Gaby, mi recién descubierta cuñada Virgen a los 28- part 4

last part completed xD I hope you enjoyed the story and liked reading it as much but having a good ending!!!!.
We passed to the living room, Esteban sat down on a couch next to Gabriela, while my wife occupied a chaise lounge in front of them. I headed to serve drinks, took a bottle of wine and several cut crystal glasses, which were actually a gift from Gabriela on our wedding day. I placed the glasses and wine on a table in the center of the room, Esteban got up to take the bottle from the table and when he saw it, he said surprised: - I can't believe it, an Arietta 2002, and if that's not enough Blanc!, I truly can't believe it! My wife gave me a triumphant look: - Of course, do you remember? Esteban's gaze sparkled with pleasure, as he did remember, and I now realized why my wife had known that wine: Years ago she had made a university trip to San Francisco and of course Esteban was her boyfriend at the university, the conclusion was very simple and painful: they had known the wine together and just today my wife had managed to get those bottles for him, not for me as I thought. I felt like an idiot, hours earlier I was very happy about the detail, but now I burned with jealousy. Gaby immediately noticed it, and with a frank smile commented: - Honestly, I don't care about the brand, as long as it has the right effect... As she spoke, she looked at me fixedly and smiled, showing her beautiful teeth. I served the glasses and handed one to each of them, had to sit on a sofa because my wife was reclining in her place and didn't leave any space for me. - For old times' sake My wife raised her glass and dedicated a complicit look to Esteban, who couldn't say anything surely because he felt the weight of my gaze. Gaby got up from her place and sat down on the armrest of my sofa, I liked it very much that she defended me from her sister's attacks. During nearly an hour we talked about everything a little bit, during all that time my wife was shamelessly flirting with Esteban, she was reclining from the side, her legs together, her small dress constantly slid down, revealing more than what a normal husband would allow, her legs moved constantly, her garter peeked lustfully beneath the fabric; her generous cleavage revealed the upper part of her breasts when she bent to take her cup that left on a small table beside. Esteban didn't miss a detail, looked flushed, troubled by the situation, I'm sure he would have pounced on Perla if Gaby and I weren't there.

In a couple of hours we drank two bottles of wine and had dinner. During the entire meal my wife didn't stop praising Esteban and remembering shared moments from his youth, which left me out of sorts in front of her suggestive behavior, while Gaby and I remained as spectators to everything they said. I felt out of place, full of jealousy, but at the same time very excited, not knowing where this would all lead, but at least something was happening, unlike the last two weeks.

We got up from the dining room and Perla asked me to prepare a high mountain coffee from Veracruz that everyone loves, Gaby went with me to the kitchen to help while my wife and the surprised Esteban went to the living room.

- What's wrong with Perla?

I couldn't articulate a word, I didn't like feeling so vulnerable, without arguments, and I also didn't want to show myself too jealous in front of Gabriela. While serving coffee, Gaby stood behind me and started caressing her, then moved her hands forward and began touching my penis through the clothes.

- Don't worry, my love, we'll make up soon...

It made me feel very good, I needed a little help and those caresses and her words were a great incentive. We returned to the living room, and what was my surprise when I found my wife sitting next to Esteban, but literally next to him, shamelessly caressing his leg and laughing at... carcajadas. When we entered, he jumped in surprise, but she remained impervious, looking at me with a challenging spirit.

I took Gaby's hand and sat down on the couch opposite them. The conversation was gradually rising in color, Perla talking about penises and vaginas as if they were apples and pears. At one point, she commented:

- My husband is super liberal when it comes to sex, I'm sure he's willing to do anything...

Esteban looked at me, I don't know what he was expecting me to say, did he want an indecorous proposal? He had probably been thinking about screwing my wife for a while now, but didn't know how to articulate it. Perla took care of it:

- Besides, you could give her a kiss and I assure you he won't mind...

Esteban looked at me with his eyes wide open, not saying anything, but asking with his gaze if he could do it. Perla's game was annoying me, but also exciting me. The idea of making love to my wife and sister-in-law had a very special morbo since they were both women, plus sisters, and incredibly beautiful. However, the fact that someone else, especially an ex-boyfriend of my wife, would kiss her in front of me was something very different.

My ego defeated me, I wasn't going to show weakness in front of my wife, and it was fair, after all, I had been having a regular affair with my sister-in-law and had managed to do it with both of them at the same time, if Perla wanted to experiment, she could count on me, and if she wanted revenge, I didn't know who she would end up with, since I was willing to take this to its ultimate consequences.

