Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Con Cintia estábamos en planes de casamiento, habíamos comprado algunos muebles de hogar para nuestra futura convivencia y andábamos buscando algún sitio donde alquilar
Esa noche, era una salida como de costumbre, de paseo, tomados de la mano, nos gustaba improvisar, no atarnos a planes y así, podíamos ir solo a caminar, o un shopping, tal vez al cine, solo por un helado, o como en esa noche, en la que el destino nos llevaría a las puertas de 'Coliseo', un restaurante que era bastante popular y aun hoy en día lo sigue siendo.
En la recepción, en la misma entrada al local, nos atendería una jovencita que cambiaría mi vida para siempre, no sé cómo puedo decirlo, no era por su físico, aunque era muy bonita, ni por su hablar, ni por su vestir, ni por su estampa, tan solo fue su mirada
Es que su mirada era como perversa, adictiva, como que sus ojos decían cosas oscuras de ella, como un imán, era esa sensación de querer saber, y me bastaron tan solo unos minutos de diálogo para entender que me metería en un enredo sin salida
Ella nos acompañó hasta una de las mesas disponibles y luego se desentendió de nosotros, tenía mas comensales a la espera, y pronto nos atendería el mozo que nos tocaría en turno
Sería una noche atípica, Cintia me veía distraído, en otro lado, como que no le llevaba atención y es que solo me dedicaba a ver en forma muy sutil para que mi chica no lo notara, cada paso, cada movimiento, cada acción de esa joven que nos había atendido minutos atrás y que ahora me quitaba toda la atención
Volvería al día siguiente, sin esperar, cuando recién abrían al público y aún era temprano para que estuviera atareada con su trabajo, ella estaba en los preparativos previos, con su pollera negra a media pierna, medias de nylon muy elegantes con zapatitos al tono, camisa blanca, chaqueta también negra y con sus cabellos perfectamente recogidos, con su rostro en un discreto maquillaje y solo busqué por todos los medios sacar algún tema de conversación
Me llamo Agusstina, con doble 's' - me dijo - pero puedes llamarme Agus
Después de arrancarle una primera cita, me enloquecí con ella, me cegué y ya nada me importó
Tiré seis años de noviazgo con Cintia a la basura, le romí el corazón y fui el culpable de todas sus lágrimas, me gané su odio y su desprecio, pero con Agus, en un par de meses había vivido todos los colores del arcoíris que ella jamás me haría vivir
Agusstina era decidida, libre, atrevida, terrible en la cama, como pocas, y siempre esa mirada, esa mirada que decía mucho más de las palabras que salían de su boca, porque ella era extrovertida cuando necesitaba serlo y reservada cuando era la ocasión, y sabía guardar sus oscuros placeres bajo siete llaves, y eso solo me enloquecía, explorar su lado oculto, ese lado que jamás dejaba mostrar
Le conté de mi historia, de mi familia, de mi forma de ganarme la vida, ella de la suya, y en especial como había llegado a trabajar en 'Coliseo'
Me dijo que el dueño, un tano machista de los que ya no hay, tenía muy marcada esa idea retrógrada de que las mujeres solo servían para atender la casa y tener críos, y satisfacer al marido, por lo que no era de extrañar que todo el staff, mozos, cocineros, y todo aquel que tuviera una relación de dependencia con él, fueran solo hombres
También me dijo la causa de que ella, fuera la única mujer en ese lugar, no era por capacidad, ni por necesidad, solo era un favor, un favor hacia su madre, quien por años había sido su amante a espaldas de su padre, y que solo con el fallecimiento de este último, se había blanqueado la situación
Era todo muy retorcido, mi futura suegra era una puta que había engañado a su marido toda la vida, mi futura mujer trabajaba solo por devoluciones de favores y eso no parecía incomodarle, y lejos de tener compasión por su fallecido padre, solo hablaba de él como un viejo estúpido, y veía con agrado el rol de su madre, incluso estando de su parte, una mujer debía hacer lo que debía hacer, solía decir, y era un tanto ilógico en toda la historia que la mujer más feminista se cruzara justo con el tipo más machista
Como fuera, eso era parte de un pasado, de una historia que no era mi historia, pero que, sin dudas, había marcado los genes de la infidelidad en la que se transformaría en mi pareja
Decidimos juntar los pesos que pagaba en alquiler por su departamento con los pesos que yo pagaba por el mío, y en pozo común estaríamos a la altura para una linda casita acorde a nuestras necesidades
