Ludmila my lover

A while back Ludmila sent me a message, telling me to go look for Lore at her best friend's house. When I arrived, she sent me another message and told me to come down and help them. The girls came out with a piece of furniture to carry. Lu gave me a kiss and Lore gave me one right behind her, very close to my mouth. I stayed there for a bit and thought 'what's going on here', picked up the furniture and we left for home. On the way, I noticed something weird about the girls - Lore was staring at me a lot, so I stopped and said 'hey girls, what's going on? You two are acting strange'. Ludmila told me she had to talk to me, 'Papi, I have to fuck you with Lore, don't get mad, my love, I'm happy for you', she said. She told me more, then I told Lore about it and she apologized, saying 'I know nobody was supposed to find out' and that Lore would never say anything, wanting to be with us, okay, and we left for home.

1 comentários - Ludmila my lover

Se agranda la familia. Otra vez siendo generosos con los amigos de sus hijos. Pobres niños sin verdadero amor fraternal como el de ustedes.