I looked calmly at Esteban and nodded my head.

- Do you really want her to kiss him?

I began to regain control of the situation. Perla looked at me in surprise and excitement, I'm sure she didn't expect that behavior, with a challenging tone I said:

- Go ahead, love, don't stop for me I decided to move and then an inexplicable impulse emerged from the deepest part of my being.

Look, I'll teach you...

Turn around and look at Gabriela, slide your hand delicately down her neck and draw her towards me, bring my mouth to her lips and give her a deep kiss, my tongue slowly tracing the inside of her oral cavity, it was a true delight to taste her warm saliva again. Gaby was caressing my neck and nape, and receiving my kiss with some emotion.

I separated from Gaby and directed my attention to my wife and her surprised friend, she in turn was startled and looked at me furiously, Esteban couldn't hide the lust in his gaze

Come on, Esteban, do your wife honors

Esteban looked at her and awkwardly kissed her, first on the corner of her lips and soon their mouths met in a passionate kiss. They weren't moving their hands, just moving their lips and breathing heavily.

As for me, I kept going with mine, went back to kissing Gaby, but this time caressed her neck and went further, slid my hand towards her breasts and caressed them without shame, first slowly and then with luxurious violence, squeezing them tightly, stretching her nipples as much as she liked, all over her clothes. Gaby's sighs interrupted our companions who suspended their task to contemplate the magnificent display I was giving my sister-in-law.

From the corner of my eye, I could see their reactions, Esteban couldn't contain his excitement, and my wife looked at us with a combination of surprise, anger, and excitement. She was sitting on the edge of the sofa, her nipples incredibly erect visible through her dress, had her mouth half-open, and the position of her legs allowed me to see almost to her bare sex.

As for me, I was very excited, seeing my wife kissing Esteban had provoked in me an unusual mix of jealousy and desire, I didn't know where that game would take us but definitely I was enjoying it.

I got up, walked... behind the armchair where Perla and Esteban were sitting and I stopped right behind her, I attracted her to me with force, managing to make her lean back on the armchair's headrest

- What do you think, Esteban, is my wife very pretty?

- Yes, she looks better than ever

- mmm and you haven't seen her breasts yet, after so many hours at the gym they're in competition...

Immediately I took Perla's dress from her shoulders and slid it down, leaving my beautiful wife's breasts exposed, only hidden by the thin fabric of her bra

Suddenly I stopped my hands with contained fury

- I'm not a slut, I won't sleep with anyone just because you sleep with my sister

- But it's not me who wants to. Did you invite Esteban or not?

The omelette had taken a turn, Esteban's disbelieving eyes were telling me his surprise, he was looking at Gaby and then back at my wife but didn't say a word. Gaby was sitting in the armchair where I had left her, smiling haughtily, finally revealing her secret and proud of it

My wife looked at her and said

- Do you think I believe that what happened on my birthday was just an accident? A coincidence? I know that for some time now you've been sleeping with my husband, and what they made me do doesn't have a name, they seduced me and made me consummate acts I never imagined...

Esteban's mouth was literally open, he couldn't imagine the evening would turn into the revelation of a sexual encounter between his wife and her sister

I noticed that at no point did Perla say she hadn't enjoyed what happened, she was morally protesting but deep down didn't deny it. So I acted accordingly

- You won't deny it was delicious, you'd never finished so many times like that night

Gaby smiled maliciously, knowing in part she was responsible for her sister's pleasure

