I don't know if you've heard of the Witnesses of Jehovah, it's a religion, I'm not sure if it's worldwide, but in my country, Mexico, they abound... The following account is about two Jehovah's Witness women so committed to converting me to their religion that they gave me quite a pleasure... It all started one Sunday morning at my house, my mother had gone out with her boyfriend Martin and Luciana had gone to her house... So I was alone in the house, watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang and the dogs started barking. I got up, quieted the dogs, looked through the peephole and saw two women with large hats and sunglasses... Normally when these people ring the doorbell I don't answer or tell them I'm busy, but this time my friend the headstrong one said -they're two old ladies, way-... So I lifted the curtain and said Who?... Good morning, would you mind waiting a moment... they exclaimed. I opened the door and greeted the two women... Good morning, what can I do for you? I asked. While I was observing them closely, the woman standing to my right wore a large pleated skirt, sandals, and a white blouse, a large hat, and sunglasses. The second one wore blue jeans, sandals, and a red sleeveless shirt, another large hat, and sunglasses... They started talking and I wasn't paying attention, just looking at them trying to figure out what their eyes looked like behind those huge sunglasses, they seemed to be around 40 or 45 years old, it was already past 10:00 am so the sun was starting to set mercilessly. Looking at them again, I noticed that neither of them was unattractive, the first one had good breasts and prominent buttocks that showed through her pleated skirt, light brown hair and fair skin, the other one, on the other hand, had medium-sized breasts, a defined waistline, and a noticeable butt under those jeans, with very dark brown hair and brunette skin... They kept talking and I didn't lose a moment to look at them. the ass or the tits, until I couldn't take it anymore from the heat produced by a embracing sun and I asked them - Would you like to come in to talk more comfortably? - Yes... of course, many thanks... - they answered - I made her pass through the house and as she entered, note that the difference in boots was notable, the first had a large and formed ass somewhat fallen and the other, a tight and medium bum... they stopped at the entrance door and turned to look at me, Maya my slut, came out to stop the guests and I made them halt.
When looking at me, they discovered me staring at their ass... I put on a poker face and walked towards them, ordered Maya to move aside and told them to please come in. Do you like a glass of water? - asked one of them - Yes, many thanks, it's quite hot - said the other two - My friend the blockhead ordered my brain to start fantasizing, and I thought - And soon you'll feel even hotter, mama - at that moment, I was 18 years old and like everything at that age is making too many mental puns... I went into the kitchen and served three glasses of water, returned to the living room with the glasses in my hands and told them - But please, take a seat...
- Where? - asked the blonde-haired one -
- Where you are more comfortable - I replied with a playful tone - The older woman noticed the tone of my voice and smiled, they sat down in the living room and I put the water glasses in front of them, until that moment they had removed their sunglasses and big hats and I could see their eyes, the blonde had clear blue eyes but the brunette had deep walnut-colored eyes. They arranged their bags under their legs and when looking at the blonde's legs, I noticed that her long skirt had risen as she sat down, leaving me to see her enormous and pale shins, the brunette adopted a more relaxed posture and sat sideways on the armrest of the sofa.
