Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Era una jovencita inexperta cuando esa noche asistí a la charla que daba Juan Rodríguez, un prestigioso ingeniero civil muy reconocido en el medio
Había llegado a esa conferencia cuando estudiaba diseño de interiores, y si bien era para arquitectos, yo había sabido arreglármelas para conseguir un cupo
Juan me impresionaría con su dialéctica, con su sapiencia, por el convencimiento en sus palabras y el hecho de que siempre me habían atraído los hombres mayores le daba un plus a toda la situación
Yo tenía veintitrés años recién cumplidos y el pisaba los cuarenta y tres, si, casi veinte de diferencia, situación que no me incomodaba en absoluto, por el contrario, era el tipo de hombre que me deslumbraba
El primer contacto sería en un break, una consulta como asistente, una respuesta como instructor, una repregunta y antes de despedirnos esa noche, ya teníamos una cita
Mis padres nunca lo aceptarían, un hombre contemporáneo a ellos, que ya tenía cuatro hijos, y que venía de dos divorcios, sin dudas no era lo que habían imaginado para la princesa de la casa
Con todo en contra, nos fuimos a vivir bajo el mismo techo, era una jovencita idealista y era muy feliz al imaginar como sería mi familia junto a él
Tenía muchos amigos y colegas profesionales, y entre tantos conocería a Juan Solonski, un descendiente de polacos, rubión de ojos claros, él era arquitecto, de la misma edad de mi esposo y colega de trabajo en algún tiempo atrás
Juan tenía esposa e hijos, por el contrario de mi Juan, era un tipo familiero y ahí había un contrapunto entre ambos y ese contrapunto tendría una final predecible
Mi marido se auto percibía siempre con aires de grandeza, se sentía por encima de su amigo, porque apenas era arquitecto, ni hablar de lo que pensaba de una simple decoradora de interiores
En verdad a mi no me importaba, en mi balanza personal siempre la familia estaba por sobre todo, y cualquier sacrificio valía la pena, incluso dejar de trabajar, mi vocación podía esperar si es que era feliz junto a Juan
Pero Juan era diferente, para él, su carrera estaba por encima de todo, y en un tiempo entendería el por qué de sus dos fracasos matrimoniales
Yo me había propuesto cambiarlo, un poco moldearlo a mi manera, a ablandarle el corazón y en un principio todo fue medianamente bien, yo limpiaba la casa, aseaba sus ropas y lo esperaba con ricas comidas, y Juan era compañero en esos días, pero poco a poco, su instinto de depredador lo llevaría nuevamente a sus vicios, empezó a estar frío y distante conmigo, y la relación empezó a resquebrajarse
Empezamos a discutir en los pocos tiempos que pasábamos a solas, le pedía que trabajara menos, pero él se aferraba al poder que le daba su trabajo y su dinero, además los problemas con sus ex empezaron a resultarme particularmente molestos, donde pretendía estar al margen, pero como una bola de nieve terminaba arrastrándome, donde sin merecerlo recibía los insultos por relaciones anteriores en las que nada tenía que ver
Juan me decía que no me metiera, pero como hacer? si solo era imposible
Le dije que necesitaba mi propio espacio, ocuparme en algo más que en los quehaceres domésticos, que extrañaba un poco mi profesión, y aunque ser una decoradora de interiores jamás estaría a la altura para un ingeniero civil, pues lo mío era lo mío
Nunca olvidare su respuesta tan hiriente como desmotivadora
Bueno, si necesitas andar acomodando plantitas en un cuarto, adelante, no me opondré, solo no interfieras cuando esté diseñando puentes...
Y sería el mismo Juan, mi esposo, que me contactaría con Juan, su amigo, al que también le dejaría sus bendiciones al decir
Es mi amigo, pero es un perdedor, siempre con sus proyectos mediocres...
