Some new neighbors, with a wife and a daughter who are as hot as they come.... Hello, I'm Calos, 32 years old, single... I live alone in the center of Madrid, and this is a story that happened to me recently, still ongoing, after searching for ideas on this web's stories I decided to share my story.
As I said, I live in Madrid, in a quiet area known as Ciudad Universitaria, my building has about ten floors and there are families and students living in the smaller apartments. One day, returning from work, I saw a moving truck, a man in a suit was carrying a large box, he stumbled when entering the portal, but I caught him just in time to prevent him from getting hurt. He apologized and I told him it was nothing, as we walked towards the elevator, he realized he had injured his ankle, so I offered to carry the box for him, we went up to his apartment, which was one of the largest ones. When we arrived, he sat down, his ankle hurt, I'm not usually very sociable with my neighbors but that day I caught a good mood and ended up taking him to Samur where they put on an ankle splint, he didn't stop thanking me, he told me they were moving from Valencia so their daughter could study at a school of the Opus in the area, he worked for a large executive company. We parted ways and I thought what a waste of time.
A week later, at 7 pm, someone knocked on the door. When I opened it, I found a woman around 45 years old, really beautiful, she was dressed very discreetly but you could tell she had a good body under her clothes. She introduced herself as Jorge's wife and said they were inviting me to dinner that night to thank me for helping her husband. I didn't have any plans and my fridge was empty so I accepted. At 9 pm, I went up to their apartment, the door was opened by an 18-year-old girl who looked like her mother. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and under her shirt you could see two large breasts when she turned around and I saw her ass I forgot any scruple and decided I had to screw her. The dinner started by blessing the table which in any other situation would have killed me but I had an objective and that kept me afloat. They talked about their jobs and I commented on mine with computers... it was quite boring actually but I entertained myself imagining how they would screw each other, Mrs. all dignity, how she would suck her husband's cock? The girl looked at me discreetly, she liked it. She was too much of a woman already for the way she was dressed but the almost monastic air of the house imposed that style, I suppose.
At the end of dinner, Jorge asked me for a favor. His daughter's computer was malfunctioning and she was determined to get a new one, so I asked if I could take a look. The girl said no, it wasn't necessary because it was working fine already, but her father scolded her, telling her that it had been a month since he gave her the old one and she should ask for a new one. She finally agreed and said okay, she would download it on Monday. I saw her anxiety so I decided to take a look before she could touch it, I told them it was impossible during the week because I was very busy but that it was soon and if they left it with me that night I could do it quietly and give it back the next day. The girl tried to resist but her father told her to bring her laptop right away, you could tell who was in charge at home. She looked down and went back a minute later with her laptop, it was a normal HP with silly stickers on top. She handed it over looking me straight in the eye.
We took a drink on some sofas, I had the laptop next to me and was putting my hand distractedly on it, she was looking at me worried. After a while I said goodbye and ran down to my house. I turned on the laptop and connected an external hard drive to copy everything before anything else. I installed a couple of programs to clean it up and with the copy connected to mine I started exploring. The first thing I looked for were the MSN logs, I had all the conversations saved, this teenage habit of saving everything... I did a search for photos and found the typical family photos, with friends, there were some in Palm where you could see her and her mother in bikinis, they were excessively large but their bodies were impressive. I kept imagining Papa giving Mama cock, I loved it. I explored a bit more and found what I was looking for, a folder called physical education works, where I would never look anything up with my parents' permission, imagine. It wasn't hard to bypass the password.
The girl was organized even for this, everything was very tidy, there was a folder called fotis where there were dozens of...
of photos of her in lingerie, without a bra, posing in front of the mirror or on her bed on all fours, seeing her bare breasts was a revelation. She had two beautiful globes with small pink nipples. She was smiling in almost all of them, now I would be smiling too. I kept investigating, she had some downloaded porn videos from the internet where you could see girls sucking cocks, getting fucked, a little bit of everything. There was another one that said les, full of beautiful naked girls, playing with each other, so they also liked girls. Given how religious her parents were, I didn't think they would make much of an issue out of homosexuality. I reviewed her MSN conversations, she had two, one for her parents with friends from school etc, there weren't any boys curiously, and her father was on her MSN too, I imagined how controlled she must have been. And another one to chat with girls, in the conversations they talked about sex, she was quite shy, some of them got a little loud. And in one direct message, they had taken off their clothes, I searched for the corresponding videos and in one you could see her massaging another teenager's breasts. In the conversation, she spoke about Eva's breasts (her name is that by the way), it was clear they had played the same game. I closed it, I didn't need more, I would review the rest the next day.
