Every now and then to relieve my eyes, I try to post something that's not just women in balls, because we all like it. Mainly men, and I'm saying this so no one feels uncomfortable. Not because of machismo. Today I went through old emails from an old friend, with whom I shared more than 15 years, out of almost 20 that I lived there, and maybe, being nostalgic, decided to share some with you guys. Hope you all have a little fun!!!
There are no lesbians. Only women who never met the Cordovan.
When God said: 'Let there be light', the Cordovan was already playing two-player chess.
A Cordovan gave McGiver his Swiss Army knife, so he gets along perfectly with a hook pin and a toothbrush.
The Cordovan plays Russian Roulette with a fully loaded weapon. And wins...
The Cordovan finds the magazine Very interesting quite boring.
The Cordovan buys Fernet Capri and it's like Branca for him.
When Jesus multiplied the loaves on the mountain, the Cordovan said: 'Leave thin, bring invoices'.
The Cordovan always gets the Open here of crackers to work.
When sheep can't sleep they start counting Cordovans.
The Cordovan buys everything Mastercard can't.
While you're expiating your sins and guilt in Purgatory, the Cordovan enters muscular and underwear, grabs a beer from the fridge, and goes back to his room to watch TV.
The Cordovan collects rent from Mr. Belly.
On the first day God made light, and saw that it was good. On the second day he made the Cordovan, and said to himself: 'I messed up'.
If the Cordovan wants, he'll take away what's been danced.
When the Cordovan deletes a file, the computer never asks if he's sure.
The Cordovan not only divided the waters, but also took their square root and is evaluating the possibility of elevating them to the cube.
The MATRIX is a program the Cordovan made in 5 minutes with Turbo Pascal, just to pass the time.
The Cordovan can sneeze with his eyes open.
Around the Cordovan there's Wi-Fi signal.
If the Cordovan goes to Seville, he not only keeps his chair, but when he comes back he also has a bench and an ottoman.
When the Cordovan plays metegol, he scores goals with rabona and throws cans.
The Cordovan doesn't scratch CDs, just remixes them.
If Argentina is eliminated from the World Cup, the Cordovan wins a plasma.
James Bond doesn't have... license to kill the Cordovan. Jehová is witness of the Cordovan. Ticketek calls the Cordovan to sell him U2 and Sabina tickets. He made them wait 2 hours in line. The Cordovan invites Mirtha Legrand for lunch. The Cordovan knows how to distinguish between 'Tire' and 'Empuje'. When everyone leaves, the Cordovan comes. The Cordovan is so fat that as a kid when he said 'enough for me', it was 'enough for all' They are studying a new grading method in schools: Bad - Regular - Good - Very Good - Excellent - Cordovan. The Cordovan doesn't pay attention, he gives it away. The Cordovan put dollars and received dollars. The Cordovan is also valid in Buenos Aires and Mendoza. The Cordovan is both subject and predicate at the same time. The Cordovan KNOWS but DOESN'T ANSWER. When the Cordovan leaves a cutie, he says: 'It's not me, it's you'. If the Cordovan watches La Llamada tape, the little girl from the well will die in 7 days. The Cordovan is not on the right side of God the Father, GOD sits next to him. CQC notaries avoid the Cordovan because they're afraid he'll make them look ridiculous. The Cordovan fired Donald Trump. The Cordovan's pear tree gives pears. The Cordovan doesn't spill the table, he blesses it. The Cordovan can count to infinity backwards. The Cordovan taught Cortázar how to play Rayuela. What 'La Gotita' sticks only the Cordovan can unstuck. All Forrest Gump's movie is based on the Cordovan's anecdotes. The Cordovan sells his canned urine, known as Speed. If the Cordovan reaches the speed of light, not only will he double his mass - according to Einstein - but also use half the remaining mass to make cookies. The Cordovan doesn't eat cutlets because he knows their truth. The Cordovan is the only human who can lick his elbow. THE CORDOBES BURNS WITH cum, SEES A COW AND LAUGHS HIS HEAD OFF. When the Cordovan finds a black hole, he paints it green and blue. THE CORDOBES GO TO INFINITY, ENLARGE IT AND COME BACK. AND THE BEST OF ALL IS THAT THE CORDOBEAN IS FROM CÓRDOBA
