Elena frente al espejo

Those restless seas of space that are mirrors, sometimes stir and then anything can happen.

That's why when today, for the first time in her life, Marta saw her reflected image in that mirror, she knew that something had irremediably changed in her life.

She was always one more of the legion of invisible women who populate the life of big cities. Invisible daughter, invisible wife, invisible mother. Even in the office where she worked, she was an invisible secretary. Nobody seemed to notice her. Only her work was expected of her. And by my faith, she managed it. But she remained invisible.

That's why when she arrived at that physiotherapy room to rehabilitate her battered wrist, she didn't find it strange that nobody noticed her. She waited patiently for her turn, let the nurse look at her file and explain the treatment to follow. She accompanied her to the room, submerged her hand in the hot paraffin, let a thick layer form on it, wrapped it in plastic, then in a towel, and pointed to a chair while saying: Twenty minutes and then take it off.

When she took her seat, she saw that there were ten other people doing the same thing as her. Nobody seemed to notice her arrival. Two women were talking about the crisis, another was reading a book whose title she instinctively tried to figure out from the cover. The others were sleeping or seemed lost in another world. She sought refuge in herself, trying to make the twenty minutes pass more quickly.

Thus passed the days of her treatment. She slept on her thirteenth day of interminable waiting when, without being able to say why, she had the sensation of being watched. Maybe it was a slight creak or a breath: or perhaps simply the feeling that one experiences when someone's gaze falls on us. She raised her eyes and scanned the environment.

In a chair between two windows, at the other end of the room... room had a man who stared at her fixedly. When their gazes met, he flashed a smile and she felt a great shyness that left her speechless. She sought refuge by closing her eyes and lowering her head. But every time she lifted her head and opened her eyes, he was still there. He looked at her brazenly, with eyes that sparkled in a perturbing way, like an unlocalized light.

The nurse came to break the spell with a brief it's your turn. Marta got up and turned her back on that man, following the nurse to the recovery room. There, she had her dressing changed and then returned to the waiting room to look for her coat. Her cream-colored dress, which turned alternately blue or gray as she walked due to the lighting effects, and her loose hair that bounced around her neck, had that man enchanted. He didn't take his eyes off her. Every time she looked back, he would flash a smile. As she passed in front of him, she whispered almost inaudibly see you tomorrow! And he replied with a brief thank you.

In the days that followed, she made every effort to avoid him. She arrived early, hoping he wasn't there yet, and left before his arrival. She was surprised when choosing her clothes from her closet. More than one day changed her mind after getting dressed and searched for answers in her closet about that autumn that, without a doubt, didn't suit her well. Because every day she felt smaller, more naive, and more clumsy, more ridiculous. That's why she avoided him because she wanted to convince herself that she didn't like him, that it wasn't her fault that her body filled with ants every time she arrived at the clinic and entered the waiting room. She was afraid, but needed that fear because she obtained more pleasure from it than from pleasant things. That was what seemed most strange of all. So she tried to fill her days until exhaustion in a flight from herself that left her exhausted.

But on that Tuesday, something had to happen. When she entered immediately, she discovered to Marta. It was almost invisible, curled up on the couch near the window. He walked towards her, feeling invaded by a surprising joy.

-I thought I'd never find you again here- he said while sitting down in front of her, placing his coat on the seat beside him. He pulled out a book from his pocket and held it closed between his hands.

Marta felt like she was falling, doing somersaults down a slope. A dizziness that invaded her like a spiral and a torrent of blood rising to her face. But unlike other times when she was startled, this time it was a pleasant sensation, letting herself be carried away, freeing herself from the immense weight she had been carrying over her life for so long.

-My name is Alberto- he smiled with his sparkling eyes, holding out his hand.

-Mine is Marta- she replied.

As she walked towards him, she felt strangely subdued, as if talking to that stranger revealed a guilt in her that she thought she was keeping carefully hidden. She lowered her eyes in shame and when she did, they became fixed on the book he held between his hands. Sensual Domination.

