Hello to all,
I'm going to tell you the story that I discovered recently about how my newly married wife put me in the horns with an ex-boyfriend just two months after we got married.
My name is Martín, I'm from Madrid and I've known (or so I thought) my newly married wife, Eva, for 10 years since we started dating very young. I'm 30 years old and Eva is 28. We met through mutual friends and since the first moment we liked each other. People always told me that I'm quite handsome and with my 190 cm height, I make a dark-haired guy out of myself. My physique has always been my weak point, as I've always had an unkempt body, with my beer belly and some Michelins here and there. My girlfriend was a doll. Her face was beautiful. She was blonde and her big tits always drew attention wherever she went. She measured 1'70 and her physique, although not that of a model, made the mosquitoes drool around her often. She had a good round butt to grab it well, which any man would like to give some good whacks to see how her big cheeks bounced off each other.
As for sex, when we started, both of us were very young and in my case, I was very inexperienced, having only been with 3 or 4 girls without getting too far in the sexual theme. I knew she had been with many more boys but she always told me that despite reaching further in her relationships, she hadn't practiced penetration. She had only done a few wanks and rubbed herself naked but didn't go all the way. I always doubted this but never gave it much importance.
Everything was going well. Our relationship was consolidating over the years and we eventually decided to get married and buy a house. We always understood each other well and wanted the same things. In terms of sex, we were very compatible and liked to innovate every now and then by trying Different sexual positions and practices, although always within limits. She was quite jealous and topics like partner swapping, threesomes, and the like didn't fit into her logic.
Despite our good sex life, I liked to keep my habit of self-pleasure, a custom I had acquired many years ago and which, despite having compatible sexual relationships, I managed to balance perfectly. I always told her that it's not the same to pleasure oneself for animal instinct as it is to make love with her. Eva knew I masturbated but the problem arose when she caught me masturbating with photos of her friends a couple of months before the wedding. I was very happy with her and loved her deeply, but sometimes when I masturbated, I used pictures of people I knew, perhaps due to the thrill of closeness and the halo of prohibition that came from it being someone close. It was easier for me to imagine sexual situations with people around me than with famous models and actresses I had never seen or would see... Despite this, I never thought about trying to realize these sexual fantasies with her friends, as I only used them for self-pleasure.
Obviously, this didn't please Eva at all and she was on the verge of calling off the wedding. I tried to explain what happened and told her that it was just a sexual fantasy I used for self-pleasure but would never try to make it happen. She was very jealous and had always said that she would never forgive me if I cheated, so I feared that our relationship was over. Those days were quite bad and I felt terrible for betraying her trust. I felt like crap and was willing to do anything to please Eva. Finally, she decided to give me another chance after half convincing her that it wasn't infidelity and that I would never do it again.
I felt terrible, I had been a jerk and although it wasn't infidelity, I felt that the '... There had been betrayal and more so when she always told me and swore that I was and would be the only man in her life, and that she didn't need to pay attention to anyone else. She always referred to love as something pure between two people and said that making love was the most beautiful thing between two people. She also said that practicing sex just for practice was something ugly and animal-like, not rational. Eva never masturbated and always said that when she felt like making love, she only thought of me and it was with me that she got satisfied.
We decided to leave this quarrel behind and we got married and went on a happy honeymoon. Everything was new and good again, and I kept my promise to be super faithful and transparent to my newlywed wife so she wouldn't distrust me again... until an event changed everything forever.
Two months after we got married, we attended the wedding of some friends. The group of friends was very large and had people from old times who were friends since childhood to new friends like me who had joined the group because I was the boyfriend of someone in the group.
On that day, we dressed up for the occasion. I wore the suit I always wear to weddings and Eva put on a beautiful party dress in gray, black, and white colors. That day she wore her fine lingerie consisting of sexy black panties with cuts that perfectly revealed her semi-shaved red pubic hair and a semitransparent black bra that showed off her large pink nipples.
We went to the church and everything was normal during the wedding. The newlyweds gave each other the yes, I want, left the church door where we threw rice at them, and then went to take photos. The guests headed towards the restaurant where the banquet was being held. When we got there, we took our cocktails and chatted with the rest of the friends in the group. less well with everyone, even with one of Eva's ex-boyfriends who was also part of the group (Roberto). This guy was a bit of a roughneck and sexy but didn't show himself much among friends because he was single and loved living life. He liked going out partying with buddies, getting drunk, and screwing all the silly girls who let themselves get fooled by his fantasies... I admit that the guy was handsome but the clothes he wore and his rough and aggressive behavior made me lose all points on the scale of attraction and elegance. I never understood what Eva saw in him after being together for a couple of months... Well, at least he was calmer almost didn't stay with us and I didn't have to put up with him for too long...
We sat down at the banquet tables and to my surprise, we were seated with Roberto, Eva's ex-boyfriend. I don't know if the newlyweds had put him on our table but the situation wasn't very appetizing. When Roberto arrived and sat down, he saw us and came over to greet us. I fake-greeted him back. We sat down and started eating.
The wine bottles began to fall like water as the atmosphere got drunker and Roberto started getting bigger in arrogance and bragging:
I've screwed more than 100 women and all of them have left satisfied. They always call me, waiting for me to screw them again but almost all of them stay with the desire to try my cum again...
Suddenly, he dropped a bomb that left us all white:
Only two women have been able to satisfy me and leave my love-empty testicles, a slut who screwed me in Amsterdam like a good professional, and our friend Eva... who I hope her husband Martín won't get angry about...
