Vientos de cambios - parte IV - El amor

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Los días pasaban, Zacarías comenzaba a ser un problema en mi vida, porque yo pensaba cada vez más en ella pero no podía encontrar el momento y el tiempo para hacerlo, teníamos que ser discretas, para el ahora éramos solo buenas amigas y estaba ajeno a todo.

Ella seguía viniendo a casa, siempre con su look formal, por temas laborales y nuestras miradas cómplices eran por demás de pecaminosas, era divertido toquetearnos rápidamente, o robarnos un beso cuando Zacarías se descuidaba por unos instantes, solo teníamos un poco de intimidad en nuestras acostumbradas corridas, pero era poco y nada…

Así fue que ella nuevamente envió a mi pareja fuera de la ciudad, hecho que ya empezaba a ser un tanto sospechoso, Zacarías se mostraba molesto con tantos viajes repentinos y Débora me comentaba que no sabía cómo justificar el tema en la empresa.

Pero bueno, estábamos apostando todo a una nueva relación, y esa noche me sacaría las dudas que me quedaban y elegiría mi camino.

Dado que él no estaba, ese viernes me invitó a bailar, me dijo que me pusiera linda para ella, iríamos a ‘Trouble’, un lugar que no sabía que existía, ella me aclaró que era un antro para algunas minorías, reservado solo para chicas con chicas y chicos con chicos, y me advirtió que vería cosas que jamás había visto…

Recuerdo que fue un tanto cómico, porque puse ropa en el bolso y salí de mi casa hacia la de ella, vestida como en el día a día, aún era una mujer casada, estaba sola y debía guardar ciertas apariencias en el barrio, ya que las noticias de este calibre vuelan como reguero de pólvora.

Ella me recibió tan dulce como siempre, tan amable y sensual, me permitió que yo me cambiara primero, había llevado una falda corta de cuero, medias de nylon, zapatos tacos altos y una remera entallada al cuerpo, me pareció verme sensual, luego pasó ella mientras yo me pintaba los ojos y acomodaba el peinado.

De repente ella aparece y pregunta

Qué tal me veo?

Sentí una sana envidia, hiciera lo que hiciera jamás podría lucir como ella, era perfecta, con un top tan apretado que los pechos parecían saltarse por el medio, sus pezones afilados parecían atravesarlo, un pollera de licra tan pequeña que le era casi imposible evitar que se le subiera mostrando la línea donde terminan los glúteos y empiezan sus espectaculares piernas, un ancho cinturón que parecía ahorcar su diminuta cintura y unas botas de tacos tan altas que se me hacía inalcanzable, el completo blanco de sus prendas contrastaba contra el bronceado de su piel, solo pude decir

Vientos de cambios - parte IV - El amorWow! I feel like tearing you apart... That's the idea! Yeah! Yeah!

I was just watching her figure as a femme fatale while she adjusted her hair and defined her eyes, it was too beautiful to be real...

At first, what caught my attention in that place is that she was a regular there, several people knew her and called her by name, even some asked who her new companion was, besides, she already had tickets that had been given to her on other occasions...

We started dancing to the rhythm of the music, the place was psychedelic, dark, and eerie, the laser lights cut through the silhouettes, the atmosphere was hot, humid, and dense, the volume was so high we could barely talk, I noticed how many women were kissing each other's mouths, and how many men were kissing each other's mouths, the good thing is that everyone did their own thing and didn't pay attention to the one next to them...

Throughout the hours we spent inside, I would discover things I never would have imagined, in secluded areas you could see women rolling around like cats, even men sucking another man's cock, a Roman circus...

I also had my first fight with my new partner, the heat was unbearable so we went looking for a drink, she preferred alcohol and I a soda, and then a second round, and a third...

Debora got drunk and slowly lost control, you know how these things are, she started acting silly, jumping, screaming, dancing like possessed, I tried to stop her but it was impossible, always with a glass in hand, and if someone called the attention, imagine her drunk, her skirt went up exposing half of her enormous ass and she didn't care, everything reached its limit when two women approached her and started seducing her, I tried unsuccessfully to scare them off, but they were dancing too close together and it all exploded in me when one of them grabbed her teta and she passed her tongue over the cheek, to which Débora responded by eating his mouth…

This made me angry, she was mine and only mine! I felt jealous, understood that I had fallen in love, that had been the turning point…

I took her with fury from the arm and pulled her away from that place, towards a dark corner, almost throwing her against a column, squeezing her arms tightly and said to her in a threatening tone:

Listen well! I don't want to know anything about these games! Do you understand? You're mine and only mine! Not anyone else's!!!

