Chronicle of a Cuckold

Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post de mi esposa

Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos

Gracias por los puntos y comentarios


La separación de Silvia me había costado más de lo imaginado, y no piensen en mi bolsillo, fue un montón de dinero, aun lo sigue siendo, pero lo material solo es pasajero, el problema fue psíquico, esos daños que nunca se curan del todo.
Es que yo la amaba con todo mi corazón, y de pronto, llegaron sus infidelidades y la inevitable ruptura.
Y lo que era peor de todo, separarme de mi pequeño Brian, mi hijo.
Lo curioso de esta retorcida situación era la presencia de María, mi suegra, ella era una mujer bonachona, testigo de todo lo que sucedía entre nosotros y me quería como a un hijo

María tenía un dicho de su familia, algo así como que en toda pareja uno es ancla y otro barrilete, uno de los dos siempre será ancla, amarrado al suelo, inamovible, duro, rígido, el otro, siempre sería barrilete, unido por una fina piola al ancla a merced del viento y las inclemencias climáticas, y todo está bien cuando esa piola une ambos, pero cuando se corta, en fin, el ancla siempre será ancla, amarrada al piso, y el pobre barrilete, terminará perdido en cualquier sitio, en cualquier lugar, golpeado, destruido, abandonado.
Y en mi relación de pareja estaba claro que ella era ancla y yo barrilete, la vieja María siempre me lo decía y lo decía porque a su vez, ella también había sido el barrilete de su marido y sabía por experiencia propia el dolor que yo sentía.

El divorcio supuso miles de inconvenientes, Silvia tenía un nuevo hombre, y con eso rompía cualquier intento de mi parte por recuperarla, habían formado una nueva familia, se habían mudado lejos, y solo me llamaba para que yo le pasase dinero, no me permitía ver a Brian, hacía lo imposible por evitarlo y obviamente le llenaba la cabeza sobre lo 'mal padre que yo era'.
Nunca entendí porqué lo hacía, porqué el odio desmedido hacia mi persona, tenía todo y más de lo que le correspondía, como puede ser que una mujer que compartió tu cama, que te dio un hijo, puede llegar a convertirse en tu peor enemigo

Y aunque pareciera mentira, María, mi suegra, era mi mejor aliada, cuando estaba a solas con el pequeño Brian, por el motivo que fuera, ella me llamaba y nos permitía estar juntos a escondidas, era nuestro secreto, abuela, padre, hijo, algo que por ley me correspondía tenía que ser algo clandestino
Y todo eso se fue al demonio cuando Silvia se enteró, porque las cosas tarde o temprano se saben, solo se peleó a muerte con su madre, la puso de mi lado, en la lista de sus enemigos, y solo me hice poco a poco a la idea de olvidar a mi pequeño amor

Anduve visitando a miles de psicólogos con mis penas a cuestas, miles de salidas que no me conducían a ningún sitio y solo hacía caso por tratar de hacer algo diferente
Me acercaba a los cuarenta y solo no tenía nada, había perdido mi empleo producto de mi depresión, nada me llenaba
Pero tenía que ganarme la vida, Mauro era otro de los compañeros de trabajo que habían quedado sin empleo, el tenía familia, tres hijos, y teníamos cierta amistad.
Me propuso aunar fuerzas, con su dinero y el mío, parte de nuestras indemnizaciones, podríamos comprarnos un coche a medias y trabajarlo como remisse, doce horas para mí, doce para el, gastos compartidos, ganancias separadas.

Así mi vida pareció encarrilarse un poco, trabajaba arriba de un auto, tenía un socio compañero amigo, todo en uno, vivía solo con mi perro y aun visitaba de tanto en tanto a María, mi ex suegra. También hacia algo de deporte, empujado por algún psicólogo de turno, sugerencia para mantener el cuerpo en condiciones y no estar pensando en Brian, ni en Silvia, ni en su nuevo hombre, ni en su nueva y perfecta familia
Salía día por medio a andar en bicicleta, a un velódromo municipal a pocas cuadras de casa, siempre en la rutina de dar varias vueltas para después tomar alguna bebida cola en un barcito del lugar, dejando que el sol de primavera acariciara mi rostro.