- It's not about that, Antonio, you would have proposed it to me, you You would have said it before Gabriela.
- Then it would have been different?
The silence invaded my living room, no one dared to interrupt it out of fear of the consequences.
- Yes, I liked it a lot, but...
I interrupted...
- Then what's the problem, do you want to balance the scales? I don't have brothers, but if you want we can tell one of my sisters to see if they get excited
Perla smiled, finally she was softening up.
- Do you want to sleep with someone else? Is that why you invited her?
- Yes, I liked it so much making love to Gaby and you that I would like to repeat it, but I feel betrayed and couldn't do it until we're on equal terms
I found myself pleasantly surprised, then we could repeat our adventure. Now the only thing I needed was to overcome my jealousy and personal ego and let my wife sleep with another man. It was a difficult but exciting crossroads, and beforehand I knew what would happen, I just had to take the decisive step.
- Kiss my wife on the lips, caressed her bare shoulders and my hands slipped between the bra fabric and her skin, pressed her breasts a couple of times and released them from their prison, they remained there, in front of Esteban's and Gaby's noses.
I lifted Perla off the couch and let her dress fall to the floor. She was only wearing lingerie and slippers, her white buttocks looked splendid and her recently depilated sex looked spectacular. I kissed each of her breasts and looked at Esteban, the idiot was impervious, he was offering my almost naked and willing wife to him and yet he didn't move, maybe he was waiting for me to invite him?
It wasn't necessary, Perla approached him like that, standing up, showing off her nudity and placing her breasts practically in his mouth. Esteban couldn't take it anymore, he pulled my wife towards him, grabbing her bare buttocks and began to kiss her breasts, seemed desperate, his tongue covered the entire surface but put special attention to her nipples. Pearl was letting herself be done and seemed to enjoy it a lot.

I began to run my tongue over her shoulders and back, running up and down and from side to side, her breathing became labored and I could tell when Esteban started caressing her delicious sex because Pearl gave a small shudder and started saying:

- mmmm, don't stop, keep going

It seemed to be the invitation Gaby was waiting for to take action, so she got up and approached her sister, pulling her violently by the hair to plant an anthology kiss while caressing her breasts, allowing their hands to meet with Esteban's and mine.

My wife's naked body was being caressed by 6 hands and 3 tongues, she seemed to be out of it, no longer sighing, screaming with pleasure, her body seemed to melt from the heat generated, twisting in all directions, already when Esteban kissed her stomach or put three fingers in her vagina, already when Gaby kissed her with force or caressed her hair, already when I kissed her shoulders or introduced a finger moistened with saliva from her own sister into her tight bum.

Esteban got up and took off his pants and underwear until he was completely naked, revealing a regular erection. He sat down again and continued his exciting work. I took Perla by the head and pushed her slowly towards Esteban's new lover without letting her bend her knees. She looked incredible, her body forming a straight angle, her legs covered with stockings were totally stretched out and her torso bent, making her deliciously show off her arse, her sensual slippers giving the scene a unique touch.

Pearl began to suck Esteban's penis avidly, he reclined completely in the chair and caressed her hair, helping her up and down. Gaby had started running her hands over me, unzipped my pants and pulled out my fully erect cock, without hesitation directing it towards the back of her sister, she put two fingers in her vagina and pulled them out practically soaked, blocked the flows of Perla on my penis and directed it to her sex. From one single thrust I penetrated my wife who immediately started moving at my rhythm, her buttocks were coming and going, it was delicious to see that white rear end lifted more than usual due to the slippers. Gaby caressed alternately Perla's breasts and her sex, she kissed me on the lips, our tongues entwined cadentially.

Perla sucked hungrily Esteban's penis which had been liberated from his shirt and gestured enjoying fully that delicious fellatio. Perla's hands traversed her chest and occasionally caressed her own sex and my testicles. She was panting intensely, opened her legs a little to let me go deeper, and when she did it I could feel touching her infinite bottom.

Esteban tried to caress Gabriela but she moved away from him and hugged me from behind, caressing my neck, chest, stomach, and occasionally giving small slaps on the buttocks of her sister, who with effort and blows had taken a reddish color. She unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the floor, finished taking off my pants and boxers, and when she did it she ran her tongue over my buttocks and legs. She was the only one completely dressed, and I couldn't wait to undress her completely and show our companion together at the two monuments that were warming up my bed.

Perla tensed the muscles of her legs and remained totally motionless, knowing she was about to finish and accelerated the rhythm of my thrusts, her sex was being drilled at high speed and began to scream like a madwoman...

- more more my love, more more

Esteban was surprised, Perla had stopped pleasing him to prepare for what would probably be the best orgasm of his life. She shook once, twice, three times and started screaming...

- ayy ayyy ayyyy

When her body relaxed I knew she had finished, I stopped, I didn't want it to end yet, there was still a lot ahead of me.

She got up, turned towards Gabriela and said:

- Give me a condom, there's a package in the reception desk drawer.

Gabriela looked at me interrogatively, if she wanted her to approve the request, she wouldn't do it:

- Give me a condom, damn it!!!

Gaby went to the relevant furniture and came back immediately.

