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Mi historia es parte de un pasado reciente, y es solo un rever de situaciones que solo se dieron, como que el destino caprichosamente va acomodando las cosas pasito a pasito

Judith era mi noviecita de la adolescencia, habíamos arrancado en nuestro viaje de estudios de secundaria, mi primer amor, su primer amor
Estábamos perdidamente enamorados uno del otro y solo queríamos estar todo el día juntos
A nadie le pareció extraño entonces que ambos ingresáramos en la carrera de abogacía, solo para estar juntos, y que ambos, ingresáramos en pasantías por unos meses en una dependencia del estado
Todo iba bien, trabajábamos por la mañana, estudiábamos juntos por la tarde y asistíamos a la universidad por la noche

De esa pasantía que apenas duraba unos meses, tuvimos la suerte de pasar a planta permanente, aunque claro, tuvimos algunos cambios, ahora era a jornada completa, por lo cual el tema del estudio ya no fue tan sencillo y además, ella fue trasladada a otra parte del edificio, y si bien, trabajábamos ambos en el mismo sitio, ya no nos veíamos como antes
Ahora solo compartíamos los viajes de ida y los de regreso, donde los chismes del momento eran nuestros temas de charla
Justamente sería mi novia la que me vendría con el adelanto de una noticia que yo ignoraba, no se como se había enterado, pero me estarían trasladando de oficina de un momento a otro, era como un premio, con mejor paga, pero el motivo por el cual ella me lo contaba era solo para burlarse de mi, puesto que mi nueva jefa sería nada más y nada menos que Nancy Palermo, conocida en el lugar por ser una mujer trans que alguna vez había ingresado por el cupo lgbtq+ que era más hacer propaganda estatal que una real inclusión de género

Días después tendría la comunicación oficial, la cual no podría rechazar porque me hubiera quedado sin empleo y en poco tiempo me cambiaba de despacho
Tenía muchos recelos con la nueva situación, basado en construcciones personales, no me hubiera molestado una jefa mujer, pero una mujer con pito entre las piernas?
Sencillamente esos primeros días serían de terror, no soportaba las bromas en doble sentido de mis colegas, y menos las de Judith, que veía en esto una situación demasiado graciosa

Nancy era una mujer por así decirlo un poco mas alta que yo, morena, en un negro azabache, de llamativas curvas donde los cirujanos habían hecho maravillas, además siempre vestía muy elegante, con ajustadas polleras o delicadas calzas que le marcaban un culo de ensueño, también sabía explotar sus prominentes pechos con sugerentes escotes, por los cuales trataba cada tanto de colar mi vista con discreción.
Ella parecía ser adicta a los rayos del sol, siempre lucía bronceada
También encontraría en ella una persona muy profesional y abocada al trabajo, era como si permanentemente tuviera la necesidad de probarle a todos y a si misma que ella estaba ahí por capacidad y no por un cupo lgbtq+

Y las cosas solo se dieron, teníamos esos momentos de licencias café de por medio donde hablábamos de mi, de mi novia, y de ella, de su vida, aunque era notorio que la incomodaban los temas personales
Bromeaba mucho en esa intimidad, con lo que ella tenía entre sus piernas, indirectas sexuales que aunque me considerara hetero, siempre me despertaba cierta curiosidad, porque a mi no me atraían las trans, me atraía ella
Esa mañana, había que buscar una vieja información en el archivo, información que aun no había sido digitalizada y se mantenía perdido en la nada, en el segundo piso, me dijo que iría ella, sin darme más noticias
La vi alejarse, meneando su glorioso trasero enfundado en unas calzas negras que se dibujaban en el cuerpo
Fui tras ella, no pude resistirlo, el corazón me latía con fuerzas y sentía un cosquilleo entre las piernas, entré con sigila y heche llave a la puerta

Nancy me daba la espalda, casi ignorando mi presencia, revisaba la vieja documentación que estaba en una ajada y amarillenta carpeta, como todas las que estaban en ese sitio, se paraba cerca del ventanal que daba al patio interno para aprovechar la luz natural que ingresaba por la misma
No pude evitar que mis ojos se pegaran nuevamente al trasero perfecto que se dibujaba enfundado en esas calzas negras que se le enterraba naturalmente entre sus glúteos, como así también, unas líneas blancas en su piel, por el sostén de su traje de baño que se mezclaban en su espalda entre los breteles del corpiño y los de la remerita sin mangas que usaba esa mañana, para perderse bajo sus renegridos cabellos
Era sin dudas una apuesta fuerte, era mi superior inmediato, y no dejaba de ser un mocoso a sus ojos, ella al menos tenía una decena de años más que yo

Y fui con todas las ganas, decidido, la abordé por la espalda, la apreté tomándola por sorpresa, muy fuerte, mi nariz se pegó a su nuca para embriagarme con su rico perfume

Que haces Sergio? acaso estás loco?