The conversation began and they immediately fired away with everything... - Did you know that the end of times is near? - asked the older one -
- Yeah. - I answered -
- And Our Lord Jehová, wants you to be prepared? -asked the youngest one- - Aja.-I said- - That's why we want to give you the opportunity to save your soul and fill your life with blessings…-exclaimed the older one- - Ok. –I responded- - And what do I have to do?-asked- They began to recite a litany, and I would only nod and shake my head... suddenly the blonde interrupted and said - Excuse me, may I use your bathroom? - Clearly, come this way-I responded- I got up and accompanied her to the bathroom on the ground floor, as we walked together I looked at her good breasts, somewhat flaccid and fallen but quite large, not like Inés', but still large. I left her in front of the door and taking my forearm said - Thank you, you're very kind.. I entered the bathroom and returned to sit with the brunette in the living room, she looked at me and said - And how have you been?-with a voice of total tranquility, different from the one used when the blonde was present- - Aaa, well very well.-I said- - What's your name?-asked- - Aaa, Fabio…-I said...- - Aaa and do you study? I imagine you study what?-asked- - Si. I'm about to enter the technological institute, systems…-I responded- And so I noticed she was more relaxed, playing with her hair, drinking from her water glass, we established a calm and somewhat relaxed conversation and suddenly I let out the hook... - A question in your religion, do you have good sex?-asked- She immediately reddened, her face turned like a tomato, as she listened to the question. She looked at me and her walnut-colored eyes became larger, took a big gulp of water and said - Mmm, I don't know.-stammering- Note that she had gotten excited with the question. So I kept going. - The lady is your religious companion or what's up?-asked- - She is my sister in Jehová and my neighbor…-responded- - Are you married, I imagine?-asked- - Si, that's it…-responded- - Because you're asking?-asked- - I assumed you would have good sex because you're married.-I said- - Because you don't come here for that, to chat better... said as he patted the cushion of the armchair- Note that the blonde had already been late in the bathroom for a while, and I could see she was about to come out so I'd jump to her side.. - how old are you?-she said- - 18.-I answered- - Mmm 18 eee, we're a few years older. Do you want to know our ages?-she replied- - Mmm if you want?-I answered- - My name is Martha and I'm 41 years old and my sister is Beatriz and she's 43 years old-she said- We got into the conversation, and she stretched her arm to take her glass, and spilled it on the coffee table. - Ah, sorry, sorry...-she said- - Don't worry about it-, I stood up- I went to the kitchen and took a towel, came back and wiped it off and started cleaning the table, she leaned forward and her butt took the shape of a heart… oooo for godssss, at that moment my friend the blockhead woke up from his slumber and got hard in 100,000ths per minute. She kept wiping and I got more excited seeing how that piece of ass was shaped like a heart, suddenly looked towards where I was and her eyes could see my totally erect penis... under my pants, passing her tongue over her lips… said - Aaaayyy…!!! I think you also had an accident... - Mmm.. jejeje. I think so too...-I replied- - Hahahaha, what a tremendous accident... will you let me see it?-she exclaimed and asked- - Do you want to see it?-I asked something surprised- - Yes, or does it bother you?-she replied- The excitement in the air was great so I prepared to take off my pants, when suddenly the bathroom door opened and we heard footsteps, she sat down quickly on the armchair and crossed her legs... the blonde arrived where we were and asked - What happened that it fell? - Take away the glass, sister...-Martha replied - Hay, my love, let's see...-said Beatriz the blonde- I took the towel and went to wring it out in the kitchen saying - Let me take care of this, please, what a shame... - No problem, ma'am, I'll clean it up after.-I answered- - No, no way, let us clean up the mess...-Beatriz inquired- I accepted that I had been lazy to clean and Luciana arrived until the next morning. Beatriz the blonde asked,
- Where do you have the cleaning things?
- In the laundry room-contested-
- It tells me where to go- said Beatriz the blonde-
- Of course I said.
I took Mayara, the brunette, by the hand and led her to the laundry room, they entered and began to take out what was necessary to clean up the puddle of water and broken glass on the floor. They left and started cleaning. Beatriz, the blonde, took a broom and a dustpan to lift the pieces of glass from the vase, Martha, the brunette, took a mop to clean up the spilled water...
While they were cleaning, I was enjoying the show, the blonde was shaking her huge ass while sweeping and her big tits were bouncing back and forth... Meanwhile, the brunette was wiggling her small bum while mopping, she had her eyes on those enormous breasts when the blonde caught my gaze and realized the lustful look in my eyes, without saying a word, she started moving more... letting her breasts bounce even harder... The brunette, meanwhile, was looking at my groin, as I hadn't been able to see my penis outside of my pants.
They finished and headed back to put away the things, took a little time and when they left, noticed that they were whispering. When they arrived, they sat down again and started washing coconuts...
I had gotten too excited with the blonde's tits (Beatriz), imagining that my penis was in between them and shaking them wildly... so my friend, the bald one, was completely hard... when the blonde (Beatriz) looked at my groin and smiled lustfully...
The litany continued and I stopped them suddenly
- Did you ask your sister if she has good sex in her religion? I asked.
The blonde blushed immediately and answered with a stammering voice
- Ppppfffttt, nnnnnoooo, ssssee...
- Aaaaah, qquuuee leee llaaaama buuuen seeexooo uuusted?