She took a few seconds to understand the meaning of the title, but the cover photo cleared up any doubts. A woman rested on a carpet, seated on her heels, holding a necklace in an offering attitude. She was dressed in a light white tunic and radiated an image of serene simplicity. The vision struck her and for eternal seconds, she remained abstracted in that book.

Was it just a coincidence or did he want Marta to read those words?

Alberto left a long pause before continuing the conversation. Then, looking at his hand wrapped in a towel, he asked:

-What happened to your hand? An accident?

-A fall. When I fell, I put my hand on the pavement and broke my wrist. It was three months ago and I'm still here- she replied while continuing. there, glued to the chair, looking at him, letting herself be looked at until her lips moved again.

- I'm recovering from a battered ankle. I come at this hour because I don't have to stop working.

His smile disarmed her and she broke the spell only by making it more solid. Enough to summon a familiar feeling that soon became stronger than that mysterious but pleasant immobility.

Well, it's my time and I'm going to leave - she said finally, while looking at the nurse who was already signaling him from the other side of the room.

If so?

I've completed my daily 20 minutes and I have to continue treatment in the electrostimulation room. - he replied, getting up.

Would you like to take a coffee with a stranger? - he proposed before she finished getting up.

Of course.

If so? - he seemed very surprised by the response.

Of course.

And he went quickly to meet the nurse.

He remained seated for the 15 minutes left of treatment. He let time pass, immersing himself in the reading of that book that had caused her so much perturbation. He was aware that she had read the title of the book and couldn't say that the choice of title had been casual.

When the nurse signaled him, he got up, followed her to the recovery room, and after removing his treatment electrodes, he left in a hurry.

When he came out onto the street in the evening, it was almost over. The first streetlights were starting to turn on and autumn was beginning to shed its first leaves from the trees. He crossed the sidewalk and entered the café across the way. He ordered a coffee and sat down at a table next to the window. From there he could see people entering and leaving the clinic. She couldn't be late in doing so.

He saw her leave. He descended slowly down the steps of the entrance and stopped to avoid colliding with a hurried woman who had acquired an exquisite fur coat and a bouquet of carnations that They made her occupy the entire sidewalk. When she arrived at the sidewalk, he was already outside the café and calling her by name.

Marta! I'm here! At that instant, the world seemed to come to a standstill. Traffic came to a complete halt and became silent. A solitary leaf fell from the banana tree at the end of the street; no one passed by, and in that pause, the leaf fell. In some way, it seemed like a sign, a sign that highlighted things with a force one hadn't noticed before. It seemed to indicate the presence of a river flowing from one to the other. That's how rivers carried dead leaves away. Now he was bringing her towards him, that woman in high heels crossing diagonally from one side of the street to the other.

Alberto held the door of the café open for her to enter. As he did, their bodies almost touched. Marta noticed the muscles under his jacket and those on his chest beneath his shirt, as if she were touching them. For a moment, she had his hand, resistant and masculine, between hers. She sighed as she began to sit down. She looked up and stumbled, above, into his eyes: warm, perturbing. She felt like she was going to fall onto the chair without control and hug him around the waist, rest her head on his chest, lean on him... She gasped slightly. She had to close her eyes. The voice of Alberto pulled her out of her ecstasy:

What do you take?

The question hung in the air. She could only answer with a gesture.

Alberto may not have been expecting it. Marta was about to give up without words. Never had she been so close; never had anyone excited her so much.

A coffee, cum- she managed to say after a long pause.

From that instant on, he took control of the conversation. He led her from his life into hers. He told and asked everything at once. She barely followed his story. She was living the scene more like a spectator than a protagonist. As if it wasn't happening to her.

Have you been looking for me all these days? Alberto said to her, giving the conversation an unexpected turn that left her disoriented for a few moments.