Y así un poco como agarrado de los pelos empezaría a trabajar con Juan, el diseñaba casas, departamentos, o solo restauraba propiedades para darle un toque moderno y fresco y ganarse algunos pesos de por medio
Y ahí es donde entraba yo y me llevaba mi pequeña tajada, Juan tenía demasiadas ocupaciones y no podía con todo, así que me llamaba cada tanto para que hiciera mi magia
Me llevaba bien con él, Juan era un tipo que me hablaba mucho de cuando amaba a su mujer y a sus hijos, y era tan efusivo en esos momentos que se le notaba demasiado en esos hermosos ojos claros que portaba
Y obviamente, eso me pegaba, porque este Juan tenía lo que yo añoraba en el otro Juan
Y también a veces, hablábamos de mi Juan, de lo que a mi me pasaba, y este otro Juan, cada tanto dejaba escapar sus sensaciones al respecto, para él mi marido era un excelente profesional, el mejor, pero cuando de familia se trataba decía que le pondría un aplazo
Lo hacía culpable directo por los fracasos con sus ex, y lo que él me contaba era justo lo que yo estaba viviendo
Y sin querer, poco a poco, me fui enredando con este Juan, aunque las cosas solo iban por mi lado, lo asumo, pero yo admiraba todo lo que él era y deseaba con fuerzas ocupar el lugar que su mujer ocupaba
Y poco a poco me empecé a mostrar complaciente con él, a ser provocativa, insinuante, y aunque él jamás pretendía avanzar un milímetro mas lejos de lo profesional, yo sabía que para un hombre, una veinteañera como yo le resultaría demasiado difícil de evitar, por más que se llenara la boca hablando de su perfecta familia
Sabía que estaba mal? si, me importaba? no
Estaba dispuesta a probar su veneno, solo necesitaba una oportunidad
That evening, after my daily routine, I changed into something for that scheduled meeting with Juan. I remember putting on a white fitted shirt, leaving one button undone that would normally be the first to fasten on my neckline, to slightly emphasize the birth of my breasts in a somewhat attention-grabbing way. I also recall wearing a short blue skirt, up to mid-thigh or maybe even shorter.
I had certain intentions of going far with my husband's friend, fantasizing about those ideas, as you know, Juan was an attractive and good guy, I only liked playing the game.
I arrived at the agreed-upon time; he was already in the apartment, and let me pass through the electric door. I took the elevator up eight floors, and he was waiting for me with the door open, leaning against the side of the doorway, wearing a blue jean and a white shirt with an undone button more than usual. We exchanged effusive greetings with a cheek kiss and invited me to take a look at the new project.
I really had many possibilities; the large glass panels on two sides of the four lateral walls allowed me to see clearly the people in a couple of adjacent office buildings where everyone seemed focused on their work.
I like this - I said, looking out the window - although it certainly takes away from intimacy, you should put up complete curtains.
No - he countered my point - these windows are mirrored, no one can see us from outside. I thought you'd noticed that when you arrived.
Yes, I had noticed, but only wanted him to follow my point, not, I imagined making out with him and having everyone around observe it, the role of doing it in public excited me, and a little disappointed him that he confessed no one could see us. silence, like a pet
We arrived at the bedroom where another large window would leave us to see the splendor of the sun that was already starting to fall full on the horizon where we would have another surprise
From the upper room, the clear and synchronized sounds of a creaking bed came, accompanied by repressed moans from a woman, obviously they were doing something more entertaining than us, we looked at each other with mischief and laughed contained
Well... - I said - I don't think of many ideas about that, we have an isolation problem
Juan remained silent, although I expected him to advance once and for all, I felt completely soaked by the situation, but Juan would stay on the sidelines
We returned to the main living room, and to the kitchen, where I wanted to see some things above the furniture, in the high part, where it didn't reach, Juan brought a chair so I could climb up and replied
No, no, it gives me vertigo...