I knew I had hooked the fish...
brunette, since it wouldn't be otherwise, would have been offended by the question and would have left my house immediately...
Well, you know, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, spanking, sexual toys, masturbation, etc., comment while looking at them both with lust... and desire. They on their part had a face full of amazement as they heard the words coming out of my mouth...
- Buuueenoo, eel seexooo, eeen nuuuestra reeeligion soolo se uusa cooon fiines reeeproductivoos- said the blonde, stuttering-
- Si, el sexo que da placer es pecado-afirmo la brunette, and note how her voice had changed-
- Pfff, then I'm a hardened sinner, because I love sex and I love masturbating...-I said, looking at them-
The two were passing their tongues over their lips and swallowing saliva in unison. The blonde had a face of desire, it was noticeable that my words had put her on fire. The brunette wasn't stopping moving her legs and crossing them from one side to the other, biting her lips and not stopping looking at my erect penis under my pants.
- From when are you Witnesses of Jehovah?-
- For about 6 years...-responded the blonde-
- I've been for 4 years...-said the brunette-
- Aaa. Ok then before they had sex just for pleasure, right?-
Note immediately that both were hotter than an ember, and they looked at me with desires to tear off their clothes and ask me to give them a good screw.
- Puuuesss, siiiiii!!!-responded the blonde with a stuttering voice-
- And you?-
- Pusss siii...-responded immediately-
- Ok, then if they've enjoyed sex for pleasure?-
My erection was at its maximum due to the excitement of the moment. So I got up and stretched myself slowly. To let them see my hard and pulsating penis better...
Mayara couldn't take it anymore and exclaimed...
- Adiosss, what a thing...-
- Sister, what are you saying...-responded the blonde-
- Hey sister, is that what I see...-said Martha-
Beatriz moved her eyes to my penis and exclaimed...
- Ahiii dioss, you're right, what a thing...
Like already I said I've never had a pitote or an enormous penis, I categorize it as normal, 17 cm and a bit fat... when listening to their words, I put them in front of me and said
- Do they make a hole for me?
Without saying anything else, the two moved and let me sit between them, looked at them and said
- Do you think if we had sex, right now they would be sinning?
- Yes, clear... -both-
- And would they like to sin?-I asked-
Without any preamble, Beatriz (the blonde), rushed towards me, kissing me frenetically, her enormous breasts rested on my chest and we listened to Mayara (the brunette) say
- Sister!!!!.... what are you doing...
Beatriz left my mouth and looked at Martha, saying
- No, don't shout...!!! I haven't had it in my house for a long time, sister, and I have a desire...
Martha smiled and said
- But, Sister!!!! This is wrong...
- Ah, shut up hypocrite, if you started everything with your comment...
I looked at those women arguing like in a tennis match, suddenly interrupting them
- Okay, okay, ladies, it's better to end this here... since I don't want to provoke a problem between you... -I said authoritatively-
At that moment, I feared they would take their bags and things and leave me with the heat of the moment. To my surprise, neither of them got up from the sofa, so I said
- What would they be willing to do for me to convert to their religion?
The two looked at each other, as if searching for approval, and after a few seconds of tension, Martha said.
- All or nothing, sister?
- That's it, sister... -Beatriz replied seductively-
- Well then, let's start...
I got up and while moving towards the armchair, I remembered that dirty sex afternoon with Luciana... I told myself why not... try them out, so I did, like a porn actor, said authoritatively
- Would you undress for my wife Beatriz (the blonde)?