He then burst out laughing. I wanted to stand up and give him a good slap. but Eva prevented it by grabbing my arm and saying in a low voice not to pay attention because I was drunk and a braggart... I sat back down and calmed myself. There was a lot of tension in the atmosphere and the table fell silent. My wife, who had never allowed anyone to step on her, remained silent that time. I was surprised that she didn't cut him off and let people think it was true... The truth is that there were certain things I couldn't understand: how a fine girl like Eva could have been with a sexy guy like that, because she still kept in touch with him despite being left for a slutty woman he met one day, because she allowed him to make comments about her... All that permissiveness was strange. After this state of tension someone at the table told a joke quickly and the atmosphere returned to normal. We enjoyed dinner and drank wine by the glass. We were eager to have a good time at our friends' wedding and didn't hold back on drinking. Eva was drinking much more than usual and seemed nervous. I didn't know why, until later when I caught her glancing at Roberto a couple of times. I decided not to give it importance because I didn't want to make a scene about jealousy and especially since she had forgiven me for the incident with the photos, which was more serious than I thought those innocent looks towards her ex... After the opening dance of the newlyweds and the first round of drinks we decided to go dancing on the small dance floor set up in the restaurant's ballroom, packed with people dancing their first waltzes. I didn't take my eyes off Eva's ex who hadn't stopped spewing insults during dinner and I didn't take my eyes off my wife. I didn't trust Roberto one bit, who was watching us from the edge of the dance floor with a sexy attitude, commenting things to another friend. I could half-read on his lips that he was saying... to go back to fucking Eva again and that he was going to fuck her again. This last comment accompanied him as he grabbed his cock with his hand and checked that he really had the urge to fuck her. But then I saw Eva, so sweet and good with me, and my doubts passed. I knew she was mine and only had eyes for me. Then I let it pass thinking she would stay in one of her fantasies. Eva had told me she was a virgin and I trusted my wife.
We were still dancing when suddenly the big summer hit started playing and everyone rushed to the dance floor. The space was too small for all the people who wanted to dance, so we were all packed together like sardines in a can. No one could take a single step and people just moved their arms and hips to the rhythm of the music. I had separated from Eva by a few meters and couldn't see her clearly. When I finally regained sight of where Eva was, my blood boiled when I saw Roberto had managed to position himself right behind her, dancing to the rhythm of the music. At first, she didn't notice he was behind her, but then he whispered something in her ear and Eva jumped. I trusted that my wife would get rid of him, but she kept on dancing as if nothing was wrong. She increased her movements and started dancing extremely sexy, moving her hips in circles. With the hardness he had positioned himself behind Eva, pressing his package against my wife's ass and moving it to the rhythm, restricting everything he could. What left me most perplexed was seeing that Eva didn't flinch and kept following her ex, letting him get hard by seeing her acceptance. Suddenly, Roberto grabbed my wife's hips and pressed his package even harder against her ass, starting to move from top to bottom. pressure and the friction that Roberto was making her feel. I could see perfectly how as he pressed his ass against Eva's package she was getting excited. Her cheeks flushed.
The end of the song seemed to bring Eva out of her ecstasy and abruptly she regained composure. People started disappearing from the dance floor and Eva separated from Roberto, who went back to the edge of the dance floor to comment on the move with his friend who wasn't stopping laughing.
I approached Eva and said:
- What were you doing rubbing your ass against that macarra's package?
- But what are you saying? I didn't even know Roberto was behind me. Besides, you're the last person I'd expect to say anything, don't you remember those wanks with my friends' photos?
At that moment I felt very guilty about the past and had to shut up like an idiot. I hung my head and could only say:
- Forgive me, I won't doubt you again.
Then Eva turned around and kept dancing. As she turned, I could see perfectly that her dress was still stuck in the gap of her ass. The rubbing must have been a heart attack, but at that moment I didn't feel like I had the right to reproach anything.
When the song ended, Eva directed herself towards me with an angry tone:
- Martin, I'm going to the bathroom for a minute to freshen up and then I'll talk to your girlfriend for a bit. You entertain yourself for a bit dancing and talking to people while I'm away... And stop saying nonsense because here's the only one who can be called out is you.
In this way she got rid of me and left towards the bathroom. I was left with a foolish face and intimidated by the reprimand she had given me, remembering that I was a jerk who had betrayed her trust with my friends' photos. I felt terrible... When Eva was heading down to the bathrooms, I noticed Roberto wasn't taking his eyes off each of her movements and when she disappeared downstairs, he left his friend. With the word in my mouth and decided to take the same path. This action made me jump like a spring and I decided to follow him secretly, trying to avoid Eva from seeing me again, disbelieving her. I trusted my wife without a doubt but I didn't trust that the scumbag would try to do something with my woman.
When I arrived downstairs at the services, there was no one outside. I entered the boys' bathroom to see if Roberto was there, but he wasn't. It crossed my mind that maybe he had gone behind Eva in the women's restroom, but I didn't want to check because I didn't have proof that Roberto was inside so I didn't want to mess it up again.
After a moment of uncertainty, I could hear whispers. They were coming from a grille above the sinks. I locked the boys' bathroom door, climbed onto the sink counter, and leaned over. My blood froze when I saw Eva and Roberto in the girls' restroom. The images weren't very clear but they were clear enough to see everything without problems. Eva was leaning against the sink area, looking at her reflection in the mirror, and behind her, Roberto was approaching slowly until he positioned himself behind her, with his package at the height of my wife's ass. Suddenly, he started kissing her neck while holding onto my wife's hips and pushing them against his package. I froze, waiting for Eva to stop the show but it was far from reality. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, indicating that she was willing to do whatever.
