From Heaven to Hell

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Treinta años atrás, Concepción era un pequeño pueblo perdido en la nada, nacido de la unión de un grupo de agricultores, que típicamente se había urbanizado poco a poco, no tenía más de diez calles asfaltadas paralelas a la ruta principal y otras tantas transversales. Al centro, donde estaba la plaza principal, se levantaba la capilla, el despacho policial, el hospitalito de esos días y lo que hoy se conoce como el palacio comunal
Los emprendimientos florecían para aquellos que deseaban aventurarse, y así, a la vuelta del hospital, se levantaba 'Telas Simón', el negocio con el cual mi padre proveía sustento y lo hacía sentirse orgulloso
Mi padre, siempre fue un tipo prolijo y detallista, su negocio era el único, y todos sabían que, si necesitaban telas, solo había que ir a lo del turco Simón. El ponía lo mejor de si, siempre preocupado por su clientela y ciertamente trabajaba más por orgullo, por prestigio que por necesidad

De tres hermanos yo era la del medio, y solíamos jugar a los vendedores, aunque ciertamente en puntas de pies llegaba al mostrador, y mientras mi madre trataba de acarrear el rebaño, mi padre se divertía mucho con nuestras inocentes ocurrencias.
Y así conocí a Camilo, un chico inquieto de mirada pícara, un flacuchento, con su rostro plagado de pecas, siempre se le caían los mocos y se limpiaba con la manga de su camisa, era repugnante. El venía cada tanto, en general los fines de semana, cuando no había clases, acompañando a su padre, don José, eran del pueblo contiguo al nuestro. José se ganaba la vida como viajante, traía los telares y las novedades de la gran capital y paseaba pueblo por pueblo ofreciéndolas, o llevando pedidos ya reservados con anterioridad.

Cuando su padre y el mío hablaban de negocios, él jugaba con nosotros, en especial con mi hermano varón, pero en verdad siempre me miraba con sus ojitos tiernos.
Fuimos creciendo, y con doce años, ya era un niño educado, ya no se le caían los mocos, ya no jugábamos, hablábamos, y en un descuido me robó el primer beso, fue de repente, no lo vi venir, y hoy con gracia puedo decir que me dio mucho asco.
Entrada en mi adolescencia las cosas habían cambiado, por la crianza familiar yo había decidido meterme a monja, tenía fuertes creencias religiosas y quería consagrar mi vida al Señor.
También deje de ver a Camilo, todo era diferente, las prendas ya venían terminadas y listas para usarse, la importación ganaba terreno, las viejas mujeres, modistas finas, pronto se quedaron sin trabajo, y las mujeres jóvenes de mi generación querían ser profesionales y ya no se vieron interesadas en sentarse tras una máquina de coser, y mi padre en consecuencia, poco a poco perdió su clientela, y el gran negocio de pasado se marchitó lentamente, y si ya no tenía clientes, tampoco necesitaba proveedores, así que con mucho pesar le confesó a don José que liquidaba todo y bajaba las persianas, mi padre estaba grande y cansado de tanto trabajar

Su sueño de juventud había pasado, en el viejo local de 'Telas Simón', se había abierto una pizzería muy de esos días, transformada en un 'fast food' en el presente, mis hermanos habían volado a la gran ciudad tras sus sueños y terminé siendo la preferida que se quedaría en familia con sus padres.
Y como el destino nos había separado, el destino nos juntaría, imaginen que yo no recibía mis votos aun, pero vestía como monja, y para todos era la hermana Josefina, y era un poco la que, hacía las compras, por ser la más novata y porque también me gustaba hacerlo
Estaba en una de las granjas en la que hacíamos las compras, cuando un proveedor de mercaderías apareció de repente, lo reconocí apenas lo vi, el niño de los mocos, ahora era un hombre, alto y musculoso, con sus inconfundibles ojitos pícaros

Claro, él sabía que yo me había metido a monja, pero jamás me reconoció bajos mis hábitos y fui yo quien salí a su encuentro
Camilo no podría creerlo, cruzamos unas palabras, le resumí un poco de mi historia, y él me dijo que había mamado la profesión de su padre, que por cierto había fallecido y que, en lugar de telas, repartía lácteos de afamadas marcas por todos los pueblos del interior, que vivía con su madre, a quien de paso mantenía, y solo agendamos números de celulares para alguna charla un poco más formal que nos merecíamos.
Y nos vimos una vez, y otra vez, y ese chico se transformaría en mi demonio, en mi tentación, porque el corazón no tiene dueño hasta que alguien te lo conquista, y me hizo dudar, me hizo tambalear, me hizo pecar, como de pequeña, me robó un beso de improviso, clandestino, oscuro, aún tenía mi ropa de monja y me sentí fatal.