Don't worry, I'll help you - he responded immediately -
I climbed up and tried to see, that's when I felt the strong masculine hands holding me by the thighs, above the knees, God! I felt very hot, to the point of forgetting why I was there upstairs
Only a few minutes passed, and his hands went up a little, and another little, while I breathed with cadence, feeling his fingers too close to my glutes and only ahhhh!
When I got down from the chair, his hands didn't let go of my skin, he held me almost in mid-air, and as he let me go, his fingers went under my skirt, ending directly on my buttocks, and there was nothing left to say, our gazes spoke for us, I stretched out on tiptoes to steal a first and deep kiss that would become infinite and knock down all obstacles
Juan went straight to the point, without beating around the bush, took one of the chairs and placed it in front of the window, facing me, made me sit on it, put his hands in and pushed me to one side the thong, without taking it off, he knelt down at half, made me adjust and started sucking my pussy. What the hell, it was all wet and his lips on my sex felt like glory, I was petting his hair while he got lost between my legs and looked out the window frames, and the perverse sensation that they could see us turned me on even more, although it wasn't possible, although it was just a fantasy. It wouldn't take long for me to come, I clenched my legs by instinct and he held them firmly until I exploded. He came over to kiss me and his mouth tasted like mine, I loved it and now I desired his cock, and since I desired it, I urged to be penetrated! He took me to the main table and left me on top, with urgency, with madness, and only did it, strong, deep, exquisite, until the end again and again. With desperation, I opened my shirt and searched under the bra, my nipples were burning, and at the same time I tried to reach his biceps and chest, releasing the buttons that prevented me from doing so. Juan was playing with his fingers, caressing my pussy, bringing my own juices to my anus, I felt it passing through and acariciándolo, and in that hot madness in which I lived, I lost track of how many fingers were slipping into me from behind, I only knew it was rich. I asked him not to finish inside, but at the same time I was holding him by the buttocks so he couldn't pull out, and when my lover's warm semen overflowed my sex while giving him a second orgasm, I felt like I was touching heaven with my hands. Juan picked me up from the table and took me to a sofa that faced the window, I felt the semen dripping between my legs, and no matter how much I begged, he didn't care that my underwear and skirt got stained, I had gone for a professional topic and was wrapped in a maddened sexual act, he put me on all fours, sticking out my ass to his side, gave me a strong slap and that turned me on again. Son of a slut! Do you like slapping my butt? The response from Juan was trying to give it to me through the ass No, no! Son of a slut! ! Not for the ass! I would receive a new spanking and a deep penetration from behind, entered completely, and started breaking me off, felt so slutty, even though I denied it but my denials gave way to uncontrollable moans, only touched myself with force on my excited clitoris while being broken in by him at his pleasure, giving him a third orgasm. Juan would fill my intestines with semen to end the game and retire to the side to observe me as if I were his work of art, filled with his juices all over my body, thong, pollera, and even shirt. I felt fatal when regaining consciousness and remembering that for my husband, it was just an afternoon at work with his friend. I took advantage of the opportunity given by that apartment and went to take a shower where I cleaned my clothes with great care, then tried to dry them with a hair dryer that luckily had been left in the bathroom. Juan looked at me from afar with some amusement, seeing how complicated life was for me as a woman, but for him it was just keeping his cock between the sheets and he would never suspect anything, but I... He took out his phone and called Juan, my husband, told him to excuse himself and that everything was fine, that we had just arrived at the apartment, that if he didn't have any objections, he could buy a pizza for us to share and then go back home. While talking, he didn't take his eyes off me, making me feel a little embarrassed in my nakedness. He would later call his wife and tell her some other lie to get out of it, and finally, on the third call, he would take care of ordering a pizza delivery, as he had said. There was an unusual silence at that table, assuming we had passed a barrier and there would be no return, I had enjoyed it and feared both repeating it and not doing so again, because Juan, this Juan, represented everything I longed for in my husband and I understood that this was much more than sex
While we were eating those yummy portions of pizzas, my occasional lover began to speak loudly, as if meditating, with care, I noted that he was trying not to step on the wrong foot and not hurt me
Sandra, I don't know how to say this, don't misunderstand, but you'll know that this wasn't right, and it's not that I didn't like...