A black man gets out of Carlos Paz's Bingo, dry, without a mango. It was very late already and he went to take the only taxi that was at the door: - I want to go to Arguello, he says. - It will cost $50 in advance. Now I don't have anything, I lost everything in the bingo but if you take me, when we get there I'll give you $60. - Then the driver answers him - I won't take you anywhere; get out and, beat it! A week goes by and the same man sings a bingo of $3,000. As he leaves the bingo, he finds the row of taxis; the one who didn't want to take him was last. After thinking about how to get revenge on the driver, he gets into the first taxi and showing the money he says: - How much does it cost to go to Arguello? - $50. - Fuck you 600 dollars if you suck me when we arrive. - No. Then he tries with the next one: - How much does it cost to go to Arguello? - $55. - Fuck you 600 dollars if you suck me when we arrive. - Not even for 6,000 dollars, faggot! And so on with all the taxis in the row, until he gets to the driver he wanted to get revenge on: - How much does it cost to go to Arguello? - $50, in advance. - Fuck you $60 if you lower the window and as you're passing by your colleagues, you greet them with a smile saying: ¡¡¡ I'm going to Arguello, daddy!!!
WHO DRINKS WINE...LIVES LESS!!! · Less sad. · Less depressed. · Less tense. · Less quarrelsome with life. · Less sick at heart. Think about it. For my wine-loving friends, sauvignon cordials, and may they have a merlot week. The most bitter wines in history: 1) My mother-in-law's wine 2) The bill wine 3) It's already been here wine 4) Wine went inside And the most bitter and screwed of all: WHO DIDN'T GET IT..!!!!
Ha ha! A girl enters a supermarket and buys the following: 1 soap 1 toothbrush 1 tube of toothpaste 1 baguette of bread 1 liter of cream 1 box of cereal 1 individual frozen dinner. When she gets to the checkout, the cashier looks at her and says: - Single, aren't you? The girl smiles innocently and answers: - Yes, how did you know?... - Because you're HORRIBLE, Daughter of a Whore ahhhjjjjjjj...
Once they were the elephant, the giraffe and the chicken to speak with God. The elephant says: - Oh my God, make me shorter because all animals mock me for my nose. And God answers: - Son, with that nose you can take all the water you want without bending your head and besides you can bathe yourself. - You're right, God, forgive me - replied the elephant.
The giraffe also says: - God, make me shorter because I'm the joke of the forest. And God said: - Daughter, with that neck you pick the highest and freshest fruits from the trees. The giraffe also asks God for forgiveness.
The chicken arrives and says: - Don't come at me with nonsense... either you make my ass bigger or you shrink my eggs!!!
The Proctologist, when reviewing the patient and while slapping his buttocks, says: - Tranquilo Ponce, tranquiiiiiiiiiiilo...
To this the patient responds: - Doctor... I'm not Ponce, I'm Rodríguez!
The Proctologist responds: - Yes, I know Rodriguez………..I AM PONCE!!!
In a forest there was a bear and a rabbit that were taking a dump at the same time. The bear looks at the rabbit and asks: Little rabbit, little rabbit, doesn't it bother you to leave a sticky mess on your fur? - No, not at all... Then the bear grabbed the rabbit and wiped his ass with him.
There was an bear and a rabbit that were walking through the forest, fighting each other, when they suddenly found a wonderful lamp. The genie granted three wishes to each of them.
The bear asked first:
- I want all the bears in this forest to be females.
- Granted.
The rabbit spoke:
- I want a motorcycle helmet.
- Granted.