Y conviví entre el cielo y el infierno, entre lo celestial y lo terrenal, con la tentación de la manzana prohibida al alcance de la mano y mi primera vez fue bajo la higuera que daba al patio trasero de la parroquia
Tenía diecinueve, el veinte, y tal vez Dios que todo lo ve, nos mandara un castigo, en embarazo no buscado y con eso toda la cruz que me tocaría cargar bajo los dedos acusadores de la sociedad, yo, la inocente Mónica, la chica metida a convento, la futura monja, tenía un crío latiendo en las entrañas
Todo fue muy rápido, dejé de lado mi vida consagrada a Dios, y conforme mi pancita empezó a crecer, el chimento corrió de boca en boca y casi no tenía el valor de mirar a nadie a los ojos, y curiosamente, el padre Víctor, el sacerdote del pueblo fue quien más se encargó de hacer público mi pecado, como queriendo dejar en claro que la Iglesia no tenía nada que ver con una mujer como yo, y me sentí como la misma María Magdalena a punto de ser apedreada

Pero por suerte, tenía a mi familia que jamás me juzgaría y que siempre me daría todo su apoyo, y a mi sol, Camilo, quien como valiente capitán de barco estaría a mi lado para pelear contra viento y marea
Nos hicimos cargo, él quería ser padre, y lo que había sucedido había sido producto del amor
Decidimos de común acuerdo cruzar el puente sobre el río e irnos a vivir a casa de mis suegros, al pueblo contiguo, donde toda mi historia no era conocida, al fin y al cabo, solo estaba a poco más de cuarenta minutos de mis padres.
Así empezamos nuestros días de convivencia y en poco tiempo nos mudábamos a un departamentito propio, pequeño, modesto, humilde, pero nuestro

Camilo doblegaba sus esfuerzos trabajando, yo me dedicaba a ser madre de tiempo completo la pequeña Lucila era nuestro sol, nuestro faro y solo vivíamos para ella y por ella.
En la cama las cosas funcionaban bien, ciertamente, yo, por mis creencias era muy timorata, muy retraída, y Camilo, quien siempre había sido un chico de calle tenía mucha experiencia, muchas mujeres habían pasado por su cama a pesar de su juventud y el solo me enseñaba con paciencia, poco a poco me hacía su puta perversa y yo me dejaba guiar.
Había un juego que nos seducía mucho, a él le encantaba que me vistiera con mis viejos hábitos de monja y tomarme fotos jugadas, hasta obscenas, y hasta porno, él me decía que era 'su monjita y su diablita' todo en uno y poco a poco sacaba esa parte de mujer que inconscientemente yo misma había castrado

From Heaven to HellAlthough I had changed a lot, I still had some taboos like anal sex or swallowing semen, but it was certainly not the same girl who had gotten pregnant five years earlier.

Little Lucila, who was growing up, had started her pre-school studies and began to have free time, part of which I covered with gym classes, but part of me got bored. Things were changing without my wanting them to, especially with Camilo, maybe due to habit, maybe because he traveled a lot from town to town, maybe because I missed him terribly, or maybe because our dialogue no longer flowed like before.

The hazardous silences of couplehood started to become routine, if there was no chemistry in daily life, it was impossible for that desire to flow naturally in bed.

My ghosts and doubts arrived, maybe he traveled so much to the sides I didn't have access to, making it very logical for him to conclude something

But they were just my ghosts, and they would leave with their crazy proposal. It was true, I noticed our relationship was stuck and it certainly surprised me when he proposed bringing a third person into our bed.

It was madness, I completely refused, filling him with questions about his masculinity, jealousy, if he could bear seeing me with another man, or feeling me suck another cock, or hearing me moan with pleasure from a stranger. But he just said that if we didn't try it, we would never know.