Así pusimos en balanza algunas alternativas y nos quedamos con una linda propiedad en un barrio que originalmente había sido levantado por el municipio para personas de bajos recursos, pero que con el tiempo se había potenciado, eran todas casitas gemelas, muy bonitas, que estaban de paso a mi empleo y al restaurante Coliseo
Nos mudamos con rapidez, ya habría tiempo para compromisos formales, casamientos, vestidos blancos y todas esas cosas, solo queríamos compartir el fuego que nos consumía por dentro
Y ahí empezarían a suceder algunas cosas, esas cosas que escondía en su mirada, y esas cosas que me atraían de ella como un imán
El fondo de la propiedad daba a un terreno en común con la casa contigua, apenas separadas por un tapial de un metro de altura en ladrillos, con un tejido por encima, lo que ciertamente quitaba privacidad a ambos lados, así habían sido diseñadas originalmente por un tema de costos y en los años siguientes nadie había hecho ningún cambio
En esa casa, vivía Marco, nuestro vecino
Él era contemporáneo a nosotros, rondando los treinta, un tipo de plata que lucía una enorme motocicleta último modelo, donde deambulaban mujeres todos los días, siempre diferentes, un desfachatado, caradura, nadie sabía de donde sacaba el dinero, pero era obvia su opulencia y se jactaba a viva voz sobre tres temas, motos, fiestas y mujeres
Y el problema de esta clase de tipos tan extrovertidos, a los que le gustan todas, es que justamente no respetan ni a nada ni a nadie, y siempre quieren lo que no tienen y claro, Agus, su vecina, era mujer, mi mujer, y, por lo tanto, estaba en su lista de posibles, importándole nada mi presencia, tornándose en un desafío personal
Empezarían días complicados por así decirlo, yo no podía, estar controlando todo el tiempo a mi mujer, pero uno no es estúpido
A Agus le caía en gracia, era un tipo de buen físico, tentador, y tenía esa desfachatez que muchas veces deslumbra a las mujeres, alguna vez los sorprendí hablando como vecinos, demasiados cómplices para mi gusto.
Noté que Agus solía colgar su ropa interior en el tender de manera que quedara todo a la vista del vecino
Noté que el vecino le regalaba sonrisas cade vez que podía
Noté que Agus salía a tomar sol al patio trasero casi desnuda, cuando él estaba al otro lado
Noté que el vecino también salía a tomar sol con su torso desnudo, cuando ella estaba de este lado
Noté que alguna vez ella fingía estar distraída en el patio, sabiendo que él la observaba
Noté que él alguna vez la ayudaba con los bolsos del mercado
Noté que ella estaba demasiado pendiente de lo que pasaba al otro lado
Noté que Marco, la había invitado a pasear en su moto
The problem is that I wasn't on the outside, quite the opposite, I was part of the game
With Agus we talked about the neighbor's theme many times, maybe too many, my fantasies, hers, and she was really overwhelmed by the situation. In intimacy, we often played dangerous games, I tried to guess her fantasies when I gave her oral sex and she often tried to guess my feelings when she told me if I got excited imagining her having sex with the neighbor
But Marco's worst part came from him because we had always had a very good relationship as neighbors, man to man. At some point in history, I noticed that my wife was his recurring theme, even though it was said in jest, he would take me by the shoulder like an old friend and say things like what a butt your wife has!, I'm going to screw her in your nose, she's so tasty, she should suck it, and all the things they imagine, that any man would have exploded. But in my case, I just couldn't and felt dominated by my neighbor with a hint of excitement
And everything turned into an unstoppable whirlwind because of the three of us, I was the only one who could stop it but I just couldn't or didn't want to
That morning wouldn't be just another morning. I had gotten up at 7 am as usual to go to work, Agus in bed as usual, she would arrive at Coliseo late at night and sleep until midday. When leaving, Marco, the neighbor, wasn't in a good mood at his house entrance, cursing his motorcycle that refused to start. His hands were greasy, there were tools scattered around and he had disassembled some components. I offered help if he needed it, asking if by chance I had a tool he was looking for and I thought I remembered having something to help him
We went back home and without wanting to, we started talking in the main living room about his misfortune while wiping the dirt off his hands with a cloth We perceive the high volume of our words, which, with certainty, woke up my wife and only appeared surprised where we were, although we were the ones who were surprised.