Ella recriminó casi de inmediato, pero no se inmutó en su posición y solo me permitió avanzar, sentí su culo retroceder provocativamente por instinto, donde yo le refregaba entre ropas, mi verga dura, una de mis manos pasó al frente, a sobarle discretamente las tetas, por sobre el sostén y por sobre la remerita, la otra, fue directo entre sus piernas, y noté su animal oculto que trataba de erguirse por mis estímulos, pero las prendas ajustadas se lo impedían, ella gimió y de repente la carpeta calló al piso y las hojas volaron libres por doquier
Era muy estimulante, pero ella se separó y sentenció

Basta! esto es una locura! no voy a tirar a la basura mi carrera por culpa de un pendejo como vos

Y solo se retiró meneando el trasero y repiqueteando sus finos tacos, para encerrarse en el antiguo baño de ese piso desolado. No supe que hacer, me sentí desubicado, hasta que decidí ir por todo, tras sus pasos
Abrí la puerta de golpe, Nancy se había bajado las calzas y la tanga, de pie se masturbaba cerca del lavabo frente a un arruinado espejo, era muy loco, solo cerré la puerta y creo que no hicieron falta las palabras
Ella se recostó sobre el lavabo, y fui a arrodillarme entre sus piernas, su pija era envidiablemente gruesa, cerré los ojos y empecé a chupársela, muy rico, muy profundo, muy dulce, con ganas, como me hubiera gustado que alguna vez la perra de Judith me la hubiera chupado a mi
Nancy gemía, ella me tomaba por la cabaza y me mantenía sometido con su sexo dentro de mi boca, sin dejarme escapar, asfixiándome

NancyCome on! come on! is that what you wanted from me? do you like it?

Her words were siren songs for my ears, and suddenly I felt her coming, not knowing what to expect from the situation but certain that when she was ready, she would take me with more force behind my head, and honestly, I'm not sure if I wanted to get out

Suddenly, like lava from a volcano, unstoppable and overwhelming, her cum invaded my mouth with an unusual force, its flavor was delicious, and I started swallowing with a terrible erection between my legs

Nancy only came again and again, in noticeable amounts, and it was faster than I could swallow, so her semen began to flow between my lips and trickle down my skin until everything subsided into a peaceful rest

Then she took off her shoes in a hurry, followed by her leggings, sat down, and leaned back on the old sink that creaked under her weight, lifted her legs, and said

Come on! get it out!

I got up, undressed my cock, and put it in with one stroke, as easily as she did with Judith's vagina, only this time it felt different, tighter, drier, but I managed to get it all the way in and make her moan, her cock resting beside me but still intimidating, her beautiful breasts slightly exposed, I kissed her, and her flavor was still in my mouth, and I just couldn't help myself, it was too hot and I came early, filling her with cum, which made her exclaim with evident frustration

Is that all? is that really it?

But before I could respond, Nancy had already ended the game, changing clothes and makeup and hair in front of the mirror to say

This never happened, this will be our secret, understood? if I lose my job because of you, I'll end up working as a street slut, and as for you, well... what your girlfriend or office colleagues would say if they knew you sucked me off cock...

And the world kept spinning, for Nancy, nothing seemed to have happened, we continued as usual, head of department, but I was dying inside, in desires, in another opportunity, and every time I caught up with my girlfriend, I thought about her, every time I wanted to give it to her up the ass and Judith would deny me, all I thought about was her, and every time she sucked my cock, I only realized how bad I did it

A memorable event occurred in the world, Covid, the pandemic, and with that many things changed, and too many situations were put on hold, we had to relearn, challenge challenges, get out of the control zone, some office mates got sick, came the lockdowns, remote work, and everything normally accepted turned upside down

We started working from home, each in our own, and only connected through PC, phone, and I had to face an unexpected cohabitation with Judith, where we started like Romeo and Juliet and ended like dog and slut

Nancy would give me an unexpected escape door, the world was starting to improve little by little, and she told me to go to her house, it was true that not everything could be done through a PC and Judith, ironically told me to be careful 'with my boss, don't turn your back on her', never imagined anything

I traveled 15 minutes in my car, brought some chocolates as if to pass the time, I made many 'movies' in my head because I had never forgotten that morning in the archive, and I didn't know if she had done it too, maybe just work, but maybe not...