- I know.
- It was horrible, Marta. But the wait was worth it
- You're lying, Alberto.
- Well, then tell me why you've been hiding
- I didn't want to see you.
- How is it that you didn't want to see me and yet you accepted my invitation today?
- That's why I wanted you not to appear; not to come for me in any case. Because I knew if you came, I wouldn't have the courage to reject you.
- And now? Do you want me to leave and disappear forever?
- No! Please. Now I couldn't ask it of you. With a man like you, I have no salvation. I've been waiting for him my whole life and now that you're here, I'm afraid of myself. Do you know that you're the first person who's ever noticed me in all these years? For the first time, you've made me feel visible. Made me feel like I'm not the invisible woman whose image is denied her by mirrors.
- Alberto pulled out his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped away tears with it. He fell silent, not wanting to break the moment when she was opening up to him. She, after wiping away her tears, finished off the coffee that was left in her cup.

Then she began to review her life as if everything was happening like a movie in her mind. She saw herself as the protagonist of that story she was now recounting. And she told Alberto about her mirrors, the search for her own image every time she stood in front of one of them. And each time it only served to confirm what she already knew: they ignored her. But it wasn't just the mirrors who ignored her. She told Alberto that she married the first man who seemed to see her. That she had two children during the process of recognizing that everything had been an illusion. That he didn't see her either. That she felt, feels, the pain of seeing her children, as they grew older, ignore her too.

That's why I shivered when you arrived on the first day and felt your gaze fixed on my- told me while she was wiping away the last tears that ended her story.

Both remained in a long silence as she composed herself after her confession. Marta looked at her watch and, making a gesture to get up, said:

It's my hour, I must leave

Will you be here tomorrow at the same time?


Marta took her coat from the chair, put it on while making a sign to the waiter.

Can you please charge me?

Alberto let her go until the bar and pay without saying anything. She saw her open her purse, give a bill to the waiter, and collect the change in her wallet. She did it without stopping to look at him for an instant, even though she was still facing away from him. When she turned around, he was still looking at her and waiting, standing up from his chair with his coat on. They met at the door and gained the sidewalk.

Thank you for your invitation - she said as a farewell.

There's no need. It's been a pleasure doing so

She began to walk in the direction of her house while he was still looking at her stopped on the sidewalk. Suddenly, she turned around and, with a mischievous smile, asked:

Will you lend me your book?

As soon as she asked, she regretted having done so. She turned red like a tomato when he walked towards her without saying a word and handed her the book

I hope you like it - he said before disappearing quickly in the opposite direction to where she had taken just moments before.

She put the book in her purse and headed home.

That same night, while her husband was agitated in the living room, with more intensity than in bed, watching Barça fight for the Champions, Elena took refuge on her bed. And there, she opened that strange book. She did it like someone who is about to violate a secret with the clandestinity of the forbidden. As she read, she discovered that the feeling described in the book reminded her of what had been tormenting her since she met Alberto. And she lost herself in the book. When she felt her husband turning off the TV, she hid it precipitately the book on her table and simulated reading what was resting on her table.

That night she couldn't push away from her dreams everything that was happening to her. And in them she entwined her encounter with Alberto with the book she was reading. So, when the next day she ran into him again in the physical therapy room, she lowered her gaze and waited for him to sit down beside her.

Good afternoon he said in a tone that resonated in her ears with an unknown accent. Again that youthful agitation, that desire to answer and the words stuck in her throat making her seem foolish. And when she lifted her eyes and pronounced a barely audible Hello!, her face betrayed her embarrassment giving her cheeks a deep red color.

And at that instant he took possession of her again as she let herself be carried away by the conversation. Only when she heard, How's the book? Do you like it?, did she come out of that state of semi-consciousness that overwhelmed her.

- Very well, she said, I'm starting to get to know a world that was previously unknown to me.
- And what do you think?
- Suggestive and attractive. I never imagined a relationship like this. I'd heard things about it but saw it as something distant and exotic, for unusual people.
- And now? Do you find yourself attracted to that world?
-Much... Elena left the last word hanging over the conversation.

