Seran cuernos?

Hello friends, how are you? Well, the truth is we're not a couple prone to infidelity (understood as cheating/lies/hiding), we think it's much more fun and interesting to explore things together with an open's also true that generally those who end up being cheated on usually look for it: jealousy, possessiveness, bad treatment, and neglect often lead to a lack of desire to share things. But what I want to tell you is something new, at least for me, I never heard it before. It turns out Angela is a very good friend of mine from many years ago, over time she became very close to Anita too, and we even shared some nights together, kissing, caressing, without anything going one point, we even had fun telling her she was our girlfriend, and she felt flattered. Angela is a very sensual and seductive cutie, she doesn't have the dick but has a cat-like attitude that seems like she's always trying to get you to bed, with men or women. Because of this way of being, more than one person got confused with her and I know several rebounds and rejections too. The thing is that our friend got married two years ago, and since then she's changed a lot. She replaced nights of drinking and partying with quiet family evenings. Her husband is a very conservative type, so we usually have to pretend around him, we can't talk freely or have fun like before the three of us. Neither does she come home alone anymore, since she started dating this guy and especially after getting married, she's never been alone again, literally she's his shadow. About a month ago, she got an opportunity for a very good job in another city. And although her husband initially opposed it, the important number they offered him and the guy's love letter eventually convinced him to let her go, so she's 600 km away from Monday to Friday... The weekends I used to go back religiously. But she hasn't come for two weekends now, according to her, because she's saturated with work. The guy is going crazy, he came to see me desperate, telling me he suspects she's cheating on him, like we were old friends... obviously, he has no idea how many times I had her between my arms and ate her mouth several times, of course it's an old story.

But I know the truth: my girlfriend is in continuous communication with him, writing to him on WhatsApp from his work phone (her husband doesn't know about that number) and told him she's fed up with her marriage, that she loves the guy but feels sexually dead (they haven't had sex for five months), and she doesn't want to cheat on him, so she rejected some advances from other guys. But here's the thing: when she was already at boiling point, a work colleague invited her to watch a movie at her house, and they ended up getting together like crazy. The cute girl from work is lesbian and says it's tremendous. And our friend feels that she has resolved things because she thinks if she sleeps with women she won't cheat on her husband, and besides, she'll explore a new facet that revives her sexuality.

The latest news is that she proposed to my girlfriend that we conclude what we started years ago with our games and make a trio, but with one condition: they can be together, I can have sex with my girlfriend next to them, I can trade both of them, but I can't penetrate her... she says if she does it that way, she won't cheat on her husband.

In my opinion, sincerely, the guy is heading towards being a cuck, Angelita found a way to justify herself and reconcile married life (which she always aspired to) with the freedom she's rediscovering. Anyway, I'm afraid it's just intellectualization, most likely if we end up all three naked in bed we'll get lost in everything, knowing how hot they are. Knowing that the thing that most excites my wife in this world is seeing me get it on with someone else next to her. On the other hand, this guy thinks I'm his friend, tells me things, and honestly, it gives me a little guilt because of some I said, I'm not in favor of infidelity...nor do I believe in sexual monogamy, but well, I think in life you have to be honest: if you feel desires to try other things, it's better to bring it up with your partner, and if the other part doesn't accept it, there are two options, either sacrifice it or leave that person. At least for me it works this way, I don't judge those who resolve it in another way. do you see it? What would they do? My wife is super excited about the idea and says don't worry about it, let the other guy screw himself, if she valued him like a woman he wouldn't have gotten to this point. Specifically, if my friend gets it on with my partner and I'm next to them watching and getting off, and then I get off with my girl and my friend is next to us getting off too...has my friend cheated on her husband with us?

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si se sienten deseos de probar otras cosas es mejor plantearlo en la pareja, y si la otra parte no lo acepta hay dos opciones, o sacrificarlo o dejar a esa persona.

El gran dilema y la gran verdad, las cosas primero se tienen que hablar en la pareja y después tomar las decisiones !
Si vos conocés al flaco de la mina y vas/van a estar haciendo cosas a sus espaldas tenés que tener mucho pero mucho cuidado porque las cosas pueden desbarrancarse mal !

Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!

Seran cuernos?
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!

13 comentários - Seran cuernos?

Ya esta que se joda por no satisfacer a su nujer si tu mujer acepta ya esta dale para adelante despues conta como la pasaron
coincido con angie, todo hay que plantearlo en la pareja.....te cuento mi caso, después de varios años acepté mi bisexualidad, estoy con mi pareja 17 años juntos convivimos y somos padres, una noche estuve muy caliente con otra mina y me fui a casa antes de meterle los cuernos.
llegue y plantee todooooo y como me sentía y lo que quería, el acepto y después de vaaarios meses de charla decidimos llevarlo a cabo.
me siento súper acompañada, aceptada por el tal cual soy sin prejuicios.
consejo para angela la libertad en el sexo es lo mas placentero, es sentirse libre y tal cual uno es, es ser auténtico.
ella va a disfrutar más diciéndole la verdad a su pareja que si la ama de verdad puede decidir acompañarla o no, pero también tiene que darle a él la libertad de elegir .
hay personas de mente muy cerrada, que nunca entenderán la disociación entre el amor y el sexo.
Angela vivirá plenamente de su sexualidad y lo mejor que será sin culpas.
la entiendo perfectamente porque antes de planteárselo a mi pareja pensé en mis hijas pequeñitas y en el matrimonio de tantos años, sentí que me las jugaba entre lo que realmente me pasaba y en todo lo que había logrado.
besos chicos y sin culpas
DRC1979 +1
Yo creo que si ella no quiere estar con él debería decírselo y dejarle en lugar de recurrir a "como es con otra mujer no es engaño".
Si te lías con otra persona que no sea tu pareja y es sin su conocimiento y consentimiento, es engañar, sea hombre o mujer.

Y con respecto a la propuesta del trio, lo mismo. Si anteriormente habéis estado los tres juntos no tiene sentido decirte que quiere tirarse a tu mujer y que tú no participes de ella.
Me estaba acordando que en EEUU las ETS (enfermedades de transmisión sexual) no bajaron porque consideran que con el sexo anal y oral no se pierde la virginidad. Si uno lo quiere justificar, cualquier argumento es válido. Desde el momento en que el otro no lo sabe, a mi modo de ver ya es engaño.
Me parece, que lo que tiene que hacer es decirle al tipo que ya no lo quiere mas y listo. Le va a hacer un favor, porque asi como está, no coge ni deja coger.....
Es facil dar consejos, pero hay que ver la situacion tambien. Asi como estan (uno lejos del otro), no "estan". La vida es corta, mas vale que se divorcien y sigan cada uno en lo suyo......
No, pero no es asi.... para que lo quiere...? para trofeo..? no podés tener a alguien, como si fuera una vitrina.., una pareja, es compartir, no digo las infidelidades, si las hay; sino los problemas maritales que se suscitan en la cama.
El tipo debe tener necesidades... y como las encara? Esos que vienen de flias. religiosas, lo único que hacen es perjudicar a las personas sentimentalmente cuando grandes.... es lo que le pasa a muchas personas de mi entorno, por éso lo digo.
Pero, claro, es
Me encantó la historia.. y está muy bien planteado el dilema y creo que siempre es de final abierto.. jaja
Siento culpa x no tener más puntos hoy.. pero mañana paso de nuevo y dejo algo..
Gracias! no sientas culpa no es necesario dejar puntos si no hay, lo importante es comentar y compartir, eso es lo que mas nos gusta!
@parejaonfire lo prometido es deuda!!! van +5 👍
En mi opinión la infidelidad de tu amiga hacia el esposo ya es un hecho, independiente que los cuernos fueran con una mujer o un hombre. Solo usa ese argumento de diferenciar que lo hizo con una mujer y no un hombre, para disminuir su sentimiento de culpa. Respecto a ustedes la verdad no creo que se estuvieran aprovechando de la situación, dado que planteó ella la propuesta. Ahoar bien, si a ustedes les hace bien solo acaompañarla en estos momentos, ¡adelante¡ Peor hacer algo, y quedarse uno con el sentimiento de culpa.