Two Cubans for my Booty - part 2 of 2 -

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Evalué mis posibilidades, cuanto tiempo deseando que me cogiera un negro, cuantos kilómetros recorridos, estaba hirviendo en deseos, sentía latir mi clítoris, estaba desesperada, toda la tarde, toda la noche, seguir esperando? como si nada?, miré la habitación era enorme, y la alfombra mullida como pocas, dos hombres, solo para mí, por qué no?

Así que no dije nada, solo atraje sus miradas, levanté en forma sexi mi blusa desnudando mi torso, mis pechos siliconados quedaron ante la vista de los muchachos, los tomé entre mis manos, estiré uno hasta mi boca y jugué con la lengua en el pezón, estaba salado por la transpiración de la noche, volví mi rostro a los cubanos y solo dije

-Ya! Vamos a hacerlo…

Y meneando de lado a lado las caderas deslicé sutilmente la corta pollera hacia abajo dejándola caer al piso, los ojos de esos machos brillaban, como ojos asesinos, sus miradas se clavaron en mi cuerpo casi desnudo, apenas la diminuta tanga y esas botas tacos altos cubrían algo de mi piel.

Maikel, como de costumbre tomó la iniciativa y vino a mi lado, sus enormes manos apretaron mis tetas y su lengua penetró mi boca, casi hasta la garganta en un beso tan profundo y caliente que me arrancó un suspiro, me hizo girar, saqué culo porque sabía que era lo que estaba mirando, me dijo con su rico acento cubano lo puta que era y me preguntó si todas las argentinas eran tan putas como yo, entonces me dio una fuerte nalgada afiebrándome uno de mis cachetes, solo me hizo suspirar más fuerte y largar un gemido contenido, repitió el chirlo, dos y tres veces, cerré los ojos y mordí mi labio inferior, diablos… como me gustaba que hiciera eso!!!

Cuando tenía las nalgas rojas y mi argolla inundada en flujos, me recostó sobre la alfombra, lentamente me sacó una bota, luego la otra y empezó a besar delicadamente mis pies, luego mis pantorrillas, luego mis muslos, poco a poco iba subiendo y ahhhh! me moría en deseo! sentía que mi clítoris estallaría sin remedio.

Toda esta situación me tenía tan concentrada que Ernesto había desaparecido de mi órbita, fue por eso que me sorprendí cuando me abordó completamente desnudo con su verga enorme en una de sus manos, no puedo explicarlo… que pedazo de pija tenía el bastardo! era sin dudas algo digno de pornografía, gorda como pocas, circuncisa, con un glande cabezón, mi boca se llenó de saliva en deseo, se arrodilló a mi lado, me tomó de los cabellos y me la metió hasta donde pudo, que hermosa, empecé a lamerla desesperada, y sus ojos no se perdían de mi rostro, pasaba mi lengua a lo largo de todo ese monumento a la masculinidad, que rica sabía!

Pero a todo esto, por el otro lado Maikel había llegado a mi sexo, había sacado la pequeña tanga y ya me había invadido, sentí como me penetraba con un par de dedos y como su boca se prendía a mi clítoris, perdía toda concentración, ya no pude aguantar, empecé a jadear y un calor extremo se apoderó de mí, tenía la pija enorme en mi boca, pero solo podía concentrarme en mi propio placer, que rico! grité ese orgasmo como buena puta que soy…

Cambiaron de lugar, Ernesto fue entre mis piernas y ayyyy!!!! me la metió toda… que rico!!! y empezó dale que dale, a un costado el otro cubano se desnudaba y podía observarlo, cuando sacó su slip… ah! pero todos los negros tendrán pijas tan largas y gruesas? alguien puede decirme? porque esto era el paraíso…

Y se la empecé a chupar, tan larga y regordeta como era, un buen rato, hasta que el pidió cambiar nuevamente, que hombres, me llenaban la concha de una manera única incomparable, me hacían gemir, uno me cogía, al otro se la chupaba, y cambiábamos, una vez, otra vez, una pose, otra pose…

Me sentía tan puta, me dolía la concha en lo profundo, toda abierta, mi boca tenía sabor a verga, mi mente llena de pecado…

Maikel hizo una pausa, fue hasta el frigo bar y abrió una pequeña botella con champagne, tomó un trago, luego Ernesto y luego me ofrecieron, pero yo solo quería coger y ya había tenido bastantes bebidas, solo mirar a mi amiga tendida sobre la cama que dormía como una marmota.

