here my girlfriend keeps telling what happened at the fifth with that newlywed couple
If they didn't read the beginning I'll leave them waiting for it and hope they enjoy it a lot
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And for the points that they give me
Unfortunately that night everyone was very tired to keep going like this so we left Oscar alone with Carlos and his friends, the two of us woke up and had no energy to get out of bed, so we started chatting.
Brenda what kind of guy did the cuck turn out to be, just married and on the same night tremendous cuck, they screwed his wife twice and on top of that they did everything with him
I don't have doubts that he likes it a lot, do you think he was still the flower of cuck as an ex-boyfriend?
Brenda I think so too, besides that little girl can't do much with that one
I think he always felt jealous, the very girl took it from him to cuck
Brenda and now that we're not there, will they get it with him?
I think he's going to get destroyed tonight and his friends won't forgive him, besides you know how Carlos' friends are, the sheep will give him the final blow
Brenda that if I don't want to miss it, the blown cuck won't be able to walk
And tomorrow they're leaving already, what beautiful inmates turned out to be, really I want to grab her.
Is Brenda a girl?
If she's a slapper, while you're looking at how he loses his load, blow her off here.
We put on our tights and went to the quincho, where everyone was, guys doing something at the grill and cuck surrounded by guys, we sat next to Laura and talked a lot with her, so we found out that her husband had always been cuck and once alone he told her he wanted to see her having sex with another one and immediately fulfilled his fantasy, he was always hiding and after that it was when he put his fingers in her ass, then she realized he's half gay, then we told her how Oscarcito had picked her up, that made her very crazy and even crazier when we said they would all have sex with him tonight she wanted to see them do it and we didn't stop watching
They're going to have to come more often I imagine
Laura sees him here every weekend, forgive me for what I'm saying but the one who caught me best was your husband, from him I want a child and let the promiscuous one take care of it
There wouldn't be a problem for me even if I wanted to see how Oscarcito leaves your husband hung up
Laura I want to see how everyone gets it on, even their friends those who didn't want to get me because I was their girlfriend and ended up making me their women, do you know whose idea it was to keep the party going at this place? From all of them and when they proposed it I knew it was for having me with me, I begged him to do it, I told him there was no danger with his friends
I think he wanted this, I'm sure he wanted to see how his friends were taking you, what I didn't imagine is that he would end up losing and even less that he would be taken by everyone, look, look at how they're flattering him, what do you think if after eating we leave them alone.
Is Laura perfect or how do we make her?
Brenda do that, let us take care of it, we know very well how to do it
We ate very tasty, the three of us always together, without any evil that would redeem us and when we had already finished Brenda proposed a game to distract us, the very girl chose the old hide-and-seek game and it worked out very well, of course, Carlos and his friends and Oscarcito imagined right away because Brenda was doing it and in the first opportunity we were disappearing one by one, the three of us hiding behind some trees spying on what was happening, they played and in the first round without us Carlos chased the cuck in his hideout, behind the orange tree he broke his ass, he was the first and it was clear that they had freed him to keep hiding, in the second round two hid with the cuck when they found out they were sucking each other off between Carlos' friends, the one who said he was one of his friends joined right away and so everything got out of control, soon the cuck was surrounded by everyone with their dicks and they took him behind Carlos' house where one by one they sucked him off while we didn't miss a single event, humiliation didn't take long to arrive and the cuck seemed to enjoy it, the very dirty one let go and we could see how he was desperate to suck all their cocks while someone was sucking him, his faithful friends were the most perverted and gathered in a cup the cum they left in his ass without him noticing, the cuck was totally submissive and accepted the role of loser doing everything they asked, finally they got tired of using him and left him there, lying on his back with his ass up and went to get something while the cuck was still twisting himself, one of Carlos' friends wanted to bring the sheep to suck him off like they had done with Brenda at the time, but they couldn't, their friends didn't want to, according to them it was too much humiliation for their friend who had been emasculated, after that we went home, the three of us were flying high Fever but we knew that no guy would bother us, they had spent all their bullets on the cuck, we got into the hot tub and then it was Laurita's turn, Brenda and I made her know what we were capable of doing, we picked her up and didn't stop until she peed on herself, after that we went back to the quincho and separated after drinking a few shots, what happened with Laura and her husband's friends we never knew, that night the cuck slept next to the pool, later I found out they had let the sheepdog loose when he was alone with his ass open, then I imagined him getting screwed by that dog, the next day, in the morning everyone left, Oscarcito went back into action and I loved it, the cockhold came back many times to the house with his wife and a few other friends, the promiscuous became a regular client and Brenda didn't miss an opportunity to cash in on him, we couldn't complain about anything, renting out the house not only left us good money but also sometimes guaranteed pleasure, at that time I saw guys cheating on their wives very frequently and if the weekend wasn't rented out to anyone, they would throw a party, this lasted for a long time

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