La novia de mi primo, Insesto con culpa

Hello friends, it's been a long time since I wrote my last story so today I'll bring you another new one. I'm going to change the names again, so my friend will be DIEGO and his girlfriend NATY. With my friend, I always get along great, we're like brothers, others would say. We've known each other for almost two years now, back then I was 20 and he was 18, and his girlfriend was 17. Let me give you the details, NATY is a beautiful brunette with lovely brown eyes and a tiny but nice ass, not too big but she could defend herself well, normal breasts and about 1.50 meters tall, a bombshell in high school. My friend is taller than me (unlike me) and never had trouble getting girls to fuck. We often go out together to clubs, with his friends, my friends, or alone, but since he got serious with NATY the relationship became more distant, not that I was upset, it's fine by me. With NATY we always get along well, just like normal friends do, but not too much, just enough for a message or two to ask something, and no more than that. Until one blessed day, I went dancing with my friends and we ended up at the SANTO, those who know Mendoza know how big and easy it is to get lost in this club, it's VERY big, the thing is that messing around with friends until 3 am, we went out in groups looking for girls, I was with a friend who wasn't very good-looking but very talkative, so much so that he was always talking, while wandering around and bothering women, I found NATY. Such was the surprise that I got from a very affectionate hug, it was rare because we didn't get along like that, she told me she had snuck out without telling anyone not to say anything, as I'm not one for spreading gossip, I said hello to her and asked her to introduce me to some friends, there was only one brunette girl, INFERNAL was ready to blow up the whole night, but she said she didn't like my friend so I danced with him, the skinny guy after a few drinks went off with the girl. In short, we stayed dancing and laughing, something that wasn't habitual but good, at one moment they started playing reggaeton and between dancing and the crowd's excitement we got into a fight and didn't think about it and I ate her mouth, she accepted as if she didn't know me, I felt like shit with DIEGO but well it was just a matter of keeping the secret, we spent the night at the dance club, very hot, but everything ended up in nothing.

After days, almost two weeks later, she sent me a message saying if I could pick her up from her friend's house since the other one had left and we could grab something to eat, I picked her up in my car and she got in and gave me a kiss on the mouth, I responded and asked what she wanted, she said DO WHAT YOU WANT, so I took her to my place since no one was there until night and we drank a Fernet, it was 5 pm, and we went out to the patio between kisses and caresses, she asked me not to tell DIEGO that she loved him but also liked being with me, so I told her not to hurt him, let's try to avoid this situation, she said okay, you understand.

And then we were trying to keep things going well, she came over and gave me a kiss, I followed along and pulled her onto the grass to tickle her and see what was up, those tickles turned into caresses and the kisses got more wet... and she started putting her hand in DIEGO's area.

That pussy of hers started getting wet little by little and the kisses were getting deeper, my dick looked like a club and when she noticed it, she started doing me under the pants, I focused on touching her booty and putting my finger in her fluffy and small slit,

This is too much to say that NATY was boiling, then I forgot everything and started touching her all over, she also took out my dick from my pants, I told her let's go to my room, she followed me, we were giving each other kisses until we got there, it was so hot that I came into the room without a shirt. We kissed like she was mine, we ripped off our clothes and started giving each other kisses on the pussy that was so hot and exquisite,
she gave moans of pleasure and pulled my hair with force, I put my tongue and fingers in, we stayed like that for a while, she twisted from pleasure until I got up and stopped at the edge of the bed and started twisting the rubber so it would end soon, incest made me feel good. She swallowed my cum with a smile and an innocent face that made me want to split her open.
At this point, I didn't even remember I had a cousin, I felt very guilty but when I saw her get into bed and call me to do it once for all, I forgot all about it, we kissed and caressed until the cock took size, I pulled out a condom and put it on, she got on top of me and I entered her slowly,
it looked like she was closing her eyes and opening her mouth in pleasure... it was so hot that she grabbed onto me and rolled my hair from the back of my neck.
I started moving slowly and accelerated until she came for the first time, she got on top of me again and we rode for a while, I told her to lie down with her face down,
I put a pillow under her stomach and entered her through the pussy while putting my finger in the tiny ass, this made her give a slightly stronger moan, she turned around and looked at me with those beautiful eyes,
she was bending her back from pleasure, I pulled her hair and gave her kisses on the neck, I asked if I could borrow the Booty and she said yes but to be careful, I put her on her side and got behind her, entered her slowly and with saliva, it took a while but she didn't complain at any moment, we stayed like that for a while until our desires were satisfied,
after that, she crossed one leg over the other and I got behind her, on my knees, kept breaking the tiny ass, gave her a few minutes of matraca until she came inside the tiny ass.
We finished and lit a cigar and smoked it embracing each other. He got dressed, took a shower and brought her with DIEGO, he told me that if she knew how to keep secrets this wouldn't be the only time. Later I'll tell you when I fucked her at my cousin's house.
I hope you liked it... COMMENT!

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cyber_sx +10
Cogerte a tu primo/a no es incesto... menos lo va a ser cogerte al novio/a ! 😒

11 comentários - La novia de mi primo, Insesto con culpa

Te cogiste a la novia de tu primo, ESO NO ES INCESTO !!

La novia de mi primo, Insesto con culpa

Buen relato y según la Wiki, lo tuyo si podría tratarse de incesto:
"El incesto (del latín incestus) consiste en la práctica de relaciones sexuales entre individuos relacionados entre sí, bien sea mediante alianza (parentesco por afinidad, matrimonio) o mediante consanguinidad (parentesco biológico o consanguíneo). A lo largo de la historia y en distintos ámbitos socioculturales ha primado la prohibición del incesto y la búsqueda de nuevos vínculos de parentesco fuera del grupo social de origen (familia de orientación), si bien el grado de relación en el que quedan prohibidas varía según cada contexto. Esta regla se denomina exogamia, por contraposición a endogamia."
Lo que yo no veo para nada es "la culpa" 🙂

La mejor forma de agradecer es comentando a quien te comenta.
ya cuando dijiste INCESTO la verdad que deje de creerte,, te garchaste a la NOVIA DE TU PRIMO,, no confundas las cosas porque confundis al lector capo ! sinceramente no te creo nada.
Perdón comentaristas, pero acá no está en discusión si la historia es verdadera o no, el escritor nunca dijo que fuera real. Y si no es incesto, le pega en el palo, no veo a que viene tanta crítica. Cuando escribe una mujer y dice que le metieron tres pijas juntas por el culo, ninguno la tilda de mentirosa, y este chico, que contó una historia verosímil le dan con un caño. A mi me gustó, me calentó y me la creí, aunque no fuera verdad. Lástima los errores groseros de ortografía. Va un +10 como reivindicación
si bien no es técnicamente incesto, la historia está buena, así que seamos un poco más condescendientes
por los errores de ortografia disculpen no soy perfecto... y la realidad, es verdad... si no me quieren creer no me crean... es tema de ustedes
Tremendo post!! 🤤 🤤

excelente relato! me encanto! 🔥 🔥


No es incesto, papi! Pero igual que rico es que te cojas a la novia de tu primo! 🙂
esta genial esa relacion yo intentaria cogerla los dos con tu primo