Alone Among Women[64].[/64]

Short Story Series Published (Click on the link)

Alone Among Women[64].[/64]

Chapter 64.

Almost Sisters.

The climate in my house was devastating. The news affected us so much that nobody wanted to walk around without clothes anymore. We got dressed and wandered around the rooms almost in silence. I heard some of my sisters exchanging low-voiced comments, but not even tried to listen to them.
This changes everything. With my sisters we agreed that we wouldn't make any more attempts to make peace with Ayelén. We could live without seeing a cousin, even having bad blood with her. In the end, we did it to maintain a good relationship among us, because we know very well that Ayelén will always look for ways to generate conflicts, and maybe one day she'll try to get my sisters or me into a fight. But now... god, I can't believe she's our sister.
Half sister, Macarena had clarified before we got dressed.
To me the concept of 'Half-sister' is nothing. We share the same father... although this one is a type we never saw in the face.
—You're the worst —Gisela said to Alicia and Cristela—. You have so many secrets that not even you two told each other who was the father of your children. And all those secrets end up affecting us. Do you think it's okay for us to find out at this point in the party that we have another sister? And what about you, aunt? Have you talked to Ayelén yet?
Uh... no, and I'd like them not to tell him anything.
—Ah, no, that's it for sure. Secrets in this family are ending today.
No, wait... Gisela, please... wait...
Cristela stood up and tried to grab Gisela's arm, but Macarena got in her way. Maca only had to look at her with a furrowed brow and that was enough for the aunt to back off.
Come here, we need to talk with you —we saw Gisela reappear, dragging Ayelén by the arm. Our cousin was completely naked. Of course she didn't try to cover herself, although it must have seemed strange for her to be the only one without clothes in the whole room.
Leave me alone, Gisela... I don't want to know anything about you guys. To hell with all of them if they go. Keep screwing like incestuous rabbits or not... honestly, it doesn't matter to me. I'm already fed up with this family.
You chose a bad moment to be fed up with us, because...
Please, Gisela... don't do this -- begged Cristela, with her eyes full of terror.
No, aunt. That's enough secrets and lies. They only brought problems.
What are they talking about? —Ayelén asked, annoyed.
We just found out you're our sister —Gisela dropped the bombshell without any introduction. I thought Ayelén would react with fear, confusion, anger... that she'd run away; but instead, she started laughing.
—What nonsense are you saying? —She asked, bursting into laughter—. How can we be sisters? I know very well that my mom is her —she pointed to Cristela—. And she only had one daughter.
—And do you know who your dad is? —Macarena asked him.
This erased the smile from Ayelén's face.
No, I don't know who he is. I never asked. If it's a guy who didn't want to have me as a daughter, then I don't want him as a father.
Good, you'll be surprised to know that your father is the same as ours —said Pilar, perhaps with a bit more tact than her sisters—. It's about a guy named Aníbal. He was the owner of a mechanical workshop and had many sexual adventures with your mom... and mine. As far as we know, he left both of them pregnant... and my mom got pregnant five times. So you share a father with all of us.
Is this some kind of bad taste joke? - Ayelén scrutinized all the people in the room -. Is this how you want to get revenge for everything that happened?
—We don't know why you behave like this with us —Macarena said—, I think you do it simply because you're crazy and you're a self-destructive person. But that has nothing to do with anything. Aunt, are you absolutely sure that Ayelén's father is Aníbal?
—Yes... absolutely sure —Ayelén looked at her with glassy eyes, as if she were about to cry—. I didn't seek pregnancy like Alicia did. I got pregnant because I used expired birth control pills by mistake. They didn't work. And although I had several sexual adventures, during those days the only guy I had relations with was Aníbal. He... he suspected he could be the father; but I told him no, that my daughter's father was a guy I met at a disco. Which was a lie. I lied because I didn't want the whole neighborhood to know that a mechanic, twenty years older than me, had gotten me pregnant. Sorry, daughter... never told you because you didn't want to know anything about your father. And I swear I had no idea Alicia got pregnant by the same guy. She never told me, I... this... Ayelén, please...