Alberto didn't bring up the topic again until two days later when she brought the book back in her hands. Thanks for the loan he said as he handed her the book almost without waiting for him to sit down in the waiting room.
- It will be a pleasure to lend you others whenever you want. My shelves have all kinds of books and that one is no exception. They kept talking until she got up to continue her treatment in another room. I'll wait for you in the café across the street she said as she walked away with her back turned. He turned his head once to nod before disappearing behind the door.

When she arrived at the café, he was waiting for her sitting at... a table at the end of the bar. He took his coat carefully, folded it and hung it over the back of the chair, then sat down in front of him with his back to the room. He remained silent, looking at her while she left hers on the table. He took her by the chin, lifted her face, and when their eyes met, he brought his right index finger to his lips and gestured for her to be quiet with a soft 'Shhh'. The sound lingered in time as he moved his other hand to his face and let the tip of his middle finger trace Elena's lips, parting them slightly and collecting the moisture from her mouth. He slid it caressingly over her lips. She, surprised and bewildered, let herself be done with. Her fingers drew a devastating caress on her lips that she remembered. She felt first trapped by panic and then overwhelmed as those fingers summoned all her senses to her lips. Then he stopped and left one hand resting on hers, which were sweaty on the table.

-When you have a night for yourself, I'd like to invite you to dinner. Will that be possible?

-The Saturday company dinner is scheduled. I've already told my husband. If you want, we can meet that night- Elena replied without looking up from the table. Time stood still as she abandoned herself definitively. Alberto let his fingers slide down Elena's neckline, drawing a caress when they met the first button. He played with it long enough for her to wish he would unbutton it. When he did, she looked up and he captured her gaze, stripping her bare inside too.

-This is better, said Alberto as he leaned back in his chair and looked at her intensely. Elena lowered her eyes again while he circled the base of her breasts with the tip of his fingers. At that moment, someone entered the café and walked towards them. Alberto regained composure and she made a move to close button. He stopped her. Leave it like that he ordered. She obeyed quietly and waited for the customers looking for a table not to see her. When they sat down at a distant table, he leaned towards Elena, let his fingers slide under the bra, and grasped her right nipple with his thumb and index finger. Quiet he whispered as she fidgeted in her chair. Very quiet, he repeated again.

When he released her breast, Marta looked at the clock it's time, I have to go

- Very well, then it will be Saturday when we see each other again. Isn't it?

- Yes-, Elena replied while putting on her coat.

- Where do you pick me up and what time? - Alberto asked

- At nine o'clock in front of the door of my house -, she said as she handed him a business card just as she began to walk towards the street. He remained seated for a while, looking at the card before putting it away, getting up, and going out onto the street.

When he did so, the night had already taken over the sidewalks and the path to his house became lost in daydreaming. When the elevator stopped in front of her door, he was still trying to build the route in his mind for their Saturday date.

Ten minutes before the agreed time, Alberto parked his car double-parked right in front of Elena's door. He looked at the clock and prepared to wait until the agreed time.

When she stepped onto the sidewalk, he saw that he was already waiting in his car. When he saw her, he opened the door while saying get in.

She, still surprised by the invitation, sat down and fastened her seatbelt as he started the car.

- Where are you taking me? - she asked him while he drove.

- Let me guide your night -, he replied with a reassuring smile.

He had chosen for the occasion a grey pant and a white shirt over which he wore a black blazer. He was unable to find anything more suitable in his closet for that mysterious date. She tried with determination. She got dressed and undressed countless times but each time she tried to see herself in the mirror it denied her the image. She was used to that, but that day was different for her and she expected more generosity from the mirror. Until she gave up. Insecurity assailed her in every test until, finally, she decided on what was always safest. That's why when he took away all responsibility of choosing from her, she relaxed in her seat and let him be her guide.

The car zigzagged through the city streets until it took the outer ring road. After a few kilometers, she saw him put on his turn signal and the car took an exit ramp that led to an industrial estate. Her curiosity was eating away at her but she didn't ask anything. She made the trip in silence, looking at him while he drove. She didn't know what she saw in this man who gave her tranquility. Maybe it was the calm she felt the first time he spoke to her in the clinic. From that first moment, she felt important for someone for the first time in her life.