Agus was wearing a shortie nightgown, as she usually slept every night, with her breasts free and her nipples marked, a translucent thong separating her from complete nudity and her curves making themselves irresistible through the light entering through the window. Marco, after eating me up with his gaze, said...
I think a good cock-sucking could get me out of this bad moment.
And I didn't say anything because I think that's what I wanted, Agus laughed, adjusted her hair to one side, settled in and only responded...
Marco approached her, looked at her eyes, released the buckle of his belt, then the button and zip of his jeans, and after a few struggles left his cock bare, just centimeters from her face, while I remained as a witness to everything.
She started only kissing it, sucking it, and in seconds Marco's cock was hard, he looked at me every now and then and checked my reaction.
Only the sounds of their jaws crunching in pleasure could be heard, his hands filling with our neighbor's sex, and every now and then she would look at me, with that perverse gaze I had fallen in love with while he enjoyed the blowjob she was giving him without my unsolicited permission...
Agus, once she was sure everything was under control, paused to adjust herself, took her phone from Marco and asked him to film everything that was happening, then called me over to her side and asked me to get comfortable. I settled in and noticed that from a superior angle, he was taking care of keeping us both in the same frame...
And she went back to sucking it very deeply, I think she had never done it like that with me before, she was too excited and I was just observing, suddenly she dropped her toy, turned her head and kissed me very deeply, too deeply, and I felt my mouth filled with the taste of my neighbor. who didn't stop taking everything with Agus's cell phone I felt crazy, he went back to sucking her, went back to kissing me, and his tongue was sliding over my lips, I felt a contained erection, I put my hand under the short shirt and caressed her bare breasts, kissed her shoulder, neck, cheek, and felt like Marco's cock was pounding on her butt from the inside, almost as if it were entering my mouth since I was kissing him on the other side, and that his lover's improvised sex was so close to my face was simply incredible And he went back to kissing me very deeply, it was just madness, and I felt her hard nipples, and I only went with my hand between her legs, under the thong, to check how lubricated she was from everything happening Suddenly what should have happened would happen, Marco couldn't hold it back anymore and started ejaculating with force into my wife's mouth, the hot semen splashed onto her palate, and some onto her lips, and I was just there, witnessing what was happening Agus didn't hesitate, she looked at me, went back to kissing me, eternal, deep, and gave me what her lover had given her, and I liked it, felt the cum warm from our neighbor, let me drink her juices, felt it pass through my throat and her mouth tasted like sin When there was nothing left, an uncontrollable impulse led me to lick her face, her perineum, her butt, and every spot where there were remnants of semen, and I aced her like a slut until there was nothing left, until the last drop, and everything would be immortalized behind the lens of the cell phone When it had all passed, when we regained our senses, I discovered feeling ashamed, it bothered me to look at Marco's eyes, it bothered me to enjoy what I had enjoyed, and it bothered me to imagine what Agus would think of me I think it would be the first time I would take decisions, Marco wanted to screw her, she wanted him to screw her, but I asked him to leave my house, even forgetting that his motorcycle was broken down and he was waiting for a tool When he retired, I only went to the bathroom to brush my teeth in an unhealthy way, as if wanting to erase what had just happened, I felt shame, a lot of shame. Agus would surprise me by hugging me from behind and told me to calm down, that everything was fine and it had all been very tasty, it would be our secret. I felt the devil possessing me again, took her by force, lifted her onto the sink, ran that soaked thong and only held on with strength, with all my strength, kissing her deeply trying to rediscover in her mouth the flavor left by the neighbor. It was just one of the best orgasms of my life, and I poured all my juices into her before leaving, now if, to work. We would keep going forward, equal but different, Marco wouldn't try to get her again, now emboldened by what had happened, and I could only not look at him, not talk to him, it gave me a lot of shame and terrified me to imagine what he might tell the neighborhood every time I crossed paths with him and swallowed saliva, it seemed like I was feeling the taste of his semen passing through my throat and that excited and paralyzed me at the same time. For my good fortune, Agus seemed to lose interest in the neighbor, it was as if she had already lived what she had imagined living and perhaps my permanent anxiety about losing her would only strengthen our love bonds. We talked a lot about what happened that morning, and while we said we wouldn't repeat it, the truth is that she liked it, and so did I. On Saturday, October 4th, we would celebrate my thirty-third birthday in family, but the real celebration would be two days later, Monday, when 'Coliseo' was closed to the public. I arrived home around eight o'clock at night, as I usually