The mix of excitement, rage, and submission formed the perfect cocktail to keep me paralyzed, observing everything without losing a detail or having the will to do anything. In part, I still felt like I didn't have the right to do anything because I was still feeling guilty about my wife's friends' photos. Maybe the no Acting would compensate for the harm I did to Eva on that day.
The thing started to heat up. He began to rub her large breasts while slobbering down her neck. He was like an animal and squeezed her breasts without any delicacy. Soon, he put his hand inside her dress and forcing the bra got out one of her breasts. Eva was starting to get excited and her hard nipple betrayed it. Roberto then wanted to go further and at the same time that he was massaging the breast that was left in the air with one hand, with the other he started going up her leg towards my wife's pussy. The party dress Eva wore was short, above the knee, which made Roberto put his hand inside without difficulty. As he went up the hand I saw perfectly how my wife's skin was getting erect. She liked the idea of her little one being able to touch her little thing.
First, he touched her ass grabbing her cheeks like it was dough. The image was quite exciting: while with one hand she grabbed her ass, with the other she grabbed a breast and with her tongue licked her ear. Eva was breathing heavily and more when he decided to lower her lace panties down to her knees and started touching her pussy. He introduced his finger into her snatch, which made Eva jump and let out a small scream. He started saying insults while starting to masturbate her:
- You like it, huh slutty? You're soaked from the pleasure you get... You must be imagining that I'm going to fuck you and that's why you're so big, huh?... You're not more than a foxy...
It seemed to him that he liked feeling submissive to the power of a sexy one who treated her like a slut.
- I'm going to fuck you, slut... just like I used to... do you remember?
- Ufff... it felt so good when you were screwing me...
When I heard Eva's words another shiver ran through my body. I confirmed, as I had suspected, that my sweet wife had betrayed me and hadn't lost her virginity with me. Who knows how many she had screwed before me? I felt indignant and a... the time I was horny. Only the excitement of seeing my wife open-legged, with her panties around her knees and letting a finger do by her ex's son's slut kept me paralyzed in anticipation of what was going to happen.
Eva then turned around. Now she was leaning her bare ass on the marble countertop of the bathroom sink. She had her dress rolled up over her hips and black panties around her knees. He lowered the dress from the top down to her waist. He took off her bra, leaving her big tits with pink nipples exposed. Due to their large size, they hung loose, pointing upwards with their hard nipples towards the sky. This position left my wife's tits and pussy perfectly exposed to Roberto, who didn't hesitate for a moment to start sucking her nipples while inserting his thumb into Eva's red pussy. She let herself be carried away completely and her excitement reached a rather high point. She was horny and wanted to fuck now.
- Come on, Roberto, screw me already.
He ignored her and continued to forcefully insert his finger into the pussy.
- Please, Roberto, I can't take it anymore... Fuck me!!!
She asked several times with a voice interrupted by excitement that had her. She was like a slut in heat, wanting her male to penetrate her. But his attitude remained that of a sexy dominant. He knew he had her in his power and could do whatever he wanted with her:
- Don't be an anxious slut and let me enjoy myself. You've been horny all night asking me to screw you, but now I want you to make me horny too, so give me a blow job like you used to.
- No, please, screw me quickly before my husband starts suspecting...
- Shut up, slut, and suck it! Your husband is an idiot and even if I screwed you in front of his nose he wouldn't notice. My but it didn't have an exaggerated size. It should measure around 15 or 16 centimeters and its thickness was normal. What could be noticed is that the size of his gland was disproportionate compared to the size of the rest of his cock. It was quite fat and remained hidden under the skin of his scrotum. At first, his weapon rested in repose and asked her to put it in order:
- Come on slut, see if you can make it hard.
He then leaned against the sink and she knelt down at the height of his wrinkled scrotum. She was totally submissive to the requests of her sexy one and without a word grabbed the cock with her hand and started moving it. She began caressing it slowly, as if giving it kisses. She treated it delicately, as if it were a great treasure she had just found. It seemed like she had never forgotten that special cock for her and had had to settle for mine during these years. Little by little, the glans that remained hidden under the skin of the scrotum appeared. The glans shone due to the humidity accumulating on it and in my opinion it should be a bit unpleasant. It didn't seem to bother Eva who suddenly took Roberto's cock into her mouth as if it were a sweet treat. She started sucking it elegantly, holding the base of his cock with her right hand. She seemed like a desperate slut trying to please her macho so he would keep giving her his cock.
- Come on slut... suck it a little harder or I won't get hard... and if you want me to fuck you, you'll have to make it hard, don't you?... Do you want me to fuck you?...
It was guessed that Eva said yes.
- What did you say, foxy?
-Umm, umm...
She continued sucking it harder as she had said and seemed like the cock of flesh from the macho was slowly getting erect.
-I think I'm going to start fucking you now. I'm going to fuck your mouth that's good for giving love kisses to your husband... - he said jokingly.
Then he grabbed her head of Eva grabbed both hands and started to literally fellate the mouth of my wife with violence, introducing most of her cock inside. My wife couldn't contain her gagging but didn't make any attempts to stop despite feeling like she was being orally violated. Tears began to fall from her eyes due to the efforts she made to receive the thrusts in her mouth. For a moment I thought she was going to asphyxiate, but after several charges he stopped forcing her. He pulled out his already erect cock from my wife's mouth, which was dripping with saliva, and dedicated another of his insulting comments:
Surely you've never been fucked like that in your life. Your husband doesn't know how to treat a slut like you... Now get ready because I'm going to give you what you've been wanting since I left you.