I knew he had liked it, and I knew where his next words would go, and I wouldn't be wrong
You know I love Carla, and my kids, I couldn't separate myself from them, I'm not willing to lose them, and neither will I deceive you, promise things that never happen, because you'll always be second place and that won't change, I don't see you as a lover, and it wouldn't please me to have one
I shrugged my shoulders, sighing deeply and resigned, not because it hurt, but because it was real, and I preferred to cut off living a fantasy
No, no, - he said taking me by the hands - you're beautiful, young, and you did it very tasty, but I didn't want to take advantage of you if that's what you felt...
Juan showed himself uncomfortable trying to justify something that was clear to me, and although it wasn't necessary, he went on with the right words, the ones I repeated to myself and refused to listen
Sandra, do you imagine the future? how would it be? us together, beautiful at first, but I couldn't escape an eternal war with Carla, you'd bring problems with my kids too, and when you realize my problems are your problems, you'll get tired, sooner or later, and when you realize, you'll have another Juan, just like the one you have now, and you'll ask yourself, was it worth it?
Then I asked him to stop talking, that it was enough, that we just finish dinner and turn the page, and only keep that day as our day
Months later, the story with Juan, my husband, would come to an end, it would be his third ex, but unlike the previous two, I wouldn't care about an eternal confrontation, I just wanted a goodbye for always
I didn't try to leave with Juan, his friend, my lover, he had a family too perfect for trying to get me involved, and I only cut off those contacts to start establishing myself on my own. And as Juan had told me that night sharing a pizza, I was still beautiful, young, and by the way, it made me very tasty, new loves will come, surely, some to my measure. If you liked this story, you can write to me with title JUAN, THE FRIEND OF JUAN at
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Era una jovencita inexperta cuando esa noche asistí a la charla que daba Juan Rodríguez, un prestigioso ingeniero civil muy reconocido en el medio
Había llegado a esa conferencia cuando estudiaba diseño de interiores, y si bien era para arquitectos, yo había sabido arreglármelas para conseguir un cupo
Juan me impresionaría con su dialéctica, con su sapiencia, por el convencimiento en sus palabras y el hecho de que siempre me habían atraído los hombres mayores le daba un plus a toda la situación
Yo tenía veintitrés años recién cumplidos y el pisaba los cuarenta y tres, si, casi veinte de diferencia, situación que no me incomodaba en absoluto, por el contrario, era el tipo de hombre que me deslumbraba
El primer contacto sería en un break, una consulta como asistente, una respuesta como instructor, una repregunta y antes de despedirnos esa noche, ya teníamos una cita
Mis padres nunca lo aceptarían, un hombre contemporáneo a ellos, que ya tenía cuatro hijos, y que venía de dos divorcios, sin dudas no era lo que habían imaginado para la princesa de la casa
Con todo en contra, nos fuimos a vivir bajo el mismo techo, era una jovencita idealista y era muy feliz al imaginar como sería mi familia junto a él
Tenía muchos amigos y colegas profesionales, y entre tantos conocería a Juan Solonski, un descendiente de polacos, rubión de ojos claros, él era arquitecto, de la misma edad de mi esposo y colega de trabajo en algún tiempo atrás
Juan tenía esposa e hijos, por el contrario de mi Juan, era un tipo familiero y ahí había un contrapunto entre ambos y ese contrapunto tendría una final predecible
Mi marido se auto percibía siempre con aires de grandeza, se sentía por encima de su amigo, porque apenas era arquitecto, ni hablar de lo que pensaba de una simple decoradora de interiores
