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Compendium IIIThe morning after, Aisha woke up with a feeling of victory. David was still sleeping, his limp penis between her hands.
At breakfast, the atmosphere was radiant. Although Calliope had missed her mother's company the night before, the pleasure she had felt during the afternoon still showed on her smile.

It was how she decided to wear a green top that hinted at the enormous mature melons she has as breasts and short cotton pants to calm my taste for housewife-type women. Once ready, she gave herself a seductive smile in the mirror.

The school was filled with kids and parents, but the sight of the revealing top and tight plaid shorts caught the attention of the parents. Their eyes focused on her curves and whispers of the golden trio spread through the entrance.
Emma, radiant in her white skirt and top that allowed her breasts to bounce freely, walked alongside Aisha, adding to the scandalous spectacle. The sight of both women together was enough to accelerate the heart of any man.

On the way home, Aisha wondered where and how I slept with Cheryl. Having heard the rumor at the beginning of the year, Emma's confirmation the previous evening, and Cheryl's gaze when she saw me made her fantasize about how I managed to sleep with her at school, fantasies that fortunately Sophie was not aware of.
When they arrived home, David surprisingly waited for them in the main living room. His face, a mix of fear and excitement, almost made Aisha laugh.
What happened? he asked, still believing that his wife's departure with Emma and me was an innocent outing.
Fine, thanks, she replied with a slightly arrogant smile. It was... very satisfying. It made Emma and me become much closer.
David was both relieved and confused by his wife's good humor.
Why? What happened? he asked again.
Aisha's smile took on a mischievous and reserved tone that annoyed David.
Well, let's just say we knew Marco had a lot of talent... although we never would have believed he'd leave us both so satisfied.
Why? Does he have good taste in baby clothes? David interrogated Aisha, her responses as enigmatic as Sphinx riddles.
Aisha's smile grew wider.
Yes, his taste is impeccable, she said with satisfaction, rubbing salt in David's wounded ego. I'd say it's delicious. The best I've ever had.
The last comment went unnoticed by David.
Maybe you and Emma didn't need to go with him at all then?
Oh no! We needed it! Aisha insisted, her malicious smile confusing her husband even more. Emma and I were opened our eyes, and we're sure we want to do it again.
Oh! David exclaimed, not understanding what Aisha was referring to.
Enjoying his confusion, Aisha headed towards the stairs.
• I'm going to take a shower. – He said in a playful tone. – This whole encounter with Marco and Emma has made me sweat.
David swallowed saliva, thinking that Aisha was going to masturbate again under the shower.
• Don't worry, dear! – She told him in a condescending and sweet tone. – Dinner will be on time, as always.
And while she seductively swayed her hips up the stairs, David finally realized how sexy his wife looked dressed to go out and buy baby clothes.

Once lust made her hers once more, deducing her sex, her thoughts turned towards me, as usual. But this time, she realized I hadn't only slept with her and her daughter Calliope, but also with her two school friends, Isabella and Emma, just like her younger daughter's teacher, Cheryl, without forgetting my wife, Marisol.
Orgasms came in droves, thinking I was a god of insatiable sex. A beast in bed.

With desperation, Aisha wrapped herself in the towel and slid into Calliope's bedroom. She urgently needed her daughter's tongue licking her sex.
Despite arriving exhausted from her university classes, Calliope felt her desires renewing as she got used to Aisha's seductive welcomes.
Her mother lay on the bed almost naked, her bathrobe barely covering her breasts. A happy smile settled on Calliope's lips as she entered and her eyes sparkled with lust.

Calliope had become an expert at eating cunts. Her dedication to providing pleasure was a trait that ignited Aisha's passion. Although Calliope sometimes masturbated during sessions, it was normal for her to find pleasure in giving more than receiving.
With each lick and suck, Aisha's pleasure grew. Calliope had become an expert at tongue movements, and as Aisha approached orgasm, she grasped her chocolate-colored breasts tightly.
Calliope licked her mother's juices with avidity, savoring them as Aisha reached climax. The bond between them had become something sacred and exceptionally intimate.
•You're so good, my girl! – murmured Aisha, her voice full of satisfaction.
Calliope raised her gaze with a smile, feeling pride and love for her mother. She knew that her sister Sophie was also an important part of Aisha's life, but at that moment she felt like the center of her mother's world.
Superficially, dinner seemed normal. But somehow, there was a discreet tone of complicity between Aisha and Calliope that bothered David.
As Calliope served herself a piece of her mother's hot lasagna, she asked casually:
Then, how did you do with Marco's purchases, Mom?

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1 comentários - David y el cronómetro (III)