Eva rejoiced. Finally she was going to feel the treasure inside her. She sat up and leaned against the sink with her forearms, pumping her ass and waiting to be fucked. Her dress was rolled up around her waist, her panties hanging from her left ankle. She took off her bra and threw it at the dirty floor, not seeming to care about this detail as she was focused on receiving her doses of cock. She had cheap slut makeup that made her want her macho to give her what she deserved. Roberto then approached and aimed his cock at the entrance of her pulsating pussy. He started introducing the tip of his cock with cocking motions. Eva was dying from pleasure and soon began to beg him to screw her until the end, but he, in his cruel way, wanted to make her suffer a little more. My wife, who was eager to be impaled on Roberto's sexy cock, made a sudden movement with her hips towards the back, causing Roberto's cock to penetrate her to the hilt, which was what she desired most in the world. She let out a great cry of excitement. Finally she was receiving the cock she had wanted to fellate for so long.
That's... you can tell. that you're eager for my cock... it's not necessary for me to move at all... you're already there to screw yourself... jajaja. I didn't know you missed my cipote so much... If your husband knew how foxy you are... I'm going to give you what you deserve.
Next, Roberto grabbed her hips and started screwing her savagely, her pussy starting to blush. The strong thrusts made my wife's head wobble like a rag doll. Then Roberto started giving it to her good. He grabbed her hair, pulling her back to get it in deeper. Eva's orgasm was completely undone, but she didn't seem to care about that detail. I imagined the excuse she might use to explain her hairstyle.
This went on for a few minutes, with changes in rhythm from fast to slow and powerful thrusts. Eva was in complete ecstasy and seemed to enjoy herself like never before.
- Do you like it when I screw you?... Like a good foxy that you are...
- Aaahh... yes... mmmm... please go on... screw me harder.
My wife didn't usually use this vocabulary when we made love. Clearly, she was screwing Roberto to satisfy her more animal instincts. I was certain that with me she made love and with Roberto she was screwing, but later I would realize that she really wanted to stay with Roberto forever.
- I want you to ask me to only screw you. Tell me you'll be my slave...
- mmm... yes... I just want you to screw me... I promise to only fuck your cock from now on...
- That's it, from now on I'll only screw you, do you understand?
- Sii, sii...
My wife's breasts were bouncing in time with the beast's thrusts and were almost touching the cold marble of the sink. This made her nipples very hard, and he would take advantage to grab them and caress them occasionally while still screwing her. Fucking. Eva was about to come and in a cycle of rapid penetrations received a great orgasm. She was screaming like a possessed one. I had never made her scream like that before and never left her so ecstatic. Neither did I imagine that after a quickie I would be able to say all those things... I felt a little disappointed because it had just become clear that my wife was a slut who lost her mind over Roberto's cock. Despite my wife having already come, he continued pushing for cum. Roberto wasn't wearing a condom and I was waiting for Eva to regain her composure and not let him come inside. This could have more serious consequences since it could leave her pregnant or with crabs or something like that, but nothing was farther from reality. She wanted him to enjoy at any price. He kept penetrating her until he finally started to spasm, releasing all his semen into my wife's pussy. I was still petrified, unable to believe what I was witnessing. My wife had already recovered her breath after her orgasm, but seemed not to have regained composure, clearly letting Roberto come inside her. When he had finished with the last spasm, he pulled out his flaccid cock from my wife's pussy, which was still dripping with semen. Roberto's tired face indicated that he had given it his all and my wife's pussy, which was still oozing with fertile semen, showed that she had released a good amount of sperm inside my dear wife. Some of the semen began to trickle down her thighs and my wife, using her index finger, collected some. I thought to myself: - But... what about the pussy? She always had a lot of rejection towards semen. She said it smelled terrible and made her gag. She didn't like touching it, but seemed to be okay with mine. With this slut's son, she didn't have any problem and when I saw her put some remaining bits in her mouth... I got left speechless by semen. The first thing that went through my head was: What a piece of slut is my wife!! She's foxy!!... And it looks like she's enjoying it too...
Then, Roberto recovered his breath and ordered Eva to lick his cock with her mouth, which she did without any hesitation. He started licking it as if it were an ice cream, combining the licks with the sucks of his flaccid cock. Just when I thought my wife was really getting into leaving her cock clean, Roberto decided to cut off the blowjob by pushing my wife's head back. Eva sat on the floor looking stunned.
He started dressing and before leaving, he pulled my wife's underwear off her ankle, smelled it, and said: You had such a desire for me to fuck you... From now on, you'll be my slut when I want. Ask someone here to give you my phone number and call me tomorrow to get fucked. If you don't call, I'll show your husband these underwear and tell him what a slut you are...
Then he closed the door and left my wife lying there, with her hair and dress disheveled, her bra on the dirty floor, her pussy, legs, and mouth full of semen... Eva got up, tried to fix her hair and dress as best she could, and cleaned up the remaining semen around her mouth. Despite not looking very good, she left without even cleaning off the semen that was dripping down her thighs...
When I managed to recover a bit, I decided to go back upstairs to the party. The music was playing, but I wasn't listening; people were dancing and laughing, but everything looked blurry. I was in shock. I walked like a zombie until I bumped into an older person who was still dancing nonstop. First image I had is the one of Roberto's son, slut's son, teaching his friend how to put on freshly removed panties from my wife's pussy. Looking across the room, I saw my wife trying to fix her makeup while talking to Sandra, probably asking for Roberto's phone number...
I slumped and sat down in a chair. After a good while, my wife approached me:
- Where were you? I've been looking for you on the dance floor for a while and haven't seen you.
I didn't know what to say or do, couldn't move a muscle in my body. Then Eva added:
- Are you drunk again? Well, I'm going to go dance then.
