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Next postI started moving my hips slowly.· Didn't you... wait? - asked Sarah, scratching her insides, as she lay on top of me.

- Come on, Sarah! I haven't made love to my wife in 3 days... and I'm hot for you.· Yes... but...
I interrupted her response, kissing her softly on the lips and taking away a tender sigh.
- Sarah, you're sexy. Many men will want to sleep with you multiple times in a row.
I understand the incredulity they may have when reading my descriptions of Sarah, thinking how it's possible that no men are constantly stalking her.
But, to start, Sarah isn't one of those women who stand out with their physical appearance, although that doesn't mean she's not sensual. What I'm referring to is that unlike Pamela (Marisol's cousin and the most sexy woman I've known, with whom I've had the fortune of sleeping), who openly showed her sensuality, Sarah is more serious, executive, professional, and square.
In short, her attire when I first met her was quite dull and formal (white blouses and long black skirts), ideal for a lawyer who argues in court but intimidating to converse about daily life.
Secondly, just like me, Sarah lived thinking about her work. That is, only talking to her would be annoying because you could perceive that she had something more important to do. Even the first time we got together, where I informed her that her daughter was in love with Matt and suggested she talk to her daughter, she argued that she was very busy and didn't have time to talk to her. Since the relationship with Brenda had many parallels to the relationship Marisol and I lived, I forced her to listen to my experience since I saw it imminent that the kids would start having sexual relationships.
And thirdly, her lifestyle doesn't allow for getting to know other people. Certainly, she went religiously to the gym, but with such a strict schedule and an upper-class environment like the apartment where we lived, it didn't give her time to make friends.
We continued kissing softly as I was pumping her slowly. I needed... to feel loved and desired, so in that aspect, I was fulfilling my promise to show her how I live sex with Marisol.
-I love your breasts. -I said, giving her small kisses on the sides. - if you wore more cleavage, there wouldn't be a man who wouldn't look at you.

· To me... I love how you kiss... they had never kissed me like that before.
I smiled slightly.
Well, Gavin didn't set the bar too high for me to start with.
We laughed together, but we kept kissing. Although my movements were slow and deep, Sarah enjoyed them more and more.
What do you like most about sex? I asked, kissing her hands and getting lost in the blue of her eyes.· This... look at me with your eyes... make me feel desired... - she replied curiously narrowing hers, surrendering to the rhythm of my movements.
I steadied myself against her waist, making it penetrate a little more, which caused her to release a sharp silent sigh, cold and quiet, like a whisper.
- I love seeing you so inexperienced. – I said, making her open her eyes. - Look at yourself! You're a goddess!
I made her smile and at the same time, get a bit wetter.· To me... I love your penis... - she confessed, looking to the sides of the bed with embarrassment. - Never had anything so big inside me.
- Sorry, it's my wife's penis! - I clarified playfully, wanting her to look and smile, which was as beautiful as witnessing the majesty of dawn.
That excited her a little more, riding me with greater force.
I took her by the waist and turned her around to penetrate her again, not losing the rhythm of the belt.
Sarah was moaning softly, feeling me pounding deeper into her interior.
- Was that why you came to my house that day?... To protest because Marisol was enjoying my penis?
I remember I loved seeing her lose control while we were talking and making love. Her relentless rhetoric, so eloquent at other times, wasn't a match for my hip movements.· No... I was...-she replied, sighing more intensely as the frequency and depth of my thrusts increased.
- Did you want to get to know me? - I asked, grasping her breasts with both hands and kissing around her ear.
Her sighs didn't respond with words, but her surprising orgasm was much more expressive.· I had to see them... auugh... I had to know... aahgghh... the perverts... mggg... who were screwing nonstop...aaagghhh... all night...
- And did you like getting to know me? - I asked, caressing her hair.
Sarah kissed me desperately, ending for the second time.· I found you handsome! – confessed beautiful, while she was thrusting at me as hard as possible, clinging to my shoulders with a completely lost gaze. – You were gentle... and understanding... and I started imagining... how it would be to sleep with you...
And as if it were a struggle between the two of us, it was she who pushed me upstairs, riding me as if she were a marvelous Valkyrie, prepared for battle.

