The goalkeeper's wife!!!

I appreciate the comments and points on this awesome community

After all the chaos that passed, I left some quiet time without wanting to know about women, relationships, or anything like that for a while. Of course, that didn't last long, only 3 or 4 months. What happened in these stories never crossed my mind and I never thought it would happen.

In the building where I was living, there was a porter (I mean, an administrator) his wife, and three teenage sons, but this story is directed towards the woman, after which I'll tell what happened to the girls from that family.

I always ran into the porter, his wife, and the kids, but always just said hello, how are you, bye until one day (I knew the porter's wife had a crush on the janitors since she was in charge of that sector) came with some mambos in her head, arrived, and told me to go to the janitorial room, I passed by my usual spot and ended up on another floor, without noticing that Eva (the porter's wife) wasn't at the entrance. I turned off the lights, didn't get out of the car, and stayed listening to music, surprised when I saw another car in front of me moving a lot while parked, tried to see more beyond the windows and recognized it was her (Eva) but the companion wasn't her husband, he was fucking with all his might the daughter of a slut , I who had half-hidden myself, had a preferential view of everything. In a moment, I saw him get out of the car and sit down while she outside (naked) was pulling on the rubber with all her might and I saw how it ended up on her face, the very slut started to clean up all the cum that was scattered over her face, hair, breasts, and went sucking her fingers , suddenly she looked at my side, I ducked so she wouldn't see me, but since what happened later, I suppose she recognized the license plate.

Weeks later, I needed to ask the porter (by then we would run into each other and greet or talk as if nothing was wrong) found Eva and asked her about her husband, telling me Lopez (the porter) was in the machine room, I looked at her with a face that seemed like she was talking to me and turned back to asked .-and that where is it? -.she was signaling like it was up there, I told her .-oh well, it doesn't matter let's talk about it another time-. she very kindly says.-if you want i'll take you-. I looked at her dude and then told her yes, the truth I didn't imagine for a moment that something would happen like this, we went up in the elevator and inside we were talking about nonsense, kids, my civil status, her job, her relationship with the doorman, until we arrived, it was on the 19th floor.

We entered and she said
She: .-Lopez must be around here somewhere behind-.
Me: .-ok I'll take a look-. (I went to where she pointed, another room)
Me:-It's not here, are you sure?-.
She: .-Yes!!!! Look closely-.
Me: .-No definitely it's not-.
She: .-Well then he must have gone down-.
Me: .-Probably-.
When I returned from that place I found the surprise ,Eva was completely naked (I describe 1.60, black hair, medium-murky, fifty-year-old, big tits, with rolls on her belly, a large ass and with a very hairy pussy,(the truth is it was the first time I had been with someone who had so much hair there, I swear people should live inside) my amazed face showed that it was very evident that I wondered .-have you never seen a naked woman?-. I didn't know what to say to her, I froze, she attacked saying .-don't you like me?-. I kept still but if I had answered.-you're beautiful, you have an sculptural body-, here I just answered.-don't be silly don Ricky, eh i've seen every girl who enters that dept-. and I went closer to her, she was against the wall, while I was unbuttoning my pants, lowering the zipper and starting to lower my pants, telling her .-now you're going to suck a yummy cock, slut!!!-. she immediately got down, finishing off my pants and underwear all the way down to my ankles, as if she was really into it, sucking, licking, rubbing it on her face, over her tits and saying.-what I had wanted to do with you guy!!!-. what i didn't say was that I was in the room where the elevator motors were, I don't know what kind of kilombo they made, you'd stay deaf and get a cagazo when they stopped, it's true I can't describe it with words, I'd do it.

She lifted her up to that little spot, opened her legs wide and sent the cock all the way down to the balls, without pity I started moving, strong and fast, oh God how much I wanted to get it and I had forgotten, I was ripping out the daughter of a slut's screams.

She: -Ayyyy guy!!!!! How much you wanted to get it, you're making me see stars, promiscuous, suck my tits guy, suck them-.

Me (with the heat I had, I grabbed those titas like I was just born): -So this guy mmmmmm is killing you slut eh,eh!!!, mmmmmmm I'm going to break your whole thing-, mmmmm-.

She: -How much you wanted Sweetie, so Sweetie, so Sweetie, so Sweetie, so many times did you touch me thinking about the ones you got and made them scream ahhhhhhhh!!! -

Me: -You slut doña Eva mmmmmm, you're making yourself so prim-,.

She: -Ayyyyyyyy guy, I knew you were a great get-it-done, I want to be your putaaaaaaaa !!!!!! Si si si si-,.