This time my cousin's reaction was much more similar to what I imagined. Her eyes filled with tears, she turned around and ran to my mother's room (which she had claimed for herself), and then we heard a loud slamming door.
Cristela sat on the edge of a chair and began to cry.
—Sorry, aunt —said Gisela—. I didn't do it out of malice. I hope you understand why we're tired of the lies.
It's fine... it's already passed, you can't turn back time. It's just that... Ayelén is going to hate me for the rest of my life because of this.
—Well, he already hates us now... —said Pilar—. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up hating the whole family.
—She doesn't hate them —Cristela assured, wiping away her tears—. At least not all of you. She's not acting this way out of hatred… but out of love. She's in love and feels rejected… and is extremely jealous. She can't help it, she only wants the person she loves to notice her, and she can't manage that. That leaves her extremely frustrated.
—In love? —Asked Gisela, with her eyes very wide open.
Suddenly all eyes fixed on me, even Brenda, who isn't family, looked at me as if I were the one responsible for all the evils that threaten us.
—Is she in love with Nahuel? —Said Pilar—. Wow... the slut mother. That explains why she's been treating Tefi so badly lately, because Nahuel and Tefi... um... get along very well. It also explains why she hates Alicia. I mean, mom, don't be offended... but you're the one who had sex with Nahuel most often in this house, by a long shot. Now everything makes sense.
I had to sit down. My legs were shaking. What the hell are they talking about? Did Ayelén mistreat me all this time because I didn't pay attention to her the way she wanted me to? It can't be... I still have to figure out what's going on with Tefi, I can't deal with a cousin in love with me... and less if I know that cousin is also my sister. What does she want? For me to be her boyfriend? What would we turn into? Brother-cousin-boyfriends? No way... not even crazy... much less with Ayelén.
One time they asked me if I knew why Ayelén treated everyone that way and I swore I didn't know. That was a lie... and as Gisela said, it's better to stop lying so much, it only brings problems. I know my daughter very well, I spent a lot of time with her. We talk more than they think and even though she never told me openly, I know what she thinks and feels. She can't hide many things from me. And stay calm, Nahuel. I wasn't talking about you when I said she's in love.
Didn't I? Then whose was it? -I asked- Was it yours? -I opened my eyes wide, that made sense to me-. That's why he got so angry when you decided to come to this house... he wanted you only for yourself and...
No, wait —Cristela intervened—. Stop jumping to conclusions. I could tell you what I know; but it doesn't concern me. Tefi... why don't you tell them what happened during the trip you took together to Bariloche?
One more time all the gazes turned towards the same direction. This time the focus of attention was Estefanía. She returned our gaze with her eyes and mouth wide open.
Par... par... -I'll intervene-. Are you telling me that Ayelén is in love with Estefanía?
For some strange reason this news was even more annoying to me than the previous one. I would have preferred her to be in love with me.
—What's she talking about, Tefi? —Pilar asked her sister—. I don't understand anything. What happened in Bariloche?
Uh... do I have to tell now?
I think it's better to do it as soon as possible —I was surprised that the words came out of Brenda's mouth. I already said I love when she gets involved in family matters, because unlike Ayelén, I feel like Brenda is part of the family—. When you have secrets that can affect your loved ones, it's better to let them out. I'm telling you this from experience. It was very hard for me to confess to my mom that I wanted to be with a woman.
Hey, when did that happen? I asked. Did you talk to her?
I passed before coming here. Sorry, I wasn't entirely sincere either. I didn't come just because I wanted to... it's that... I got kicked out of the house. I had nowhere else to go, Gisela is my only friend in the world. I told her, but I think everyone deserves to know. My mom is very stubborn, she'll never accept a lesbian daughter. With a lot of shame in my soul, I have to ask them to please let me stay here for a while until I can rent something.