My wife was unrecognizable, authoritative, had control of the situation and surprised all of us. She took the condom and put it carefully on Esteban's erect penis, then turned her back to him and without warning, as if it were a surgical operation, began lowering her humanity and inserting herself into his hot sex, using one hand to guide it and the other to support herself on one of her knees. When she had finished, she started moving up and down with violence, you could hear the sound caused by the impact of their flesh against each other's legs as this lucky guy was getting off my wife in front of me.

My wife didn't stop moving, going up and down, and it seemed like she was really enjoying herself. Gaby and I were somewhat confused but incredibly excited, never thought that seeing my wife get off with someone else could excite me the slightest bit, but now that it was happening, I felt an indescribable sensation, listening to her ronroning, her screams, it was simply spectacular.

Meanwhile, Gaby got down and started sucking my erect member, began passing her tongue over the tip, tried to introduce it into the urethra which caused me a cry of pleasure. After three or four attempts, she continued circling my glans all around, had become an expert in oral sex, slowly moving from side to side and with her lips gently brushing against my skin, with her hands caressing alternately my testicles and my buttocks. Suddenly, she introduced my cock completely into her mouth until she provoked gagging due to the contact with The back of his palate and began with a frenzied in-and-out that literally drove me crazy.

Gaby was fully dressed, hadn't undone a hair, and only could be suspected what had been happening by the flushed face and makeup out of place, I made her get up and slid the straps of her dress down her arms, revealing her enormous breasts covered by a delicate black bra with incredible transparency in her nipples, continued sliding down and her delicate underwear was revealed, it looked like never before, it was a tiny black thong with transparency just on her depilated sex, seemed like sisters had agreed, because her pubic hair looked very similar. I slid her dress all the way down her legs and she helped me lifting each of her feet alternately.


After a few minutes of seeing my wife moving like a possessed woman in Esteban's member, she had a tremendous shock of conscience: my ex-boyfriend was screwing my wife in my own house and I was an eyewitness to the show. A wave of jealousy and fury swept through my entire body, I didn't know for sure what I would do but I had to take action immediately.

Violently took Perla by the hair, separating her easily from her lover. Esteban looked at me somewhat confused and tried to complain about the interruption; before he could articulate a word, I gave him a strong punch in the face, wanted to avenge the injustice and at that moment only something would work if blood flowed. Perla tried to react but one look was enough to keep her quiet on the sofa where she had fallen after the push.

Esteban stood up furious and put himself on guard. It was a ridiculous scene: two naked men ready to fight each other over a woman. He tried to contact my left fist with his face, but I managed to dodge the punch and received it with a impact on the liver that left him without breathing for a moment. In his second attack, he managed to hit my left cheek, but once again he lost, as with his fist completely closed and at great speed, he hit his nose, which immediately started bleeding profusely.

He brought both hands to his face trying to contain the hemorrhage, but it wasn't enough for me: with a quick combination of punches up and down, I hit his stomach and face. He tried to cover himself in vain because my punches were accurate. I was gloating in anger and in my ability to inflict such punishment on him for his boldness in taking my wife.

Perla looked at me defiantly while Gaby couldn't hide her satisfaction and excitement.

Esteban got up as he could, took his clothes and quickly dressed himself. He left without saying goodbye and neither Perla nor Gabriela moved a muscle.

I looked at my wife with a triumphant smile on my face and said:

- There's your male, he's gone with the Booty between his legs...

Perla didn't say anything, just looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Then I went to Gaby, pulled her towards me with force and kissed her deeply on the lips. While doing so, I caressed her body quickly removing her clothes. I started with her pants, unbuttoning the top button and slowly lowering the zipper with great care, then sliding them down to her feet, as I did, I could see her delicious buttocks and feel the fine stitching of her underwear, afterwards placing each of my hands on her ass, pulling her towards me and rubbing my growing erection against her. I released her buttocks and moved my hands up to her back and neck.

I continued kissing her in a delicious battle where our tongues were protagonists and victims: at this time Gaby had acquired great skill in providing me with pleasure with her mouth on every nerve terminal of my body, and just then I became aware of such quality.

I pulled her away a little. From me, I took her blouse on each side and opened it violently, the buttons yielded to the movement and flew off in all directions. I removed the blouse from its place and lifted up her brassiere, her tits bounced and I knelt down to start licking and kissing them, passed my tongue over their entire length and kissed with dedication her erect nipples.