En verdad a mi no me importaba, en mi balanza personal siempre la familia estaba por sobre todo, y cualquier sacrificio valía la pena, incluso dejar de trabajar, mi vocación podía esperar si es que era feliz junto a Juan
Pero Juan era diferente, para él, su carrera estaba por encima de todo, y en un tiempo entendería el por qué de sus dos fracasos matrimoniales
Yo me había propuesto cambiarlo, un poco moldearlo a mi manera, a ablandarle el corazón y en un principio todo fue medianamente bien, yo limpiaba la casa, aseaba sus ropas y lo esperaba con ricas comidas, y Juan era compañero en esos días, pero poco a poco, su instinto de depredador lo llevaría nuevamente a sus vicios, empezó a estar frío y distante conmigo, y la relación empezó a resquebrajarse
Empezamos a discutir en los pocos tiempos que pasábamos a solas, le pedía que trabajara menos, pero él se aferraba al poder que le daba su trabajo y su dinero, además los problemas con sus ex empezaron a resultarme particularmente molestos, donde pretendía estar al margen, pero como una bola de nieve terminaba arrastrándome, donde sin merecerlo recibía los insultos por relaciones anteriores en las que nada tenía que ver
Juan me decía que no me metiera, pero como hacer? si solo era imposible
Le dije que necesitaba mi propio espacio, ocuparme en algo más que en los quehaceres domésticos, que extrañaba un poco mi profesión, y aunque ser una decoradora de interiores jamás estaría a la altura para un ingeniero civil, pues lo mío era lo mío
Nunca olvidare su respuesta tan hiriente como desmotivadora
Bueno, si necesitas andar acomodando plantitas en un cuarto, adelante, no me opondré, solo no interfieras cuando esté diseñando puentes...
Y sería el mismo Juan, mi esposo, que me contactaría con Juan, su amigo, al que también le dejaría sus bendiciones al decir
Es mi amigo, pero es un perdedor, siempre con sus proyectos mediocres...
Y así un poco como agarrado de los pelos empezaría a trabajar con Juan, el diseñaba casas, departamentos, o solo restauraba propiedades para darle un toque moderno y fresco y ganarse algunos pesos de por medio
Y ahí es donde entraba yo y me llevaba mi pequeña tajada, Juan tenía demasiadas ocupaciones y no podía con todo, así que me llamaba cada tanto para que hiciera mi magia
Me llevaba bien con él, Juan era un tipo que me hablaba mucho de cuando amaba a su mujer y a sus hijos, y era tan efusivo en esos momentos que se le notaba demasiado en esos hermosos ojos claros que portaba
Y obviamente, eso me pegaba, porque este Juan tenía lo que yo añoraba en el otro Juan
Y también a veces, hablábamos de mi Juan, de lo que a mi me pasaba, y este otro Juan, cada tanto dejaba escapar sus sensaciones al respecto, para él mi marido era un excelente profesional, el mejor, pero cuando de familia se trataba decía que le pondría un aplazo
Lo hacía culpable directo por los fracasos con sus ex, y lo que él me contaba era justo lo que yo estaba viviendo
Y sin querer, poco a poco, me fui enredando con este Juan, aunque las cosas solo iban por mi lado, lo asumo, pero yo admiraba todo lo que él era y deseaba con fuerzas ocupar el lugar que su mujer ocupaba
Y poco a poco me empecé a mostrar complaciente con él, a ser provocativa, insinuante, y aunque él jamás pretendía avanzar un milímetro mas lejos de lo profesional, yo sabía que para un hombre, una veinteañera como yo le resultaría demasiado difícil de evitar, por más que se llenara la boca hablando de su perfecta familia
Sabía que estaba mal? si, me importaba? no
Estaba dispuesta a probar su veneno, solo necesitaba una oportunidad
That evening, after my daily routine, I changed into something for that scheduled meeting with Juan. I remember putting on a white fitted shirt, leaving one button undone that would normally be the first to fasten on my neckline, to slightly emphasize the birth of my breasts in a somewhat attention-grabbing way. I also recall wearing a short blue skirt, up to mid-thigh or maybe even shorter.