Don't feel ashamed about that —Alicia said—. You're welcome to stay here for as long as you want. We love having you around, you already feel like one of the family. —Brenda smiled—. Although there's a condition: if you're going to be part of this house permanently, then you have to help with household chores, because nobody has a golden crown here. Is that clear?
Perfectly clear, Alicia. Many thanks...
Hey, Brenda... before saying thanks —said Pilar—, I think you should know that some of your 'household chores' are going to consist in sucking my mom's pussy. I'm absolutely sure she's going to ask you to do it more than once.
Ugh... but I'll do it happily. It gives me a lot of thrill to suck her pussy, Alicia. And if any of you also want, just have to ask me... or not... neither does it even matter if they don't ask me.
He wants them to force her -Gisela added-. It turns him on this way. Remember that she is very slutty... and very submissive.
—Yes... make me do it —said Brenda, I think I've never seen her so happy—. And touch me without asking permission. Do what you want to me.
—I can do that... and I'll do it today itself, if we have the time —Macarena assured. Brenda's heartbeats were almost audible, she was very excited and it showed on her face—. And I'm glad we've talked about this and everything is clear now. Now I'd like to hear from Tefi. Sorry, sister... you can't put this off. You know something we need to know.
—Ugh... the nasty mother. I thought I'd never have to tell anyone about this. It makes me really bad to talk about this topic —Tefi sat in a armchair and we all took our seats around her—. I'm only telling it because I know it's the reason Ayelén is doing so badly, and that's affecting all of you. Because if it were just for me, I'd rather stay quiet.
Stop going around in circles, sister, and tell us once and for all -- insisted Macarena. What happened between you and Ayelén?
—Uh... it's okay... it's okay. As you know, last year we traveled together to Bariloche, because we didn't have a graduation trip with the school, so we decided to do it on our own.
—Yes, and I remember how much that trip cost —said Gisela.
I'm really sorry about that, I swear I'll make it up to you. I know it wasn't easy for you and Mom to pay for it.
Don't worry about that, daughter. You've done more for us than we did for you. If there's a debt, it's the one we owe to you.
—Thanks, mom. Well, the trip with Ayelén was quite peculiar. When we arrived in Bariloche and started walking, there wasn't some guy who wouldn't come up to us making himself look good, inviting us to take something... or directly inviting us to his hotel. We always told them no. We hadn't gone looking for guys, we just wanted to have a good time and enjoy the landscapes. It was incredible to know snow and mountains. Anyway, we got tired of people thinking we were two single girls looking for adventures, so I joked to Ayelén: “What if we start telling people that in reality we're girlfriends?”
Uh, the sl*t mother... I can already imagine how this ended -- said Pilar --. Ayelén is very intense, I don't think she would take things like this lightly.
—And that's how it was —Tefi assured, with regret—. I was surprised by how much Ayelén committed to this idea of simulating being couples. She started taking my hand when we walked and even kissing me in public. At first, I saw it as an innocent joke, I enjoyed it. That's why sometimes I was the one who kissed her or told her nice things. In Bariloche there are spectacular discos. They can imagine that inside those places the persistence of guys was much worse, especially because we were seen dressed in a more sexy way. With Ayelén we stuck to the plan of continuing to be a couple of girlfriends; but the kisses inside the disco became much more intense, and then came the groping.
Did you also grope her? Asked Gisela.
–Yes, and I repeat that for me it was just a game... one that seemed extremely fun to me, at least until that moment. Because then things started to get complicated. The situation got complicated when Ayelén told me she had booked a turn at an exclusive spa, where we would be getting massages. I was delighted, the idea of spending the afternoon at a beauty and relaxation center seemed great to me. And I calmed down seeing that the massage therapists were women, two young girls very pretty. I didn't want some guy to touch me while giving me massages. The session started calmly, with soft music, aromatic candles, and lots of oil. I closed my eyes and let the masseuse do her job, while on the other table Ayelén was being attended to. She wasn't stopping saying that we were girlfriends and we were having amazing vacations together. It seemed weird to me that she kept lying in front of the girls, but then I thought it was so everyone in Bariloche would think the same and there wouldn't be any contradictions in the story.