She felt the speed decreasing and stopping in front of a building. She looked curiously at the sign and saw it was a knitting factory. Surprised and intrigued, she wasn't surprised when he told her:

We're here. He stopped the car and got out quickly. When she did, he was already waiting by the door. When she tried to speak, he silenced her with his finger.

Shhhhhh, let me guide your night, he repeated while locking the door and taking out the keys.

They entered the solitary factory. He turned on the lights and closed the huge door behind him. They crossed a spacious storage room filled with clothes hanging from endless racks and finally climbed up a dark wooden staircase that led to a large room. When he turned on the light, she could see they were in a large hall with a big cutting table in the middle of the center surrounded by infinite patterns and samples.

-This is the design and cutting room of the factory, he said as he took off his American jacket, put it on a hook, and hung it on a bar. Then he turned to her and stretched out his arms:

-Take your jacket, please, he said while she obeyed mechanically. He felt his strong hands for the first time touching her shoulders as he removed her jacket. He was unable to articulate a word while he, smiling and amused by her attitude, put her jacket next to his.

He picked up an enormous spool of black and shiny thread that seemed like silk. He brought it closer.

-Do you like it?

Marta looked at him as he approached her with the thread. When she touched it, she felt the cold and smooth texture of the sedón.

-It's not silk, just sedón. The rayon it's made of makes it look incredibly like silk.

-Do you like it? he asked again in front of her astonished silence that couldn't understand what was going on.

-Much, its touch is... delicate.

-I'll make a dress for you with it, he said while taking both her hands between his. You just have to be a good girl and help me.

She, surprised and barely amused, managed to answer with a brief Okay.

He took her hand, guided her a few meters, and made her climb up onto a small testing pedestal.

It was a small wooden platform, about thirty centimeters high and half a meter square. She climbed up without any difficulty while he held her right hand. This is where the models are placed to adjust the proofing, he said while looking at her with a smile. We use real women, factory employees, to adjust different sizes. No agency models or mannequins with absurd measurements. Real sizes for real women.

Behind her, stuck to the wall, was a large mirror where the entire room reflected. She looked and saw through the mirror the chaotic and colorful world From a knitting factory. He approached the table, turned on the computer and took a measuring tape. She was watching him with a smiling and curious expression.

I'm going to take your measurements, he said as he approached her, attaching the measuring tape to his neck just like she remembered her grandmother used to do when she was a little girl and made those exquisite dresses for Sunday mass.

But before I have to undress you, or else the measurements won't be perfect.

Without hesitation, Alberto reached out to her shirt and started unbuttoning it. His hands lingered on each button in such a way that this deliberate slowness gave the act a character of an expedition into an unknown world for her. When he lifted his eyes and looked at her, she felt warm. The room was hot, very hot. She soon realized that the cause was the boiler for the steam irons. Always on, always ready to feed the irons.

She was dead with fear, trembling with excitement, and her pulse racing as he continued descending slowly, cautiously. But at the same time, she had decided not to give up no matter what, because this had started well and she felt that something was going to happen that would change her life. So she swallowed her fears, and when he finished with the buttons, let her blouse slide off her shoulders and down her back until it fell into his hands.

He folded it carefully and placed it on the table. He turned around in front of her again, took her belt between his hands, and tightened it as he unbuttoned it. She continued to watch him with curiosity and amazement. But what was most surprising for herself was that she let herself be done without wanting to stop it. When her pants began to descend, she imagined a past of an adventurous woman and supplied the sudden weakness in her legs.

Raise your foot! he ordered, Now the other one! he said again as she obeyed. Gently. He picked up his pants and folded them next to the blouse. She remained standing, as if hypnotized by what was happening. When Alberto stretched out his arms, he ran his fingers over the straps of her bra and without saying a word, led them to the back clasp and clicked it open in one swift motion. She made a move to cover her breasts with her hands, holding onto the cups of her bra.