The next morning at around 11:30 am, someone knocked on the door. It was Eva with her mother. She apologized saying the girl was determined that she needed the computer. I told them to give me a minute because a program was finishing up, I offered them coffee and left them in the kitchen while I went to my office. I activated the cam to record what was going to happen and put the gallery of Eva's photos on my computer monitor, which is 20 inches so it was very clear. I called out to see if she came with her mother to disable the screen saver. Her mother seemed to decide to finish her coffee calmly. When Eva entered the office, she turned pale looking at my monitor. Do you want to say something?
- Yeah. You make pornographic photos, have sexual games with lesbians, and speak a language I don't think you learned in school. – She got even whiter –
- Please no.
- Yeah, please no what? I have no other choice but to tell your parents. Don't worry, when you recover from the beating your father will give you, they'll send you to one of those religious boarding schools where you'll pray four times a day.
Eva.- No, please don't do that – She whispered, her mother was near and we only had a few minutes.
- Will you do everything I say?
Eva.- Everything? What do you want to say?
- Be here at 4 pm, tell them you're going for a walk around Vips or something like that.
Eva.- Alone? Why? – She looked at me worried.
- Do what I say or by 4:15 your father and his whole schedule, including your friends, the lesbians included, will receive a collection of your photos along with your hot conversations. You'll become the queen of teenage web sites in no time.
- By the way, delete everything now, only my copy remains, we don't want you to get caught being a bad girl, right?
I gave her her laptop and accompanied her where her mother was. Eva was very quiet, at the door her mother thanked me for the favor and told her daughter to thank me too. Eva looked at me with hatred.
Eva.- Thank you, Carlos.
- I smiled and said it had been a pleasure.
The morning seemed eternal, I entertained myself by putting my portail on recording video in the living room and another hidden camera in the corner. At exactly 4 pm I heard the elevator and someone knocking on the door with their knuckles. I opened it, they rushed in quickly and closed the door.
Eva.- Well, what do you want? She said almost crying.
- It's easy, what all men want from you since your breasts grew.
Eva.- I'm not a slut, she was already crying and sniffling.
- Yeah, I know, you're not a slut, you're a normal girl who wants to try and experiment.
Eva - Yes, but not with you, you're much older and a pervert. I liked you yesterday, but today I hate you.
I - True, well, then matured.
Eva - Seriously? And what would happen to everything I stole from you?
I - Well, I'd have to talk to your father, but maybe I'll try with your mother, she's almost as good as you and surely won't mind replacing you so your father doesn't find out.
Eva - I'd give you a beating if he finds out, and my mother too for not preventing it. He's very strict.
I - Better, then your mother won't have a problem with me.
Eva - No, she's fine, she has enough to deal with, what do you want?
I - First, wash your face, then come back, I'll be sitting on that sofa, you'll get on top of me and making faces, begging me to be your girlfriend, I'll resist but you have to try to convince me at any price, do you understand?
Eva - She looks at me with a doubtful expression and went to the bathroom.
I put the laptop so it would record the scene, I was less than a meter away, there wouldn't be any problems with the sound.
She came back and sat on top of me, started caressing my hair. It took me about ten minutes to assume her role but since I wasn't saying anything, she ended up assuming there was no alternative.
Eva - Carlos, please, yesterday I fell in love with you, I want...
I - What do you want, Eva?
Eva - To be your girlfriend.
I - What? What am I supposed to do with a 18-year-old girlfriend? You're crazy!
She looks at me with a surprised expression, expecting me to pounce on her instead of these games
Eva - Come on, I know you like me, yesterday you were looking at me a lot.
I - Of course, because you're a cutie, but I'm looking for other things in a woman.
Eva - What are you looking for? Sex? I don't know much about that but I learn fast. My mom says I have a very beautiful body.
I - And you do, and she does too. See, I should go get her, surely she'd give me what I want much better than you. Your father is lucky, surely he's screwing her every day.