- No...!! Of course not... -she said in an annoyed tone, but without getting up from the sofa-
- And would you, Mrs. Martha (the brunette)? -I asked, looking at her- If he said without thinking- She stood up and started to unbutton her shirt... One by one, the buttons were leaving loose and showing her bra, white, medium-sized and firm breasts hid underneath, her friend couldn't contain her amazement at seeing her companion being a slut... she continued with the button of her blue jeans, and under the zipper, took it by the sides and brought it down to her knees, showing a cotton white underwear and much public hair underneath, she sat on the sofa and took off her sandals and finished taking off her pants... - Already- said Martha (the brunette)- - No, no that's not being naked-contested- - All?- asked- - Yes, all- responded- I took her bra from behind and unbuttoned it, took out the straps by her arms and left her white breasts without support, her nipples were darker than the rest of her breasts and somewhat large.. I took off her underwear, and slid them down, taking one leg first and then the other... her mount venus was very hairy and her vaginal lips thick and obscure... - Already- said, without trying to cover herself- - What are you saying, Mrs. Beatriz (the blonde)?- asked- - Come on sister, let's do it for the sake of this young man's soul...- said Martha- - There is no sister, she has a point...- exclaimed Beatriz- Beatriz stood up and unbuttoned her skirt, under the zipper from one side and slid it down, taking out her legs without sitting, her underwear was black lace, more like an encaje thong, her legs were white and full of flesh, took off her blouse over her head and looked at her bra, made of the same material as her thong, black lace, but the difference was what was inside, a pair of normal breasts hid inside... I took it from behind and unbuttoned it, taking out the straps, let those melons fall, which were very white and with large areolas and dark nipples almost coffee, enormous... I took off her thong and brought it down by one strap and there was a great difference, she looked depilated only with a thin line of public hair. of her hair color, lips even thicker than Martha's, and a clitoris like a pinky finger that said hello, some vaginal lips somewhat obscured - yeah, ready-did Beatriz - - now turn around and lean forward-I replied The two of us turned around and my eyes fell on my face, that quartet of different-sized buttocks and those two dark vaginas, which made me want to put the cock in them right then, I got up from the armchair and put myself behind Beatriz, took her enormous and flaccid buttocks, and as I took them - aaaaaauu..!!!-she moaned with desire The ones I opened and saw that inside there was a black anus like the night... I let go of Beatriz and went to do the same with Mayara, taking her by the buttocks, she let out a - aaaayyyy...!!! The ones I opened and saw that the difference was notable, she had an anus, smaller and less black and it looked tight... Before I could get to give them some good Booty blowjobs, the doorbell rang again - don't move-I said I went to see who in the world was interrupting my sexual encounter And I said Who? Good morning, we saw that our wives entered here...-said two men - If you permit me- I replied Without losing time I turned back into the house and saw how the two had dressed up and were adjusting their clothes quickly... they fixed each other up and left in a hurry... Damn...!!!! That was over and I was harder than a donkey... Beatriz, as she left through the door, exclaimed with a loud voice - We'll see if we can come back this afternoon to conclude our chat and save your young soul... She directed herself towards the hallway door and opened it, there I could see a very short, fat, and bald man, and another dark-skinned one who was quite past his prime... who said - Good day young man, how did you like the chat? - Very good, very good-I said with an expression of excitement - Very well, glory to God, these women will do their best to come back later- said one of the husbands - Ah, yes, then if so, very well, but what do you think my best friend calls me before, because I don't I know if I'm going out -answer and write down my phone number on a paper- - Aaa very well then they can call me before-said the other husband- - To achieve the glory of our lord...!!!-the other husband again- - Amennnnn!!!! –said everyone- I smiled, looked at the two women, and closed the door… all that time I was trying not to show my bulge in the pants, between home and I fell on the sofa...
When looking at me, they discovered me staring at their ass... I put on a poker face and walked towards them, ordered Maya to move aside and told them to please come in. Do you like a glass of water? - asked one of them - Yes, many thanks, it's quite hot - said the other two - My friend the blockhead ordered my brain to start fantasizing, and I thought - And soon you'll feel even hotter, mama - at that moment, I was 18 years old and like everything at that age is making too many mental puns... I went into the kitchen and served three glasses of water, returned to the living room with the glasses in my hands and told them - But please, take a seat...
- Where? - asked the blonde-haired one -
- Where you are more comfortable - I replied with a playful tone - The older woman noticed the tone of my voice and smiled, they sat down in the living room and I put the water glasses in front of them, until that moment they had removed their sunglasses and big hats and I could see their eyes, the blonde had clear blue eyes but the brunette had deep walnut-colored eyes. They arranged their bags under their legs and when looking at the blonde's legs, I noticed that her long skirt had risen as she sat down, leaving me to see her enormous and pale shins, the brunette adopted a more relaxed posture and sat sideways on the armrest of the sofa.