She mixed back into the crowd and continued enjoying the party as if nothing was wrong...
I didn't say anything for days, even though she kept leaving with stupid excuses... I knew she was screwing Roberto... How long would it take her to leave me for his little stud?
The relationship was still going on due to habit and appearances, but we weren't living a normal life. She didn't care because she was satisfied with her encounters with Roberto, but I just let life pass by... I didn't know what to do or say until eventually I realized that if this was the life waiting for me, it would be better to live it another way: letting my imagination flow and giving in to my sexual fantasies... but that's a story for another day...taken from here
To comment is to gratify
Despite our good sex life, I liked to keep my habit of self-pleasure, a custom I had acquired many years ago and which, despite having compatible sexual relationships, I managed to balance perfectly. I always told her that it's not the same to pleasure oneself for animal instinct as it is to make love with her. Eva knew I masturbated but the problem arose when she caught me masturbating with photos of her friends a couple of months before the wedding. I was very happy with her and loved her deeply, but sometimes when I masturbated, I used pictures of people I knew, perhaps due to the thrill of closeness and the halo of prohibition that came from it being someone close. It was easier for me to imagine sexual situations with people around me than with famous models and actresses I had never seen or would see... Despite this, I never thought about trying to realize these sexual fantasies with her friends, as I only used them for self-pleasure.
Obviously, this didn't please Eva at all and she was on the verge of calling off the wedding. I tried to explain what happened and told her that it was just a sexual fantasy I used for self-pleasure but would never try to make it happen. She was very jealous and had always said that she would never forgive me if I cheated, so I feared that our relationship was over. Those days were quite bad and I felt terrible for betraying her trust. I felt like crap and was willing to do anything to please Eva. Finally, she decided to give me another chance after half convincing her that it wasn't infidelity and that I would never do it again.
I felt terrible, I had been a jerk and although it wasn't infidelity, I felt that the '... There had been betrayal and more so when she always told me and swore that I was and would be the only man in her life, and that she didn't need to pay attention to anyone else. She always referred to love as something pure between two people and said that making love was the most beautiful thing between two people. She also said that practicing sex just for practice was something ugly and animal-like, not rational. Eva never masturbated and always said that when she felt like making love, she only thought of me and it was with me that she got satisfied.
We decided to leave this quarrel behind and we got married and went on a happy honeymoon. Everything was new and good again, and I kept my promise to be super faithful and transparent to my newlywed wife so she wouldn't distrust me again... until an event changed everything forever.
Two months after we got married, we attended the wedding of some friends. The group of friends was very large and had people from old times who were friends since childhood to new friends like me who had joined the group because I was the boyfriend of someone in the group.
On that day, we dressed up for the occasion. I wore the suit I always wear to weddings and Eva put on a beautiful party dress in gray, black, and white colors. That day she wore her fine lingerie consisting of sexy black panties with cuts that perfectly revealed her semi-shaved red pubic hair and a semitransparent black bra that showed off her large pink nipples.
We went to the church and everything was normal during the wedding. The newlyweds gave each other the yes, I want, left the church door where we threw rice at them, and then went to take photos. The guests headed towards the restaurant where the banquet was being held. When we got there, we took our cocktails and chatted with the rest of the friends in the group. less well with everyone, even with one of Eva's ex-boyfriends who was also part of the group (Roberto). This guy was a bit of a roughneck and sexy but didn't show himself much among friends because he was single and loved living life. He liked going out partying with buddies, getting drunk, and screwing all the silly girls who let themselves get fooled by his fantasies... I admit that the guy was handsome but the clothes he wore and his rough and aggressive behavior made me lose all points on the scale of attraction and elegance. I never understood what Eva saw in him after being together for a couple of months... Well, at least he was calmer almost didn't stay with us and I didn't have to put up with him for too long...
We sat down at the banquet tables and to my surprise, we were seated with Roberto, Eva's ex-boyfriend. I don't know if the newlyweds had put him on our table but the situation wasn't very appetizing. When Roberto arrived and sat down, he saw us and came over to greet us. I fake-greeted him back. We sat down and started eating.
The wine bottles began to fall like water as the atmosphere got drunker and Roberto started getting bigger in arrogance and bragging:
I've screwed more than 100 women and all of them have left satisfied. They always call me, waiting for me to screw them again but almost all of them stay with the desire to try my cum again...
Suddenly, he dropped a bomb that left us all white:
Only two women have been able to satisfy me and leave my love-empty testicles, a slut who screwed me in Amsterdam like a good professional, and our friend Eva... who I hope her husband Martín won't get angry about...
He then burst out laughing. I wanted to stand up and give him a good slap. but Eva prevented it by grabbing my arm and saying in a low voice not to pay attention because I was drunk and a braggart... I sat back down and calmed myself. There was a lot of tension in the atmosphere and the table fell silent. My wife, who had never allowed anyone to step on her, remained silent that time. I was surprised that she didn't cut him off and let people think it was true... The truth is that there were certain things I couldn't understand: how a fine girl like Eva could have been with a sexy guy like that, because she still kept in touch with him despite being left for a slutty woman he met one day, because she allowed him to make comments about her... All that permissiveness was strange. After this state of tension someone at the table told a joke quickly and the atmosphere returned to normal. We enjoyed dinner and drank wine by the glass. We were eager to have a good time at our friends' wedding and didn't hold back on drinking. Eva was drinking much more than usual and seemed nervous. I didn't know why, until later when I caught her glancing at Roberto a couple of times. I decided not to give it importance because I didn't want to make a scene about jealousy and especially since she had forgiven me for the incident with the photos, which was more serious than I thought those innocent looks towards her ex... After the opening dance of the newlyweds and the first round of drinks we decided to go dancing on the small dance floor set up in the restaurant's ballroom, packed with people dancing their first waltzes. I didn't take my eyes off Eva's ex who hadn't stopped spewing insults during dinner and I didn't take my eyes off my wife. I didn't trust Roberto one bit, who was watching us from the edge of the dance floor with a sexy attitude, commenting things to another friend. I could half-read on his lips that he was saying... to go back to fucking Eva again and that he was going to fuck her again. This last comment accompanied him as he grabbed his cock with his hand and checked that he really had the urge to fuck her. But then I saw Eva, so sweet and good with me, and my doubts passed. I knew she was mine and only had eyes for me. Then I let it pass thinking she would stay in one of her fantasies. Eva had told me she was a virgin and I trusted my wife.