I had certain intentions of going far with my husband's friend, fantasizing about those ideas, as you know, Juan was an attractive and good guy, I only liked playing the game.
I arrived at the agreed-upon time; he was already in the apartment, and let me pass through the electric door. I took the elevator up eight floors, and he was waiting for me with the door open, leaning against the side of the doorway, wearing a blue jean and a white shirt with an undone button more than usual. We exchanged effusive greetings with a cheek kiss and invited me to take a look at the new project.
I really had many possibilities; the large glass panels on two sides of the four lateral walls allowed me to see clearly the people in a couple of adjacent office buildings where everyone seemed focused on their work.
I like this - I said, looking out the window - although it certainly takes away from intimacy, you should put up complete curtains.
No - he countered my point - these windows are mirrored, no one can see us from outside. I thought you'd noticed that when you arrived.
Yes, I had noticed, but only wanted him to follow my point, not, I imagined making out with him and having everyone around observe it, the role of doing it in public excited me, and a little disappointed him that he confessed no one could see us. silence, like a pet
We arrived at the bedroom where another large window would leave us to see the splendor of the sun that was already starting to fall full on the horizon where we would have another surprise
From the upper room, the clear and synchronized sounds of a creaking bed came, accompanied by repressed moans from a woman, obviously they were doing something more entertaining than us, we looked at each other with mischief and laughed contained
Well... - I said - I don't think of many ideas about that, we have an isolation problem
Juan remained silent, although I expected him to advance once and for all, I felt completely soaked by the situation, but Juan would stay on the sidelines
We returned to the main living room, and to the kitchen, where I wanted to see some things above the furniture, in the high part, where it didn't reach, Juan brought a chair so I could climb up and replied
No, no, it gives me vertigo...
Don't worry, I'll help you - he responded immediately -
I climbed up and tried to see, that's when I felt the strong masculine hands holding me by the thighs, above the knees, God! I felt very hot, to the point of forgetting why I was there upstairs
Only a few minutes passed, and his hands went up a little, and another little, while I breathed with cadence, feeling his fingers too close to my glutes and only ahhhh!
When I got down from the chair, his hands didn't let go of my skin, he held me almost in mid-air, and as he let me go, his fingers went under my skirt, ending directly on my buttocks, and there was nothing left to say, our gazes spoke for us, I stretched out on tiptoes to steal a first and deep kiss that would become infinite and knock down all obstacles
Juan went straight to the point, without beating around the bush, took one of the chairs and placed it in front of the window, facing me, made me sit on it, put his hands in and pushed me to one side the thong, without taking it off, he knelt down at half, made me adjust and started sucking my pussy. What the hell, it was all wet and his lips on my sex felt like glory, I was petting his hair while he got lost between my legs and looked out the window frames, and the perverse sensation that they could see us turned me on even more, although it wasn't possible, although it was just a fantasy. It wouldn't take long for me to come, I clenched my legs by instinct and he held them firmly until I exploded. He came over to kiss me and his mouth tasted like mine, I loved it and now I desired his cock, and since I desired it, I urged to be penetrated! He took me to the main table and left me on top, with urgency, with madness, and only did it, strong, deep, exquisite, until the end again and again. With desperation, I opened my shirt and searched under the bra, my nipples were burning, and at the same time I tried to reach his biceps and chest, releasing the buttons that prevented me from doing so. Juan was playing with his fingers, caressing my pussy, bringing my own juices to my anus, I felt it passing through and acariciándolo, and in that hot madness in which I lived, I lost track of how many fingers were slipping into me from behind, I only knew it was rich. I asked him not to finish inside, but at the same time I was holding him by the buttocks so he couldn't pull out, and when my lover's warm semen overflowed my sex while giving him a second orgasm, I felt like I was touching heaven with my hands. Juan picked me up from the table and took me to a sofa that faced the