do, Agus received me at the front door of the house, looked surprisingly in a long dress, formal, tight, on dirty white that marked each of her virtues, she was very yummy, very well styled, in a way that any man would have eaten her up in one bite, I would give her a champagne glass and a kiss, leaving the flavor of lip paint on my lips, but she wasn't alone. Look behind you, two, five, seven work colleagues, cooks, waiters, most of them I had seen before, were preparing dinner and for me it was a small surprise, because that night the restaurant would be at home. After greeting them, Agus told me to go get a refreshing shower and make myself comfortable, that it would be a long celebration, but what happened next was beyond my reach. After half an hour, I returned to the main room, my wife was leaning on the main table, using her arms as support in front of her, behind one of the many work colleagues had slipped his hand under the long dress, and he was violating her intimacy openly, while the others watched around. The image left me petrified, the saliva that passed through my throat when I swallowed took me back to what happened with Marco, my neighbor, and I immediately felt a tingling sensation between my legs. When my wife noticed I was present, she only looked at me with those perverse eyes of hers that I had fallen in love with from afar, standing on her high heels, with her legs apart, allowing those dirty fingers to slide into her intimacy. She changed position, leaned back on the table and opened up completely, I noticed she didn't have a thong under her dress, now the guy would just push his cock all the way in, again and again, and she wouldn't stop looking at me. She signaled for me to come over, like she had done with Marco before, and I only gave in. It was when the one who was screwing her would pull out his cock to finish it off on her pubis, clitoris, even her belly, and the magic would happen again, we just looked at each other without words, I went over her to do my job, to lick her, to clean her up, the semen of the male who was... There had been sex now it would be mine, I was hot, tasty, perfect and would feel that pleasure again of feeling like a lucky man
I was still kissing her stomach when another one was having sex with her and while I finished my work I looked sideways as that hot cock filled her completely, only this time she came inside me all the way
They made me go down on the carpet to the side and Agus came over me, inverted, and just put her sex in my mouth to start spitting out all her contents, to pour semen into my mouth
A third one had now entered her from behind, almost brushing his cock against my nose, I felt full of pleasure, still savoring her vagina filled with semen
The guy pulled out his cock and started cumming near his sphincter, so that everything he went in naturally poured down to my mouth
I was completely lost, it was my wife, it was my wife, everyone was having sex with her, but I stayed with the best of her pleasure, I didn't know if I came that night, or even cared
We had changed again and as with Marco, she was now sucking cock from one to another and I was in between, receiving every so often her kisses with a taste of sin, feeling her tongue on my throat and every time someone finished in her mouth, she was very generous about containing it all and kissing me again, to share all the juices with me
I hadn't planned for something like this, but when everything had ended, I noticed that my stomach was full of semen, a mix of flavors from all their lovers, and she had behaved like a slut, with that dark look that always hid too much
When everything had ended, in our intimacy, in our bed, I felt that shame again because I didn't feel like a man enough for her, but Agus seemed to be holding me back, telling me it was all okay and that she liked the way things were going, and she brought me back down to earth
Similarly, the situation It was becoming suffocating to go forward, almost all my wife's work colleagues had slept with her, with my consent and I couldn't do anything to stop it, just like what happened with Marco. Agus would confess that the video taken by the neighbor with his cell phone had been the trigger for the night of celebrations on my birthday and they had already slept with her, no matter how many, where or how. In this present, a little accustomed as I am to my new life, it still embarrasses me, especially when someone calls me by my nickname, 'el traga cum', because such a sensitive topic can't be hidden for too long. I'm happy, although sometimes I feel like a junkie, that one who in his state of consciousness knows he shouldn't do it, that it's wrong, that it's not correct, but only despairs to reach that moment, and that moment is touching paradise with the tip of my fingers, just being able to discover what she hides in her gaze. If you liked the story, you can write me with title 'LO QUE ENCIERRA SU MIRADA' at
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Con Cintia estábamos en planes de casamiento, habíamos comprado algunos muebles de hogar para nuestra futura convivencia y andábamos buscando algún sitio donde alquilar
Esa noche, era una salida como de costumbre, de paseo, tomados de la mano, nos gustaba improvisar, no atarnos a planes y así, podíamos ir solo a caminar, o un shopping, tal vez al cine, solo por un helado, o como en esa noche, en la que el destino nos llevaría a las puertas de 'Coliseo', un restaurante que era bastante popular y aun hoy en día lo sigue siendo.
