The Ambush

To finish the year well and start better in 2011, I'm leaving you my last story. I hope you like it. It's several parts so I hope they'll accompany me and have patience.
Let them ruin 2011 accompanied!

The Ambush (1)A middle-class neighborhood in the suburbs of the big city. Modern houses, generally speaking, although some old mansions remained from when this sector was a weekend getaway or summer retreat for families from the city. Over time, these large properties with acres and acres were subdivided and new urbanizations surrounded the old estates, leaving them as a picturesque detail of the past. And over time, the new expansions also took away these estates that without their spacious parks had lost their reason for being.

Carlos and Eva lived in the same neighborhood for many years. A quiet, familiar place, middle-class, where everything went peacefully. He was 50 years old, tall, thin, and attractive. His gray hair only added to his sensuality. Eva, 45 years old, was very sensual. Long legs, a plump backside, and a figure that gave away less age than the calendar.

Carlos was the manager of an important Insurance Company with offices in the city center, about an hour or at most 45 minutes from home, depending on traffic and schedule. He was very responsible, and his work hours had no limits, although we can say that they generally started at 8 am and ended at 7 pm, with a break for lunch that he used to meet colleagues, employees, or potential clients at a nearby restaurant. His education and charm earned him the appreciation of everyone who had the opportunity to deal with him.

Eva, who had once worked as an elementary school teacher, stopped working as her income improved and her two sons required more time. Now they were both in university in another city, and rarely returned during the academic cycle. Once their studies were finished or during recess periods, they would return home and then embark on a trip with friends.

Life in that place transpired quietly. They knew their neighbors for a long time. They had settled there just after getting married, 25 years ago, and over time, it was logical that the neighborhood's residents would be renewed, making them one of the oldest couples in the area.

On the corner, an old mansion resisted urbanization. Its owners never wanted to sell until they were 80 years old, when suddenly, a army of workers and machines began demolishing and building what would become a true mansion. Day after day, they saw that monster grow, without anyone knowing anything about the owners. The workers who circulated in the neighborhood and had become familiar with them confessed that they had never seen them. The only one who had contact with them was the architect, but he wasn't from around here. He would come, inspect, give instructions, and leave, doing so several times a day without interacting with the curious neighbors.

Carlos would sometimes comment to his wife about how the construction was progressing, but couldn't find out anything about those who had commissioned it.

Until finally, after nearly a year of work, the house was ready.

A Saturday morning, a huge moving truck stopped in front of the house and began unloading furniture and various items. In the afternoon, finished with their task, they left as they came, leaving behind two or three people responsible for arranging and cleaning.

On Sunday, an imported car with polarized windows pulled up at the entrance, opened the garage with a remote control, and entered, closing the doors behind it. The few neighbors who were on the street looked trying to observe some detail to comment.

The windows opened and you could see the cleaning staff dusting everything. The bedrooms on the upper floor that faced both streets had mirrored glass that prevented seeing ' interior.
All the surroundings were protected with video cameras.
As the days went by, they began to get to know each other a little better.
Eva told him that she saw the neighbor going for a run in the morning until the park that was nearby. She was blonde, around 30-35 years old.
What did you think? Carlos asked.
What do you mean?
I don't know, you saw her. Is she nice, beautiful, ugly?
Look, I haven't talked to her. Probably for men it must be beautiful since they have a weakness for blonde women who work out and have been operated on, she said with a certain normal resentment among women towards others.

And did you see him? he asked to change the subject, although remembering that he had to try to see her again.
No. He leaves very early in his car and returns in the afternoon.
Well, we'll get to know each other eventually, he said to close the conversation.

One evening after work, his wife was waiting for him with news.
You don't know what happened today, she said excitedly.
Tell me, it sounds interesting.
Well, Clara's maid came to invite me to her house.
Clara? Who is Clara?
The new neighbor, silly! What are we talking about?
Sorry, I didn't know the name, did you go?
Of course not, I wouldn't miss the opportunity to get to know the house and the owner, that's why I'm telling you her name is Clara.
Well, go on, I'm listening.
As soon as I arrived, she received me very kindly and made me sit down in the living room. It's a beautiful place. We started talking, she asked about our family, I told her we had two sons who were in college and talked about you. She showed great interest. Then I asked her about herself and she told me that she had been married for 5 years, that they still didn't have children and that her husband directed an international producer of spectacular shows.
Probably he must be making a lot of money because this house doesn't get built with a small salary, I commented.
You can't imagine how the house is and how it's furnished. She took me to see it, except for the area of ' Her husband who was closed, mainly because there's reserved information from clients that he doesn't want to leak out, and blocks access mainly for service staff. On the top floor, there are three bedrooms, each with a massive LED TV strategically placed so it won't disturb you when moving around in them. We spent the afternoon chatting and having some drinks. I really hit it off well with her. She said she'd invite us to dinner as soon as her husband had a free day, and asked me to visit her whenever I wanted because she was always alone at home.

- Well, I'm glad you've changed your opinion about her, I said sarcastically.
- The truth is, she's very pleasant.

What Eva didn't say is that in the house she saw some photos of Clara's husband, Raúl. He was a real stud. His physique, his presence, and that sense of security he radiated really impacted her. She took care not to show how much it affected her, but when Clara left her alone for a moment, she went up to the photo and stood there staring at it for a while. She felt herself getting excited like never before, just from looking at that picture. It had never happened to her.

A few days later, Eva went over to Clara's house again. She was well received this time too, and besides chatting, Clara showed her some travel videos she'd made. All these amazing places you only see on TV and seem invented. At one point the maid told Clara she had a call. When she found out who it was, she made a gesture of annoyance.

