This result is based on real numbers taken from Poringa. The most commented post was Wanda Nara's blow job, with 735 comments, but it has over 2 million visits. So we're talking about a 0.07% comment rate. This clearly shows that there is a manifest laziness when it comes to commenting here. The issue is to discover why people visit but don't comment.
a) It could be that after seeing Poringa's exciting posts, guys get turned on for a bit and prefer to wank off instead of commenting. And we all know that once dudes are done, they can't do anything else for at least 30 minutes.
Here we could find the solution: those who post could divide their post into two parts and put the most suggestive part first and end it with the threat, If you don't comment, you won't see the second part. Watch out, as some people might get too excited by the first photo of an adolescent in jogging pants.
b) Another thing that could be done is to have moderators create pre-determined comments with various options like:
1)This old lady is worth it at 28
2)That girl is for breakfast on a Sunday morning
3)When will I get invited to a party like this?
4)Old man, eat that candy and I'll screw you in my jermu
5)I don't care if she comes with a surprise
6)No way.
These pre-determined comments would be below each post, and by pressing the one that best fits what we just saw, the comment would appear. The downside of this system is that for example, you wouldn't find a comment about a collectiver getting a kangaroo, which would make us have to limit the theme of posts, making this site boring in the long run.
c) Another thing that could be done is to find a system that only lets you leave the site after commenting. post once you commented. Imagine those who visit this page at their office, they would have to comment yes or no, as they risk being caught by their boss with a picture of a fat woman in balls on the reception desk of a ministry. The issue is that whoever is the boss will comment whenever they want. Let's hope there aren't many bosses here.
d) Another good solution is for girls who live around these places to change oral sex for comments. We wouldn't go below 2,000 comments per day, but necessity would make literature less prominent as any old fool with a simple What a great post would be getting a blow job just like someone who wrote 6 or 7 lines loaded with intelligence, sagacity, and good vibes. That's not fair. Besides, what do we do with guys who send posts? I don't think they'd want to bend over for just one comment, it's more like they wouldn't be looking around for a comment.
e) We could create pacts and alliances like T.E.G, you comment on mine and I'll comment on yours, but there's a risk that the comment will lose spontaneity and freshness, besides what do we do when an ally post doesn't please us, we can't say this post is crap. We'd lose an ally and even run the risk of losing some teeth.
f) We could, if we want to get a bit tougher, organize the Comment Squad, five or six guys with few teeth and Uvita Fiesta breath will appear at several poringa boys' houses under the slogan If you don't comment, I'll turn you into Belladonna but with pain, they'll kindly make the user feel 20 minutes in front of their PC doing some other comment. The counter would be when we want these guys to comment on our posts.
Well, this is my humble contribution to alleviate the scourge of NO COMMENTING.
I hope we can find a solution and you know...
I hope for Comments. Kisses F.
a) It could be that after seeing Poringa's exciting posts, guys get turned on for a bit and prefer to wank off instead of commenting. And we all know that once dudes are done, they can't do anything else for at least 30 minutes.
Here we could find the solution: those who post could divide their post into two parts and put the most suggestive part first and end it with the threat, If you don't comment, you won't see the second part. Watch out, as some people might get too excited by the first photo of an adolescent in jogging pants.
b) Another thing that could be done is to have moderators create pre-determined comments with various options like:
1)This old lady is worth it at 28
2)That girl is for breakfast on a Sunday morning
3)When will I get invited to a party like this?
4)Old man, eat that candy and I'll screw you in my jermu
5)I don't care if she comes with a surprise
6)No way.
These pre-determined comments would be below each post, and by pressing the one that best fits what we just saw, the comment would appear. The downside of this system is that for example, you wouldn't find a comment about a collectiver getting a kangaroo, which would make us have to limit the theme of posts, making this site boring in the long run.
c) Another thing that could be done is to find a system that only lets you leave the site after commenting. post once you commented. Imagine those who visit this page at their office, they would have to comment yes or no, as they risk being caught by their boss with a picture of a fat woman in balls on the reception desk of a ministry. The issue is that whoever is the boss will comment whenever they want. Let's hope there aren't many bosses here.
d) Another good solution is for girls who live around these places to change oral sex for comments. We wouldn't go below 2,000 comments per day, but necessity would make literature less prominent as any old fool with a simple What a great post would be getting a blow job just like someone who wrote 6 or 7 lines loaded with intelligence, sagacity, and good vibes. That's not fair. Besides, what do we do with guys who send posts? I don't think they'd want to bend over for just one comment, it's more like they wouldn't be looking around for a comment.
e) We could create pacts and alliances like T.E.G, you comment on mine and I'll comment on yours, but there's a risk that the comment will lose spontaneity and freshness, besides what do we do when an ally post doesn't please us, we can't say this post is crap. We'd lose an ally and even run the risk of losing some teeth.
f) We could, if we want to get a bit tougher, organize the Comment Squad, five or six guys with few teeth and Uvita Fiesta breath will appear at several poringa boys' houses under the slogan If you don't comment, I'll turn you into Belladonna but with pain, they'll kindly make the user feel 20 minutes in front of their PC doing some other comment. The counter would be when we want these guys to comment on our posts.
