After the monumental cock sucking that the beautiful girl gave me, she went to take a bath, and I was left in a state of shock, lying on the couch thinking about the kilombaso I was getting into, when she came out of the bathroom naked, seeing her ass standing up like that without anything put my cock as mast, she got into her room, and I went to look for a 20-liter vaseline bucket and got in behind her, when I entered she was checking herself, she stayed looking at me, I showed her the vaselina and alone she put it on four, I went straight to suck that beautiful ass, it's sweetness, I started licking it like no one else, it started twisting with pleasure when I sucked it, I pulled out my cock and bathed it in vaselina, and didn't stop, started going in and out, she was moaning and complaining of pain, only putting my head in, it seemed like I was going to cut her. I pulled out, sent more vaselina to the ass and went back in, started pecking a little at first and slowly entered, moans and pain until I managed to put it all in, it's like the first one that reaches the moon, that pride mixed with pleasure and my cock was even bigger, she only felt pain, I stayed quiet towards her soft movements to give her time, kept going slow but didn't want to break her ass too much until I started to culiar her, then I heard some moans and that gave me the green light to keep going, I was like crazy and pecking without mercy, she started to get herself off, putting in her fingers and finishing it, the girl stopped the ass and asked for more, I gave it to her and felt in glory, started feeling the cum and without hesitation pulled it all out, she was pecking with her ass against my cock, left it all inside and didn't want to take it out, hit her some more bombs, fell exhausted on her back, the destroyed but happy cock, and that was the first time I broke her ass, we went to bathe together, I bathed her delicately, got out of the bathroom and she stayed there, had to leave so I changed and hit the street. I came back at night and she I was sleeping on my bed with my ass up, still open and with some cream, for a few days I would be disabled
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