En la recepción, en la misma entrada al local, nos atendería una jovencita que cambiaría mi vida para siempre, no sé cómo puedo decirlo, no era por su físico, aunque era muy bonita, ni por su hablar, ni por su vestir, ni por su estampa, tan solo fue su mirada
Es que su mirada era como perversa, adictiva, como que sus ojos decían cosas oscuras de ella, como un imán, era esa sensación de querer saber, y me bastaron tan solo unos minutos de diálogo para entender que me metería en un enredo sin salida
Ella nos acompañó hasta una de las mesas disponibles y luego se desentendió de nosotros, tenía mas comensales a la espera, y pronto nos atendería el mozo que nos tocaría en turno
Sería una noche atípica, Cintia me veía distraído, en otro lado, como que no le llevaba atención y es que solo me dedicaba a ver en forma muy sutil para que mi chica no lo notara, cada paso, cada movimiento, cada acción de esa joven que nos había atendido minutos atrás y que ahora me quitaba toda la atención
Volvería al día siguiente, sin esperar, cuando recién abrían al público y aún era temprano para que estuviera atareada con su trabajo, ella estaba en los preparativos previos, con su pollera negra a media pierna, medias de nylon muy elegantes con zapatitos al tono, camisa blanca, chaqueta también negra y con sus cabellos perfectamente recogidos, con su rostro en un discreto maquillaje y solo busqué por todos los medios sacar algún tema de conversación
Me llamo Agusstina, con doble 's' - me dijo - pero puedes llamarme Agus
Después de arrancarle una primera cita, me enloquecí con ella, me cegué y ya nada me importó
Tiré seis años de noviazgo con Cintia a la basura, le romí el corazón y fui el culpable de todas sus lágrimas, me gané su odio y su desprecio, pero con Agus, en un par de meses había vivido todos los colores del arcoíris que ella jamás me haría vivir
Agusstina era decidida, libre, atrevida, terrible en la cama, como pocas, y siempre esa mirada, esa mirada que decía mucho más de las palabras que salían de su boca, porque ella era extrovertida cuando necesitaba serlo y reservada cuando era la ocasión, y sabía guardar sus oscuros placeres bajo siete llaves, y eso solo me enloquecía, explorar su lado oculto, ese lado que jamás dejaba mostrar
Le conté de mi historia, de mi familia, de mi forma de ganarme la vida, ella de la suya, y en especial como había llegado a trabajar en 'Coliseo'
Me dijo que el dueño, un tano machista de los que ya no hay, tenía muy marcada esa idea retrógrada de que las mujeres solo servían para atender la casa y tener críos, y satisfacer al marido, por lo que no era de extrañar que todo el staff, mozos, cocineros, y todo aquel que tuviera una relación de dependencia con él, fueran solo hombres
También me dijo la causa de que ella, fuera la única mujer en ese lugar, no era por capacidad, ni por necesidad, solo era un favor, un favor hacia su madre, quien por años había sido su amante a espaldas de su padre, y que solo con el fallecimiento de este último, se había blanqueado la situación
Era todo muy retorcido, mi futura suegra era una puta que había engañado a su marido toda la vida, mi futura mujer trabajaba solo por devoluciones de favores y eso no parecía incomodarle, y lejos de tener compasión por su fallecido padre, solo hablaba de él como un viejo estúpido, y veía con agrado el rol de su madre, incluso estando de su parte, una mujer debía hacer lo que debía hacer, solía decir, y era un tanto ilógico en toda la historia que la mujer más feminista se cruzara justo con el tipo más machista
Como fuera, eso era parte de un pasado, de una historia que no era mi historia, pero que, sin dudas, había marcado los genes de la infidelidad en la que se transformaría en mi pareja
Decidimos juntar los pesos que pagaba en alquiler por su departamento con los pesos que yo pagaba por el mío, y en pozo común estaríamos a la altura para una linda casita acorde a nuestras necesidades
Así pusimos en balanza algunas alternativas y nos quedamos con una linda propiedad en un barrio que originalmente había sido levantado por el municipio para personas de bajos recursos, pero que con el tiempo se había potenciado, eran todas casitas gemelas, muy bonitas, que estaban de paso a mi empleo y al restaurante Coliseo