The conversation began and they immediately fired away with everything... - Did you know that the end of times is near? - asked the older one -
- Yeah. - I answered -
- And Our Lord Jehová, wants you to be prepared? -asked the youngest one- - Aja.-I said- - That's why we want to give you the opportunity to save your soul and fill your life with blessings…-exclaimed the older one- - Ok. –I responded- - And what do I have to do?-asked- They began to recite a litany, and I would only nod and shake my head... suddenly the blonde interrupted and said - Excuse me, may I use your bathroom? - Clearly, come this way-I responded- I got up and accompanied her to the bathroom on the ground floor, as we walked together I looked at her good breasts, somewhat flaccid and fallen but quite large, not like Inés', but still large. I left her in front of the door and taking my forearm said - Thank you, you're very kind.. I entered the bathroom and returned to sit with the brunette in the living room, she looked at me and said - And how have you been?-with a voice of total tranquility, different from the one used when the blonde was present- - Aaa, well very well.-I said- - What's your name?-asked- - Aaa, Fabio…-I said...- - Aaa and do you study? I imagine you study what?-asked- - Si. I'm about to enter the technological institute, systems…-I responded- And so I noticed she was more relaxed, playing with her hair, drinking from her water glass, we established a calm and somewhat relaxed conversation and suddenly I let out the hook... - A question in your religion, do you have good sex?-asked- She immediately reddened, her face turned like a tomato, as she listened to the question. She looked at me and her walnut-colored eyes became larger, took a big gulp of water and said - Mmm, I don't know.-stammering- Note that she had gotten excited with the question. So I kept going. - The lady is your religious companion or what's up?-asked- - She is my sister in Jehová and my neighbor…-responded- - Are you married, I imagine?-asked- - Si, that's it…-responded- - Because you're asking?-asked- - I assumed you would have good sex because you're married.-I said- - Because you don't come here for that, to chat better... said as he patted the cushion of the armchair- Note that the blonde had already been late in the bathroom for a while, and I could see she was about to come out so I'd jump to her side.. - how old are you?-she said- - 18.-I answered- - Mmm 18 eee, we're a few years older. Do you want to know our ages?-she replied- - Mmm if you want?-I answered- - My name is Martha and I'm 41 years old and my sister is Beatriz and she's 43 years old-she said- We got into the conversation, and she stretched her arm to take her glass, and spilled it on the coffee table. - Ah, sorry, sorry...-she said- - Don't worry about it-, I stood up- I went to the kitchen and took a towel, came back and wiped it off and started cleaning the table, she leaned forward and her butt took the shape of a heart… oooo for godssss, at that moment my friend the blockhead woke up from his slumber and got hard in 100,000ths per minute. She kept wiping and I got more excited seeing how that piece of ass was shaped like a heart, suddenly looked towards where I was and her eyes could see my totally erect penis... under my pants, passing her tongue over her lips… said - Aaaayyy…!!! I think you also had an accident... - Mmm.. jejeje. I think so too...-I replied- - Hahahaha, what a tremendous accident... will you let me see it?-she exclaimed and asked- - Do you want to see it?-I asked something surprised- - Yes, or does it bother you?-she replied- The excitement in the air was great so I prepared to take off my pants, when suddenly the bathroom door opened and we heard footsteps, she sat down quickly on the armchair and crossed her legs... the blonde arrived where we were and asked - What happened that it fell? - Take away the glass, sister...-Martha replied - Hay, my love, let's see...-said Beatriz the blonde- I took the towel and went to wring it out in the kitchen saying - Let me take care of this, please, what a shame... - No problem, ma'am, I'll clean it up after.-I answered- - No, no way, let us clean up the mess...-Beatriz inquired- I accepted that I had been lazy to clean and Luciana arrived until the next morning. Beatriz the blonde asked,
- Where do you have the cleaning things?
- In the laundry room-contested-
- It tells me where to go- said Beatriz the blonde-
- Of course I said.
I took Mayara, the brunette, by the hand and led her to the laundry room, they entered and began to take out what was necessary to clean up the puddle of water and broken glass on the floor. They left and started cleaning. Beatriz, the blonde, took a broom and a dustpan to lift the pieces of glass from the vase, Martha, the brunette, took a mop to clean up the spilled water...