She puts on a contrite expression.
I - See, I say fuck and you're scared, and if I tell you that papi hunde su cock todos los días en el pussy de tu mama? Que seguro que están aprovechando ahora que no estas para que le lama la cock and beber su semen?.
Eva se pico, cogio mis manos y las puso sobre sus pechos.
Eva.- Te estoy diciendo que lo que quieras, y no, mi mama no hace esas cosas. Tiene un diario muy detallado escondido, por eso te miraba ayer, eres el primer hombre que no es de la familia o de la iglesia, que dejan que se me acerque. Ella es muy infeliz, mi papa solo se acuesta con ella el día antes de la regla para que no se quede embarazada, y ni siquiera la desnuda. Tiene unos camisones horribles de esos de la edad media. Cuando lo leí decidí que no quería ser tan infeliz como ella.
Yo.- Jajaja, así que al final si querías eh slut !
Eva.- No me llames así! No soy ninguna slut !
Le apreté bien fuerte sus dos tetas… Ella suspiro.
Yo.- Si, si lo eres, eres mi slut , Hare contigo lo que quiera y tu no solo obedecerás, sino que después, me darás las gracias, igual que esta mañana.
Metí las manos dentro de su escote, sus tetas estaban muy calientes y sus pezones duros. Jugue con ellas un rato estrujándolas y acariciándolas. Ella cada vez estaba mas excitada, se lamia los labios y daba algún gemidito. Le estaba encantando.
Yo.- Bien, quien eres?
Eva.- Eva
Yo.- quien??
Eva.-Tu slut ?.
Yo.- Bien, y hora dime por que quieres serlo.
Eva.- Por que no quiero terminar como mi mama?
Yo.- Y que le falta a tu mama?
Eva.- Hacer mas el love….
Yo-. Perdón??
Eva.- Que papa se la folle mas?
Yo.- Con que?
Eva.- Con su cock!
Yo.- Bien, y si te digo que te voy a convertir en una chupapollas de primera y que unos de estos días te follare en mi dormitorio, debajo del de tus padres para que te escuchen fuck and piensen que estoy con alguna golfa?.
Eva.- Ummmmmmmm
Yo.- Que significa eso?
Eva.- Que me gusta!
Yo.- que es lo que te gusta?
Eva.- Que me enseñes a chuparte la cock y que me folles para que mis padres me hear you moaning like a slut I - Well, find my cock. She put her hands on my belt and took off my pajama pants that I was wearing, my cock which had been hard for a while jumped out, she grabbed it very softly. I - Grab it with force. She squeezed it with one hand, clumsily banging me around, and with the other, she caressed the tip of the glans, I had already released some liquid, she took her fingers to her nose and sniffed... I - Suck them. She put them in her mouth. I - What do you think? Eva - It smells strong and tastes the same, but I think I like it, is this what gets me pregnant? I - No, that comes later. You'll try it calmly then. She smiled. I - Well, grab my cock by the base with one hand and caress my balls with the other, very softly. Eva - Like this? It's very hard and hot, I like it, and this part is so soft... I - Take off your top and bra, I want to play with your tits while you suck me. She passed her hands over her back to unbutton herself and with a movement she took everything off. I - Ummm, you really have beautiful tits. – While holding them in her hands and squeezing them tightly. Eva - Thank you, sometimes men look at me a lot on the street and their faces... well, sometimes they scare me. I - That's because you make your cock hard, they want to screw you like animals. They don't care if you're nice or not. All they want is to screw you. Eva - Yeah, well I don't think I'd like it. I - Well, my cock seems to like you, don't let go of it. Eva - Okay, your cock likes me too, what do I do now?. I - Get down on your knees and looking at me, lick the base of my cock and my balls, very softly... She got down on her knees and started licking like a slutty. I - You're precious on your knees with your big tits licking my balls slut . She looked at me with a spark of rebellion in her eyes and suddenly almost all of my cock went into her mouth. I - I'm going to find out what you like, do you really like it? Do you like being... Call me a slut - she was sucking harder and harder every time. - You're a little tramp, here on your knees, licking a stranger's cock instead of studying - she put her hand in her pants and started to masturbate. - Look at her, so promiscuous, masturbating... what would Daddy say if he saw his princess sucking my cock? Do you think I imagine it ever happening?- , she took the cock out of her mouth and licked it all, her gaze was no longer that of a good girl. - Do you want me to teach Mommy how to suck cock like you do? That way we'd have two whores in the same house - If you please, teach her, she enjoys it just like I do, her life is very sad and she's so beautiful... - Fine, I'll do it and you'll help me, you know what that will turn into for your father?. - Into a cuck - and she put the cock all the way back in. I was already about to come. I took the cock out of her mouth - Well, slut, now you can choose, you can get up and leave and I won't bother you again or you can keep sucking my cock until I come in that slut's mouth you have, your choice. - I can't leave... if I go away after that I couldn't give you thanks - she said winking at me. - Fine, then swallow it all and looking at me - My cock couldn't take it anymore, I started to shoot a torrent of semen straight into her mouth. She puckered her lips around my glans so nothing would escape, I put my hand on her throat, feeling how she was swallowing it was delicious, when the semen stopped coming out she stayed there for a couple more minutes licking me clean. She had also come, I took off her pants and ate her pussy like a madman, it was delicious, a virgin's pussy, mine and that of a precious girl. She came three times more.