Eventually, her own violent thrusts made her come, but I wasn't ready yet, so once again, I had to turn her over and penetrate her violently.· Come on, Marco... Fill me up!... Make me feel like a woman again! ...- she demanded, with a sequence of orgasms.
She was fondling my breasts with boldness and I got lost in her impulsive lips, which took me to the heaven of saints.· God!... I never thought... that sex could be so good...- managed to say, once we came out of the ecstasy.
I thought it was a cheesy phrase, but for her, who had only slept with Gavin, it actually had more seriousness.
It was around 4 pm. We had been making love for at least 3 hours and I was hungry.
- Do you want to eat something? - I asked, while we were resting satisfied and kissing.
She wanted to order something over the phone, but the idea of having to get dressed or her getting dressed to receive the food just didn't appeal to me.· I warn you I don't have meat.– she said, putting on a silver bathrobe, while I checked the refrigerator completely naked. – And it seems I don't even see many vegetables…- I added, noticing that there were some eggs, a couple of tomatoes and a solitary carrot. She sat down at the table, looking brazenly at my penis wiggling around. - Do you have rice? She looked at me with an expression of how would I know... · My diet is just sushi and Caesar salad deliveries – exclaimed like a spoiled girl.
I laughed.
- Poor Brenda! What will she eat?
Sarah made a coy face, as if she had hurt her pride...· Not all of us have the neighbor's good luck whose husband can cook. - she said enviously.
I found by fortune, a clove of garlic and some thyme, so I could prepare something decent along with the rice.
Sarah looked at me amazed as I chopped the vegetables so fine and quickly.· How do you do it? - she asked, intrigued, while pouring the garlic to make the sofrito.
- It's just practice. Marisol doesn't like cooking... - I replied, unconsciously releasing a smile.· Really do you love her...- she exclaimed surprised, seeing me lost in her memory.
As I was preparing the tomatoes, I explained to her how Marisol and I complement each other. While Marisol is more about feelings and emotions, I am more about ideas and thoughts.· But I could never cook like you. I stood beside him and taught him to chop the tomatoes. What at first was a game of lovers, as the minutes passed began to rise the temperature.

- We have to do it fast. - I said, affirming myself against her waist, starting to penetrate her from behind. - Otherwise, the rice will burn.
Her vagina was flowing deliciously, while my hands were lost in the meaty sea of her cleavage and our lips were uniting desperately with ferocity.
I was penetrating her with hardness, with an animal heat that she had never experienced before. A little later, she gave in, leaning against the shelf to let her male penetrate her without resistance.
My thrusts became more and more intense as I saw the vapor rush out of the pot. We were already in a mechanical rhythm when we heard the pot bubbling and I clung to her hips with desperation, as if my life was slipping away from me.
It was then that I had to come, releasing my load into the depths of her spring.· I love you! she exclaimed, in the most grateful of whispers.
But without giving time for post-coital caresses, I pulled out my penis almost violently, making Sarah completely disheveled over the furniture.
And with the expertise (and nudity) of a guy who knows how to cook, I turned off the rice and served it on plates.
While we were eating, we couldn't help but give each other looks and lustful smiles, contemplating the subtle movement of the parts that interested us.
Around seven thirty, we got into the shower. Just as she had wanted, I attended to her with my mouth a couple of times, then continued making love like we did in the hotel, with her riding me while leaning against the wall.
And by nine, Sarah was a sweet kitten, letting herself be loved. I told her that with Marisol, we left anal sex for the end, since it was what she liked most and the main reason she screamed with pleasure. It's not necessary to say that once in bed, she jubilantly offered me her bum, so I could do my thing.

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