Hello community.
This story you will see if you believe it doesn't matter to me I just want to write. I'm a psychology student at the University of Antioquia and weird things happen in that faculty almost all my classes with 30 people only 5 of us are men and the classes become very very feminine because those women are shameless, fearless, and without any guilt. One as a man is very sexual we get excited easily and listening to a class like that where women talk about menstruation or how they turn hotter is very exciting it's an unprecedented ordeal. I've only been studying this career for 3 semesters without equal the stories and encounters one submits oneself to and questions and knowing those women go through the same thing and with one already having confidence without precedent is something that gets your hair standing on end. But good many stories have passed with my friends, one passed the first week. We were all primiparous and the women in that first semester were by the dozens and all easy prey that first week like the entire university submits to choosing your group of friends to share 6 years of study the thing is I didn't choose mine chose me a group of 6 women these are beautiful and everything very natural until I saw one of them and fell in love with her 🤤 That Friday of that week we went out to a bar in Medellín to get to know each other better that's what one of our professors had proposed we go out and have fun. Everything very normal I'm a bartender and know how to take it and also know how to get the women drunk faster without them realizing but that night I didn't intend to be aware that my girlfriend was there I had to keep a low profile and observe these women but I wasn't the only man Santiago a friend of mine was also there. Already it was like 11 pm and some had already left we were getting tired but Santiago, my girlfriend, two other friends and I were still together big and we started talking about nonsense and seeing which house we were going to end the night.
We decided not to go to my girlfriend's house, but I didn't vote no I didn't dare do it.
Everything was still very normal, already 1 am and her parents weren't alone, only her little sister who was just like her, 15 years old, very good, we finished playing spin the bottle, but one very very sexual because I started with that hot challenge; Santiago's turn, you have to kiss Dani on a breast I said like that without scruples and Daniela happy said yes, and so began the challenges, for my luck I didn't have any challenge at that moment but my girlfriend said: Alejo, you haven't had any challenges, you have to go and kiss my sister whether she wants it or not I was with a face of 😳 but the others weren't surprised, seemed like they had already planned it.
With a little timidity I arrived at her sister's room 😬 the others were behind me looking, I said to her ear, let me kiss you, this is sacred so you have to kiss me little one....
I thought my sister would say no, simply she said Is that a challenge? Go ahead with such a stupid challenge and ending that she kissed me, Did I fulfill my challenge happily??? I said out loud 🙂.
But I told her sister of hers to join the game which she did without thinking, it was my revenge for making me go through that pain, so when my girlfriend's turn came, You have to take off your shirt and bra I said with a cold voice... Everyone was surprised, on that night I was the shy one not the pervert, this looking at me with her eyes said... I'll take them off but you sleep in my room tonight... 😳 left with a face of 😳 (but inside 🤤 😬 ) there were some seconds of silence they were waiting for my response; I smiled but said yes like Baron xD.
After that, Daniela's sister and she kissed and Santiago and Camila were challenged to a breast milk 😉 thing which these didn't reproach and went to the room without refusing, we were four that night, the other two were creating a new challenge. It was already late 😳 3 and the little sister said goodbye already had sleep and Daniela was picked up by her older brother it was very late and they wanted her at home, my girlfriend and I already had much confidence that night so we decided to enter the room where the tortoises were, to our surprise, they were having a tremendous sex scene like in movies, angel position giving no pause 😳, we were surprised thinking that only they were sucking each other mutually 😳. At that moment, they became aware of our presence and Santiago without shame told Camila: my life here we have too much let's go to my house do you want? to which she responded: live close to mine let's go and then I'll take you to mine. We closed the door so they could get dressed or finish, no idea... My girlfriend was super red and I worse; They came out and went to the front door without saying goodbye, so I also did but Santiago and Camila stopped me at the door saying, you're a man keep your promise.
I looked ahead and asked: Is the challenge over?? She responded: of course you have to sleep in my room scared 😳.
It was already 3 am almost 4 and we were already sleepy and it was us who remained and I was all right, not imagining anything bad, I just wanted to kiss her and that's it 🙂
I entered her room like an animal in enemy territory...
She said: ps no sleep because we don't see a movie on Netflix?
Which I said: of course it's a good idea I was an idiot, I was feeling sorry and excited, it was the worst... My brain barely processed being in her room...