Alberto, still smiling, picked up the ball of thread, put it on the stool in front of her, and pulled the end.

-Give me your hands- he ordered- while stretching his own towards her, looking at her fixedly in the eyes. She lowered her gaze and extended her arms towards him. As she did so, her bra fell to the floor, leaving her breasts bare. Alberto couldn't help but admire them.

They appeared before him like two ripe pears, with that slight droop that gives naturalness to a pair of breasts and finished off with two prominent, thick, and hard nipples that betrayed that everything happening wasn't indifferent to her.

He took his hands between hers and began to wrap the thread around them in a light loop. He gave it only one turn before tying it with the fine thread. Then he brought his hands up to the height of the hook next to him and tied the cord to it.

-Don't move your hands, if you do the thread will break and the spell will be broken- Marta felt like he was handling her, like he was pulling on the threads of her body as if she had turned into a puppet. And she gave in to the game.

He began taking measurements. First, the length, then her contour, her waist. He took detailed measurements all along her body. She felt his fingers tracing it, rubbing against it, exciting it. As he took each measurement, he wrote them down on the computer. She watched him with curiosity as he was absorbed in what he was doing. When he took her breast measurement again, she thought he was lingering, pressing the tape measure too tightly beyond mere measurement. She would have shouted that he would caress her, that the friction of the tape on her nipples was driving her crazy, that she wanted his hands on her. But she remained silent. She accepted everything he brought her.

When I finished with the measurements, I took the portable to one of the machines, plugged it in and turned it on. For a few minutes, I typed away at the computer with feverish insistence. Then I stood up, grabbed several spools of that thread, put them in the machine, and it started running. I waited for a few minutes until I saw the fabric coming out the bottom of that powerful machine. He turned around and came towards her.

It'll take a while, so meanwhile I'll take care of the model, he said. She felt like her hands were heavy. That thread was threatening to break at the slightest touch from her hands, and she didn't want it to happen.

When Alberto reached her side, he activated the clothes rack control and it started rising. She jumped in surprise as she saw her hands starting to rise. She was beginning to fear that the thread would break when he stopped it. The bar came to a stop just above her head, holding her hands in place.

Undressed, the dress will look better, he said, pulling her tights down. Then her underwear slid down her legs and onto the floor. He picked everything up delicately. When she saw him holding her underwear, she felt embarrassed. They were wet, full of her most secret juices, and she feared he would notice and say something. But he didn't. He simply folded them along with all her clothes.

From a shelf attached to the wall, he took a paper bag, opened it, and put all her clothes in there. You won't need these today, he said as he closed it and put it on the chair.

He came towards her again and, with a delicate gesture, pulled out a strand of hair that was hanging over her face. As he pulled it away, his hands caressed Marta's face. He did it so softly that his hands seemed weightless. She couldn't help saying first sigh of the night. He delayed on her neck, ran his hand along her collarbone, let the back of his hand slide down her back until he rested it on her hips. Then, with his left hand on her hips, his right hand explored her body, this time from the front. With his hand open wide, he grasped her neck firmly and softly, letting the tips of his fingers make their way over her nipples, causing them to become even more erect than they were, contouring her generous breasts, sliding down to her navel where they played with her tickles and laughter before falling to her pubis. There, a generous tuft of chestnut hair awaited him, framing thick lips that emitted a warm and humid breeze. He toyed with Marta's desires. He tensed, played, rubbed, and delayed the moment when his fingers played in her pubis, parted her lips, and lost themselves in the cleft until they found a sea of desire.

Marta closed her eyes and waited for those hands to become more present, but suddenly he stopped touching her and she opened her eyes alarmed by the delay. He was giving her his back and heading towards the machine. How much time had passed since that tiny piece of fabric that poked out from under the machine had already become a cloth the size of a dress?

Alberto knelt in front of the stopped machine and removed the woven cloths resting in a metal grid-covered basket at the bottom of the machine.