The massage therapist was slowly taking off my towel, I had nothing on below. But while I was face down, you couldn't see my tits. They asked me to turn over and when I did (covering myself with the towel) I got a big surprise. The massage therapist, at some point, had taken off her clothes and was wearing only a very loose robe. I could see her large breasts poking out almost up to the nipples.
—Oh, how nice... I'd like a massage therapist like that —Macarena joked.
—And you can have it —Gisela assured—. I'm very good at giving massages...
I know it seems like a very attractive idea to you; but it left me confused. Especially when I saw that Ayelén was already completely naked on the table and the other masseuse was alone in her robe. Okay, so the two girls were beautiful and had very good breasts... despite that, my sexual target is not women. Ayelén asked me to relax a bit and let the girls do their job, because they were professionals.
I accessed just because of that. I imagined that two professional massage therapists wouldn't take advantage of us. I took off my towel and, although I was very nervous, enjoyed the massages. The cutie was excellent at her work, had privileged hands, very soft... and also something bold. It didn't take much time until I started feeling her caresses very close to my pussy... and she kept getting closer. I was about to complain and when I turned my head, I froze seeing Ayelén sucking on one of the massage therapist's breasts... and at the same time, the cutie was putting her fingers in my pussy.
—Oh, this is getting interesting —said Pilar with a big smile.
For you guys, maybe... it scared me a bit. I didn't even know Ayelén had lesbian tendencies, I was really surprised to see her sucking that tit with so much enthusiasm... and on top of that, my masseuse offered me her tit, for me to do the same thing. When I refused, Ayelén said: “Give it, love… suck quietly, I won't get jealous... besides, this is super relaxing”.
—And did you do it? —Asked Gisela.
Yes. What happened is that I found it a little entertaining to experience things I wouldn't normally do... that happens when people travel. They become more experimental.
—That's right, I can vouch for that —Macarena assured.
When I started sucking her breast to the masseuse, she didn't hold back anymore. She petted my pussy and put her fingers in it. God... she was so good. Too good. If she hadn't had that talent, maybe she wouldn't have let me touch her so much. After a while Ayelén told me: I paid for the full service, so get ready. Very naively I asked what this full service was. I discovered it when the two masseuses went down to put their heads between our legs. I didn't have time to react. The skinny one with big breasts started sucking my pussy... and of course, the other did the same to Ayelén.
God... I want to visit that spa with Brenda —said Gisela—. When this damn pandemic ends, we're going to travel to Bariloche, do you want to come?
Yes, of course. If you're going to treat us that way, I'll go without hesitation.
I won't deny it, even I found the idea of visiting a spa like that interesting.
---So that was the first time a woman blew your pussy? ---Macarena asked.
—Yes, and I didn't think it was that good. You can tell the cutie dedicates herself to this. She didn't give me a break for even a second. I enjoyed it, although I never fully relaxed. I know Ayelén also had a good time. After we went back to the hotel...
Ugh... didn't anything else happen with the massage therapists? Asked Pilar.
That day, no.
—But that night something did happen —said Cristela. Then she covered her mouth and added—. Excuse me, I already know this story, my daughter told me everything. I wasn't trying to get involved.
It's true, that night everything started to get crazy – continued Tefi -. Ayelén got a lot more clingy, I don't blame her, we were having an amazing time. Everything was joy. After eating something in the hotel room dining area, we went up to our room and took a bath together... which we hadn't done before; but I felt encouraged... since we had already seen each other naked. The thing is that Ayelén took advantage of it to kiss me and caress my pussy a bit. That already seemed weird to me. I didn't say anything because I thought it wouldn't happen again. However, as soon as we got out of the bathroom, she threw herself onto the bed and did the same thing the masseuse had done: she got between my legs and without giving me time to react, started sucking my pussy. I froze. I mean, I could understand the game of being girlfriends and even exchanging some kisses with her... but this already seemed too much to me. I asked her not to keep going because we're cousins... she said it didn't matter to her, that she loved me a lot and was dying to screw me. I never thought Ayelén would ask me to have sexual relations with her. I had never screwed a woman before.