Nos mudamos con rapidez, ya habría tiempo para compromisos formales, casamientos, vestidos blancos y todas esas cosas, solo queríamos compartir el fuego que nos consumía por dentro
Y ahí empezarían a suceder algunas cosas, esas cosas que escondía en su mirada, y esas cosas que me atraían de ella como un imán
El fondo de la propiedad daba a un terreno en común con la casa contigua, apenas separadas por un tapial de un metro de altura en ladrillos, con un tejido por encima, lo que ciertamente quitaba privacidad a ambos lados, así habían sido diseñadas originalmente por un tema de costos y en los años siguientes nadie había hecho ningún cambio
En esa casa, vivía Marco, nuestro vecino
Él era contemporáneo a nosotros, rondando los treinta, un tipo de plata que lucía una enorme motocicleta último modelo, donde deambulaban mujeres todos los días, siempre diferentes, un desfachatado, caradura, nadie sabía de donde sacaba el dinero, pero era obvia su opulencia y se jactaba a viva voz sobre tres temas, motos, fiestas y mujeres
Y el problema de esta clase de tipos tan extrovertidos, a los que le gustan todas, es que justamente no respetan ni a nada ni a nadie, y siempre quieren lo que no tienen y claro, Agus, su vecina, era mujer, mi mujer, y, por lo tanto, estaba en su lista de posibles, importándole nada mi presencia, tornándose en un desafío personal
Empezarían días complicados por así decirlo, yo no podía, estar controlando todo el tiempo a mi mujer, pero uno no es estúpido
A Agus le caía en gracia, era un tipo de buen físico, tentador, y tenía esa desfachatez que muchas veces deslumbra a las mujeres, alguna vez los sorprendí hablando como vecinos, demasiados cómplices para mi gusto.
Noté que Agus solía colgar su ropa interior en el tender de manera que quedara todo a la vista del vecino
Noté que el vecino le regalaba sonrisas cade vez que podía
Noté que Agus salía a tomar sol al patio trasero casi desnuda, cuando él estaba al otro lado
Noté que el vecino también salía a tomar sol con su torso desnudo, cuando ella estaba de este lado
Noté que alguna vez ella fingía estar distraída en el patio, sabiendo que él la observaba
Noté que él alguna vez la ayudaba con los bolsos del mercado
Noté que ella estaba demasiado pendiente de lo que pasaba al otro lado
Noté que Marco, la había invitado a pasear en su moto
The problem is that I wasn't on the outside, quite the opposite, I was part of the game
With Agus we talked about the neighbor's theme many times, maybe too many, my fantasies, hers, and she was really overwhelmed by the situation. In intimacy, we often played dangerous games, I tried to guess her fantasies when I gave her oral sex and she often tried to guess my feelings when she told me if I got excited imagining her having sex with the neighbor
But Marco's worst part came from him because we had always had a very good relationship as neighbors, man to man. At some point in history, I noticed that my wife was his recurring theme, even though it was said in jest, he would take me by the shoulder like an old friend and say things like what a butt your wife has!, I'm going to screw her in your nose, she's so tasty, she should suck it, and all the things they imagine, that any man would have exploded. But in my case, I just couldn't and felt dominated by my neighbor with a hint of excitement
And everything turned into an unstoppable whirlwind because of the three of us, I was the only one who could stop it but I just couldn't or didn't want to
That morning wouldn't be just another morning. I had gotten up at 7 am as usual to go to work, Agus in bed as usual, she would arrive at Coliseo late at night and sleep until midday. When leaving, Marco, the neighbor, wasn't in a good mood at his house entrance, cursing his motorcycle that refused to start. His hands were greasy, there were tools scattered around and he had disassembled some components. I offered help if he needed it, asking if by chance I had a tool he was looking for and I thought I remembered having something to help him
We went back home and without wanting to, we started talking in the main living room about his misfortune while wiping the dirt off his hands with a cloth We perceive the high volume of our words, which, with certainty, woke up my wife and only appeared surprised where we were, although we were the ones who were surprised.