window, I felt the semen dripping between my legs, and no matter how much I begged, he didn't care that my underwear and skirt got stained, I had gone for a professional topic and was wrapped in a maddened sexual act, he put me on all fours, sticking out my ass to his side, gave me a strong slap and that turned me on again. Son of a slut! Do you like slapping my butt? The response from Juan was trying to give it to me through the ass No, no! Son of a slut! ! Not for the ass! I would receive a new spanking and a deep penetration from behind, entered completely, and started breaking me off, felt so slutty, even though I denied it but my denials gave way to uncontrollable moans, only touched myself with force on my excited clitoris while being broken in by him at his pleasure, giving him a third orgasm. Juan would fill my intestines with semen to end the game and retire to the side to observe me as if I were his work of art, filled with his juices all over my body, thong, pollera, and even shirt. I felt fatal when regaining consciousness and remembering that for my husband, it was just an afternoon at work with his friend. I took advantage of the opportunity given by that apartment and went to take a shower where I cleaned my clothes with great care, then tried to dry them with a hair dryer that luckily had been left in the bathroom. Juan looked at me from afar with some amusement, seeing how complicated life was for me as a woman, but for him it was just keeping his cock between the sheets and he would never suspect anything, but I... He took out his phone and called Juan, my husband, told him to excuse himself and that everything was fine, that we had just arrived at the apartment, that if he didn't have any objections, he could buy a pizza for us to share and then go back home. While talking, he didn't take his eyes off me, making me feel a little embarrassed in my nakedness. He would later call his wife and tell her some other lie to get out of it, and finally, on the third call, he would take care of ordering a pizza delivery, as he had said. There was an unusual silence at that table, assuming we had passed a barrier and there would be no return, I had enjoyed it and feared both repeating it and not doing so again, because Juan, this Juan, represented everything I longed for in my husband and I understood that this was much more than sex
While we were eating those yummy portions of pizzas, my occasional lover began to speak loudly, as if meditating, with care, I noted that he was trying not to step on the wrong foot and not hurt me
Sandra, I don't know how to say this, don't misunderstand, but you'll know that this wasn't right, and it's not that I didn't like...
I knew he had liked it, and I knew where his next words would go, and I wouldn't be wrong
You know I love Carla, and my kids, I couldn't separate myself from them, I'm not willing to lose them, and neither will I deceive you, promise things that never happen, because you'll always be second place and that won't change, I don't see you as a lover, and it wouldn't please me to have one
I shrugged my shoulders, sighing deeply and resigned, not because it hurt, but because it was real, and I preferred to cut off living a fantasy
No, no, - he said taking me by the hands - you're beautiful, young, and you did it very tasty, but I didn't want to take advantage of you if that's what you felt...
Juan showed himself uncomfortable trying to justify something that was clear to me, and although it wasn't necessary, he went on with the right words, the ones I repeated to myself and refused to listen
Sandra, do you imagine the future? how would it be? us together, beautiful at first, but I couldn't escape an eternal war with Carla, you'd bring problems with my kids too, and when you realize my problems are your problems, you'll get tired, sooner or later, and when you realize, you'll have another Juan, just like the one you have now, and you'll ask yourself, was it worth it?
Then I asked him to stop talking, that it was enough, that we just finish dinner and turn the page, and only keep that day as our day
Months later, the story with Juan, my husband, would come to an end, it would be his third ex, but unlike the previous two, I wouldn't care about an eternal confrontation, I just wanted a goodbye for always
I didn't try to leave with Juan, his friend, my lover, he had a family too perfect for trying to get me involved, and I only cut off those contacts to start establishing myself on my own. And as Juan had told me that night sharing a pizza, I was still beautiful, young, and by the way, it made me very tasty, new loves will come, surely, some to my measure. If you liked this story, you can write to me with title JUAN, THE FRIEND OF JUAN at
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