Really we thought you were the only one who had never sucked a pussy —said Pilar.
I know it, and they already know why I decided to hide it. I didn't want Mom to get on my case about me, just like she did with Gisela — this comment must have been painful for Alicia. She didn't say anything, just bent her head and pressed her lips together—. Besides, I didn't want Ayelén to keep insisting that we're girlfriends.
—Para... para... when did he ask you to be his girlfriend? —Macarena asked—. Because all you said was that he sucked my pussy. Did something else happen? —Tefi remained silent and Maca opened her eyes wide—. I can't believe it... you took it! You said yes.
—Did you suck her off? —Gisela asked. Tefi nodded with her head—. And I imagine it happened more than once.
I passed during the rest of the trip. I'm a fool. I got in because, well... Ayelén said it was something we'd only do in Bariloche and because... mmm... I don't know, I found it interesting to try with a woman. I know I lied a lot saying I never hooked up with one; but yes, I told them part of the truth: I'm not lesbian. I don't like women. I can suck a pussy and that's about it. I can't imagine being in a couple with a woman.
During my entire stay in Bariloche, my relationship with Ayelén became very intense, we would get together as often as possible and one day I said to her: I'm glad you convinced me to do this, it's really great. Something she interpreted as if I was declaring myself lesbian. And that wasn't the case.
I thought she would be okay with what happened on the trip, but when we got back things only got worse. She declared her feelings to me... it was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life. I didn't know what to say to her. Ayelén insisted that we should be a couple because we love each other so much and because we understand each other very well in bed. But in the end, I told her no. I assured her that I'm not lesbian and that we'll never be able to be together... because we're cousins.
—And now things are getting worse —said Pilar—, because she's your sister.
I know...
—Wow... of sudden everything makes sense —said Macarena—. I already understand why he treats Nahuel so badly. Because he knows that now he and Tefi get along very well...
—The same as Nahuel, she always hated him—Tefi assured—. Although it's true that that hatred grew a lot when she found out he was screwing with me.
—That's why I made you feel bad about it —I said, remembering Ayelén's words when we were together.
Yes. I wanted to make myself feel bad because I rejected her because she was my cousin, but at the same time I was hooking up with my own brother. And I understand, I must have seemed a hypocrite.
—I remember that Ayelén spent some days in your room – commented Pilar –. I'm sure she did it to be with you... and to take Nahuel out of your room. —Tefi nodded—. I suppose you got together with Ayelén during those days.
I know you let her suck your pussy – I reminded you –. You told me that.
—That's true... but I did much more than that. We went at it with no shame. I did it because I felt guilty, I knew she was suffering. She kept insisting we be a couple, that everything would turn out fine. But I told her: “Honey, if I were lesbian, my mom would kill me”.
—And that's how hatred for mom was born? —Gisela asked.
More or less, Tefi replied. Mom already hated her before; but it's for the same reason. Ayelén isn't stupid, she already imagined that Alicia had most of the blame. And now I understand that she approached her to torture her a little bit. Ayelén didn't care about selling erotic toys, her idea was to have Alicia nearby and screw her every chance she got...
—And make her addicted to lesbian sex —said Macarena.
Okay, that's what my mom assured me. I started feeling real desperation to get with her... or other women. I knew I was doing it just to torture myself, even though I didn't understand where her hatred came from. I thought she was just a bad person.
She's a bad person—I assured—. I understand she's heartbroken, but only a bad person can behave that way. However... I don't hate her anymore. Now I feel sorry for her.
—Yes, I also —said Pilar—. The poor thing must be suffering a lot. She has the person she loves nearby and can't be with her... because love is not reciprocated. God, it seems like one of my favorite novels to me. Although of course, in those novels there usually aren't so many incestuous relationships.