Gabriela was sighing more forcefully each time, but it didn't correspond to me, she just let herself be done. Perla, on the other hand, looked at us with fierceness, there was a great anger combined with special sensuality in her gaze, after all, she had stayed halfway and I was sure that her pussy wanted more.

I looked directly into her eyes and she turned away her gaze and I said:

Now it's your turn to watch the show, when you want you can join us.

You're crazy, I'm not going to play your games

However, she remained there.

I kept kissing Gaby's tits while two of my fingers had moved aside the fabric of her underwear at the height of her sex, and then took refuge in it. I was moving them frenetically in all directions so that Gabriela could reach a greater excitement if possible.

Gaby was stroking my hair and occasionally pulling on it intensely, while almost supplicating me:

Put it in already, make love to me, my love.

I led her to the sofa where her sister lay naked and made her sit down, not without sliding her underwear off her legs and up to her ankles before removing them completely. She sat down to the right of Perla who remained completely still. I opened her legs until her left leg touched my wife's leg discreetly, and then I submerged myself in the vital center of my sister-in-law, slowly tracing with my tongue from top to bottom her fully open vagina, moistening it with my saliva and combining it with her sexual juices in a delicious mixture that could well be an aphrodisiac elixir of high octane. Hands were entertaining themselves on her nipples, rubbing and feeling every accident on her skin. She was guiding my actions, attracting my head in the precise direction to provide more pleasure. Her leg continued to rub against my wife, who remained impervious to the spectacle, but I could conclude that Perla was very excited: her nipples defied gravity and pointed directly at the sky. Discreetly, I slid a hand down her thigh and began to caress it, she didn't protest; after a few seconds, I decided to take a chance and started caressing her leg with great care, she continued in the same way; the moment was ideal, so I had to play for everything, so I moved my hand to her sex, caressing it softly at first and then inserting one and two fingers. She immediately reacted with a strong movement of her hips forward and backward, and almost imperceptible moaning. Ah, there they were again, with me introducing my flaccid member into one while introducing my fingers into the other, both at my feet and fulfilling my most perverted fantasies and desires. I continued my delicious work for another two minutes or so, not willing to do anything extra with Perla until she asked herself. I didn't have to wait long, without prior notice, Perla took one of her sister's hands and led it to her nipples, Gabriela, as expected, did not protest and caressed my wife's breasts with enthusiasm, Gaby seemed more excited than ever, surely the idea of not getting together again had been circling her head, but now everything had changed, we were together once more and enjoying ourselves immensely. Suddenly, Gabriela pulled my head away from her pussy, attracted me towards her lips and gave me a deep kiss, then got up and sat on top of Perla; the spectacle was unparalleled, Gaby's ass looked impressive, their pussies rubbed against each other, their breasts touched almost imperceptibly, and their lips... They gave a long, passionate kiss on the lips, it was a kiss full of passion but certainly also love, after all they were two sisters who loved each other very much since childhood and now had discovered a new way to express their emotions, their hands explored the body of the other as if discovering new unvisited corners, legs, buttocks, breasts, neck, face, it was a spectacle worthy of the best porn scene ever filmed: love and carnal pleasure in its highest expression.

For the first time Perla was conscious of being with her sister and she noticed that she enjoyed it immensely; her face reflected not only pleasure but also an unexpected sense of happiness.

I took advantage of the moment to contemplate the spectacle, but I wasn't going to stay outside of it for long, so I got down on my knees to then approach Gabriela's anus and begin to caress it first with my hands and later with my tongue; she reacted immediately and began to move at the rhythm of my oral caresses. In each movement she left her sex exposed, which I took advantage of to give furtive licks to that savory morsel; Perla reacted with small cries of pleasure stifled by Gaby's kisses.

I got up and approached my penis to their faces, both rushed towards it like two lions would do with a good piece of meat, they kissed me simultaneously without stopping kissing each other. The physical sensations combined with the psychological factor had me in a state of excitement never before experienced, I felt like I was about to come but could control it without any problem. I backed away from them and they stayed in their own thing; with my penis totally lubricated with her saliva I knelt behind Gabriela and with one single thrust penetrated her anus which was perfectly open after the previous massage. A cry stifled by her sister's kisses, I heard her try to say: - It's so big, it's bigger big as never.

Probably it was true, probably the excitement had made my penis grow to unsuspected limits.

- You have to feel it Perla, it's rich...