Alejo she said with a sexy voice...and if we do something else?... you like me, you can tell by the way you look at me and I blush... and you're not bad either, I'm a little excited and you must be worse... come and experience it... Those words got me out of my wits, was it true? Was it false? Did I imagine it?? I thought about it for 10 seconds, looked her in the eyes and said: I like you, I'm sure that I don't know you, more than this is the only opportunity having relations with ttigo... finishing this I would balance Asia and bite her lip to see if she got more excited...
I took off my arms and she said: I'm a different woman, I want sex with you, that's why I gave you the bet, I'm not in love with you, but I'll fall in love and a good step is in this room tonight.
We stayed silent and started kissing... it was soft and my hands slid easily over her face while biting her softly and kissing her slowly...
I didn't have to be a guy so I could jump out of bed and start touching all her body, wherever my hand would slide. I stopped kissing and started kissing her body, but whispering in her ear this clothes are no longer needed... and took them off slowly, she had no shirt but the bra, jeans, and underwear... left her naked at my mercy and my mouth... her nipples are beautiful not too big, not too small her Booty is a little big but all very well placed... I already had confidence so I just touched her softly, passing my hand to warm her up more.
I started kissing her breasts slowly without stopping like a little boy, and moved my hand upwards towards her vagina to feel that beautiful and lovely part of her body moist and warm, when I touched it felt like she had never had that sensation before; so I whispered: why did you do that?, very very sorry me said 😬 : but you're going to make my first man...
Man... Man... Man... words that echoed in my head... a part of me told me to let her go and respect her, not take advantage of that moment anymore... there was no turning back already I was too excited to stop.
So I whispered: you'll never forget your first love and who takes the last...
I saw her smile and simply continued... touching and kissing, touching softly so she would feel safe with me and warm up slowly but surely until the moment of action.
It surprised me it was super intense and I had to be careful give each other, I was a virgin and it's possible she wasn't used to those things, ask: 'can I lower my tongue anywhere I want?' Something that responded by biting my lip softly...
I went down giving kisses all over his body, his breasts, his stomach, his pelvis, carrying it like a whole warrior towards the great booty... closed my legs abruptly and he told me 'I'm not prepared for what you're going to do, let's see what we'll do... I think I'll regret it...' 🙄 :S
I couldn't lose at that moment, already 30 minutes had passed since we started and how am I supposed to turn back now???????????
I kept calm and never tried to force it 🙂
I made my way up to his face and said... 'If you're not prepared, it doesn't matter 😉 , But you lost your own bet...'
Before leaving the room, he grabbed my hand and told me with a tear in his eyes: 'Today I fell in love with you... I want to be your girlfriend...'
I looked him in the eye and said 'I like you and only know you for a week, I'd be happy to be your boyfriend...' He kissed me and left like a real man and gentleman that I am but if I whispered: 'You won't get out of this one, little thief' He grabbed my hand again and told me: 'Not today, but my first man will be you, I swear.' I kissed him again for a few minutes... we already had passion, more than excitement but as the final move I touched his vagina and whispered 'I love you!!!!!!'
His body had a love surge, it opened completely, he wasn't so tense anymore...

We decided not to go to my girlfriend's house, but I didn't vote no I didn't dare do it.
Everything was still very normal, already 1 am and her parents weren't alone, only her little sister who was just like her, 15 years old, very good, we finished playing spin the bottle, but one very very sexual because I started with that hot challenge; Santiago's turn, you have to kiss Dani on a breast I said like that without scruples and Daniela happy said yes, and so began the challenges, for my luck I didn't have any challenge at that moment but my girlfriend said: Alejo, you haven't had any challenges, you have to go and kiss my sister whether she wants it or not I was with a face of 😳 but the others weren't surprised, seemed like they had already planned it.
With a little timidity I arrived at her sister's room 😬 the others were behind me looking, I said to her ear, let me kiss you, this is sacred so you have to kiss me little one....
I thought my sister would say no, simply she said Is that a challenge? Go ahead with such a stupid challenge and ending that she kissed me, Did I fulfill my challenge happily??? I said out loud 🙂.
But I told her sister of hers to join the game which she did without thinking, it was my revenge for making me go through that pain, so when my girlfriend's turn came, You have to take off your shirt and bra I said with a cold voice... Everyone was surprised, on that night I was the shy one not the pervert, this looking at me with her eyes said... I'll take them off but you sleep in my room tonight... 😳 left with a face of 😳 (but inside 🤤 😬 ) there were some seconds of silence they were waiting for my response; I smiled but said yes like Baron xD.