- Oh Eva, I hope you're not bothered, but I'll be delayed for a bit. I need to talk to this person but they're incredibly chatty and will keep me busy for a while. Do you mind if I leave you alone? Will you entertain yourself?
- Yes, go ahead, it's fine.
- Well, look at the videos you want, and I'll be delayed for a bit, she said, and then left.

She finished watching the video she was looking at and went over to put another one in. She searched among those Clara had brought, and one that caught her attention said private. A moment in hand, hesitating to see it. Clara had brought it and she could say that she had taken it at random. I was in this doubt when the maid came in to tell me that the lady of the house had gone out for a while and would be back in an hour, making her feel like it was her home. Clara thanked her and stayed there alone.

She looked at that box with curiosity. She said to herself that now or never, and taking it out of the box put it on the player. Images of a beach at night, with all the clarity of a full moon. Clara, wearing a transparent pareo, walked while her husband, surely, was filming her.

- What a beautiful night, she heard him say.
- If my love, a dreamy night.
- And the beach is deserted. Do you want us to sit for a bit?
- Okay
- Let's go to those palm trees, he commented, pointing the camera at the location. There were 4 or 5 palm trees, some almost horizontal that formed an island in the middle of the beach.

They got there and she sat on the trunk of a palm tree that touched the floor.

- You're very beautiful in this landscape.
- Thank you, she said smiling
- The only thing I think is that you're very dressed, he said with a voice that indicated something of excitement.

She smiled and lifting her pareo to the side showed that there was nothing underneath.

- I can't take anything off because I'll be naked, she said following the game.
- That's what I meant, he insisted without stopping filming.

She moistened her lips with her tongue, got up, untied her pareo and slowly let it slide down her body until it fell to the floor and she stood there, completely naked. She showed a really sculptural body. Eva felt like the scene was exciting her.

- I'm not going to be the only one who's naked, she said to Clara, give me the camera. The image of Clara grew larger until the equipment changed hands and when she turned around she could see Raúl, wearing a fine linen shirt and pants made of the same material.
- Are you sure this is what you want? He asked, smiling.
- Of course my love. - Do you know that if I undress, before putting on my clothes again I'll run inside of you, he said, as a prominent bulge began to inflate his pants. - I don't have problems with that, go ahead, start, she insisted.

Eva, without realizing it was sitting at the edge of the armchair, with her body thrown forward as if she wanted to get inside the screen. Her mouth was dry. Her nipples hurt against her sweater, and a sticky humidity flowed from her sex.

Raúl, slowly, slower than Eva could bear, unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. A bronze and muscular body remained visible and the camera lens scanned it in detail. He brought his excited face close to hers. His eyes seemed to shine in the semi-darkness of the beach. He lowered his face down her neck and chest, his abdominal muscles without fat, and stopped at her pubic area. A notable bulge was noticeable there, and Eva almost came from seeing it. She had to cross her legs to contain herself.

Always looking at the camera, he unbuttoned his belt, the button, and lowered the zipper, then turned around while starting to lower his pants. A hard and muscular backside remained visible when the pants fell off and he jumped out of them. The camera climbed up his back to his shoulders and filmed him as he turned around. His face showed excitement. The camera descended slowly at Eva's pace, who couldn't take it anymore. When the image on the screen showed Raúl's equipment, she reached an impossible-to-control orgasm. There, in front of her, a totally bald cock, 25 cm long, thick and with two huge hard balls, made her fantasy come true. She had always wanted something like that. She threw herself back in the armchair while waves of pleasure spread through her nervous system like electric shocks.

When she could recover, she saw how the strategically placed camera showed her friend performing a championship-level fellatio on that tremendous cock, and he envied him for the fact that he could have her at his disposal every night. After a while, he put her on four on the sand and rode her slowly, giving her time to get used to the size before starting a ride that took them both to a fabulous climax. They stayed there one on top of the other until the cock softened and came out, and he could see the semen of the male coming out of Clara's sex and dripping down her legs. It must have been very abundant. As she could, she got up and took out the video, putting another mountain in place, and slowly calmed down. When Clara returned after a while, it seemed like nothing had happened, but everything was different. Eva needed Raúl to ride her, or she would never be happy again.

That night, as never before, she searched for her husband's body so that he could penetrate her and calm her excitement for a little while. Once they were lying down, she turned off the light and made herself believe it was Raúl who was beside her and began to caress her husband's cock. This surprised him, let her do it, and received with surprise that she would lick it all and suck it with never-before-seen desires. She had never been a devotee of oral sex but was doing it marvelously now. For the first time, Carlos took a passive attitude. She did all the work. When later he felt her very hard, he rode her astride him and without delay impaled himself to the hilt, starting to bounce on top of him like a madwoman.

Carlos, with his arms behind his head, watched as Eva's tits bounced without pause, and enjoyed the situation. He was very excited but didn't give her time to win. His wife won by hand. She came and screaming and sobbing, clung to his shoulders before falling onto his chest. At that moment, Carlos, in the heat of the moment, rode her all the way to the bottom, lifting her body off the bed and emptying himself inside her, leaving him completely dry. They lay there trying to recover their breath after such a session. violent and desperate, as they hadn't had it for a long time, if they'd ever had it at all. Then she rolled over and closing her eyes fell asleep. He stayed awake for a few more minutes but eventually exhaustion also got the better of him.

The Ambush by pulga53 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0

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Mi ex-cuñada (Episodio 1) putatetona