Eva.- Damn! I don't believe it
Me- You're sexy, slut
Eva.- I think I even like being called that now
Me- hahaha
Me- Well, you should go. You've been out for an hour, won't they get upset?
Eva.- Yes, more so
Me- Well, are your parents asleep? They must be taking a nap after mass and then Eat and sleep for a bit.
I - Well, tell them I'm going to the movies, tomorrow I'll deflower this precious pussy and that bum.
Eva - The ass? It will hurt me?
I - Yes, a little. But a good slut should receive through all her holes. Do you like sucking cock? Then the rest will be fine with you.
Eva - Well, am I your slut then? It's supposed to be that way, isn't it? That's the idea.
I - Yes, and you'll enjoy it
Eva - I think so too.
I - Well, now come closer to the computer screen and say...
She blushed.
Eva - Did you record me?
I - Always will, now do what I told you. - and gave her a slap on the ass.
She approached the screen, moving the mouse, her face appeared full-screen, still had something of semen on her lips, she looked at me, licked her lips, looking at the screen...
Eva - Hi mom, I just learned to suck cocks and they ate my pussy like never your dad did yours, hope you're with that cock in your pussy soon, I love you.It's a story I found, if you like the history keep going... Greetings to all...
As I said, I live in Madrid, in a quiet area known as Ciudad Universitaria, my building has about ten floors and there are families and students living in the smaller apartments. One day, returning from work, I saw a moving truck, a man in a suit was carrying a large box, he stumbled when entering the portal, but I caught him just in time to prevent him from getting hurt. He apologized and I told him it was nothing, as we walked towards the elevator, he realized he had injured his ankle, so I offered to carry the box for him, we went up to his apartment, which was one of the largest ones. When we arrived, he sat down, his ankle hurt, I'm not usually very sociable with my neighbors but that day I caught a good mood and ended up taking him to Samur where they put on an ankle splint, he didn't stop thanking me, he told me they were moving from Valencia so their daughter could study at a school of the Opus in the area, he worked for a large executive company. We parted ways and I thought what a waste of time.
A week later, at 7 pm, someone knocked on the door. When I opened it, I found a woman around 45 years old, really beautiful, she was dressed very discreetly but you could tell she had a good body under her clothes. She introduced herself as Jorge's wife and said they were inviting me to dinner that night to thank me for helping her husband. I didn't have any plans and my fridge was empty so I accepted. At 9 pm, I went up to their apartment, the door was opened by an 18-year-old girl who looked like her mother. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and under her shirt you could see two large breasts when she turned around and I saw her ass I forgot any scruple and decided I had to screw her. The dinner started by blessing the table which in any other situation would have killed me but I had an objective and that kept me afloat. They talked about their jobs and I commented on mine with computers... it was quite boring actually but I entertained myself imagining how they would screw each other, Mrs. all dignity, how she would suck her husband's cock? The girl looked at me discreetly, she liked it. She was too much of a woman already for the way she was dressed but the almost monastic air of the house imposed that style, I suppose.

