Avaricia (Relato de una maldicion)

Friends and friends, I'm stealing another minute of your kind attention, bringing you straight from the factory of perversions in Almagro, Buenos Aires, with a new story that mixes sex, perversions, autobiographies, and bad dreams, fears, and mental precipices. Always seasoned with some hidden surprise. Ideal for the gentleman's torn pocket and the lady's back pocket jeans, at the modest sum of the pleasure of knowing you've read me, if you want to leave a comment, it's very welcome! To keep them company, I'll leave a song from my favorite band, Radiohead! A big hug to all those who have always supported me despite my bad and/or psychedelic morning jokes! 😬

GREED (Tale of a Curse)

I remember when I lost myself, got lost from the world; I left my career and there was no minute outside or bell that could save me.

I had everything, maybe not exactly everything, but a lot, a lot of money and possessions (all transformable into gold, not for nostalgia but for their intrinsic value).

I inflated my fortune by exchanging favors not entirely pure, due to my addiction to money I left the law sometimes in unglamorous forms, but always found a way to get back on track.

Over time, I learned that money was my only reliable friend, that everyone around me was negotiable, that everything had a price and then it could be negotiated; especially if it was negotiated with me and my bodyguards.

I organized a system to ensure the loyalty of those muscular monkeys, coming from poor families, which were maintained with the miserable salary I gave them and, by castrating them, took away all their adrenaline motivation, except for killing and beating.

I came to the conclusion, after breaking ribs, knees, fingers, and jawbones of unpayable debtors, that it did not provide a significant benefit and that, besides, it cost me more to have better trained and wilder soldiers... so I invented a more ingenious method of collection.

Husbands with attractive wives often had debts with me, which were settled by the flesh of the women at home, always convincing peacefully their husbands, it was either that or break several bones and burn their houses to make them pay off part of the debt.

It's incredible how convincing a violent reputation can be and three types of two-meter-tall men, totally deranged and armed. batting; maybe trying not to miss a second of what was happening meters from his filthy self.

The most exciting thing that comes to my mind is a sequence of a payment, we surprised a family having dinner, it was winter and outside it was very cold so we decided to enter without knocking.

There were three, husband (debtor, compulsive gambler and falterer) woman and daughter.

The girl was a dream, 20 years old just turned, the woman 42 and one was stronger than the other.

Both redheads, the daughter had braids, they were both tall, with green eyes, even the light wrinkles that appeared on the sides of their eyes made her very interesting when she smiled, although this woman did not smile many times that night.

We reached an agreement: the debt was reduced to half and I left him some new 10,000 to bet and try to win to get out of the hole a little and in exchange took his most precious possessions tonight, leaving me completely at their mercy for future sexual favors both when I wanted, by the way avoiding that he kill me for the 500,000 he owed me.

Some tears escaped when he understood that he was cornered by a beast with whom you couldn't reason: that was me.

He started to tremble while looking at me with slaughtered lamb eyes, begging for mercy in silence and I said:

-Do you have to break both your ankles so you can cry with reason? Or are you going to take responsibility for your messes and understand that there aren't many possibilities here?

-No but...- he said the sorete.

-Few things give me more disgust than a cagging son of a slut who doesn't think before making certain bets or mistakes, which is the same thing in this case! Besides, you despised the money, thinking you could get away with it? You should have taken out an eye...

The little monkeys hit him a bit.

-Don't hit him in the face, I want him to be able to see what we're going to do. In the stomach and kidneys, kids!

After some gentle blows, we went upstairs to give ourselves a shower, the two women and I, and the good husband and/or father, so it doesn't forget that with money you don't play around.

In the bathtub, the woman sat behind me and the daughter in front, to have a pleasant view of the landscape and to keep the most skilled one occupied, maybe the daughter would learn something. They had convinced themselves that this wasn't a joke after seeing the beating the idiot of the house received, which made them more docile and servile.

After the shower, I got tired of eating the daughter's delicate and fleshy mouth, feeling her dedicated and expert hands, and relaxing with hot water, so we headed to the marital bedroom.

Before that, I had undressed the husband, exposing his important erection. I made him go get a bottle of champagne from the fridge, so I could loosen up the women a bit more by adding some special substance; if there were any barriers left.

By the time the husband entered, the wife had changed her state of anger and disgust due to her hot-headed husband's addiction for an interesting emotion for me: revenge. She had asked to speak with her daughter alone before, and I granted it.

The girl nodded while looking at the floor with shame, her face totally red and her enormous pink nipples swollen into a cone shape, crowning two phenomenal breasts that weren't big but had the shape of a pear, with some sagging. The mother's breasts were really large, immaculate, and her nipples were erect; I wanted to bite them while hypnotizing her with my gaze from the bed.

