Ramón decided to lose weight and went out for a run with his older sister... with a special little incentive. - Ah, I'm being sincere, I didn't think you were serious –Tara said when she saw me appear wearing cycling pants and an adjusted T-shirt. When I had insisted the previous day that my older sister let me accompany her on her daily routine where she went for a run, I was very convinced. My friends' jokes about my weight had been getting on my nerves all week, and I was fed up. It's not something that normally bothered me; the doctor hadn't given it much importance and I expected to stretch myself out of those extra pounds at any moment. But the boredom and inactivity of the holidays had taken their toll on my group of friends and they found it easy to mess with the chubby one. But I'd finally had enough. They'd started playing with my last name. My name is Ramón Manresa, so they began transforming it into Mayonesa and directly calling me Captain Mayonnaise. A very elaborate insult, right? That's where their neurons got to. Normally, I wouldn't have paid any attention to these things and would have let them pass. Giving more attention to these things is a way of making them worse, and I didn't handle social environments well enough to make a witty comment and get left alone. But the thing is that they'd been going on for a week now and wouldn't stop with the teasing. With these kinds of things, you never know where they'll end up, if they'll ever stop. Sometimes it's enough time for everyone to let them pass and focus on other things, but when those kind of comments reach critical mass, they become a label that marks you for life. Poor José Antonio was still called Choped because of the snacks he brought to school every day when we were in elementary school... but I was about to graduate from high school and the joke was still going on with people our age, it was much too much. time. I couldn't let everyone call me Captain Mayonnaise when the course started. Apart from being very annoying, I had begun to feel a bit more self-conscious about this weight and excess fat issue. The idea of beautiful girls in my class pointing at me and laughing at me starting the course made me die of embarrassment. At home, I had been lately quite apathetic during meals, pushing food around without much interest while putting on a miserable and apathetic face. Anita, my little sister, noticed that something was off about me. She could be very perceptive when she wanted to be. She managed to get me to confess my insecurity in front of the whole family, and I had no choice but to do so. Although my story made my parents laugh, my mother proposed with good intentions: Why don't you go with your sisters and start exercising, Ramoncete? That nickname of mine also caused a stir among my friends, although Mayonnaise had taken its place recently. I was already used to it, so I ignored it. Yeah, sure... without offending, but I'm not going to sign up for ballet, I said, squinting my eyes. Anita had been taking ballet classes for a couple of years and seemed to be having fun. I had observed her giving jumps and pirouettes while wearing that black leotard around the house more than once. It was clear that it had made her quite flexible, judging by some of the poses she struck, which only made me instinctively wince in pain. But in real life, I wasn't going to sign up for that. Oh, God, if they found out about my weight issues, it would be the final nail in my coffin. No, silly, I'll say it myself, intervened my older sister Tara, covering her mouth with her hand because she had food in it. I go running three days a week. It was true that I was vaguely aware that Tara disappeared some afternoons, but this didn't bother me. I assumed she was out with her boyfriend, or with the foxes of his friends like always. As the older sister that I was, my relationship with her was normally one of annoyance and inconvenience. In the best case, it was a vague indifference. She loved to tease me, and I would get back at her, so it wasn't uncommon for us to end up in trouble. So we had been living with a live and let live policy without getting involved in each other's business for a few years. But with that comment, a light bulb went off in my head. Going out for a run wasn't an extremely exhausting exercise, I could do it in the countryside outside the village where there wouldn't be many people (unlike at a gym). I didn't want to draw attention to this vulnerable point of my friends. And besides, going with someone forced me into commitment, made me feel obligated even if I didn't really want to do exercise. Because honestly, I didn't want to, I preferred killing time and vices playing Counter Strike until my free days ran out... but that way I wouldn't lose weight, it was clear.
- Not a bad idea - I said, clearing my throat and turning towards Tara -
Come on, don't be a clown... Mayonnaise haha - my sister shot back with cruelty -
You know you'll get tired of it before then. I won't see you running even if they put a stick in front of you with a bag of Doritos tied to it. But what a fox. The bitch could be very hurtful when she wanted.