The bear continued with his second wish, surprised by the rabbit's taste:
- To be safe, I want all the bears in neighboring forests to be females.
- Granted.
The rabbit requests his second wish:
- I want a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
- Granted.
The bear is amazed at the rabbit's tastes and makes his third wish:
- I don't want to take risks, I want all bears in the world to be females.
- Granted.
The rabbit starts up his motorcycle and when he's 100 meters away shouts out his last wish:
- May the bear be a trolooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Departing for Europe. The captain of the ship welcomes passengers, informs them about the flight and weather conditions, and finally bids farewell wishing them a very pleasant trip. Unfortunately, he forgets to turn off the microphone and makes a comment to the co-pilot: 'Bueeeeeeennooooo... now I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then, since no one is traveling in first class, I'll have sex with the flight attendant, those that leave you dead, you know...?' The desperate flight attendant, seeing that the entire passenger list was listening to what the captain said, rushes to warn that the microphone was still open, but on her way she's stopped by an elderly woman who says: 'Where is the hot one going? Didn't she hear he's going to smoke a cigarette first?'
I Pray Like a Girl!!
Dear God, please send clothes for all those poor naked women on my dad's PC. Amen.
Mental function and cognitive perception
For young men it's a nice butt. Only moderately observant people defined this as a butt crossing the street. Very observant people referred to a thong. For mature men, it's a respectable woman with a nice butt crossing the street. Perverts imagined seeing her naked. Intelligent men pondered why the photographer shared such beauty with humanity. For half of the women, it's an ordinary one who shouldn't dress that way. Almost the other half of the women wondered where she got that shirt. Intelligent women imagined how miserable she'll be at 50. Only kids, Tibetan monks, and fags saw a dog driving the taxi...
SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN (chauvinistic) Did you know that when a woman puts on a leather dress, the man's heart beats faster, his throat dries up, and his legs weaken...?And do you know why ??? Because it smells like a new car !!!
Finísimo........!!!What a man is capable of doing for a different ass...
Something very Cordovan!!
There are no lesbians. Only women who never met the Cordovan.
When God said: 'Let there be light', the Cordovan was already playing two-player chess.
A Cordovan gave McGiver his Swiss Army knife, so he gets along perfectly with a hook pin and a toothbrush.
The Cordovan plays Russian Roulette with a fully loaded weapon. And wins...
The Cordovan finds the magazine Very interesting quite boring.
The Cordovan buys Fernet Capri and it's like Branca for him.
When Jesus multiplied the loaves on the mountain, the Cordovan said: 'Leave thin, bring invoices'.
The Cordovan always gets the Open here of crackers to work.
When sheep can't sleep they start counting Cordovans.
The Cordovan buys everything Mastercard can't.
While you're expiating your sins and guilt in Purgatory, the Cordovan enters muscular and underwear, grabs a beer from the fridge, and goes back to his room to watch TV.
The Cordovan collects rent from Mr. Belly.
On the first day God made light, and saw that it was good. On the second day he made the Cordovan, and said to himself: 'I messed up'.
If the Cordovan wants, he'll take away what's been danced.
When the Cordovan deletes a file, the computer never asks if he's sure.
The Cordovan not only divided the waters, but also took their square root and is evaluating the possibility of elevating them to the cube.
The MATRIX is a program the Cordovan made in 5 minutes with Turbo Pascal, just to pass the time.
The Cordovan can sneeze with his eyes open.
Around the Cordovan there's Wi-Fi signal.
If the Cordovan goes to Seville, he not only keeps his chair, but when he comes back he also has a bench and an ottoman.
When the Cordovan plays metegol, he scores goals with rabona and throws cans.
The Cordovan doesn't scratch CDs, just remixes them.
If Argentina is eliminated from the World Cup, the Cordovan wins a plasma.