I don't know why I let myself get dragged into his craziness, and from a flat-out negative to a disguised desire, I would have never confessed to my man, my love, my everything, that I had desires for a different opportunity. After all, Camilo had been the only one, always

I never told him yes, and I would be surprised again when he said he had it all set up, having done it unilaterally, behind my back, contacting strangers through the web, offering the proposal, and I remember getting very angry with him, making me feel like a slut. Intimately, I wouldn't confess to him that I had gotten wet all over from his story, and more so when he showed me the proposals, what they answered, and what they said they would do to me. He kept going down that path for three months without touching on the topic formally, at least; I knew I was fishing, shaping, but only up to there. One morning, he was home, Lucila was at school, Camilo was working with his notebook on the table, at least that's what I thought since it was usual for him to be armed with orders or passing invoices, but he called me over and made me sit on one of his legs. Look, -he said, showing me the screen- I have three possible candidates, choose one? I couldn't believe it, definitely wouldn't stop and seemed determined to fulfill the crazy fantasy, even in that instant, I assumed it would only be a game and followed along and chose as if it were really going to happen. I discarded one at first glance, he was a handsome guy, no doubt, at least according to photos, but not for me; he appeared to be my father's age and I wasn't in the mood for older guys, between the two remaining ones, I was drawn to a young muscular man, his face was strikingly handsome and really seemed very sexy to me, he was our age, but of course there was a problem, he lived too far away, enough to make even the bravest give up, and almost by default, we concluded that Juan would be the most suitable, thirty-three years old, also good-looking and according to him, willing to do anything. Juan lived at a prudent distance, neither too far nor too close, and perhaps the only 'but' was that he was a married man, something he didn't hide at any moment, but he said that would be his problem, not ours, and if we agreed, he would arrange a visit in no time. As I said, I took it lightly, it was just a game, just that. Little later, I received an audio on my WhatsApp from an unknown number, with a raspy and melodic voice telling me how beautiful I was, how attractive I looked, and that He would come for me, he saw my photo and knew it was him, and then he sent me a provocative photo of myself, the kind Camilo took, and I knew my husband had given him my number and sent him my photo. I turned red with embarrassment, called my husband, scolded and insulted him, how could he do these things without even consulting me, raised my voice, but again I felt all wet. And that audio would be the first of many, Juan was making me smile, he talked to me, and also talked to Camilo, there were no tricks, just shared games of seduction, and when that Saturday evening, my husband confessed that I had to make myself attractive since my future lover was on the move, I almost died. I couldn't believe it, I wasn't going to believe it, I gnawed all my fingernails raw, even to the point of bleeding my fingers, what in the world were we thinking? If only I pretended to be normal, my nerves were eating me up inside, Camilo took care of dinner, he was a good cook, but this time he did it because he wanted my five senses to be alert for the lover who would arrive at any moment. I was constantly watching out the window, waiting for his arrival with too much intrigue, and when we heard the motor of a car stop in front of our home, we knew the moment had arrived. It would be my first face-to-face encounter, we greeted each other politely, a kiss on the cheek, a handshake to my husband, and he caressed Lucila's forehead with enthusiasm, who was innocent to what was happening and that man called Juan, was just an old friend of Dad's. Juan was a smart guy, he brought a teddy bear with which he quickly won over my little one's trust. It was an interesting, attractive, respectful, cultured, educated project, good, good, yes, all in one I was very normal, I wasn't going to show myself like a slut, with a low-cut jeans and a worn-out t-shirt, just with sneakers and zero makeup, and to He didn't seem to mind
We sat down at the table, drank, ate, talked, seemed like old friends from life
The time of dessert, some sparkling wine arrived and the moment came when Lucila's eyelids naturally began to droop and her yawns became deep, then Camilo told our little one
My love, say hi to Mom, Uncle Juan, and let's go to the bathroom to pee and brush our teeth, so Dad will take you to bed
And after, looking at us, he added
Start, I'll catch up later
In less than ten minutes, Lucila's bedroom door had closed, Juan and I were alone, and I only asked for a minute
Then I went to the bathroom first, now if I gathered my black hair to the side and painted myself like a slut, lips, eyes, to then go to the room, almost on tiptoes, to undress and put on the clothes I had bought for the occasion, a dental floss, a very tight corset that marked my breasts, stockings with garters and high-heeled shoes, I looked in the mirror, was too provocative and while I felt my intimacy getting wet without remedy, I felt nervous about the unknown of that first time