The mother's butt wasn't the best, but it was clear she had traveled many kilometers, unlike the daughter's, which was flat and round, delicate and even perhaps virginal.

When the husband arrived, I prepared the cups with the help and both of them drank until the end. They felt dizzy, but when they lay down beside me, as I caressed the generous crotch of the wife, I noticed how the Moisture emanated deliciously. I kissed both of them, bringing their faces closer together each time until they were whispering: Be good, give each other a kiss. The girl took her mother's face and trembling gave her a kiss that ended in an exploration with her tongue in every corner of her glorious mouth, for a good while. I don't remember what excited me more - having two beautiful women at my mercy, the father's perversion watching and getting hot or thinking about how cheap it had cost me to get the favors of two women like these.

After kissing each other longly, they pushed their heads down delicately and gave me an anthology blow job. I could see their tongues rubbing against each other, running along my trunk, balls, head of cock, feeling like the girl was sucking her head as if it would take her life while the mother put both balls in her mouth desperately.

I closed my eyes and relaxed, reclining to let my other senses fill with what was happening: the sounds of how they were sucking me mixed with another sound, rare, that I couldn't quite distinguish... looking to the side, I discovered it was the idiot, fumbling like an animal, drooling.

It made me sick and I started losing my erection. The kids took him away, dragging him out of the room while he screamed like a madman: I want to stay and watch. It gave me a little pity, so I told one of the kids to let him look through the peephole in the door and I started laughing.

It had been a long time since I'd laughed with such satisfaction as now.

My laughter stopped when I discovered some fingers digging between their buttocks. I got up and while the daughter was fingering her mother who was sucking me on all fours, offering her vulva fully to her daughter, with her other hand she was searching for my anus between my buttocks. Let her play a little and then I got up: Now it's my turn to play, come here, slut, you'll see. No, please, not yet Never... -Shut up or I'll break all your teeth, I'm going to show you how to make an ass.

I had a hard-on that was about to explode, I knew it wasn't going to last long while I was screwing that little angel, but I couldn't help myself from losing this.

I made her get down on all fours, the mother who was sleeping and I said since you like mom's pussy, suck it well or I'll kill you girl.

Without saying a word, I spat in the girl's butt, which was opening defiantly and tightly before me.

I put my middle finger in and felt her complaining and moaning while she didn't stop sucking the woman's clitoris frenetically, who was pinching her nipples with her eyes closed and mouth open.

After making her butt a little bigger, I inserted the tip of the cock into that beautiful, marvelous, and tight ass and started pushing hard.

It cost me, it moved, twisted, and I had to give her a slap on the back of the neck while reminding her who was in charge here.

I grabbed her hair and pushed, pushed until almost putting her eggs in the ass, pumping like it was the last fuck; I loved how she moaned with each thrust but something was missing.

Then I grabbed her hair and said:

-Put all your fingers that fit into that divine pussy of your old lady, now.

When I was about to cum, I had already put in my fourth finger and was turning my hand to make the entrance bigger, while the mother was pushing her wrist towards me, screaming more, more, you little slut! at the top of her lungs.

I started cumming, I couldn't resist the image of seeing how the mother got up screaming when her daughter's whole hand entered her, literally until the handle!

I released a huge amount of cum like never in my life while torturing the girl's clitoris by rubbing it roughly and knowing she loved it, it was beautiful to see how her butt kept contracting trying to close and couldn't, seeing how the cum escaped from her interior while she continued to finger herself like she was possessed, even with her Another hand inside her ecstatic mother.

I turned back to the bathroom to wash myself, changed and left, leaving a new beating for the imbecile, just for pleasure; although I doubt there's anything more of pleasure in my soul.

I also remember a deal that went wrong... one that I'm still paying for.

I tried to collect from some gypsies and as expected, I got screwed and now I'm carrying a curse for life.

No matter how hard I try, I can't escape this cross and, although I try, I can't die, not even after more than three hundred years.

I see everything around me changing, I saw myself turned into a slave in that camp with a blood pact with the devil, I saw my money disappear, I saw those who stole from me taken away by those who robbed them to get more and more, I fell into my own trap and now, the only hope left for me is that hell might freeze one day and set me free from this gypsy magic.

And that's the story of my fall, of my eternal end.[/swf]

29 comentários - Avaricia (Relato de una maldicion)

Atrapante historia, don Pablo, como todas las suyas siempre plagadas de evidencias de una imaginación prodigiosa; aunque el final resulta un poco abrupto y forzado, la escena del trío con la chica y la madre es de antología. Le debo los puntos, desafortunadamente los jugué al zar y me los ganó alguien más...
Excelente relato Pablo!! impecable como siempre con una gran imaginación y calidad
felicitaciones amigo 😉

Gracias por el post y por compartir con todo P! el compañerismo y la diversión.
Te saluda tu amigo SDPV 😉
Buenísimo!!! La caracterización de ese hijo de puta es perfecta, y ni te cuento del culito de la nena...
Van points, favoritos, y espero MP para asistir a tu próxima criatura. 😉
Tremendo Relato Pablo !
Gracias por la invitacion Capo !