Y así conocería a Bruna, mi nuevo problema
La crucé un día en bici, y otro, y otro más, evidentemente teníamos gustos y horarios parecidos, ella siempre con unas calzas negras muy ajustadas que le marcaban un culo de otro planeta, y más montada en esa bici donde al afortunado asiento parecía perderse en su intimidad. Me gustaba mucho y podía pasarme todo el tiempo pedaleando discretamente por detrás, solo para llenarme la vista con su trasero, donde generalmente se perdía alguna minúscula tanga y su figura terminaba siendo la causal de mis más ricas masturbaciones
Yo no me animaba a encararla, tenía poco más de veinte, sonaría desubicado y solo cada tanto cambiaba alguna mirada o sonrisa, pero nada descabellado, esas situaciones de personas que solo frecuentan un mismo sitio
Uno de esos días, ella tuvo un inconveniente con una rueda desinflada, me ofrecí a ayudarla como caballero y para tener una oportunidad, pero ella me rechazó molesta, asumiendo una situación de machismo feminismo que lejos había sido mi intención

Solo me retiré y fui al bar maldiciéndola por dentro, pedí una gaseosa y traté de sacarla de mi cabeza
Poco después ella llegó a mi lado, más calma me pidió disculpas por portarse como una tonta, me dijo que se llamaba Bruna y se sentó a cerca para hacerme compañía mientras pedía un agua saborizada
Ella era una mujer difícil de describir, muy menudita, muy petisita, toda chiquitita, pero tenía un culo exasperantemente perfecto y exagerado, parecía no corresponder a ese cuerpo y tenía las cuervas más excitantes que yo hubiera visto. También me atraían sus largos y lacios cabellos que ella decoloraba a un rubio casi blanco
Lo cierto es que charlamos, cambiamos teléfonos, y nos mantuvimos chateando, en dos días me había regalado muchas de esas fotos sexis de redes sociales, en cuatro días me había regalado fotos suyas de páginas pornográficas y antes de una semana nos revolcábamos en mi cama, incluso le hice el culo sin el menor resquemor.

Las cosas con Bruna irían demasiado rápido, en dos meses se había metido a convivir en mi departamento, a los ocho me enteraba que nuevamente sería padre.
En este punto de la historia no sabía si realmente me había enamorado de ella o solo estaba de rodillas antes ese culo de otro mundo, y a su forma de ser en la cama, porque ella era un tornado insaciable, siempre estaba caliente, siempre estaba deseosa, siempre estaba dispuesta y más de una vez era yo quien pedía una pausa, doblarla en edad ya era un problema
Pero de lo que, si estaba seguro, es que recordando las palabras de mí ya fallecida ex suegra, me había conseguido una nueva ancla, porque yo siempre sería barrilete, y fuera amor, fuera adicción, fuera lo que fuera, me sentía amarrado a esa petisa que me haría padre por segunda vez

Chronicle of a CuckoldIt would be quite long and intricate to narrate the following five years of cohabitation, perhaps the best in terms of sexual intercourse, but not so good because at that time what was to come to a cuckolding assumed ending was gestating, and for the second time in my life, being cheated on seemed to be my registered trademark

Bruna was a machine with admirable sexual appetite, it's undeniable, and I couldn't fill her shoes, neither could I, and she used to dress and look too provocative, neither do I deny that, but making me cuck for her vagina to cool down was another thing

And I've always been a good guy, believed, confident, she was my wife, my love, and Mauro was my friend, my partner, and a married man with family, so how could I think something unusual about it?

And never could I notice their glances, gestures, conversations, as if waiting for someone to stab you in the back when you least expect it?

But in truth, at each casual encounter when we would pass by each other's car between shifts or at each meeting, she, his wife, our children and I, at every moment, betrayal was only gestating

The old gatekeeper, as they knew her in the neighborhood, was the first to warn me, that old gossip who always stood at the door, who knew everything about everyone, who brought and took rumors, one morning at random, we crossed paths, exchanged greetings, and she said something like

Jorge, how are you? Look, I don't want to be indiscreet, but that friend of yours, Mauro, is very close to her?