I braved it, everything was silent, then I told Juan to go into the room, he looked at me, liked me, grabbed me between his arms and squeezed my waist making my bones crack, put his tongue in my mouth and noticed my nervousness, I was very tense, my conscious mind was commanding my subconscious, then he said
Calm down, heart, I won't hurt you, everything is fine...
And went back to kissing mine, made me hug him, his hands merged with my bare buttocks, knew it all very tasty, very sexual, very hot, he lowered to my breasts and played with his tongue on them, from side to side, with that romantic excitement of trying to undress them with his tongue, digging into my nipples that were eagerly waiting, and even more when I reclined on the bed and his kisses They started to go down, at the same time as their fingers now intertwined in the elastics of my thong to uncover my sex. It gave me a little shame, because I was very wet and that was a little like undressing my soul to a stranger, because Juan was still a stranger, but he only got lost between my legs and started eating my pussy. I was gasping, I liked it, but in my head I couldn't adjust the situation yet, I was still tense, blocked and couldn't stop imagining the face of my beloved Camilo, even though he was the creator of everything that was happening. And definitely I wasn't going to cum in this man's mouth, no matter how well he was playing the game, the problem was mine, not his. He asked me if I liked it, and I didn't need to answer with a yes, my body spoke for me. He made me spin around, and now it was my turn to work, and all I did was feel his sex moving inside of me, because it was very tasty, and Juan looked at me with his eyes full of ecstasy, filling his hands with my bouncing breasts. That was the postcard that Camilo received from his wife when she entered the room, Lucila was already sleeping deeply and was free, I felt him looking at me with morbid curiosity at my wide hips and how my pussy was eating the cock of that stranger. I can assure you that the situation of my husband observing me having sex with another would put things in a mess, and it would unlock my thoughts, never had I imagined that it could be so exciting for me and that it could liberate me in such a way. I only enjoyed it, and the morbid curiosity he gave me made me heat up and melt like a slut, to the point of not noticing that I was already screaming and forgetting that my little one was sleeping nearby. And I only encouraged myself more, to everything, I leaned in close to Juan's ear and said I whispered
Never gave it to me up the ass and I have a lot of intrigue about what it feels like...
Juan looked at me with doubt, assuming I was lying, but I didn't care, I was determined to speed up
I got into four, giving my husband's butt to my husband and let Juan take five long minutes kissing my sphincter, filling it with saliva, timidly inserting his fingers and preparing what would be the final thrust
Then he settled in, gave me a cocky nalgueo, then adjusted and pushed slowly, I felt myself dilating and relaxed to allow his entry, it was easier than thought and more tasty than imagined
He only started making my ass very tasty, all the way down and I liked it, oh yes, I liked it, a lot, a lot, a lot!
I couldn't believe he was doing it and if he was doing it, a stranger was deflowering my butt in front of the attentive gaze of the love of my life
Every now and then I tried to see his face and his eyes were out of orbit, Juan was taking it out of my butt and showing it to my husband my open bum
Look, look at the nun's little sister, what a slut turned out to be your wife
And those kinds of phrases only raised the temperature in the atmosphere, Juan arrived at pulling his cock out of my butt, masturbating very close, I felt my hole filling up and overflowing with hot semen, and then dripping onto my lips and clitoris, and he just tried to freeze that image for my husband
Camilo would surprise us then, got up, came to my side, opened my nalgas and kissed me like never before, I felt his lips and tongue in my intimacy, where all the juices of the casual lover were
Everything ended that night with a mouth-to-mouth kiss, sealing our love with the taste of a stranger, a lover
Juan would leave our domicile before sunrise, promising a new encounter, a new encounter that would never happen
That encounter would set the flames burning again in our bed, and we decided to repeat it, once and again and again... We took care of polishing our games with strangers, always under the premise that some other guy wouldn't catch me tasty in front of Camilo, and always with the defined policy of not repeating lovers. We no longer get together at home, we can't commit the same mistake as during my pregnancy days, when everyone in town would know I was a slut and my husband a cuck. Besides, Lucila is already 12 years old, she understands, she asks, and what we least want to do is have our twisted couple relationship plagued with lovers of the month affect her growth. Now we always play away, Camilo has many acquaintances in the neighboring towns where he visits clients every day to earn a living for our family, and of course, on those trips, he also offers his most precious treasure to his wife. If you liked this story, you can write me with title FROM HEAVEN TO HELL at

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