James Bond doesn't have... license to kill the Cordovan. Jehová is witness of the Cordovan. Ticketek calls the Cordovan to sell him U2 and Sabina tickets. He made them wait 2 hours in line. The Cordovan invites Mirtha Legrand for lunch. The Cordovan knows how to distinguish between 'Tire' and 'Empuje'. When everyone leaves, the Cordovan comes. The Cordovan is so fat that as a kid when he said 'enough for me', it was 'enough for all' They are studying a new grading method in schools: Bad - Regular - Good - Very Good - Excellent - Cordovan. The Cordovan doesn't pay attention, he gives it away. The Cordovan put dollars and received dollars. The Cordovan is also valid in Buenos Aires and Mendoza. The Cordovan is both subject and predicate at the same time. The Cordovan KNOWS but DOESN'T ANSWER. When the Cordovan leaves a cutie, he says: 'It's not me, it's you'. If the Cordovan watches La Llamada tape, the little girl from the well will die in 7 days. The Cordovan is not on the right side of God the Father, GOD sits next to him. CQC notaries avoid the Cordovan because they're afraid he'll make them look ridiculous. The Cordovan fired Donald Trump. The Cordovan's pear tree gives pears. The Cordovan doesn't spill the table, he blesses it. The Cordovan can count to infinity backwards. The Cordovan taught Cortázar how to play Rayuela. What 'La Gotita' sticks only the Cordovan can unstuck. All Forrest Gump's movie is based on the Cordovan's anecdotes. The Cordovan sells his canned urine, known as Speed. If the Cordovan reaches the speed of light, not only will he double his mass - according to Einstein - but also use half the remaining mass to make cookies. The Cordovan doesn't eat cutlets because he knows their truth. The Cordovan is the only human who can lick his elbow. THE CORDOBES BURNS WITH cum, SEES A COW AND LAUGHS HIS HEAD OFF. When the Cordovan finds a black hole, he paints it green and blue. THE CORDOBES GO TO INFINITY, ENLARGE IT AND COME BACK. AND THE BEST OF ALL IS THAT THE CORDOBEAN IS FROM CÓRDOBA
A black man gets out of Carlos Paz's Bingo, dry, without a mango. It was very late already and he went to take the only taxi that was at the door: - I want to go to Arguello, he says. - It will cost $50 in advance. Now I don't have anything, I lost everything in the bingo but if you take me, when we get there I'll give you $60. - Then the driver answers him - I won't take you anywhere; get out and, beat it! A week goes by and the same man sings a bingo of $3,000. As he leaves the bingo, he finds the row of taxis; the one who didn't want to take him was last. After thinking about how to get revenge on the driver, he gets into the first taxi and showing the money he says: - How much does it cost to go to Arguello? - $50. - Fuck you 600 dollars if you suck me when we arrive. - No. Then he tries with the next one: - How much does it cost to go to Arguello? - $55. - Fuck you 600 dollars if you suck me when we arrive. - Not even for 6,000 dollars, faggot! And so on with all the taxis in the row, until he gets to the driver he wanted to get revenge on: - How much does it cost to go to Arguello? - $50, in advance. - Fuck you $60 if you lower the window and as you're passing by your colleagues, you greet them with a smile saying: ¡¡¡ I'm going to Arguello, daddy!!!
WHO DRINKS WINE...LIVES LESS!!! · Less sad. · Less depressed. · Less tense. · Less quarrelsome with life. · Less sick at heart. Think about it. For my wine-loving friends, sauvignon cordials, and may they have a merlot week. The most bitter wines in history: 1) My mother-in-law's wine 2) The bill wine 3) It's already been here wine 4) Wine went inside And the most bitter and screwed of all: WHO DIDN'T GET IT..!!!!
Ha ha! A girl enters a supermarket and buys the following: 1 soap 1 toothbrush 1 tube of toothpaste 1 baguette of bread 1 liter of cream 1 box of cereal 1 individual frozen dinner. When she gets to the checkout, the cashier looks at her and says: - Single, aren't you? The girl smiles innocently and answers: - Yes, how did you know?... - Because you're HORRIBLE, Daughter of a Whore ahhhjjjjjjj...
