The Clitoris Interview

The Clitoris

El Clítoris La Entrevista

The female organ admits that it's not easy to talk about it. 'I am the most stigmatized and persecuted'.Contrary to expectations, it was not difficult to contact the clitoris for this interview. A call and an invitation to sit on the bench of organs were enough for it to accept. 'And that –this eminently feminine organ says– I'm not used to journalists looking for me... It's more, I get the impression that they also avoid me'. He claims to be surprised by the aversion many people have towards him just because of his name and assures, without hesitation, that 'I am the most stigmatized and persecuted organ in history, especially in certain cultures, perhaps because I was created to fulfill a single function: providing pleasure'.Why is it called that?My name has its origin in the Greek word kleitoris, which means 'small elevation'. And let me tell you that although I've been called this since I know myself, my existence was hidden for ten centuries...And that why?Believe me that during the Middle Ages and even much further beyond modern times, talking about me was considered a sin. Understand that I inhabit a part of the female body that still generates blushes today.And what's the reason?I start by saying that I am the only human organ with a sole purpose of providing pleasure. If we add that this pleasure is linked to sexuality and the female figure, which was so minimized and oppressed for such a long time, one can already imagine what happens when my name comes up... But the same thing happens with the penis too... No... Don't even think about comparing. From the fallopus, which isn't an organ exclusive to pleasure (since it also has reproductive purposes), monuments have been erected; its figure is not alien to anyone. If someone invites you to imagine the figure of both organs, the penis comes to mind immediately... For people, I don't even have a shape. Well, since we're at it, how about you? Many people think I'm a small penis, and although I'm a vestige of the formation of said organ, they are very wrong. I am like an inverted Y of erectile tissue (cavernous bodies that fill with blood when stimulated). My size varies, but what's visible is a kind of gland measuring about half a centimeter more or less in repose. In an erect state, I can even triple my size.women

How like that an erection?Yes, sir, don't be afraid. In that scarce centimeter I have eight thousand very sensitive nerve endings, more than double those of the penis; stimulation triggers a series of reactions that make these cavernous bodies fill with blood, increase my size and multiply my sensitivity... It's not for nothing: I'm connected to over 15,000 nerve endings in the pelvic region. Better said, I am the master key to a complex, but wonderful, pleasure mechanism... And excuse me for throwing so many flowers.

Let's see: you are the vestige of a penis, have a masculine name, but are one hundred percent feminine. Doesn't that cause identity problems?

(Laughs) Quite the opposite. I am by antonomasia the female identity in all mammalian females. Perhaps that's why I've been so stigmatized.Do you feel pursued?Not so much today, but what if I told you it's a shame to review anatomy books from twenty years ago? They thought I was just the outer part, what can be seen, when in reality I'm ten times more than what appeared in medical journals and some clinics.What do you have to do with orgasm?I'll reiterate that I'm an organ of pleasure and I'm not exaggerating if I say I'm responsible for at least eight out of every ten orgasms. Otherwise, other parts of the body intervene, but that's not my business. I have a curiosity: Is it true that gentlemen have orgasms faster because you are too demanding and ask for too much time? I see, by your blush, that it hasn't only happened to you, but also you don't know me. Let me give you a figure: if they treat me as I should be treated, I can respond in a span of one to four minutes. I notice I'm uncomfortable, better ask something else...Is it true that it also affects you and worsens over time?More than blush, I'll make you envious: I grow with time and in menopause, I can multiply my size. And that's why I'm responsible for women reporting glorious sex from those ages, leaving men speechless.

A woman can live without you...

That's not true. Let some savages think that since my function is pleasure, they should castrate me to control, subdue and limit women's right to feel, it doesn't change the essence of what I am: a criminal mutilation that makes them suffer deeply. But let me tell you something: those who try to cut me off don't really know me and can't get rid of me completely. A little bit of me is enough to fulfill my function, which is giving pleasure. That's where I truly excel. And I say it with great pride.girl

Want to say something more?Yes: I get bored when they talk about me without knowing me; with this interview, I don't want to come out of the closet, but rather let's start talking about a vital part of the human body without so much taboo and without so much blush. And call me by my name at all four winds: ¡Clí-to-ris!

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