While they were cleaning, I was enjoying the show, the blonde was shaking her huge ass while sweeping and her big tits were bouncing back and forth... Meanwhile, the brunette was wiggling her small bum while mopping, she had her eyes on those enormous breasts when the blonde caught my gaze and realized the lustful look in my eyes, without saying a word, she started moving more... letting her breasts bounce even harder... The brunette, meanwhile, was looking at my groin, as I hadn't been able to see my penis outside of my pants.
They finished and headed back to put away the things, took a little time and when they left, noticed that they were whispering. When they arrived, they sat down again and started washing coconuts...
I had gotten too excited with the blonde's tits (Beatriz), imagining that my penis was in between them and shaking them wildly... so my friend, the bald one, was completely hard... when the blonde (Beatriz) looked at my groin and smiled lustfully...
The litany continued and I stopped them suddenly
- Did you ask your sister if she has good sex in her religion? I asked.
The blonde blushed immediately and answered with a stammering voice
- Ppppfffttt, nnnnnoooo, ssssee...
- Aaaaah, qquuuee leee llaaaama buuuen seeexooo uuusted?
I knew I had hooked the fish...
brunette, since it wouldn't be otherwise, would have been offended by the question and would have left my house immediately...
Well, you know, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, spanking, sexual toys, masturbation, etc., comment while looking at them both with lust... and desire. They on their part had a face full of amazement as they heard the words coming out of my mouth...
- Buuueenoo, eel seexooo, eeen nuuuestra reeeligion soolo se uusa cooon fiines reeeproductivoos- said the blonde, stuttering-
- Si, el sexo que da placer es pecado-afirmo la brunette, and note how her voice had changed-
- Pfff, then I'm a hardened sinner, because I love sex and I love masturbating...-I said, looking at them-
The two were passing their tongues over their lips and swallowing saliva in unison. The blonde had a face of desire, it was noticeable that my words had put her on fire. The brunette wasn't stopping moving her legs and crossing them from one side to the other, biting her lips and not stopping looking at my erect penis under my pants.
- From when are you Witnesses of Jehovah?-
- For about 6 years...-responded the blonde-
- I've been for 4 years...-said the brunette-
- Aaa. Ok then before they had sex just for pleasure, right?-
Note immediately that both were hotter than an ember, and they looked at me with desires to tear off their clothes and ask me to give them a good screw.
- Puuuesss, siiiiii!!!-responded the blonde with a stuttering voice-
- And you?-
- Pusss siii...-responded immediately-
- Ok, then if they've enjoyed sex for pleasure?-
My erection was at its maximum due to the excitement of the moment. So I got up and stretched myself slowly. To let them see my hard and pulsating penis better...
Mayara couldn't take it anymore and exclaimed...
- Adiosss, what a thing...-
- Sister, what are you saying...-responded the blonde-
- Hey sister, is that what I see...-said Martha-
Beatriz moved her eyes to my penis and exclaimed...
- Ahiii dioss, you're right, what a thing...
Like already I said I've never had a pitote or an enormous penis, I categorize it as normal, 17 cm and a bit fat... when listening to their words, I put them in front of me and said
- Do they make a hole for me?
Without saying anything else, the two moved and let me sit between them, looked at them and said
- Do you think if we had sex, right now they would be sinning?
- Yes, clear... -both-
- And would they like to sin?-I asked-
Without any preamble, Beatriz (the blonde), rushed towards me, kissing me frenetically, her enormous breasts rested on my chest and we listened to Mayara (the brunette) say
- Sister!!!!.... what are you doing...
Beatriz left my mouth and looked at Martha, saying
- No, don't shout...!!! I haven't had it in my house for a long time, sister, and I have a desire...
Martha smiled and said
- But, Sister!!!! This is wrong...
- Ah, shut up hypocrite, if you started everything with your comment...
I looked at those women arguing like in a tennis match, suddenly interrupting them
- Okay, okay, ladies, it's better to end this here... since I don't want to provoke a problem between you... -I said authoritatively-
At that moment, I feared they would take their bags and things and leave me with the heat of the moment. To my surprise, neither of them got up from the sofa, so I said
- What would they be willing to do for me to convert to their religion?
The two looked at each other, as if searching for approval, and after a few seconds of tension, Martha said.