Agus was wearing a shortie nightgown, as she usually slept every night, with her breasts free and her nipples marked, a translucent thong separating her from complete nudity and her curves making themselves irresistible through the light entering through the window. Marco, after eating me up with his gaze, said...
I think a good cock-sucking could get me out of this bad moment.
And I didn't say anything because I think that's what I wanted, Agus laughed, adjusted her hair to one side, settled in and only responded...
Marco approached her, looked at her eyes, released the buckle of his belt, then the button and zip of his jeans, and after a few struggles left his cock bare, just centimeters from her face, while I remained as a witness to everything.
She started only kissing it, sucking it, and in seconds Marco's cock was hard, he looked at me every now and then and checked my reaction.
Only the sounds of their jaws crunching in pleasure could be heard, his hands filling with our neighbor's sex, and every now and then she would look at me, with that perverse gaze I had fallen in love with while he enjoyed the blowjob she was giving him without my unsolicited permission...
Agus, once she was sure everything was under control, paused to adjust herself, took her phone from Marco and asked him to film everything that was happening, then called me over to her side and asked me to get comfortable. I settled in and noticed that from a superior angle, he was taking care of keeping us both in the same frame...
And she went back to sucking it very deeply, I think she had never done it like that with me before, she was too excited and I was just observing, suddenly she dropped her toy, turned her head and kissed me very deeply, too deeply, and I felt my mouth filled with the taste of my neighbor. who didn't stop taking everything with Agus's cell phone I felt crazy, he went back to sucking her, went back to kissing me, and his tongue was sliding over my lips, I felt a contained erection, I put my hand under the short shirt and caressed her bare breasts, kissed her shoulder, neck, cheek, and felt like Marco's cock was pounding on her butt from the inside, almost as if it were entering my mouth since I was kissing him on the other side, and that his lover's improvised sex was so close to my face was simply incredible And he went back to kissing me very deeply, it was just madness, and I felt her hard nipples, and I only went with my hand between her legs, under the thong, to check how lubricated she was from everything happening Suddenly what should have happened would happen, Marco couldn't hold it back anymore and started ejaculating with force into my wife's mouth, the hot semen splashed onto her palate, and some onto her lips, and I was just there, witnessing what was happening Agus didn't hesitate, she looked at me, went back to kissing me, eternal, deep, and gave me what her lover had given her, and I liked it, felt the cum warm from our neighbor, let me drink her juices, felt it pass through my throat and her mouth tasted like sin When there was nothing left, an uncontrollable impulse led me to lick her face, her perineum, her butt, and every spot where there were remnants of semen, and I aced her like a slut until there was nothing left, until the last drop, and everything would be immortalized behind the lens of the cell phone When it had all passed, when we regained our senses, I discovered feeling ashamed, it bothered me to look at Marco's eyes, it bothered me to enjoy what I had enjoyed, and it bothered me to imagine what Agus would think of me I think it would be the first time I would take decisions, Marco wanted to screw her, she wanted him to screw her, but I asked him to leave my house, even forgetting that his motorcycle was broken down and he was waiting for a tool When he retired, I only went to the bathroom to brush my teeth in an unhealthy way, as if wanting to erase what had just happened, I felt shame, a lot of shame. Agus would surprise me by hugging me from behind and told me to calm down, that everything was fine and it had all been very tasty, it would be our secret. I felt the devil possessing me again, took her by force, lifted her onto the sink, ran that soaked thong and only held on with strength, with all my strength, kissing her deeply trying to rediscover in her mouth the flavor left by the neighbor. It was just one of the best orgasms of my life, and I poured all my juices into her before leaving, now if, to work. We would keep going forward, equal but different, Marco wouldn't try to get her again, now emboldened by what had happened, and I could only not look at him, not talk to him, it gave me a lot of shame and terrified me to imagine what he might tell the neighborhood every time I crossed paths with him and swallowed saliva, it seemed like I was feeling the taste of his semen passing through my throat and that excited and paralyzed me at the same time. For my good fortune, Agus seemed to lose interest in the neighbor, it was as if she had already lived what she had imagined living and perhaps my permanent anxiety about losing her would only strengthen our love bonds. We talked a lot about what happened that morning, and while we said we wouldn't repeat it, the truth is that