Well, this is my humble contribution to alleviate the scourge of NO COMMENTING.
I hope we can find a solution and you know...
I hope for Comments. Kisses F.
28 comentários - To end with the scourge of No. Comment
jajaja!! me cague de risa!!
ke se yo... el comentario es algo ke surge o no!
No creo ke deba ser obligatorio, igual buen aporte.
Copado el post, y medio cagándonos de risa y medio no, nos hacés pensar y repensar esta cuestión.
Slds!!!! 😉
La cantidad de post creo es de 4 veces más.
Que pasa, un usuario hace mas de 5 post por día, porsupuesto no puede pretender mas de 10 comentarios por post.
Voy al grano, hay demasiados post de lo mismo, se postea cualquiera y esto a veces te saca las ganas de comentar y te resta tiempo para comentar en los post que realmente lo merecen.
Por otro lado, la bronca justificada de los que tratamos de hacer un buen post y que buscamos buen material antes de postear, y logramos 2 comentarios con mas de 4000 visitas.
Moraleja: Entra, te gustó, valorá el esfuerzo y comentá. Hasta el más mínimo iconito ( 🙂 😉 🙎♂️ 😬 😀 🤤 )va a lograr expresarle al posteador lo que te pareció.
besos y .....pases mágicos para vos
Que siga la magia
De su nuevo fiel servidor....
maguito 😉
Encantador. Muchas gracias
F 🙎♂️
Tefelicito +10 🙂
Tenes razon en que tendria que comentar mas y asi lo voy a hacer.
Te mando muchos besos y saludos desde la plata y te dejo 10 puntos por el post cargado de inteligencia, sagacidad y buena onda.
De no ser así, excelente post!
!!!me encanto que manejo del monologo¡¡¡ 😀 😬
me encanto como escribis!
MUY MUY buen post!!
\"Frutillita\" 😛 😛
😳 😳 😳
No creo que muchos tiqueen esa opción 😀
Muy buen post 😉
ajajajajaj Buenisimo Voto por Esto!
Igualmente tambien estan los comentarios troll, pero gastemos polvora en chimango animal que no se come!
Exelente post!
pero de esas visitas hay que ver quienes son full user
ahi esta otro problema
pero me gusto tu post...
plantea una realidad comunitaria que responde a múltiples causas...y tiene muchas lecturas pero lamentablemente no se pueden discutir a través de los comentarios
Lluvia de bendiciones!!!
Valoro el tiempo y el esfuerzo de quienes postean. por eso siempre dejo un comentario en cada post que visito.
Tengo 3 post con un gran numero de visitas y pocos comentarios, lo que pienso que debemos hacer es unirnos los comentadores y estar comunicandonos las publicaciones, eso si, recibiendo con la seriedad que caracteriza a quienes comentamos todos los mensajes positivos o las criticas a nuestro trabajo.
Tambien creo que el respeto es una base fuerte de esta sociedad Poringuera ya que los usuarios con los que me he encontrado me han brindado su ayuda y han hecho sus sugerencias en mis posts en todo momento.
:bunepost: Espero sigamos en contacto :buenpost:
😛 😛 😛
😛 😛 😛
😛 😛 😛
pero cambiria los protagonistas por unas buenas poringueras
asi combinamos el escuadron del comentario con un pete de las poringueras
asi no lo hacemos tan brusco y con posibilidades de tener un premio por comentar 😀 😀 😀
Con casi 1400 comentarios a cuestas, con menor o mayor grado de elaboración,
trato de hacer que el comentario sea único.
Noooo!!! a la máquina en serie de comentarios, por eso le dedico unos minutos.
Si alguna vez me leíste, sabrás que soy de palabras medidas, alguna que otra metáfora,
algún resabio de vuelo lírico y muchas otras veces juego con humor y con palabras.
Toda esta \"mezcolanza\" de cosas, más la buena onda de la gente de esta comunidad,
me divierten como comentador, y hasta algún osado me llama “el poeta de letras azules”.
Hoy en este tu post, quiero por primera vez, soltar por un par de renglones todo ese
bagaje y decirte más coloquialmente.
Fiona, me hiciste recontra cagar de risa.
Cada ejemplo, cada situación, que pones, sos creativa como la mismísima puta madre.
La re-concha de la lora que buen texto escribiste
Ohmmmmmm!! Ohmmmmmm!!!
Ya volvi en mi...
Espero, cada tanto descubrirte con cosas como las que haces!!!
Te felicito sinceramente! Que hija de p...!!!
😉 Bruce.
Ferchu.!! no sos NADA...tonto vos no? MUY BUENA ELECCION!!
😉 😛 😛 😛
que se yo, armar un ranking, premiar con algo, aunque sea una remera de P! y al que no mueve un dedo despues de cierto tiempo bajarlo de categoria por ej
DV01 - la banda de P!