Avaricia (Relato de una maldicion)
Lo leí de principio a fin y quedé :winky::winky:...
Como dijeron por ahí arriba, la caracterización del mafioso \"cobra deudas\" es GENIAL.
La escena de la madre e hija es DE ANTOLOGÍA!

La verdad de la milanesa es que......


[por tu perfil veo que tenés otros, los voy a ir leyendo y comentando con el paso de los días]

Saludos. 😉

...tremendo relato!!

la caracterizacion del \"cobrador de deudas\" es fantastica, y concuerdo con los amigos de arriba...la narracion del trio es impresionante!! (apelando al fetiche/perversion de mirar a tu pareja teniendo sexo con otro)

excelente relato pablo, atrapante como los anteriores!! 😉

Abrazo amigo!!
a favo.y a la noche leo tanquilo.gracias por el invite!!

Stephen king triple XXX!

el tema no lo conocía, totalmente adecuado!

excelente maestro!
Me gusto muyy bueno......

para cuando el libro 😀 😀 😀

nos vemos segui asi te dejo +5 suerte

<<< Valuz!!! >>>
Pablo la verdad que te pasastes amigo, lo tuyo es un joyita de los relatos, en serio muy bueno, te atrapa, me lo hiba imaginando como una peli, te felicito amigo ya me voy a dar una vuelta por tus otros relatos, porque estan tremendos 😉


fulldiego - la banda de P!
Muy buena la historia, y muy merecida la maldición gitana que recayó sobre el avaro 😉 😉

Felicitaciones amigo¡¡ Se supera en cada uno de los pecados 😀 😀
😳 😳 una vez más me dejas asombrada, que imaginación la tuya para escribir algo asi, tan atrapante desde el principio , totalmente de acuerdo con sapoverde SE MERECIA LA MALDICION 😉
Muy buen relato, te atrapa de principio a final
Los vivillos terminan muertos en vida jeje




brujo777 P! después del amor mi mejor compañía
Perdón por la demora, amigo.
😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳
Usted viene a ser un discípulo de Tarantino !!!
la verdad...excelente...lo único que no me gustó,el agregado de la maldición(son gustos...)pero es excelso el relato,digo dede el punto de vista del lenguaje...vá cambiando,y se vuelve ultra-guarro acompañando lo mas fuerte de la cojida...excelente!!!Acompaña a la acción mas extrema,con un lenguaje extremo!!!!muy bueno...y(condición sine qua non) 🤤 🤤 🤤 ...muy caliente!!!!)
Pablin, amigazo estamos un poco perdidos, vos sabes los motivos, pero quiero decirte que esta entrega es excelente
La maldicion a mi me parece le da el toque especial al relato,gracias por seguir compartiendo tus cuentos


Pablito clavó un clavito ......

Y si, otro mas en esta secuela!!!

Pablo, escribís de una forma que realmente provoca.

Tenia ganas de meterme en el cuento y \"recagarte a trompadas\" y tambien tenia miedo de tus matones.
Y me calenté con la perdida de límites entre madre e hija.

Menos mal que fue eun sueño... uhhh nooooo
estoy despiertooooooooo. Jajajaja.
Genial otra vez me preció muy bueno!
El final es abrupto quizas en tu LIBRO de
para extenderlo un poco más.

Te felicito

Ahi te va el mal de ojo... vas a tener que escribir en P! hasta el fin de tus días.
un abrazo Pablo...
ud es un enfermito, linda historia lastima el abrupto final, tenias ganas de ir al baño que no pudiste cerrarlo?

Muy buen post!! 😛 😛



borgez y cortazar en un solo lugar pabloalmagroAvaricia (Relato de una maldicion)

y por ultimo eres un groso

P! Gracias por el post,

Gran amigo mas que amigo amigazo , volviendo de apoco .
Como siempre mis felicitaciones otra obra de arte.
Ya que hablamos de avaricia acordate d euqe tenes que empezar a cobrar 😀 😀 😀

Que hijo de una gran doberman entrenada !!! el cobrador digo... no vos, para vos pablito hay otros apelativos que son dignos de escribir en horario de proteccion al escritor lujurioso 🆒
como veras todavia no termino de leer tus pecados capitales, es decir, todavia no acabo 😀 😀 😀


la banda de P!