He brought them close to her between his hands and let them brush against her face with transparent softness. She felt a shiver run through her entire body as she felt that cold fabric touch her skin. He continued with his gesture, not stopping to look at her for an instant. This intimidated her, instinctively forcing her to hide her gaze in the floor. Alberto stepped back momentarily to pick up a pin holder on the table. He put it on his arm and returned over his steps. He joined front and back by one shoulder. He did this using two pins with the Ease that comes from knowing how to do it. Then he passed the dress over Marta's shoulder and let it fall along her body, holding the other shoulder with his hands. When the dress was in place, he secured it with the brooches and stepped back from her. He gave her a glance and was sure he had succeeded. With hasty and precise hands, he was tracing her outline with brooches. He was carrying the fabric to the right tension and joining it with a brooch. She felt the proximity of the pointed brooches, the touch of his hands, the tension of the fabric as it clung to her, and his eagerness for that work. Without a doubt, this excited him and kept her in suspense.

When he had placed the last brooch, he stepped back and looked at her intently. He returned twice and retouched some brooches. Then, he released the ones on her shoulders, left them in one of the folds marking the place, and took off the dress from her feet. Her arms felt heavy with a sweet sleep that kept her in suspense out of fear of breaking the silk that connected them to the clothes rack. But she was determined to leave them there. He had asked her to do so and she did not hesitate to follow his order.

Alberto stepped back to the other side of the table, sat down at the sewing machine, and began to assemble the dress. It took him barely a few minutes to get up with the already sewn dress. He walked to the table, opened a drawer, and after a brief search, picked up two brooches and returned to the machine. They were two steel brooches, shaped like two chains linked in double mesh that joined together with a click that resonated when they closed. He sewed them onto the ends of the straps so that they would serve as a closure coinciding with her shoulders and the chain would be the only visible strap on her pink skin. He stood up and, with an air of triumph, showed her the dress: Do you like it? Without letting her respond, he approached her and made a move to put it on.

She lifted one foot, then the other, and he pulled the dress upwards. I was climbing up her body, she felt the pressing caress of the elastic fabric that adapted to her skin. When the dress was in its place, he put it on correctly and closed it with a click that exploded in Marta's head, making her sneeze. With delicacy, he retouched each wrinkle in the fabric, every fold, every seam until the result was perfect.

He knew from the first time he saw her. He knew that would be his dress long before speaking to her for the first time, before she accepted taking that coffee, before he got into his car and guided her there.

When he saw her, already he saw her with that dress on. When he imagined that black silk dress, it was already coming with her inside. And now, seeing it on her, he felt like he had created the world. The lines, the cut, the colors that had been created in his head, suddenly left him to merge with Marta, to become indissoluble skin. To fill with feeling.

It was a precious dress. Romantic, yes, but above all beautiful. A cascade of silk falling from her bare shoulders to her knees, adapting prodigiously to her body like a suggestion. And it was made for her.

And he was absorbed in his new and radiant beauty while she, amazed, discovered her image in the mirror for the first time in her life. And saw a mature and beautiful woman, proud of herself, of her condition, and of her hands tied with the light spirit of liberating silk. And for the first time in her life, she felt powerful.

That's why he could surrender from his strength without faltering. And let himself be swept away by the delicious tremor that invaded her when she felt his breath. His kiss was approaching and he knew it, and waited eagerly, already shivering at the near touch of his mouth. He couldn't guess where his lips would land; maybe near her ear or tracing her temple; maybe on her throat or sliding furtively to her neck, lingering in it until felt like her skin was standing on end, like her neck was bending in offering.

It was then that she felt him starting a long stroll across her shoulder, stopping at every millimeter of skin, counting each freckle with his tongue, leaving behind a humid trail as he went.

And he continued on his way, leaving behind, now returning, a kiss in the hollow of her neck and sought out her mouth. And it was then that she gave him what she had longed for so much. Her breath. Her sustenance. And she loved him.