We were still dancing when suddenly the big summer hit started playing and everyone rushed to the dance floor. The space was too small for all the people who wanted to dance, so we were all packed together like sardines in a can. No one could take a single step and people just moved their arms and hips to the rhythm of the music. I had separated from Eva by a few meters and couldn't see her clearly. When I finally regained sight of where Eva was, my blood boiled when I saw Roberto had managed to position himself right behind her, dancing to the rhythm of the music. At first, she didn't notice he was behind her, but then he whispered something in her ear and Eva jumped. I trusted that my wife would get rid of him, but she kept on dancing as if nothing was wrong. She increased her movements and started dancing extremely sexy, moving her hips in circles. With the hardness he had positioned himself behind Eva, pressing his package against my wife's ass and moving it to the rhythm, restricting everything he could. What left me most perplexed was seeing that Eva didn't flinch and kept following her ex, letting him get hard by seeing her acceptance. Suddenly, Roberto grabbed my wife's hips and pressed his package even harder against her ass, starting to move from top to bottom. pressure and the friction that Roberto was making her feel. I could see perfectly how as he pressed his ass against Eva's package she was getting excited. Her cheeks flushed.
The end of the song seemed to bring Eva out of her ecstasy and abruptly she regained composure. People started disappearing from the dance floor and Eva separated from Roberto, who went back to the edge of the dance floor to comment on the move with his friend who wasn't stopping laughing.
I approached Eva and said:
- What were you doing rubbing your ass against that macarra's package?
- But what are you saying? I didn't even know Roberto was behind me. Besides, you're the last person I'd expect to say anything, don't you remember those wanks with my friends' photos?
At that moment I felt very guilty about the past and had to shut up like an idiot. I hung my head and could only say:
- Forgive me, I won't doubt you again.
Then Eva turned around and kept dancing. As she turned, I could see perfectly that her dress was still stuck in the gap of her ass. The rubbing must have been a heart attack, but at that moment I didn't feel like I had the right to reproach anything.
When the song ended, Eva directed herself towards me with an angry tone:
- Martin, I'm going to the bathroom for a minute to freshen up and then I'll talk to your girlfriend for a bit. You entertain yourself for a bit dancing and talking to people while I'm away... And stop saying nonsense because here's the only one who can be called out is you.
In this way she got rid of me and left towards the bathroom. I was left with a foolish face and intimidated by the reprimand she had given me, remembering that I was a jerk who had betrayed her trust with my friends' photos. I felt terrible... When Eva was heading down to the bathrooms, I noticed Roberto wasn't taking his eyes off each of her movements and when she disappeared downstairs, he left his friend. With the word in my mouth and decided to take the same path. This action made me jump like a spring and I decided to follow him secretly, trying to avoid Eva from seeing me again, disbelieving her. I trusted my wife without a doubt but I didn't trust that the scumbag would try to do something with my woman.
When I arrived downstairs at the services, there was no one outside. I entered the boys' bathroom to see if Roberto was there, but he wasn't. It crossed my mind that maybe he had gone behind Eva in the women's restroom, but I didn't want to check because I didn't have proof that Roberto was inside so I didn't want to mess it up again.
After a moment of uncertainty, I could hear whispers. They were coming from a grille above the sinks. I locked the boys' bathroom door, climbed onto the sink counter, and leaned over. My blood froze when I saw Eva and Roberto in the girls' restroom. The images weren't very clear but they were clear enough to see everything without problems. Eva was leaning against the sink area, looking at her reflection in the mirror, and behind her, Roberto was approaching slowly until he positioned himself behind her, with his package at the height of my wife's ass. Suddenly, he started kissing her neck while holding onto my wife's hips and pushing them against his package. I froze, waiting for Eva to stop the show but it was far from reality. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, indicating that she was willing to do whatever.
The mix of excitement, rage, and submission formed the perfect cocktail to keep me paralyzed, observing everything without losing a detail or having the will to do anything. In part, I still felt like I didn't have the right to do anything because I was still feeling guilty about my wife's friends' photos. Maybe the no Acting would compensate for the harm I did to Eva on that day.
The thing started to heat up. He began to rub her large breasts while slobbering down her neck. He was like an animal and squeezed her breasts without any delicacy. Soon, he put his hand inside her dress and forcing the bra got out one of her breasts. Eva was starting to get excited and her hard nipple betrayed it. Roberto then wanted to go further and at the same time that he was massaging the breast that was left in the air with one hand, with the other he started going up her leg towards my wife's pussy. The party dress Eva wore was short, above the knee, which made Roberto put his hand inside without difficulty. As he went up the hand I saw perfectly how my wife's skin was getting erect. She liked the idea of her little one being able to touch her little thing.