Once they were the elephant, the giraffe and the chicken to speak with God. The elephant says: - Oh my God, make me shorter because all animals mock me for my nose. And God answers: - Son, with that nose you can take all the water you want without bending your head and besides you can bathe yourself. - You're right, God, forgive me - replied the elephant.
The giraffe also says: - God, make me shorter because I'm the joke of the forest. And God said: - Daughter, with that neck you pick the highest and freshest fruits from the trees. The giraffe also asks God for forgiveness.
The chicken arrives and says: - Don't come at me with nonsense... either you make my ass bigger or you shrink my eggs!!!
The Proctologist, when reviewing the patient and while slapping his buttocks, says: - Tranquilo Ponce, tranquiiiiiiiiiiilo...
To this the patient responds: - Doctor... I'm not Ponce, I'm Rodríguez!
The Proctologist responds: - Yes, I know Rodriguez………..I AM PONCE!!!
In a forest there was a bear and a rabbit that were taking a dump at the same time. The bear looks at the rabbit and asks: Little rabbit, little rabbit, doesn't it bother you to leave a sticky mess on your fur? - No, not at all... Then the bear grabbed the rabbit and wiped his ass with him.
There was an bear and a rabbit that were walking through the forest, fighting each other, when they suddenly found a wonderful lamp. The genie granted three wishes to each of them.
The bear asked first:
- I want all the bears in this forest to be females.
- Granted.
The rabbit spoke:
- I want a motorcycle helmet.
- Granted.
The bear continued with his second wish, surprised by the rabbit's taste:
- To be safe, I want all the bears in neighboring forests to be females.
- Granted.
The rabbit requests his second wish:
- I want a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
- Granted.
The bear is amazed at the rabbit's tastes and makes his third wish:
- I don't want to take risks, I want all bears in the world to be females.
- Granted.
The rabbit starts up his motorcycle and when he's 100 meters away shouts out his last wish:
- May the bear be a trolooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Departing for Europe. The captain of the ship welcomes passengers, informs them about the flight and weather conditions, and finally bids farewell wishing them a very pleasant trip. Unfortunately, he forgets to turn off the microphone and makes a comment to the co-pilot: 'Bueeeeeeennooooo... now I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then, since no one is traveling in first class, I'll have sex with the flight attendant, those that leave you dead, you know...?' The desperate flight attendant, seeing that the entire passenger list was listening to what the captain said, rushes to warn that the microphone was still open, but on her way she's stopped by an elderly woman who says: 'Where is the hot one going? Didn't she hear he's going to smoke a cigarette first?'
I Pray Like a Girl!!
Dear God, please send clothes for all those poor naked women on my dad's PC. Amen.
Mental function and cognitive perception
For young men it's a nice butt. Only moderately observant people defined this as a butt crossing the street. Very observant people referred to a thong. For mature men, it's a respectable woman with a nice butt crossing the street. Perverts imagined seeing her naked. Intelligent men pondered why the photographer shared such beauty with humanity. For half of the women, it's an ordinary one who shouldn't dress that way. Almost the other half of the women wondered where she got that shirt. Intelligent women imagined how miserable she'll be at 50. Only kids, Tibetan monks, and fags saw a dog driving the taxi...
SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN (chauvinistic) Did you know that when a woman puts on a leather dress, the man's heart beats faster, his throat dries up, and his legs weaken...?And do you know why ??? Because it smells like a new car !!!
Finísimo........!!!What a man is capable of doing for a different ass...
Thanks for commenting!!!
The band of
11 comentários - P!oringueando,humor y humor cordobés !
Como mínimo sonrisas aseguradas !!!
Grande Rodo !!!
Volveré !!!
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
...........Cuando el cordobés deja una mina le dice: 'No soy yo, sos vos'. .......
🆒 🆒 🆒