She let her hands slide down to her breasts and for an instant her fingers touched velvet, cotton, softness, and a sky of flesh, of authentic skin as she felt the danger of fear, pleasure, and sweetness. She felt reality and burned in a tempered fire that consumed her. When she dared to look at him again, she felt that autumn was burning hot, it was summer, the heat melted the last chill of her previous winter.

Then, with gentleness, Alberto slid down, allowing his mouth to trace her body until he settled between her thighs. Through her dress, she felt the pressure of his face against hers. She helped herself with her hands and lifted her dress slightly until his mouth found her skin. And then, the touch of his tongue. At first, she resisted, too invaded by panic and shame to do anything. Later, slowly, very slowly, strange, confusing sensations began to knock down the walls of her defenses, sensations that were undoubtedly something forbidden yet exciting. Her tongue was finding secret places of pleasure that she didn't even know existed. It seemed like he was playing with her for hours, provoking in her rhythms, desires, ups and downs on a never-ending slide. Until she shuddered, screaming, finally, in an endless crescendo.

He withdrew his mouth as he returned the dress to its perfect position. He was getting up, keeping their bodies pressed together, sharing warmth, and his arms held her rodeared and she rested on his shoulder. Then it was slowly withdrawing, as if contemplating her work...

-Do you recognize yourself in the mirror?- he asked with a triumphant smile on his mouth.

She opened her eyes, turned towards the mirror, and saw herself disheveled and radiant.

-It's not the same woman you knew. But I recognize myself in her- she said without stopping to look at herself in the mirror. She did it by accepting her own image as if it had accompanied her all her life. In reality, since childhood, she would cry in front of the mirror every time he refused her image, every time she stayed with a boy, tried to be pretty and couldn't see her image.

She approached him again, adjusted her dress, turned her around to see her from behind. She obeyed each of his gestures, each of his hints. And waited.

He operated the clothes rack again and the bar lowered until his hands were tied in front of him. Then he stopped. He released the bar's thread and helped her down. With her hands tied, she needed his help. He took her by the waist and she felt herself flying to the floor. She landed between laughter and with her body stuck to his. And he kissed her.

He did it by surprise, catching her off guard. That deep kiss pulled her towards his mouth, returning each of his movements with passion. It was an infinite kiss, where she ended up surrendering. It was a unconditional surrender. And she accepted it with the same naturalness with which she had accepted her own image just minutes before.

Retouch your makeup, we're leaving- he said as he began to collect everything he had used to make her dress.

Elena recovered her purse from the table, looked for her lipstick and for the first time in her life painted it on in front of the mirror. She was lost staring at herself, rubbing her skin against that treacherous silver so many years ago...

Alberto's voice pulled her out of her reverie: We're leaving. He took the fine thread again in one hand, and the bag with the previous Marta's clothes in the other, and began to pay The lights while they were leaving.

She made a pause outline as she passed in front of the mirror before going out to the street so that the incorruptible azogue of the mirror would return her own image, longed for so many years. She enjoyed seeing herself move her hands elegantly like directing a symphony while nervously chattering and fluttering around herself. She saw herself with her magnificent dress and for the first time in her life she felt beautiful. She saw through the mirror as he surpassed her and was about to win the street. Let's go she said briefly while giving a slight tug on the thread. She smiled, making sure that the smile collected everything inside her and offered it to him; she promised him the deepest part of herself in exchange for little: the beat of a response, the tranquility of noting in him a reaction with which she would feel flattered. At times, all the sweetness of the dark world was penetrating her. She felt like a girl with burning cheeks on that secret night of suffocating heat.

She hastened to stretch out her hands and follow him. She didn't want the thread to break. That night was for her. Nothing could break it.

Then she walked very slowly towards the car, and felt like the queen of the night with her new dress marking her breast-like bombs, bare, and her legs like silk whips, and her skin drawn, delicate, impossible. She couldn't be a genuine woman. And for the first time in her life she didn't stop, didn't seek the approval of her eyes nor doubted at the car door.

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