First, he touched her ass grabbing her cheeks like it was dough. The image was quite exciting: while with one hand she grabbed her ass, with the other she grabbed a breast and with her tongue licked her ear. Eva was breathing heavily and more when he decided to lower her lace panties down to her knees and started touching her pussy. He introduced his finger into her snatch, which made Eva jump and let out a small scream. He started saying insults while starting to masturbate her:
- You like it, huh slutty? You're soaked from the pleasure you get... You must be imagining that I'm going to fuck you and that's why you're so big, huh?... You're not more than a foxy...
It seemed to him that he liked feeling submissive to the power of a sexy one who treated her like a slut.
- I'm going to fuck you, slut... just like I used to... do you remember?
- Ufff... it felt so good when you were screwing me...
When I heard Eva's words another shiver ran through my body. I confirmed, as I had suspected, that my sweet wife had betrayed me and hadn't lost her virginity with me. Who knows how many she had screwed before me? I felt indignant and a... the time I was horny. Only the excitement of seeing my wife open-legged, with her panties around her knees and letting a finger do by her ex's son's slut kept me paralyzed in anticipation of what was going to happen.
Eva then turned around. Now she was leaning her bare ass on the marble countertop of the bathroom sink. She had her dress rolled up over her hips and black panties around her knees. He lowered the dress from the top down to her waist. He took off her bra, leaving her big tits with pink nipples exposed. Due to their large size, they hung loose, pointing upwards with their hard nipples towards the sky. This position left my wife's tits and pussy perfectly exposed to Roberto, who didn't hesitate for a moment to start sucking her nipples while inserting his thumb into Eva's red pussy. She let herself be carried away completely and her excitement reached a rather high point. She was horny and wanted to fuck now.
- Come on, Roberto, screw me already.
He ignored her and continued to forcefully insert his finger into the pussy.
- Please, Roberto, I can't take it anymore... Fuck me!!!
She asked several times with a voice interrupted by excitement that had her. She was like a slut in heat, wanting her male to penetrate her. But his attitude remained that of a sexy dominant. He knew he had her in his power and could do whatever he wanted with her:
- Don't be an anxious slut and let me enjoy myself. You've been horny all night asking me to screw you, but now I want you to make me horny too, so give me a blow job like you used to.
- No, please, screw me quickly before my husband starts suspecting...
- Shut up, slut, and suck it! Your husband is an idiot and even if I screwed you in front of his nose he wouldn't notice. My but it didn't have an exaggerated size. It should measure around 15 or 16 centimeters and its thickness was normal. What could be noticed is that the size of his gland was disproportionate compared to the size of the rest of his cock. It was quite fat and remained hidden under the skin of his scrotum. At first, his weapon rested in repose and asked her to put it in order:
- Come on slut, see if you can make it hard.
He then leaned against the sink and she knelt down at the height of his wrinkled scrotum. She was totally submissive to the requests of her sexy one and without a word grabbed the cock with her hand and started moving it. She began caressing it slowly, as if giving it kisses. She treated it delicately, as if it were a great treasure she had just found. It seemed like she had never forgotten that special cock for her and had had to settle for mine during these years. Little by little, the glans that remained hidden under the skin of the scrotum appeared. The glans shone due to the humidity accumulating on it and in my opinion it should be a bit unpleasant. It didn't seem to bother Eva who suddenly took Roberto's cock into her mouth as if it were a sweet treat. She started sucking it elegantly, holding the base of his cock with her right hand. She seemed like a desperate slut trying to please her macho so he would keep giving her his cock.
- Come on slut... suck it a little harder or I won't get hard... and if you want me to fuck you, you'll have to make it hard, don't you?... Do you want me to fuck you?...
It was guessed that Eva said yes.
- What did you say, foxy?
-Umm, umm...
She continued sucking it harder as she had said and seemed like the cock of flesh from the macho was slowly getting erect.
-I think I'm going to start fucking you now. I'm going to fuck your mouth that's good for giving love kisses to your husband... - he said jokingly.
Then he grabbed her head of Eva grabbed both hands and started to literally fellate the mouth of my wife with violence, introducing most of her cock inside. My wife couldn't contain her gagging but didn't make any attempts to stop despite feeling like she was being orally violated. Tears began to fall from her eyes due to the efforts she made to receive the thrusts in her mouth. For a moment I thought she was going to asphyxiate, but after several charges he stopped forcing her. He pulled out his already erect cock from my wife's mouth, which was dripping with saliva, and dedicated another of his insulting comments:
Surely you've never been fucked like that in your life. Your husband doesn't know how to treat a slut like you... Now get ready because I'm going to give you what you've been wanting since I left you.
Eva rejoiced. Finally she was going to feel the treasure inside her. She sat up and leaned against the sink with her forearms, pumping her ass and waiting to be fucked. Her dress was rolled up around her waist, her panties hanging from her left ankle. She took off her bra and threw it at the dirty floor, not seeming to care about this detail as she was focused on receiving her doses of cock. She had cheap slut makeup that made her want her macho to give her what she deserved. Roberto then approached and aimed his cock at the entrance of her pulsating pussy. He started introducing the tip of his cock with cocking motions. Eva was dying from pleasure and soon began to beg him to screw her until the end, but he, in his cruel way, wanted to make her suffer a little more. My wife, who was eager to be impaled on Roberto's sexy cock, made a sudden movement with her hips towards the back, causing Roberto's cock to penetrate her to the hilt, which was what she desired most in the world. She let out a great cry of excitement. Finally she was receiving the cock she had wanted to fellate for so long.
That's... you can tell. that you're eager for my cock... it's not necessary for me to move at all... you're already there to screw yourself... jajaja. I didn't know you missed my cipote so much... If your husband knew how foxy you are... I'm going to give you what you deserve.