she liked it, and so did I. On Saturday, October 4th, we would celebrate my thirty-third birthday in family, but the real celebration would be two days later, Monday, when 'Coliseo' was closed to the public. I arrived home around eight o'clock at night, as I usually do, Agus received me at the front door of the house, looked surprisingly in a long dress, formal, tight, on dirty white that marked each of her virtues, she was very yummy, very well styled, in a way that any man would have eaten her up in one bite, I would give her a champagne glass and a kiss, leaving the flavor of lip paint on my lips, but she wasn't alone. Look behind you, two, five, seven work colleagues, cooks, waiters, most of them I had seen before, were preparing dinner and for me it was a small surprise, because that night the restaurant would be at home. After greeting them, Agus told me to go get a refreshing shower and make myself comfortable, that it would be a long celebration, but what happened next was beyond my reach. After half an hour, I returned to the main room, my wife was leaning on the main table, using her arms as support in front of her, behind one of the many work colleagues had slipped his hand under the long dress, and he was violating her intimacy openly, while the others watched around. The image left me petrified, the saliva that passed through my throat when I swallowed took me back to what happened with Marco, my neighbor, and I immediately felt a tingling sensation between my legs. When my wife noticed I was present, she only looked at me with those perverse eyes of hers that I had fallen in love with from afar, standing on her high heels, with her legs apart, allowing those dirty fingers to slide into her intimacy. She changed position, leaned back on the table and opened up completely, I noticed she didn't have a thong under her dress, now the guy would just push his cock all the way in, again and again, and she wouldn't stop looking at me. She signaled for me to come over, like she had done with Marco before, and I only gave in. It was when the one who was screwing her would pull out his cock to finish it off on her pubis, clitoris, even her belly, and the magic would happen again, we just looked at each other without words, I went over her to do my job, to lick her, to clean her up, the semen of the male who was... There had been sex now it would be mine, I was hot, tasty, perfect and would feel that pleasure again of feeling like a lucky man
I was still kissing her stomach when another one was having sex with her and while I finished my work I looked sideways as that hot cock filled her completely, only this time she came inside me all the way
They made me go down on the carpet to the side and Agus came over me, inverted, and just put her sex in my mouth to start spitting out all her contents, to pour semen into my mouth
A third one had now entered her from behind, almost brushing his cock against my nose, I felt full of pleasure, still savoring her vagina filled with semen
The guy pulled out his cock and started cumming near his sphincter, so that everything he went in naturally poured down to my mouth
I was completely lost, it was my wife, it was my wife, everyone was having sex with her, but I stayed with the best of her pleasure, I didn't know if I came that night, or even cared
We had changed again and as with Marco, she was now sucking cock from one to another and I was in between, receiving every so often her kisses with a taste of sin, feeling her tongue on my throat and every time someone finished in her mouth, she was very generous about containing it all and kissing me again, to share all the juices with me
I hadn't planned for something like this, but when everything had ended, I noticed that my stomach was full of semen, a mix of flavors from all their lovers, and she had behaved like a slut, with that dark look that always hid too much
When everything had ended, in our intimacy, in our bed, I felt that shame again because I didn't feel like a man enough for her, but Agus seemed to be holding me back, telling me it was all okay and that she liked the way things were going, and she brought me back down to earth
Similarly, the situation It was becoming suffocating to go forward, almost all my wife's work colleagues had slept with her, with my consent and I couldn't do anything to stop it, just like what happened with Marco. Agus would confess that the video taken by the neighbor with his cell phone had been the trigger for the night of celebrations on my birthday and they had already slept with her, no matter how many, where or how. In this present, a little accustomed as I am to my new life, it still embarrasses me, especially when someone calls me by my nickname, 'el traga cum', because such a sensitive topic can't be hidden for too long. I'm happy, although sometimes I feel like a junkie, that one who in his state of consciousness knows he shouldn't do it, that it's wrong, that it's not correct, but only despairs to reach that moment, and that moment is touching paradise with the tip of my fingers, just being able to discover what she hides in her gaze. If you liked the story, you can write me with title 'LO QUE ENCIERRA SU MIRADA' at
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