Me: -My slut when I want? Won't you give me a spin?-.

She: -No Sweetie, you know how long I've been waiting for this, if only guy, yes yes yes yes yes ahhhhhhhhhh-.

I felt like the cock was bathing me in its juices... I lowered her, turned her around, put my hand in that whole pussy all soaked and with its juices, fingered it one, two, three fingers in that leather ring (it was quite dark, they say it gets that way from so much use, but I don't know), Epa!!! You got the wrong hole Don Ricky-.

She said to me, and I replied, -No my love is the right hole where I'm going to cum-, she begged me -Don't be mean Don Ricky, it hurts a lot-. Without making me wait, I bent down a bit and fingered her but this time in the ass that was open pretty well, the very daughter of a slut wanted to make me believe otherwise.

Once she felt it inside good, she raised my butt- for her to go in whole, I'll put it in and take it out with a good rhythm, without getting tired
I: -Oh mom, this asshole is so tight, Doña Eva- (whispering in her ear)
She: -Don't call me Doña, call me your slut !!!! Yes, yes, yes, this little one loves being in my ass-
I: -Ahhhhh, Doña mia, how am I going to cum-
She: -You're a pig, Don Ricky!!!!!!
I: -I'm going to cum all the way inside that broken asshole!!!!
She: -Yeeeeeeeah, it's going to end, wait for me, Don Ricky, I also want to feel it all the way in!!!-
I: -I can't take it anymore, Doña Eva, I'm going to cum, if I cum, if I come, if I fill your belly with my cum-
She: -Pig!!!! Pig!!!! Pig!!!! ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh!!!!, she's going to get it all out dirty-
I: -Take you, daughter of a slut, take you, take you, take you, take you!!!!- (and I gave her all the cum, it was like a pipe, I had to pull it out)
I pulled it out of her ass and saw how the cum came out all tangled up, that's when I saw my cock (dad, I was so embarrassed, I almost died, she grabbed my cock and started cleaning it with the apron she uses at work, telling me -You said Don Ricky was a pig because he did it to my ass, but it was great, I still feel like cum is coming out hot ahhhhh!!!-
Thanks, Mrs. Lopez !!!!(I was laughing so hard) while she was cleaning me, she says -You had to buy your silence, I saw you the other day spying, that's not done-
I looked at her amazed and said -I wasn't following you, I was just there by chance, nice chance-
She got dressed and said -Don Ricky, I have to leave, I want to go fast and show them the cum in my ass so they can see who won the bet with Elizabeth and Sandra (the daughters) that I was the first one to take it, Don Ricky-
I asked her -Don't you understand?-
She looked at me with a very slutty face and said -You'll find out soon, I want to be your slut, only your slut, do you want it?-
I answered very gallantly -Of course, Doña Eva, when I feel like it, I'll call you ¿No?-
She says with a mischievous face -Don't make me- wait much that the next I want to take all your cum-., I said - let's talk if!!!-. I left first and went back to my apartment. What Doña Eva was saying was just a hint of what would happen later with that family.... Continues...

19 comentários - The goalkeeper's wife!!!

muy buen relato, gracias por compartir, segui asi
Gracias por pasar
Terrible !!! 👍 le sacaron la caca a la doña !!!! 👍
Espero la continuacion de los relatos !!!
Gracias por pasar
Pero que vieja PUTA lo pario!!! 😳
Buen relato!
Me alegro que te guste
Yo hise lo mismo con una encargada de ala pampa en frente de la cancha de escursionista es terrible lo puta que es coje como nadie yo trabajo para una empresa de fumigacion ella trabaja en belgrano sobre la pampa si dan puntos yo les paso la dire saludos
Y pensar que a veces los encargados se creen los mas porongas ,pero las mujeres de ellos son mas piolas que los maridos....
uhhhhh los relatos que se vienen !!!!!!! grande kotur!! no nos abandones!!
Gracias por el apoyo y ya van a venir......
jaaaa...!!! muy bueno, le hiciste agarrar colitis....jeje. muy caliente kotur. espero seguir leyendote.... van puntos...obvio.
Vos sabes era una fija.La cogia por el orto y salio todo embarrado,hija de puta!!!!
Y al final hablaste con el portero?
Cuando lo encontre ni me acordaba para que lo buscaba.....
Como siempre muy buen relato, esperando la próxima, gracias por compartir
Gracias capo ,vamos armando la proxima
Que buen relato ya estoy esperando el proximo resulto muy trola la señora
Estoy armando el proximo relato ,gracias por comentar.Pero son unas señoras
Ja!!! que descriptivo. Por otra parte lo envidio. Un abrazo.