Perla physically lifted her sister off her lap, forcing me to get out of her ass, and then forced her to sit down before responding with a previous hug by sitting on top of her with her legs open. They continued kissing and I understood the message perfectly but ignored it. Perla a little desperate told me:

- Put it in Toño, please put it in already...

I pretended not to hear and started kissing them all over their body. Perla insisted...

- Come on my love, put it in, I want to feel you already...

I kept doing what I was doing, I wanted to make her suffer for what happened with Esteban. She took her buttocks with her hands and opened them as much as she could, showing me her delicious anus ready to fight...

- Give it to me already, put it in please...

With a triumphant smile I said:

- Don't you want my dick to satisfy you?

- Of course not, you're the only man in my life, forgive me please, it won't happen again...

Eureka and reeureka, everything had fallen into place after the bitter drink, literally my wife had told me that I was the only man in her life, however she was mounted on her sister, which meant Gaby could be included in our sexual life, and maybe, just maybe not only Gaby but some other little friend we might hook up with....

With the certainty that our adventures were just beginning and with the best aphrodisiac in the world: power, I attacked her open ass and penetrated her slowly. Each centimeter of my cock in her anus made her moan with pleasure, apparently if it was bigger than usual because Perla kept repeating almost begging:

- Slowly my love, it hurts, it hurts...

When I heard this, what I had to do was immediate, I penetrated her with a single stroke, she screamed so loudly that Gaby covered her mouth. to avoid having some neighbor hear us. I started a frantic in-and-out that left Perla in a state of excitement she had never experienced before, crying from the pain but moaning with pleasure, moving to my rhythm while her sister caressed her all over, paying special attention to her tits.

From time to time and whenever physical possibility allowed, Gaby would caress my buttocks and pull them towards her. I knew I'd have to attend to her again soon because her uncontrollable sexual volcano couldn't stay energized for more than a few minutes.

Perla kept moving with force, and just when I felt her orgasm was imminent, I got out of her, despite her attempts to hold me inside due to the position. I made her get up and immediately penetrated her sister's pussy, leaving Perla out of action. As I penetrated Gaby faster and faster, I looked at Perla straight in the eyes, seeming not to understand why I'd left her like that, so I had to tell her directly:

I want you to masturbate for us...

Her gaze was one of surprise, but she obeyed immediately, starting by caressing her tits with one hand while using the other to timidly touch her sex. Then I said:

Do it well, my love, I want you to masturbate for us...

Very determined, she caressed herself more forcefully, touching her breasts, pinching her nipples, and suddenly introducing two fingers into her vagina. She reclined on the couch, leaving her pussy exposed, allowing us to see it completely open.

I lifted Gaby up and had her kneel in front of her sister's pussy. I penetrated her from behind, and with the force, her mouth ended up just a few centimeters away from Perla's vagina. Her reaction was instinctive, and she began giving tongue kisses on Perla's vagina, which once more moaned with pleasure due to her own masturbation and Gaby's oral sex session for her.

After a few minutes, I could feel in Gabriela's fibers that... I was about to finish, so I accelerated the pace and said: - These are delicious whores... The effect was immediate, Perla started moaning louder and Gaby moved her hips at a great speed, both would reach climax almost simultaneously. Perla looked at me with her eyes and I could divine in her gaze the desire. One after the other they reached orgasm and stayed quiet for a couple of minutes, time that I used to sit down on the couch and get comfortable for what was coming...
FIN!!!!!! Well, just thank the readers for having read it (those who finished it clear xD) I hope your good comments and critiques!! If you want more stories like this, then follow me on P! that little by little I'll be guiding more, some of my own authorship xD Many greetings from Venezuela! Greetings and good ejaculations xD

13 comentários - Gaby, mi recién descubierta cuñada Virgen a los 28- part 4

Excelente relato ! eserio, leido de principio a fin, la hisotira da vueltos que no te esperas y te deja con uno que otro NO TE MAMES! , en fin excelente relato! un saludo desde mexico!
a favoritos asi lo leo mañana
🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
Excelente relate, me lleve un par de hrs jejeje, pero muy bueno
jajaja casi 2 horas de lectura pero bien valieron al pena!! +2 (no tengo mas :S)
es un sueño para todos comerse al cuñadas
Excelente compa, yo ya miro con otros ojos a mi mujer y a mi cuñada...
falta más o así termina todo?, es un excelente relato