- No way, Tarada, I'm telling you seriously - I replied coldly using my favorite insult for her -
Mom, Mamoncete is insulting me again... My sister preferred to play her card by deforming Ramoncete with Mamoncete. Very subtle, very elaborate, right? Although I admit: with his name, I had it more up my sleeve than she did. My mother intervened with exasperation to shut us both up before things escalated even further. I liked that she reprimanded my sister for taking advantage of a moment of weakness. to get along with me; he reminded me that I was the older one and had to be the mature one of the two. Well, of the three; Anita had spent the exchange smiling from ear to ear with our jokes and only lacked the popcorn. - Good, look, if you're going to act like this... we'll meet again tomorrow at 7 pm. Outside, on the front porch. I won't pull you along for you to come, so you see how much you want to. And, you know... come in a sweat suit or something like that, because you're going to sweat, kid –he said while giving me a side-eye glance from top to bottom and trying to suppress a smile. So there I was, standing the next day with exercise clothes that I thought were appropriate, which I had stolen from my father sometimes when he went out on his bike. The only sweat suit I had was the one with the school uniform and I didn't think about putting it on. Apart from being aesthetically horrible (they called us the lettuce in town because of its awful green color), I didn't want anyone to recognize me remotely when I went out on the street. But the truth is that I myself was starting to have my doubts about this exercise thing. First, the size difference between my father and me was almost non-existent with that sports wear. The pants were so tight they squeezed my balls until they became very uncomfortable, and the lycra of the shirt stuck unpleasantly to my skin. And in general, I felt quite self-conscious having my arms and legs so exposed, sure that my rolls would be on display and bouncing clearly as soon as I put my body into motion. But I kept quiet about my doubts and insecurities. After my sister's jokes, I wasn't going to back down, because she would just laugh at me even more. - I keep what I say. But... –I hesitated for a second. I didn't want to give her more material to laugh at me, but I had to ask– ...take into account that I'm out of shape. Go slowly at first because I don't 'get' Are you coming where I am? When I heard that, Tara stood with her back to me and slowly turned her head to look at me very seriously over her shoulder. At 19 years old, she had an incredibly athletic body; her toned legs joined in a resultful way at the pelvis and, now I realized, in a rather prominent bump that stood out in those long black and purple tights. Above, she wore a pink sports bra quite tight. I realized it was the first time in a long time that I had seen exposed skin on her shoulders, arms, stomach, and belly button. I imagined it wasn't very different from a bikini, but I preferred staying home instead of accompanying my family to the pool or beach... so it had been a while since I'd seen her with something as revealing. And now, Tara was looking at me over her shoulder with her big brown eyes while lifting her arms to tie up her long black hair that reached down to her ribs. She slowly formed a twisted smile while looking at me. Her expression told me she enjoyed being in control. Almost... sadistic.
- Not a bad idea - I said, clearing my throat and turning towards Tara -
Come on, don't be a clown... Mayonnaise haha - my sister shot back with cruelty -
You know you'll get tired of it before then. I won't see you running even if they put a stick in front of you with a bag of Doritos tied to it. But what a fox. The bitch could be very hurtful when she wanted.
- No way, Tarada, I'm telling you seriously - I replied coldly using my favorite insult for her -
Mom, Mamoncete is insulting me again... My sister preferred to play her card by deforming Ramoncete with Mamoncete. Very subtle, very elaborate, right? Although I admit: with his name, I had it more up my sleeve than she did. My mother intervened with exasperation to shut us both up before things escalated even further. I liked that she reprimanded my sister for taking advantage of a moment of weakness. to get along with me; he reminded me that I was the older one and had to be the mature one of the two. Well, of the three; Anita had spent the exchange smiling from ear to ear with our jokes and only lacked the popcorn. - Good, look, if you're going to act like this... we'll meet again tomorrow at 7 pm. Outside, on the front porch. I won't pull you along for you to come, so you see how much you want to. And, you know... come in a sweat suit or something like that, because you're going to sweat, kid –he said while giving me a side-eye glance from top to bottom and trying to suppress a smile. So there I was, standing the next day with exercise clothes that I thought were appropriate, which I had stolen from my father sometimes when he went out on his bike. The only sweat suit I had was the one with the school uniform and I didn't think about putting it on. Apart from being aesthetically horrible (they called us the lettuce in town because of its awful green color), I didn't want anyone to recognize me remotely when I went out on the street. But the truth is that I myself was starting to have my doubts about this exercise thing. First, the size difference between my father and me was almost non-existent with that sports wear. The pants were so tight they squeezed my balls until they became very uncomfortable, and the lycra of the shirt stuck unpleasantly to my skin. And in general, I felt quite self-conscious having my arms and legs so exposed, sure that my rolls would be on display and bouncing clearly as soon as I put my body into motion. But I kept quiet about my doubts and insecurities. After my sister's jokes, I wasn't going to back down, because she would just laugh at me even more. - I keep what I say. But... –I hesitated for a second. I didn't want to give her more material to laugh at me, but I had to ask– ...take into account that I'm out of shape. Go slowly at first because I don't 'get' Are you coming where I am? When I heard that, Tara stood with her back to me and slowly turned her head to look at me very seriously over her shoulder. At 19 years old, she had an incredibly athletic body; her toned legs joined in a resultful way at the pelvis and, now I realized, in a rather prominent bump that stood out in those long black and purple tights. Above, she wore a pink sports bra quite tight. I realized it was the first time in a long time that I had seen exposed skin on her shoulders, arms, stomach, and belly button. I imagined it wasn't very different from a bikini, but I preferred staying home instead of accompanying my family to the pool or beach... so it had been a while since I'd seen her with something as revealing. And now, Tara was looking at me over her shoulder with her big brown eyes while lifting her arms to tie up her long black hair that reached down to her ribs. She slowly formed a twisted smile while looking at me. Her expression told me she enjoyed being in control. Almost... sadistic.
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