos
@juuli88 esta bien entiendo...igual me hubiese gustado leerlo... se encaprichaba el vago jaja
@shatirow jajaja el que viene va a ser mas interesante 😉
@juuli88 Que no se mal interprete, no es que no me parecio interesante, me gusto mucho el relato. Solo hice esa sugerencia
AldoPT +1
19/20 cm normal???
no??? 🤔 pense que si. que seria normal?
que genia como siempre la chetita trola! jajaja exelente tus relatos como siempre... me podes decir a q hotel fuiste? pq mis proximas vacas quiero ir a ese a ver si encuentro una como vos (ya se q sos unica, pero un poco nomas jajaj) besoo
jajaj no recuerdo el nombre 😀
gracias por comentar!
¡¡¡¡ En un solo encuentro.....terminaste mas veces que yo en todo 2014....Suerte la Suya....Felicitaciones y Gracias por el Relato....!!!!!!
jajaj ya cambiara la racha 😉
gracias por pasar!
Aplausos! Me dejo por las nubes el relato.
No pudiste hacer tu gracia de desparramar la leche! jajaj
juuli88 +1
no 😢
@juuli88 Jajaja, no importa, ambos sabes que no va a faltar oportunidad
juuli88 +1
@Santi-84 jaja ya tu sabes! 😛
3 Puntitos, mientras me limpio...
deja que te limpio yo 😉 jaja
gracias por pasar!
Odin90 +1
van los 3 puntitos.. divina juli .ENAMORADO me dejas.
menos mal que no escribo poesia!1 jeje

gracias por pasar!
De primera especial!!!!
Muy buena trilogía, pero ya queremos mas, diosa.
Muy bueno, van puntos.
unas minivacaciones y vuelvo! 😉
gracias por pasar!
Qué manera de terminar tu estadía! flor de garche te pegaste, te felicito por el disfrute que tenés del sexo, que es de lo más lindo que tenemos.
Te dejo una buena lengüeteada en la cola para ir preparándote el orto.
jaja gracias!! esta vez fue cuadno descubri lo que me calienta que me pasen la lenguita por ahi 😉
PolG33 +1
hay algun concepto errado en vos... esas no son vacaciones!!! fuiste a coger a brasil!!!! tremendo maraton de cogidas una tras otras y lo bien que te cogieron!!! tanto que hasta algunas veces ni merecian la pena mencionarlo!!!! (los hermanitos)... pero que delicia leer como te cogen!!! gracias por compartir! mis puntitos!
jajaja posta que fui sin ningun tipo de expectativas de este tipo.. .pero bueno, se dio. mejor! jaja..
gracias por pasar!
para dejaste a alguien sin garchar que hermosa puta que sos por favor me encantas perra hermosa +3
hago lo que puedo 😀
ssushi +1
Juuli...a medida que van pasando los relatos, tu putez va aumentando o siempre es la misma intensidad ?

🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
jaja estaba en la cresta de la ola de la putez.. esa epoca fue cuaqluiera posta jaja
Una Grosa como siempre, Que maratón Juli!, Felicidades, mis 3 puntine del día para vos
gracias! 🙂
Draw91 +1
Impresionante es la leche que echo por tus relatos
pero para cuando una foto juli?
gracias! no hay fotos, solo palabras 😉
qué putita divina!!! sabía que no ibas a dejar títere con cabeza.
juuli88 +1
jaja gracias por la confianza ciega! jaja 😛
@juuli88 la confianza ciega es mérito mío o te la ganaste vos?
25cmt +1
excelente relato como todo los otro eres una diosa adicta a la verga como me gustaria darte toda una noche.....van puntos x deleitarme con tus relatos
jajaja linda adiccion me diagnosticaron 😛
gracias por pasar! 😉
Linda esa maraton si venis por cordoba hacemos la maraton 10 k en un finde bomba besos
Excelente como siempre!!!
Me dejas sin palabras y muy caliente, je!
Gracias por compartir
gracias! 🙂
gracias por pasar!
Muy buena la trilogia, no aguantaste dos caipis pero si un pedazo de 20cm, eso es tener aguante, te dejo los merecidos 10 de siempre
juuli88 +1
jaja pega duro la caipi, no estoy acostumbrada! a lo otro si, tengo mas cancha jaja 😉
gracias por pasar!
P U T A jeje, te degaste re garchar nena!!!!!!, van mis puntos
@barrionorte1991 jajajaja.. queria ser fina viste (?) mas que "como" te dira la velocidad y violencia sostenida en el tiempo jeje 🤤
@juuli88 jaja y yo diria que t cogio como una perra !!!!!! jeje y q bueno esta cuando nos cogen asi, no???, q ya estamos totalmente entregadas a que nos hagan gozar, y acabar mil veces, no???
@barrionorte1991 hermoso cuando sentis que no podes hacer nada.. me encanta. basta jaja
Que lindo empezar asi el verano! me dejaste al palo como siempre juli!
juuli88 +1
buenisimo, es la idea! jeje
gracias por pasar!
Buen relato. Muy bueno. Pero hoy en día estás más tranquila ¿no? ¿Te has vuelto fiel?
estoy mas tranquila, si. pero no tengo a quien serle fiel asi que... de vez en cuando jeje
gracias por pasar! 😉
jaja al parecer te fuiste al mundial de sexo en Brasil! jaja
creo q todo nos merecemos tu visita, la proxima parada q sea Ecuador por favor y avisas!! jaja
jaja estamos con poco presupuesto asi que las vacaciones son nacionales nomas por el momento! 😞
gracias por pasar!
@juuli88 jajaja recolecta nacional para q visites Ecuador! jajaja
Bichi37 +1
Deberías dedicarte al turismo, ahora cambié mi próximo destino vacacional jajaja
jaajja vos decis q me equivoque de profesion?? jaja medio tarde para cambiar!
gracias por pasar!
Tendrián que filmar una película con vos de protagonista...
"Nacida para fifar..."
Dejando rastro blanco en la pija 🤤🤤... Perdón pero lo tengo que decir "como te gusta putita!" 😜😜 Tenía que hacerlo, no cabe otra, me encantan tus relatos. Me dan ganas de ser los protagonistas, una locura, realmente te felicito Juli👏🏻👏🏻
gracias a vos por la buena onda y coparte leyendo TODOS los relatos" jaj te estas poniendo al dia de 8 años de posteos. me alegro que los disfrutes!
Meg58_ +1
Muy bueno!!!! Juli
mortal el pibe jjejej por lo que decis O.O
"A medida que seguía acabando me tragaba lo que podía. El resto fue saliendo de mi boca dejando su rastro blanco en el tronco. " era un tanque eso que tenia? jaja
no se, pero venia super cargado el pibito... un animal
Meg58_ +1
para darle todo un mes jejjeje
juuli88 +1
una buena garchada jeje gracias por compartir reco +10
juuli88 +1
gracias a vos por comentar 🙂