Así que tomé la botella y la vacié sobre mi cuerpo dejándola caer desde mi cuello hacía abajo, por mis pechos, por mi vientre, el frío y las burbujas me hicieron erizar la piel, entonces como si fueran dos bebés ellos se prendieron uno a cada pecho, que rico! sus manos enormes me acariciaban por todos lados, se fundían entre mis piernas, mi corazón palpitaba como poseída y me embriagaba en placer…

Otra vez de costado, uno cogiéndome a mis espaldas, el otro con su pito en mi boca, tomé la mano de Ernesto quien en ese momento me cogía, luego sus dedos y empecé a lamerlos, a llenarlos de saliva, entonces llevé esos dedos a mi esfínter, sin decir palabras, hay cosas que no se dicen, no hace falta decirlas…

Pronto sus dedos se colaron en mi culito, siendo honesta no costó esfuerzo, mi colita ya se había comido muchas pijas y no dejaría pasar esta oportunidad…

Aún tenía la verga de Maikel en la boca cuando el otro la sacó de mi concha, apuntó en mi culo y empujó suavemente hacia adentro…. ahhh!!!! Dolió al principio, pero poco a poco, mi culito se estiró y ese raro dolor pasó a ser placentero… que puta, como me gusta que me rompan el culo… cómo me gusta complacer a un hombre, y a partir de ese momento, después de incontables orgasmos se transformaron en mi único objetivo…

Ya no quise mamar vergas, solo quería que me la dieran bien por el culo, que me rompieran toda, que me hicieran puta…

Y ellos empezaron a turnarse, a abrirme toda, un rato uno, un rato otro, había tenido pijas en mi culo, pero nunca cosas enormes como esas, pobre mi amiga, por ebria la fiesta que se perdía…

Ellos con su amoroso acento me preguntaban ‘si me gustaba’ ‘si quería que me rompieran bien el culo’, y yo solo gemía, cada tanto llevaba mis delgados dedos para tocar y tener idea el enorme cráter que me estaba dejando los bastardos…

Y pasó algo que no estaba en mis planes, me levantaron en el aire, uno por delante, otro por detrás, toda abierta, y dios… uno me la enterró en el culo y el otro en la concha, si Walter, mi esposo me hubiera visto! Viví cosas que jamás imaginé vivir, sentimientos que jamás imaginé sentir, las lágrimas de placer rodaban por mis mejillas, me sentí tan llena…

Two Cubans for my Booty - part 2 of 2 -And after several minutes of double penetration something even more exciting happened, perhaps the sluttiest woman showing me with those men let loose their madness, Maikel reclined on the carpet, and I went to ride him, expecting him to put his cock in my pussy, but to my surprise it was on my ass, I didn't care, I ate it all up, I knew they would fill me with cum at any moment, so I started moving and let them move me.

Suddenly they stopped, Ernesto was behind me and began to probe my reaction by trying to put his cock in my ass, I turned my head a little to observe him, in just seconds many things passed through my mind, just imagining two cocks in my ass! So I said almost ordering...

-Give it to me! Break it all, get it in too...

God, I thought I was going to die when I felt my anus starting to open up even more, if... I thought I was going to die...

Slowly the second cock entered my entire ass and they started moving inside me, the Cubans were giving it to me at the same time, entering and leaving, the most pleasant pain I could experience, I couldn't just moan anymore, I needed to scream, unconsciously I started clawing at Maikel's chest with my nails, both men, both cocks.

And as the seconds passed I screamed louder and louder...

-Ahhh!.... Ahhh!.... Ahhh!.... Ahhh!.... Ahhh!.... Ahhh!....

It was when the black woman lifted her head off the pillow, without understanding anything she observed the scene and with terrible somnolence barely pronounced...

-slut ...

And then collapsed again immediately, we laughed and went back to it, to the screams, to the pleasure...

My screams echoed in the room, suddenly the phone on the bed started ringing and ringing, but no one seemed willing to answer, Ernesto, a bit annoyed by the persistence, got up from the light table and only turned it off, then went back and kept giving me from behind... It was apparently passing the time, minutes later it seemed to me that they were knocking on the door of the room, so we stopped to sharpen our ears until we confirmed in a second attempt that yes, they were calling at the door.

We stopped, we were all sweaty, smelly, disheveled, they didn't want me to answer, but I couldn't keep going like this, I wrapped a sheet around my body and opened the door just a little, hiding behind it, only showing my face, a hotel boy, neatly dressed, on the other side, whispered to me in a barely audible voice.

Goodnight, ma'am, excuse the disturbance.