I didn't catch the intention behind her question, then she went on to stab me with her tongue like a sharp dagger

No, she was asking because many times when you're not around, he comes over to your house, just for that...

Again I didn't give it credit, that old gossip, my friend, my wife, impossible, but my cuckolding precedents made me light up a little lamp of intrigue, and slowly I started paying more attention to the small details, from one side, from the other, questions, words, gestures, just tiny things that put me on alert I tried without success to validate my neighbor's words, and every time I went out to the street and she was sweeping the sidewalk, she would greet me with a smile, but her gaze would make me feel like the most cuck and miserable man in the world

One evening when Bruna wasn't home, I decided to install a hidden camera system in our own bedroom, after all, it was the way I made a living when I had my job during my first marriage

My stomach was churning, spying on my own wife, I had to make everything too perfect, if Bruna ever found out she would never forgive me, but in the end, the trap was set and the prey was roaming around

A day passed, another one, and another one, I spent hours and hours watching rapid film recordings, just Bruna, an empty room most of the time, but nothing made me see what my neighbor said, it was best to see my wife in underwear or naked before or after a shower, I looked at her with grace

The best part was discovering that every now and then she would masturbate on our bed, I saw her touching herself, I felt her moaning, I never would have imagined it, but it was very tasty discovering how she did it in my absence, how she put her fingers in and how she moved her bum, but of course, that would be my heavy secret, nothing could say to her, not even she could imagine that generally I masturbated watching her do it

Everything seemed fine, the ghosts started to disappear, and I understood that if my friend was screwing me over, at least it wouldn't be in my bed, and I began to look at the old hag with a smug smile, letting her know that her words were going through my ass

But once again I would assume myself as a tied-up donkey to her anchor...

The November 11th recording would mark a before and after, even though the room was empty, you could capture the audio from the other environment where my wife was heatedly discussing with someone, Mauro's voice was unmistakable, she I wanted to cut loose with something that had no return, but he seemed obstinate in continuing, the motive of the discussion was not very clear, but it was noticeable that she was tired. Bruna entered the scene, seemed to be escaping, and he behind her, took her by the arm, turned her around and almost forced a kiss on her, she pushed him away and he came back to press her harder, trying to put his hands up her ass, she tried to get free but he obviously had more strength. He told her he wasn't willing to lose her, she responded that it was enough, he said he couldn't live without her and that she was a damn slut who didn't hesitate to cheat on him, she puffed out and told him no, already, leave her alone, he retorted saying he would take her right there in our bedroom, the way she liked it, she refused again, except not in the marital bedroom, there. I understood what was happening, the old gang had reason, they were cheating on each other, only that she wanted to stop and he wanted to keep going. While they struggled, Mauro said many dirty things to her, calling her a slut, lost for his cock, and that because of her he would also risk losing his family, Bruna seemed to be maintaining a discussion she didn't want to maintain only because she had nowhere to go and physically couldn't get away from him. Mauro wanted to kiss her again and again, but she cursed him and kept pushing his face away, then he put his hand in his pants and pulled out his hard and shiny cock, and against my wife's will, forced her to sit on the bed, then he put it inside her until she was silent, she tried to keep resisting but seemed to give in slowly, and in a few seconds she was sucking him off silently, engrossed, without saying a word. The situation became painful, I felt a lump in my throat, I remembered those small babies who cry disconsolately until their parents put a pacifier in their mouth and they start sucking on those teats with desperation, as if it were the end of the world. life in that natural pleasure of feeding, well, so it seemed to act when he put the cock in her mouth, suddenly the storm of hell passed into the pleasure of paradise, in a blink and only reached my ears the constant sound of her mouth sucking

She stood up, slapped him hard, I was surprised, she said

Son of slut, you always get away with it, your damned son, grab me, I want you to grab me, I want your cock

They undressed quickly, crazily, without caring about anything, he turned her around with force and lifted her enormous ass towards his side, he grabbed it eagerly, settled in and rammed into her like a locomotive, plunging deep into her, tearing out an uncontrollable groan and making her stop on tiptoes, only starting to move inside him, while she caressed his small breasts in front of him and told him at his ear all the slut he was, Bruna turned her head looking for their lips to meet those of her lover, then he pushed her with force onto the bed and she fell silent, scattered, and before she could react, he had already taken her by the ankles and calves and dragged her back to his side, put her on all fours by force and stayed watching the ass that was in front of him, hit her hard cock into her glutes a couple of times, then spat a couple of times

The angle didn't allow me to see because I was almost facing the lens, but it was evident that he wanted to stick it up her ass, Bruna recriminated

Stop son of slut! again in the ass! always the same with you!