We took a drink on some sofas, I had the laptop next to me and was putting my hand distractedly on it, she was looking at me worried. After a while I said goodbye and ran down to my house. I turned on the laptop and connected an external hard drive to copy everything before anything else. I installed a couple of programs to clean it up and with the copy connected to mine I started exploring. The first thing I looked for were the MSN logs, I had all the conversations saved, this teenage habit of saving everything... I did a search for photos and found the typical family photos, with friends, there were some in Palm where you could see her and her mother in bikinis, they were excessively large but their bodies were impressive. I kept imagining Papa giving Mama cock, I loved it. I explored a bit more and found what I was looking for, a folder called physical education works, where I would never look anything up with my parents' permission, imagine. It wasn't hard to bypass the password.
The girl was organized even for this, everything was very tidy, there was a folder called fotis where there were dozens of...
of photos of her in lingerie, without a bra, posing in front of the mirror or on her bed on all fours, seeing her bare breasts was a revelation. She had two beautiful globes with small pink nipples. She was smiling in almost all of them, now I would be smiling too. I kept investigating, she had some downloaded porn videos from the internet where you could see girls sucking cocks, getting fucked, a little bit of everything. There was another one that said les, full of beautiful naked girls, playing with each other, so they also liked girls. Given how religious her parents were, I didn't think they would make much of an issue out of homosexuality. I reviewed her MSN conversations, she had two, one for her parents with friends from school etc, there weren't any boys curiously, and her father was on her MSN too, I imagined how controlled she must have been. And another one to chat with girls, in the conversations they talked about sex, she was quite shy, some of them got a little loud. And in one direct message, they had taken off their clothes, I searched for the corresponding videos and in one you could see her massaging another teenager's breasts. In the conversation, she spoke about Eva's breasts (her name is that by the way), it was clear they had played the same game. I closed it, I didn't need more, I would review the rest the next day.
The next morning at around 11:30 am, someone knocked on the door. It was Eva with her mother. She apologized saying the girl was determined that she needed the computer. I told them to give me a minute because a program was finishing up, I offered them coffee and left them in the kitchen while I went to my office. I activated the cam to record what was going to happen and put the gallery of Eva's photos on my computer monitor, which is 20 inches so it was very clear. I called out to see if she came with her mother to disable the screen saver. Her mother seemed to decide to finish her coffee calmly. When Eva entered the office, she turned pale looking at my monitor. Do you want to say something?
- Yeah. You make pornographic photos, have sexual games with lesbians, and speak a language I don't think you learned in school. – She got even whiter –
- Please no.
- Yeah, please no what? I have no other choice but to tell your parents. Don't worry, when you recover from the beating your father will give you, they'll send you to one of those religious boarding schools where you'll pray four times a day.
Eva.- No, please don't do that – She whispered, her mother was near and we only had a few minutes.
- Will you do everything I say?
Eva.- Everything? What do you want to say?
- Be here at 4 pm, tell them you're going for a walk around Vips or something like that.
Eva.- Alone? Why? – She looked at me worried.
- Do what I say or by 4:15 your father and his whole schedule, including your friends, the lesbians included, will receive a collection of your photos along with your hot conversations. You'll become the queen of teenage web sites in no time.
- By the way, delete everything now, only my copy remains, we don't want you to get caught being a bad girl, right?
I gave her her laptop and accompanied her where her mother was. Eva was very quiet, at the door her mother thanked me for the favor and told her daughter to thank me too. Eva looked at me with hatred.
Eva.- Thank you, Carlos.
- I smiled and said it had been a pleasure.
The morning seemed eternal, I entertained myself by putting my portail on recording video in the living room and another hidden camera in the corner. At exactly 4 pm I heard the elevator and someone knocking on the door with their knuckles. I opened it, they rushed in quickly and closed the door.
Eva.- Well, what do you want? She said almost crying.
- It's easy, what all men want from you since your breasts grew.
Eva.- I'm not a slut, she was already crying and sniffling.
- Yeah, I know, you're not a slut, you're a normal girl who wants to try and experiment.
Eva - Yes, but not with you, you're much older and a pervert. I liked you yesterday, but today I hate you.
I - True, well, then matured.
Eva - Seriously? And what would happen to everything I stole from you?