Next, Roberto grabbed her hips and started screwing her savagely, her pussy starting to blush. The strong thrusts made my wife's head wobble like a rag doll. Then Roberto started giving it to her good. He grabbed her hair, pulling her back to get it in deeper. Eva's orgasm was completely undone, but she didn't seem to care about that detail. I imagined the excuse she might use to explain her hairstyle.
This went on for a few minutes, with changes in rhythm from fast to slow and powerful thrusts. Eva was in complete ecstasy and seemed to enjoy herself like never before.
- Do you like it when I screw you?... Like a good foxy that you are...
- Aaahh... yes... mmmm... please go on... screw me harder.
My wife didn't usually use this vocabulary when we made love. Clearly, she was screwing Roberto to satisfy her more animal instincts. I was certain that with me she made love and with Roberto she was screwing, but later I would realize that she really wanted to stay with Roberto forever.
- I want you to ask me to only screw you. Tell me you'll be my slave...
- mmm... yes... I just want you to screw me... I promise to only fuck your cock from now on...
- That's it, from now on I'll only screw you, do you understand?
- Sii, sii...
My wife's breasts were bouncing in time with the beast's thrusts and were almost touching the cold marble of the sink. This made her nipples very hard, and he would take advantage to grab them and caress them occasionally while still screwing her. Fucking. Eva was about to come and in a cycle of rapid penetrations received a great orgasm. She was screaming like a possessed one. I had never made her scream like that before and never left her so ecstatic. Neither did I imagine that after a quickie I would be able to say all those things... I felt a little disappointed because it had just become clear that my wife was a slut who lost her mind over Roberto's cock. Despite my wife having already come, he continued pushing for cum. Roberto wasn't wearing a condom and I was waiting for Eva to regain her composure and not let him come inside. This could have more serious consequences since it could leave her pregnant or with crabs or something like that, but nothing was farther from reality. She wanted him to enjoy at any price. He kept penetrating her until he finally started to spasm, releasing all his semen into my wife's pussy. I was still petrified, unable to believe what I was witnessing. My wife had already recovered her breath after her orgasm, but seemed not to have regained composure, clearly letting Roberto come inside her. When he had finished with the last spasm, he pulled out his flaccid cock from my wife's pussy, which was still dripping with semen. Roberto's tired face indicated that he had given it his all and my wife's pussy, which was still oozing with fertile semen, showed that she had released a good amount of sperm inside my dear wife. Some of the semen began to trickle down her thighs and my wife, using her index finger, collected some. I thought to myself: - But... what about the pussy? She always had a lot of rejection towards semen. She said it smelled terrible and made her gag. She didn't like touching it, but seemed to be okay with mine. With this slut's son, she didn't have any problem and when I saw her put some remaining bits in her mouth... I got left speechless by semen. The first thing that went through my head was: What a piece of slut is my wife!! She's foxy!!... And it looks like she's enjoying it too...
Then, Roberto recovered his breath and ordered Eva to lick his cock with her mouth, which she did without any hesitation. He started licking it as if it were an ice cream, combining the licks with the sucks of his flaccid cock. Just when I thought my wife was really getting into leaving her cock clean, Roberto decided to cut off the blowjob by pushing my wife's head back. Eva sat on the floor looking stunned.
He started dressing and before leaving, he pulled my wife's underwear off her ankle, smelled it, and said: You had such a desire for me to fuck you... From now on, you'll be my slut when I want. Ask someone here to give you my phone number and call me tomorrow to get fucked. If you don't call, I'll show your husband these underwear and tell him what a slut you are...
Then he closed the door and left my wife lying there, with her hair and dress disheveled, her bra on the dirty floor, her pussy, legs, and mouth full of semen... Eva got up, tried to fix her hair and dress as best she could, and cleaned up the remaining semen around her mouth. Despite not looking very good, she left without even cleaning off the semen that was dripping down her thighs...
When I managed to recover a bit, I decided to go back upstairs to the party. The music was playing, but I wasn't listening; people were dancing and laughing, but everything looked blurry. I was in shock. I walked like a zombie until I bumped into an older person who was still dancing nonstop. First image I had is the one of Roberto's son, slut's son, teaching his friend how to put on freshly removed panties from my wife's pussy. Looking across the room, I saw my wife trying to fix her makeup while talking to Sandra, probably asking for Roberto's phone number...
I slumped and sat down in a chair. After a good while, my wife approached me:
- Where were you? I've been looking for you on the dance floor for a while and haven't seen you.
I didn't know what to say or do, couldn't move a muscle in my body. Then Eva added:
- Are you drunk again? Well, I'm going to go dance then.
She mixed back into the crowd and continued enjoying the party as if nothing was wrong...
I didn't say anything for days, even though she kept leaving with stupid excuses... I knew she was screwing Roberto... How long would it take her to leave me for his little stud?
The relationship was still going on due to habit and appearances, but we weren't living a normal life. She didn't care because she was satisfied with her encounters with Roberto, but I just let life pass by... I didn't know what to do or say until eventually I realized that if this was the life waiting for me, it would be better to live it another way: letting my imagination flow and giving in to my sexual fantasies... but that's a story for another day...taken from here
To comment is to gratify
7 comentários - Mi recién estrenada mujer... ¡que puta es!
La Nueva era vuelve mas fuerte que Nunca
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad!!!
Comentar es un arte y tu debes de ser un artista
Si Comentar es Agradecer, entonces todos seamos Agradecidos...
link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbbchtqTbis
😳 😳 Siendo cogida por otro?? y vos sin hacer nada?? 😳 😳