- All or nothing, sister?
- That's it, sister... -Beatriz replied seductively-
- Well then, let's start...
I got up and while moving towards the armchair, I remembered that dirty sex afternoon with Luciana... I told myself why not... try them out, so I did, like a porn actor, said authoritatively
- Would you undress for my wife Beatriz (the blonde)?
- No...!! Of course not... -she said in an annoyed tone, but without getting up from the sofa-
- And would you, Mrs. Martha (the brunette)? -I asked, looking at her- If he said without thinking- She stood up and started to unbutton her shirt... One by one, the buttons were leaving loose and showing her bra, white, medium-sized and firm breasts hid underneath, her friend couldn't contain her amazement at seeing her companion being a slut... she continued with the button of her blue jeans, and under the zipper, took it by the sides and brought it down to her knees, showing a cotton white underwear and much public hair underneath, she sat on the sofa and took off her sandals and finished taking off her pants... - Already- said Martha (the brunette)- - No, no that's not being naked-contested- - All?- asked- - Yes, all- responded- I took her bra from behind and unbuttoned it, took out the straps by her arms and left her white breasts without support, her nipples were darker than the rest of her breasts and somewhat large.. I took off her underwear, and slid them down, taking one leg first and then the other... her mount venus was very hairy and her vaginal lips thick and obscure... - Already- said, without trying to cover herself- - What are you saying, Mrs. Beatriz (the blonde)?- asked- - Come on sister, let's do it for the sake of this young man's soul...- said Martha- - There is no sister, she has a point...- exclaimed Beatriz- Beatriz stood up and unbuttoned her skirt, under the zipper from one side and slid it down, taking out her legs without sitting, her underwear was black lace, more like an encaje thong, her legs were white and full of flesh, took off her blouse over her head and looked at her bra, made of the same material as her thong, black lace, but the difference was what was inside, a pair of normal breasts hid inside... I took it from behind and unbuttoned it, taking out the straps, let those melons fall, which were very white and with large areolas and dark nipples almost coffee, enormous... I took off her thong and brought it down by one strap and there was a great difference, she looked depilated only with a thin line of public hair. of her hair color, lips even thicker than Martha's, and a clitoris like a pinky finger that said hello, some vaginal lips somewhat obscured - yeah, ready-did Beatriz - - now turn around and lean forward-I replied The two of us turned around and my eyes fell on my face, that quartet of different-sized buttocks and those two dark vaginas, which made me want to put the cock in them right then, I got up from the armchair and put myself behind Beatriz, took her enormous and flaccid buttocks, and as I took them - aaaaaauu..!!!-she moaned with desire The ones I opened and saw that inside there was a black anus like the night... I let go of Beatriz and went to do the same with Mayara, taking her by the buttocks, she let out a - aaaayyyy...!!! The ones I opened and saw that the difference was notable, she had an anus, smaller and less black and it looked tight... Before I could get to give them some good Booty blowjobs, the doorbell rang again - don't move-I said I went to see who in the world was interrupting my sexual encounter And I said Who? Good morning, we saw that our wives entered here...-said two men - If you permit me- I replied Without losing time I turned back into the house and saw how the two had dressed up and were adjusting their clothes quickly... they fixed each other up and left in a hurry... Damn...!!!! That was over and I was harder than a donkey... Beatriz, as she left through the door, exclaimed with a loud voice - We'll see if we can come back this afternoon to conclude our chat and save your young soul... She directed herself towards the hallway door and opened it, there I could see a very short, fat, and bald man, and another dark-skinned one who was quite past his prime... who said - Good day young man, how did you like the chat? - Very good, very good-I said with an expression of excitement - Very well, glory to God, these women will do their best to come back later- said one of the husbands - Ah, yes, then if so, very well, but what do you think my best friend calls me before, because I don't I know if I'm going out -answer and write down my phone number on a paper- - Aaa very well then they can call me before-said the other husband- - To achieve the glory of our lord...!!!-the other husband again- - Amennnnn!!!! –said everyone- I smiled, looked at the two women, and closed the door… all that time I was trying not to show my bulge in the pants, between home and I fell on the sofa...
3 comentários - Las Testigos de Jehová… Parte 01