A sepulchral silence fell, I'm already used to them. They give me time to think, and I know my sisters were doing the same. The next one to speak was Macarena:
Let's recap: Ayelén hates Nahuel because she sees him as a rival she can't compete with, because he's a man and knows Tefi prefers male sex. She hates Alicia because she thinks it's because of her that Tefi won't acknowledge being lesbian. She hates the grandma because she understands Fernanda is the one who caused all Alicia's traumas, so she also sought to make her enemies with us.
—And why does he hate the rest of us? —Pilar asked—. It's obvious he doesn't want us too much. Otherwise, he would have tried to get close. For all the months he lived in this house, with me he hardly spoke almost never. He completely ignored me.
Gisela probably hates me because I never confronted her to Alicia. Because in Ayelén's mind everything must be cause and consequence. She must be convinced that she can't be Tefi's girlfriend because we're conspiring against her, directly or indirectly. She hates me because I'm the one who confronts her, who doesn't stay quiet. I've told her more than once that I'll break her face for being so odious. And as for you, Pilar... I don't know why she hates you. That's a mystery to me... but there must be a reason.
—She also hates me —said Cristela—. She knows about my relationship with Alicia... she knows I had sex a thousand times with my sister and that we started a almost couple-like relationship in the last few months. Excuse Alicia, I know that after I told you it was better not to follow that path… and don't think I was playing with your feelings. I love you a lot. But the idea of us being almost couples thought it would help Tefi and Ayelén get together because I really believed Tefi was a repressed lesbian. Now I understand she's not. I made a mistake about that. It didn't work and only managed to make things worse. Now Ayelén thinks I did it to mock her or something like that. As if I were pulling her leg. And besides... this caused Alicia to get even worse than she already was. Sorry for that, sister.
—Don't worry —my mom said—. Our thing wasn't going to work out anyway. Just as you said: we're sisters. We should keep our feet on the ground. We can have some fun sometimes; but it's ridiculous to be sisters and a couple at the same time... and we would only end up hurt...
Now it's Ayelén who is hurt, said Macarena. And she thinks we're all to blame for it.
I'm the only one to blame here —said Tefi—. I thought everything in Bariloche was just a game and didn't want to pay attention to the signs that were always there. I should have realized Ayelén's feelings were serious and she was going through things with me. I had time to put an end to all this craziness; but I kept hooking up with her because I was really hot for it. That's the worst of everything... I brought many problems to this family just because I got hot for my cousin.
—Don't feel guilty —said Gisela—. Ayelén also let herself be carried away by the situation. Anyone would have done the same in your situation. I don't think anyone here considers you responsible for their actions.
—Thanks... it does me good to hear that.
I don't intend to justify Ayelén's behavior. She acted badly and complicated life for all of us... especially my mother. She made her suffer. However, after what Estefanía told us, I understand why my cousin is so angry. In her own way of seeing the world, Tefi should be her girlfriend. She sees me as a hindrance and Alicia as the main culprit for her beloved not daring to start a relationship with another woman. To make matters worse, she has to add the news that Tefi is her sister. This must be like a cold shower of water for Ayelén. Not only is she in love with her cousin, but also one of her sisters. It's too much to process.
We have to make amends with Ayelén —I told my family—. I know you're still angry with her. So am I. I also know she's a bad person and probably will never change. But... if she feels rejected, we'll only make things worse. We have to show her that, despite everything, she's still our cousin... or sister... or whatever. We're not her enemies.
I agree —said Gisela—. It's stupid how she behaved with us; but if we don't forgive her, it'll be much worse. She's hurt and I know very well what it's like to feel that way. I don't wish that on anyone. We still have the shell-sucking contest... we can use it to make amends. But we have to work together. Is that clear?
We were in agreement with the proposal. This only has two possible endings: either we completely ruin our relationship with Ayelén and will have to learn to live knowing that one of our sisters hates us; or everything turns out well. Tefi and Ayelén will come to an agreement on how their relationship will be from now on and we'll accept what they decide. This is the option that worries me most.

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