After that, Daniela's sister and she kissed and Santiago and Camila were challenged to a breast milk 😉 thing which these didn't reproach and went to the room without refusing, we were four that night, the other two were creating a new challenge. It was already late 😳 3 and the little sister said goodbye already had sleep and Daniela was picked up by her older brother it was very late and they wanted her at home, my girlfriend and I already had much confidence that night so we decided to enter the room where the tortoises were, to our surprise, they were having a tremendous sex scene like in movies, angel position giving no pause 😳, we were surprised thinking that only they were sucking each other mutually 😳. At that moment, they became aware of our presence and Santiago without shame told Camila: my life here we have too much let's go to my house do you want? to which she responded: live close to mine let's go and then I'll take you to mine. We closed the door so they could get dressed or finish, no idea... My girlfriend was super red and I worse; They came out and went to the front door without saying goodbye, so I also did but Santiago and Camila stopped me at the door saying, you're a man keep your promise.
I looked ahead and asked: Is the challenge over?? She responded: of course you have to sleep in my room scared 😳.
It was already 3 am almost 4 and we were already sleepy and it was us who remained and I was all right, not imagining anything bad, I just wanted to kiss her and that's it 🙂
I entered her room like an animal in enemy territory...
She said: ps no sleep because we don't see a movie on Netflix?
Which I said: of course it's a good idea I was an idiot, I was feeling sorry and excited, it was the worst... My brain barely processed being in her room...
Alejo she said with a sexy voice...and if we do something else?... you like me, you can tell by the way you look at me and I blush... and you're not bad either, I'm a little excited and you must be worse... come and experience it... Those words got me out of my wits, was it true? Was it false? Did I imagine it?? I thought about it for 10 seconds, looked her in the eyes and said: I like you, I'm sure that I don't know you, more than this is the only opportunity having relations with ttigo... finishing this I would balance Asia and bite her lip to see if she got more excited...
I took off my arms and she said: I'm a different woman, I want sex with you, that's why I gave you the bet, I'm not in love with you, but I'll fall in love and a good step is in this room tonight.
We stayed silent and started kissing... it was soft and my hands slid easily over her face while biting her softly and kissing her slowly...
I didn't have to be a guy so I could jump out of bed and start touching all her body, wherever my hand would slide. I stopped kissing and started kissing her body, but whispering in her ear this clothes are no longer needed... and took them off slowly, she had no shirt but the bra, jeans, and underwear... left her naked at my mercy and my mouth... her nipples are beautiful not too big, not too small her Booty is a little big but all very well placed... I already had confidence so I just touched her softly, passing my hand to warm her up more.
I started kissing her breasts slowly without stopping like a little boy, and moved my hand upwards towards her vagina to feel that beautiful and lovely part of her body moist and warm, when I touched it felt like she had never had that sensation before; so I whispered: why did you do that?, very very sorry me said 😬 : but you're going to make my first man...
Man... Man... Man... words that echoed in my head... a part of me told me to let her go and respect her, not take advantage of that moment anymore... there was no turning back already I was too excited to stop.
So I whispered: you'll never forget your first love and who takes the last...
I saw her smile and simply continued... touching and kissing, touching softly so she would feel safe with me and warm up slowly but surely until the moment of action.
It surprised me it was super intense and I had to be careful give each other, I was a virgin and it's possible she wasn't used to those things, ask: 'can I lower my tongue anywhere I want?' Something that responded by biting my lip softly...

I couldn't lose at that moment, already 30 minutes had passed since we started and how am I supposed to turn back now???????????
I kept calm and never tried to force it 🙂
I made my way up to his face and said... 'If you're not prepared, it doesn't matter 😉 , But you lost your own bet...'
Before leaving the room, he grabbed my hand and told me with a tear in his eyes: 'Today I fell in love with you... I want to be your girlfriend...'
I looked him in the eye and said 'I like you and only know you for a week, I'd be happy to be your boyfriend...' He kissed me and left like a real man and gentleman that I am but if I whispered: 'You won't get out of this one, little thief' He grabbed my hand again and told me: 'Not today, but my first man will be you, I swear.' I kissed him again for a few minutes... we already had passion, more than excitement but as the final move I touched his vagina and whispered 'I love you!!!!!!'
His body had a love surge, it opened completely, he wasn't so tense anymore...

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