Débora was laughing at the effect of the alcohol but understood what I was saying, then I went over her stretching myself to reach her lips and kiss her with passion while now I was squeezing her enormous breasts, she hugged me almost desperately and pushed against the column, consuming me slowly, I forgot about the surroundings, people, only she was for me in that moment, my right hand by instinct searched under her skirt, caressed her tiny thong, I got excited and wet with the whole situation, with avidity I pulled her towards one side to caress her, noticed she was completely depilated and concluded that despite the things we had lived through, I had never seen her pussy naked, Débora opened her legs making it easy for me to access, asking: Do you love me? Do you love me?

Strong words, but I said what I wanted to hear

Yes! I love you! I love you, Débora, I love you like I never thought I could love someone, and less a woman…

And while saying this, I was pulling her again almost to the ground, as if she were a puppet that swayed at my will, almost throwing her onto a large armchair barely lit, she was so drunk that her legs opened uncontrollably showing me her huge and chubby vulva hidden under her tul thong, decided to kneel at her feet to show her who I was, lost among the crowd, as a detail only remember that two young men were standing next to me, one sucking the other's cock, what madness… It was then that I did it for the first time, I didn't know if I would like it, I didn't know what I would find with it, I didn't know how good it would be, only knew I wanted to do it and put my heart into it. I settled in well, and taking her twisted thighs between my hands I took them up high, just as Zacarías used to make me, having direct access to her intimacy.

Lucía smelled perfumely feminine, with a womanly aroma, I passed my nose close enough several times just so my sense of smell could sate itself on her nectar, kissed the thong's fabric softly, pushed my tongue under it to reach her pubis where her beautiful ones should naturally be, but the perfect depilation reminded me of a baby's skin, then I passed my tongue over the fabric, always without touching her intimacy, but close enough that we could feel each other. Her lips were enormous and her button was still hidden, I searched lower down where the garment narrowed to bury itself in her trench, she was soaked, discovering her flavor, her womanly flavor, her slut juices...

And she? She seemed lost, halfway between the alcohol and the pleasure it was giving her, her eyes had closed, and she was caressing her breasts, pressing the fabric of the garment over her nipples, unfortunately the noise didn't let me hear her breathing or moans, it deprived me of that pleasure, but at least I was going to do what I wanted...

I kept exploring her sex, opening her legs wider and wider, exposing her ring like a flower blooming in spring, I couldn't resist and pushed the thong aside to have her completely naked, then yes, my taste buds buried themselves in her channel, drinking that salty sea product of excitement, licking her deep hollow as far as I could bury my tongue. I went to her lips to kiss them and lick them, making sure not to touch her button, again and again, slow and very slow, I went down her thighs and then to her ass, licked the back door in circles that offered little resistance to my advance, feeling her Squeeze my tongue and I loved it. I left the area for a few moments to prolong the moment, went to her face, to nibble and stretch her lower lip subtly, then pass my tongue over them while undressing her breasts to fill my hands with them, caress her nipples with my fingers. Débora would have had her mouth, like a thirsty woman in the desert, stretching her tongue to reach me, but I pulled mine out to cross it in the air, making desire a cult, to the point where she couldn't take it anymore and took me by the back of the neck to close the distance and kiss us deeply. I went back down as soon as I could, now if I focused on her clitoris, which was swollen, enormous, passing my tongue and lips over it, like only a woman who knows feminine pleasure can do it, I squeezed it gently, sucked it slowly, very slowly, more slowly, so slowly that my movements were almost imperceptible, but constant enough for her to twist and explode with pleasure, only stopping when I knew I had pulled out the last fiber of her orgasm... Débora was still drunk, with her pussy and bare tits, but I was regaining consciousness and a sense of time and space, her state was deplorable, so I took care of covering her private parts to embark on our return, which was already quite problematic for me... Days passed, it was clear that I was less interested in Zacarías and more concerned about Débora and the few minutes I could spare with her in secret. We realized that things couldn't keep going like this, so we should settle several points if we thought about a future together, from my side, I had to talk to my current partner and didn't know how she would take it, she had a major conflict at work, nobody knew about her sexual preferences and was an important executive, and while the theory in my country says that each person's sexuality should not... Influence on personal and professional development, reality marked us that a lesbian would not be well seen and would be more than a stone in her shoe and they would look for any excuse to leave her behind. CONTINUARA Comments? Write me at

1 comentários - Vientos de cambios - parte IV - El amor

Zacarias se va a quedar sin el pan y sin la torta. lo presiento