He responded with a couple of slaps as if demonstrating who was the male, and while my wife's face showed that she was indeed being penetrated from behind, he said

Give it to me dirty... if you like me to break your ass well, how many times did you tell me? what was it that you gave your lover but not your sailor? blows, of dirty words, of submission, of a lover, and I just seemed to be dying, as she slowly returned to surrendering and resting her face on the pillow to make the penetration more and more profound

He had her by the hips and said

Do you like how I'm breaking your ass, slut? Give it! Give it! Move it, move it, I love you eating me all the way up to my trunk, tell me what I like!

She then responded

Son of a slut! Give it! Give it! Don't stop! Break it all open, leave it all open so he has to explain it to my husband, that's what gets me hot, being your slut

From the angle where the camera was positioned, you couldn't see how he was breaking her ass without mercy, but there was no doubt her pleased slut face was exposed, and I just twisted seeing how my partner was doing what he wanted with her

He kept going and I noticed him cumming while she provoked him and told him he was more of a woman than his wife, that she was a good slut who fulfilled all his desires, even giving him her ass

Bruna changed position, reclined with her legs open and almost brought her lover between them, in an eternal oral sex that would end with an orgasm that would hurt my ears

I didn't look anymore, I didn't want to, what for? Maybe just to keep hurting myself and feeling like the fine thread that connected the barrel was about to snap.

Today it's been nine months since I saw that filming, nine months in which many things occurred

Mauro and I are no longer partners, obviously, I had a talk with him alone, very high-toned, never told him how I found out, but we were supposed to be friends, family, and his behavior was a stab in the back. I gave him some pesos to keep the car and that was it, I said I never wanted to know anything about him again, or his family, and swore on God that if I found out he was still playing with my wife, I would kill him, swore on God that I would do it, and until now, it seems convincing, since it's past. wife also stuck it to him, she knew, wasn't stupid and paid him back with the same coin, I don't know if she found out about Bruna or if it was someone else. I have some information that they've divorced and she's making his life a living hell.

As for me, my reaction with Bruna, couldn't just cut the cord, she was an anchor, I was just a little boat, and with increasingly piercing indirect hints, I tried to make her confess, one and again, in front of her denials, she lied to my face and I was too direct with details, until she couldn't hide it anymore. First, she told me it was just an intention and that between her and Mauro nothing had ever happened, a situation that made my stomach turn.

I kept piercing, more and more, until she recognized me only a couple of times, until she finally confessed that they were lovers and only then could I sleep peacefully, when all the pus from the infection that was killing my marriage came out.

I forgave her with her promise not to cheat on me again and as I can live my life ahead, am I faithful? do I cheat? who knows, it happened once, I could do it again.

We're in a park afternoon with family, I'm sitting on a blanket on the green grass surrounded by other families, I watch from a distance, my little daughter and my wife playing at remounting a little boat, fighting with a strong wind that threatens to rip it out of their innocent little hands, I look up at the sky, the comet's booty is vibrating from side to side, it's suffering, and only defends itself as it can, in any moment the cord will cut and goodbye, like my life, always be a little boat.

If you liked the story, you can write me with title CRONICA DE UN cuck at

5 comentários - Chronicle of a Cuckold

como me gustan estos relatos, me dan un morbo terrible
Que vida tuviste y tenes con la incertidumbre si te sigue siendo fiel o infiel. Muy bien narrado y explícito. Van puntos
muy buen relato. pero mas que calentarme me hizo recordar mucho del cadalzo que pase con mi ex HdP.... a veces la realidad supera la ficcion. abrazo amigo