Yes, what's the problem?

The young man answered with evident discomfort, as if he was forced to deliver a message.

It's that... we're receiving complaints from adjacent rooms, on the floor above and below, about the screams coming from your room, it's not yet six in the morning, is everything okay?

At that moment, I felt myself turning red like a tomato, it was the most embarrassing and humiliating moment of my life, and look, I've lived craziness, but I didn't expect this, never realized how much I was screaming, only lowered my gaze and whispered...slutIt's all in order... excuse me, it won't happen again... I closed the door, wanted to die, wanted the earth to swallow me up, never had I felt so humiliated, the Cubans were behind me and had heard everything, those bastards just laughed, they wanted to continue but I had cooled off like a piece of ice, but they were boiling and wouldn't let things be, so I offered to suck them, got comfortable in the middle, knelt at their feet and started sucking both, being honest, I just wanted it to end and for them to leave.

Everything started well, in a few seconds they were standing up again, like devils do when men get into such a climate quickly? They're enviable in this sense.

But they had other plans, at least Maikel who always seemed to be leading the way in everything.

Suddenly he moved away from our side, even though I kept on sucking Ernesto with feminine curiosity, I followed him with my gaze, he went over his clothes and started rummaging through the pockets of his pants, finally pulling out a worn-out handkerchief, came back to me without saying a word, took my arm and led me to the center of the room, away from the door where I was kneeling, told me for the umpteenth time with his sweet accent that I was very slutty and deserved a better ending, I didn't understand his words.

Then he took my dirty and rolled-up thong that was among all the clothes, came back to me and forced it into my mouth, later his handkerchief, passed it strongly between my lips and adjusted it roughly behind my head, as if it were a muzzle, I was scared, it was uncomfortable and I could hardly breathe.

Then he sat down and dragged me with him, I couldn't help but go along, pointed to me and put it back in my ass, sat down suddenly due to the weight of my own body and thought I would die when I felt it enter completely! He started moving inside me again, just like before, leaned back and dragged me with him, opened my legs so Ernesto could attack me from the front, and

Thus she acclimated to the game again, settled in and also put it in my ass, sons of a slut!

I was penetrated once more and felt too excited, they were destroying me, and I wanted to scream, needed to scream, but couldn't, I was sweating, out of breath, my nose wasn't enough to inhale and exhale all the air my sex required, barely letting out a muffled 'mmm' and struggling not to suffocate from the thong that was precariously close to my throat.

You'll say I'm crazy, but all that sensation of impotence, asphyxiation, and danger lit me up again, and that double anal penetration on the verge of rape made my hormones go wild, I felt orgasmic sensations hard to explain...

Ernesto left my interior and his warm semen started bathing my body, what a yummy feeling! It splashed on my pussy, stomach, and even my tits! Cum cuban heat for this Argentine slut, as if it were moisturizing cream, I ran it all over my body...

I was so focused on the whole game that I almost didn't notice Maikel had filled my ass with cum, he made me get up from where I was with my anus running with semen...

I reclined to one side, Ernesto removed the gag and spat out the thong, I started breathing freely, puffing out my chest, recomposing my rhythm, I had a foul taste in my mouth from my thong's fluids, they laughed, and I caught on to their laughter...

The first lines of sunlight filtered through the window, the black woman was still immersed in an infinite sleep like she'd been left hours earlier, the dark-skinned men changed, kissed my forehead, and thanked me for everything, and lamented not getting to my friend, but well, she missed out...
I was a disaster of a woman, so I filled the bathtub with warm water and spent more than an hour in a tasty immersion bath, which tasted delicious! I relived it all in that relaxation and by the way, how I had mistreated my poor bum, and curiosity got the better of me, I couldn't view myself as I had left, so I took some souvenir photographs. And there's not much more to tell, I went to sleep, the black woman woke me up after midday, we went to the beach in the afternoon hoping to find the Cubans, but we would never see them again.

Everything I wrote I told my friend in detail that afternoon under the sun, she cursed herself for getting drunk and cursed my bad luck...

We still had several days ahead of us, the black woman wouldn't stay without getting it so we turned the page and started looking for other men to write new chapters, but that's already part of other stories...

On my side I'll never forget that experience with those blacks, with those sluts, who somehow left me marked for life...

I hope you like my experience!

Kisses! Candelaria

If you liked this story and are over 18 years old, you can write to me with the title 'TWO CUBANS FOR MY Booty' at

2 comentários - Two Cubans for my Booty - part 2 of 2 -