I - Well, I'd have to talk to your father, but maybe I'll try with your mother, she's almost as good as you and surely won't mind replacing you so your father doesn't find out.
Eva - I'd give you a beating if he finds out, and my mother too for not preventing it. He's very strict.
I - Better, then your mother won't have a problem with me.
Eva - No, she's fine, she has enough to deal with, what do you want?
I - First, wash your face, then come back, I'll be sitting on that sofa, you'll get on top of me and making faces, begging me to be your girlfriend, I'll resist but you have to try to convince me at any price, do you understand?
Eva - She looks at me with a doubtful expression and went to the bathroom.
I put the laptop so it would record the scene, I was less than a meter away, there wouldn't be any problems with the sound.
She came back and sat on top of me, started caressing my hair. It took me about ten minutes to assume her role but since I wasn't saying anything, she ended up assuming there was no alternative.
Eva - Carlos, please, yesterday I fell in love with you, I want...
I - What do you want, Eva?
Eva - To be your girlfriend.
I - What? What am I supposed to do with a 18-year-old girlfriend? You're crazy!
She looks at me with a surprised expression, expecting me to pounce on her instead of these games
Eva - Come on, I know you like me, yesterday you were looking at me a lot.
I - Of course, because you're a cutie, but I'm looking for other things in a woman.
Eva - What are you looking for? Sex? I don't know much about that but I learn fast. My mom says I have a very beautiful body.
I - And you do, and she does too. See, I should go get her, surely she'd give me what I want much better than you. Your father is lucky, surely he's screwing her every day.
She puts on a contrite expression.
I - See, I say fuck and you're scared, and if I tell you that papi hunde su cock todos los días en el pussy de tu mama? Que seguro que están aprovechando ahora que no estas para que le lama la cock and beber su semen?.
Eva se pico, cogio mis manos y las puso sobre sus pechos.
Eva.- Te estoy diciendo que lo que quieras, y no, mi mama no hace esas cosas. Tiene un diario muy detallado escondido, por eso te miraba ayer, eres el primer hombre que no es de la familia o de la iglesia, que dejan que se me acerque. Ella es muy infeliz, mi papa solo se acuesta con ella el día antes de la regla para que no se quede embarazada, y ni siquiera la desnuda. Tiene unos camisones horribles de esos de la edad media. Cuando lo leí decidí que no quería ser tan infeliz como ella.
Yo.- Jajaja, así que al final si querías eh slut !
Eva.- No me llames así! No soy ninguna slut !
Le apreté bien fuerte sus dos tetas… Ella suspiro.
Yo.- Si, si lo eres, eres mi slut , Hare contigo lo que quiera y tu no solo obedecerás, sino que después, me darás las gracias, igual que esta mañana.
Metí las manos dentro de su escote, sus tetas estaban muy calientes y sus pezones duros. Jugue con ellas un rato estrujándolas y acariciándolas. Ella cada vez estaba mas excitada, se lamia los labios y daba algún gemidito. Le estaba encantando.
Yo.- Bien, quien eres?
Eva.- Eva
Yo.- quien??
Eva.-Tu slut ?.
Yo.- Bien, y hora dime por que quieres serlo.
Eva.- Por que no quiero terminar como mi mama?
Yo.- Y que le falta a tu mama?
Eva.- Hacer mas el love….
Yo-. Perdón??
Eva.- Que papa se la folle mas?
Yo.- Con que?
Eva.- Con su cock!
Yo.- Bien, y si te digo que te voy a convertir en una chupapollas de primera y que unos de estos días te follare en mi dormitorio, debajo del de tus padres para que te escuchen fuck and piensen que estoy con alguna golfa?.
Eva.- Ummmmmmmm
Yo.- Que significa eso?
Eva.- Que me gusta!
Yo.- que es lo que te gusta?
