My First Fantasy, Will Fulfill, I Don't Know

hello I'm omar clear this is not my real name that's no one tells anyone my age i have 26 years and i am a serious person in my relationships i have a wife whom i love very much but sometimes situations occur that one does not control and imagines things commonly called fantasies.

december 18th 2011 we went out with my friends from college ex-classmates to celebrate a reunion i work and each one works on his own side we meet up every now and then not always the same people sometimes all of us sometimes just some of us well on that date we met up 7 people of which 2 left because they didn't make it to the agreed-upon time later there was an awkwardness about where we were going someone proposed going to a very famous movie theater here in guatemala.

the beginning of everything:

already at the cinema nobody minded what movie to see then i went to the ticket counter and bought a ticket for this wolf and vampire movie very famous don't tell its name so they won't delete my post when buying the ticket the other 4 people bought their tickets for the same one then we waited talked a bit with my friends and that's where everything started.

my best friend until now asked what it feels like to have relationships and we all looked at each other and her best friend said marilu fictitious name to protect my friend then we laughed and continued talking then it was time to go in to watch the movie we were 3 guys and 2 girls my friend's friend stood almost in the middle of the row then a guy then me then marilu and finally yoma a friend and i ended up in the middle of everyone with marilu on my side.

yoma was bothering marily all of us thought he was kissing her and it seemed normal since they're single and don't have a partner as far as we knew marilu started talking to me saying omar i love you very much and laughed then i started annoying her by giving her little nudges on the side later she turned on her phone And without wanting to light up her blouse, she was white and wore a blouse with little buttons, very beautiful to see, the situation was that when lighting it with her phone, it didn't light up her face because there were two light obstructors, and I bothered her with that.

Then when I kept bothering her, she smiled and every time told me Omar I love you so much, then I realized she was trying to kiss me every time she said that, which made me a little uneasy. Later she put her hand on my thigh and I got annoyed and started bothering her, it was just jealousy, the truth is that it felt great because I realized he felt jealous of me, at the moment when he became jealous I bothered her again, and she turned towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, it felt like she wanted to give it to me in the mouth but didn't dare.

Then I took her phone and said hey your phone has the light on, and she smiled because she hadn't noticed, when I looked down I saw that her bust was covering it, and she saw me and said 'forgive me, the twins weren't letting me see', it caused me to laugh and we laughed, then I kept bothering her with a bit of mischief, the air in the cinema gave us a little chill, she lifted her arm from the seat and asked me to hug her, wow that felt good, her body was warm, which excited me a bit. Then I kept bothering her, and it happened that without wanting to touch one of her breasts, she smiled and continued laughing, and looked at me with a morbid gaze, which gave me permission to touch her again, but I didn't want to propose myself.

At the most expected moment of the movie, she tried to kiss me again, which made me a bit more excited, and I told her to be careful because I was getting something hot, and she pretended to touch my member, then I noticed it and smiled, she said we would do it when we tried it, and put me in a state of unease, because no one in my life except my wife had gone that far, wow how warm it felt to remember that, she did it with intention to make me grab the other end, which made me very nervous, since Yoma gave account, and I got annoyed, then I finished the movie and we left.

a few days later she started sending me some weird messages, something that made me feel good, it's not love, I always felt it for my wife, but if she woke up in me the first fantasy of my life, something I'll never forget if I manage to see her naked and get to know her lovely body without clothes, do you know what color are her nipples, what color does she have her vaginal lips, how she looks standing there with no clothes on, and I'll tell you about my visit to her work in another occasion, something that made me think and what I clarify what I desire and form more of my fantasy.

thanks for reading this post, I hope you like it, not everything is about sex, there's eroticism, and this is part of it. 😀 🆒

7 comentários - My First Fantasy, Will Fulfill, I Don't Know

cogelaa bien rico si tenes la oportunidad y pues siempre si mezclar el amor solo sexo
Con cautela lento pero seguro, para que ella se sienta mas atraida y esperamos que postees el relato y mejor si es con fotos o videos.
cojela eso pide sino ya sabes en guatemala habemos amigos que nos podemos sacrificar por vos !!!!
cerote la vas a cagar, a mi me paso lo mismo y por chimon me quede sin casa, mi casa por la gran puta la que me costo construir block por block, asi que mejor que se la chime otro cerote asi como yo, pasame la direccion que ando soltero