Things would become clear at the moment when she opened her front door, wearing a black fitted dress, very short, her perfect legs marked by red stockings too suggestive, high heels, under the dress a tiny waist and the marks of my nipples told me she wasn't wearing a bra

Just entering, she almost cornered me and said...

Sergio, my beautiful guy, I can't take it more this confinement, you know how many months it has been since I haven't had sex? I'm going to give you the blow of your life

Almost dragged me into the bedroom, the chocolates had been left aside, almost like an office order told me to undress, while she left her dress and shoes aside, to check that the stockings were indeed a bodysuit that made her look spectacular, I observed her enormous bare breasts, on a marked white background contrasting with the coppery bronze of her skin, then she took off her thong, her cock was huge, it didn't stop impressing me, she sat on the bed with her legs open, reclining against the wall, told me to come with her, I went over, she took my head and buried it in her cock, I started sucking her, just like before, she was caressing my hair and looking ecstatic at what I was doing at that moment, and once again wouldn't let me out of her prison until she came in my mouth, only this time, I left the warm semen running down her trunk and onto her depilated balls, while I played with everything with my hand

She reclined me and came straight to ride me, her red hair caressing my chest and my hands filling up with her enormous white breasts, perfect, while her face was giving me postcards of pleasure

She turned over herself, continuing to ride me, only now she was giving me her back, I saw her huge rear end moving, with a small triangle marked by the sun, observing how it was eating all my cock through her dilated rear end, and this time it would take longer, but not too long, I would feel premature again, just like that morning at work

But she, this time, had the whole day for me, asked me to get on my stomach, brought some oils to give me rich massages, told me to relax, close my eyes, started from my high back, over my shoulders, she was on top of me, felt very tasty, very perfumed, then lowered a bit onto my lower back, to continue down to my gluteus, I knew where it was going, didn't want to, but curiosity got the better of me and I couldn't avoid it. I felt her slide two fingers behind me, it hurt a little, but it wasn't anything compared to what would come next. Nancy really had a cock too thick and my ass was still a virgin, the consequence was more than obvious, I thought I'd break trying to get it in there, it really hurt, even the lubricant wasn't enough.

Nancy had me dominated, I was underneath defenseless, she let her weight drop gently onto mine and I felt her rich breasts on top of mine, her breathing reached my right ear, she whispered that she had a lot of desire for me at the same time as she slowly let her hips fall onto mine, closing the gap between us where the tip of her cock was anchored in the entrance of my rectum.

I started to scream, it hurt a lot, but I liked it. She passed one arm under my chin, choking me while letting herself drop completely, already all the way inside...

She gave it to me roughly and my moans delighted her, she was squeezing my throat on the edge of asphyxiation, I felt all the pleasure in my ass, it was breaking apart, and then I felt her cum in my interior. But it wouldn't end there, she put me on all fours and spanked me violently, and kept pounding away, now feeling a rhythmic 'chac chac' with each thrust, since our intimacy was dripping with her cum, and the damn thing only went back to doing it again, for the second time.

Then she turned me over, lifted my legs up and in again, while caressing my balls and cock, and I filled my view with the swinging of her tits.

This time it didn't cum again, it would just come out and start sucking me wildly, eating me whole, all the way to the bottom, that's what it meant to know how to suck! If Judith had been there, she might have learned.

I came in her mouth and like me, she let my cum drop onto my sex, not taking her eyes off me, then she came over to my side and gave me the biggest and wildest kiss I'd ever They could have given it to me, filled with flavor for me. The pandemic would come to an end and a new normality would arrive, we had taken so much in those clandestine days, but the return to the office meant a hurdle, we couldn't normalize what was happening, but every time I could, I'd give her a beautiful cock-sucking. My relationship with Judith was over, we argued a lot and I couldn't explain to her that I had sex with my boss, that I liked doing it with her and that for me, our relationship was in second place. I had entered a new comfort zone, Judith was past and Nancy drove me crazy secretly, but it wouldn't last too long. Nancy told me personally, she had asked for a transfer, not just an office one, but a building one, very far away, where we would be two strangers again. Her last words were something like 'we can't keep going on like this, in a clandestine story, because let's be honest Sergio, you love my cock, but you'll never have the courage to admit it publicly, and I can't keep going on, it hurts me, and I'm afraid of falling in love' Not much more, I just kept walking alone, there was no way to make her change her mind, part of my life, a life that was meant for me. If you liked this story, you can write me with the title NANCY at

2 comentários - Nancy