Eva.- Que me enseñes a chuparte la cock y que me folles para que mis padres me hear you moaning like a slut I - Well, find my cock. She put her hands on my belt and took off my pajama pants that I was wearing, my cock which had been hard for a while jumped out, she grabbed it very softly. I - Grab it with force. She squeezed it with one hand, clumsily banging me around, and with the other, she caressed the tip of the glans, I had already released some liquid, she took her fingers to her nose and sniffed... I - Suck them. She put them in her mouth. I - What do you think? Eva - It smells strong and tastes the same, but I think I like it, is this what gets me pregnant? I - No, that comes later. You'll try it calmly then. She smiled. I - Well, grab my cock by the base with one hand and caress my balls with the other, very softly. Eva - Like this? It's very hard and hot, I like it, and this part is so soft... I - Take off your top and bra, I want to play with your tits while you suck me. She passed her hands over her back to unbutton herself and with a movement she took everything off. I - Ummm, you really have beautiful tits. – While holding them in her hands and squeezing them tightly. Eva - Thank you, sometimes men look at me a lot on the street and their faces... well, sometimes they scare me. I - That's because you make your cock hard, they want to screw you like animals. They don't care if you're nice or not. All they want is to screw you. Eva - Yeah, well I don't think I'd like it. I - Well, my cock seems to like you, don't let go of it. Eva - Okay, your cock likes me too, what do I do now?. I - Get down on your knees and looking at me, lick the base of my cock and my balls, very softly... She got down on her knees and started licking like a slutty. I - You're precious on your knees with your big tits licking my balls slut . She looked at me with a spark of rebellion in her eyes and suddenly almost all of my cock went into her mouth. I - I'm going to find out what you like, do you really like it? Do you like being... Call me a slut - she was sucking harder and harder every time. - You're a little tramp, here on your knees, licking a stranger's cock instead of studying - she put her hand in her pants and started to masturbate. - Look at her, so promiscuous, masturbating... what would Daddy say if he saw his princess sucking my cock? Do you think I imagine it ever happening?- , she took the cock out of her mouth and licked it all, her gaze was no longer that of a good girl. - Do you want me to teach Mommy how to suck cock like you do? That way we'd have two whores in the same house - If you please, teach her, she enjoys it just like I do, her life is very sad and she's so beautiful... - Fine, I'll do it and you'll help me, you know what that will turn into for your father?. - Into a cuck - and she put the cock all the way back in. I was already about to come. I took the cock out of her mouth - Well, slut, now you can choose, you can get up and leave and I won't bother you again or you can keep sucking my cock until I come in that slut's mouth you have, your choice. - I can't leave... if I go away after that I couldn't give you thanks - she said winking at me. - Fine, then swallow it all and looking at me - My cock couldn't take it anymore, I started to shoot a torrent of semen straight into her mouth. She puckered her lips around my glans so nothing would escape, I put my hand on her throat, feeling how she was swallowing it was delicious, when the semen stopped coming out she stayed there for a couple more minutes licking me clean. She had also come, I took off her pants and ate her pussy like a madman, it was delicious, a virgin's pussy, mine and that of a precious girl. She came three times more.
Eva.- Damn! I don't believe it
Me- You're sexy, slut
Eva.- I think I even like being called that now
Me- hahaha
Me- Well, you should go. You've been out for an hour, won't they get upset?
Eva.- Yes, more so
Me- Well, are your parents asleep? They must be taking a nap after mass and then Eat and sleep for a bit.
I - Well, tell them I'm going to the movies, tomorrow I'll deflower this precious pussy and that bum.
Eva - The ass? It will hurt me?
I - Yes, a little. But a good slut should receive through all her holes. Do you like sucking cock? Then the rest will be fine with you.
Eva - Well, am I your slut then? It's supposed to be that way, isn't it? That's the idea.
I - Yes, and you'll enjoy it
Eva - I think so too.
I - Well, now come closer to the computer screen and say...
She blushed.
Eva - Did you record me?
I - Always will, now do what I told you. - and gave her a slap on the ass.
She approached the screen, moving the mouse, her face appeared full-screen, still had something of semen on her lips, she looked at me, licked her lips, looking at the screen...
Eva - Hi mom, I just learned to suck cocks and they ate my pussy like never your dad did yours, hope you're with that cock in your pussy soon, I love you.It's a story I found, if you like the history keep going... Greetings to all...
11 comentários - If you don't like sex, don't read...
ese relato no es tuyo 😩
lo e leido ya hace mucho en una pagina aparte 🆒
y no creo q seas el de el relato mismo 🤔
Disculpa inquisition pero al final dice que no es mio que lo encontre.... igual gracias por comentar
Solo hace falta citar la fuente 🙎♂️