Chapter 4The days that followed that fateful evening, nothing interesting happened. My father was more recovered from his injury, while my brothers this time following my mother for those two days went with her to the lake and with me. So any chance of having certain intimacy with her had vanished, except clearly the one of admiring my mother at a distance in her red bikini that drove me crazy.
Meanwhile the relationship I had with my mother turned from being almost intimate to cooling down in a way that we only greeted each other when we saw each other. Desperate for this new situation, I waited to see if I had an opportunity to fix things with her and that opportunity appeared one afternoon when we were there. And suddenly one of my brothers got sick, luckily it wasn't anything serious. After eating in such a way that he had a huge bellyache. So after falling into bed and then my parents giving him some medicine, my father decided not to go to the lake to take care of him, so leaving us two and my brother to decide what to do. We decided in the end and with my brother's express request, we would all three go to the lake. But selfishly and looking at my mother with malice that only she and I were there, it was inevitable not to want my brother to disappear. But knowing this wouldn't happen, I waited with reluctance for us to leave. My mother appeared this time wearing a short blue dress that left her thick thighs visible, so I couldn't help but look at her legs. The three of us left and once we arrived at the lake, my little brother was the first to run out and arriving at the water, he threw himself into it without looking back.
Both of us laughed at it, and then my mother and I arrived where he was. And imitating him, both of us undressed from our respective clothes, leaving me alone with my swimsuit. My mother on the other hand had a new black bikini on, which despite being as small as the previous ones, covered with justice the important parts of her beautiful body.
Once more admiring her I couldn't help it and approaching her, I said before she left to lie down on the bench - Do you want to talk to me?Laughing at the seriousness my words carried I looked at my brother and screaming - darling don't get too involvedHe told me, as he pointed out a tree in front of us -We'll talk quietly around there.Seconds later and not too far away, my mother looking nervous told me while gazing at my brother - What do you want to talk about?Seeing her distracted, I took the initiative and grabbing her by surprise, I reached for her breast with my hands and giving her a surprise kiss, not letting her get away from me. At first, it didn't correspond to me, but despite insisting. It ended up yielding in such a way that I hooked her arms over my neck.
The crazy life we were living there was from another world, my mother and I were literally eating each other's mouth so much that when we separated both drooling we stayed looking. My mother was the first to react, as if almost saying - What the devil did he just do?Noticing fear in her body I wanted to approach her to calm her down, but she didn't let me get close with firmnessDon't get close.I kept quiet and tried to calm him down, watching as he rubbed his face with his hands while saying -skies, skies, skies...Hearing desperation in her words, I didn't want her to be tortured anymore. So, approaching her, I said to try to calm her down - Calm down mom, we didn't do anything bad.As I was watching myself, she let go of me with fear -You're crazy, I just gave my son a mouthful and you're saying nothing bad happened?Restlessness made me approach and put one of my hands on his arm, caressing him softly at the same time as I released him firmly -Let's go mom, just one kiss.
Danny's my sonlet go with evidence, at the same time as adding -What kind of perverted mother am I?Finally I could take her in my arms and while she was still wiping away tears to get free from my hands, I hugged her tighter than ever and told her - You're not any kind of perverted mom, you're just a woman who shows me that she loves me like I love you too.Said to obligate her to look at me and kissing her again, not let her separate from me.
Surprised by my attack, she didn't react at first, but like the previous time once she knew herself delivered. She kissed me with fervor again.
Taking advantage of her delivery, I moved my hands and taking her by the ass, I took possession of her buttocks in such a way that she moaned without stopping kissing my mouth.
Loco for demonstrating to her what was awakening in me, I made her feel my desire for her by rubbing my erection on her stomach, moving it to the rhythm she told me, letting her kiss me - How hot it is!
For youteasingly comment while without guilt, taking part of her bikini and running a little the top to leave free a portion of her nipple. Desiring it with madness ahead my mouth and sucking that piece, I licked it so much that she moaned until saying - This is madness, this is really madness.
If only what I desire, never ends –I already played and ran the top part of her bikini all the way up, leaving her tits completely exposed. I started sucking them as if I had a new one again.
She was making herself rub my head while eagerly advancing her breast so she could suckle better from her tits. Uncontrollable on my part, I kept revolving around her ass, handling it in such a way that I couldn't stop touching it.
I thought about choosing an attribute of my mother, it would surely be her perfect butt. And even though she had good tits, her butt was what caught the attention of any man.
Not leaving us from kissing, I said to her while our lips were still united -I want you to suck me.Surprised I stop kissing her and looking at me with curiosity, I wonder - What did you say?
Suck itI responded as I slowly lowered my bathrobe, once on the floor my cock remained free and so hard it was pointing directly at the sky without a problem. She, upon seeing it, hesitated for a moment, but not letting herself regret it, she took the crown of her head and gently pushed it down towards me, managing to get her on her knees in front of my cock. Feeling her breath on my member, I swallowed some saliva. But wanting her to suck me with enthusiasm, I let her decide what she wanted to do. Waiting a few seconds, I discovered that she actually wanted to swallow my cock. Since advancing, she first gave it a little lick on the head. But not staying with that, she was licking it slowly, so that in the end she ended up putting almost all of it inside her mouth.
Transported by the pleasure I felt, let her suck me and while doing so, take me to her neck and marking the rhythm of fellatio. Finish coming in a sudden manner, that without expecting it, fill her mouth with semen.
They were surprised by my orgasm, letting him fill her mouth with lefa and then after it ended. She ate my cum so well that practically nothing stuck to the green floor.
I looked at my mother and noticing she wasn't just showing off her tits, but was also somewhat sweaty and sticky. I got excited again in such a way that my erection almost reacted again.
Helping her sit up again and feeling the taste of my orgasm in her mouth, I started handling her so well that her bikini ended up completely on the floor, leaving my mother totally naked.
Looking at her for some seconds, I approached her with my dick and feeling it fit between her legs, rubbed against her in such a way that I felt like her lips were adjusting to mine.
Desperate to put it in, but she wasn't losing all reason. She told me before doing so - Don't put it in me, please.Looking at her I wanted to refuse her request, but knowing that would be a mistake. I decided it was better to fulfill her desire. So instead of thrusting my cock into her, as we were standing still. I proceeded to move my hips and as if we were having sex while standing, I started masturbating with my mother's shell. I really felt like I was in heaven, since my mother, cooperating, also moved her waist just like me and while her breasts bounced from back to front. I was desperate to come, so I put more force into my fake sex. We were so concentrated on finding our own pleasure that we had completely forgotten about my brother. But this one remembering he was there, yelled out loud from close by –look mom, look what I found in the water.Trapped and naked, we didn't know what to do. What my little brother saw us fornicating like rabbits, he asked with great innocence - What are they doing?Quietly we looked at them and waited for our reaction, not separating and totally absorbed. My mother told him - You brother is helping me with something.Too small to understand, my brother looks at us and noticing our nudity. Saying - It seems they are fighting.Scared my mom gave in and praying she would believe it, she then said to him -I'll show affection and wait for you in the water, we'll get together with you right away.If my brother left the case, my fever didn't. As I was moving my hips again, I finished what I started and felt like the race wasn't going to take long to end.
I moved in such a way that it came out with force, my mother following me too. Since I was losing strength, I barely managed to hold on when she wanted to get up.
The two of us kissed again and noticing that everything had ended for the moment, we separated and didn't say anything to each other. Both of us started getting dressed.
Minutes later, we were already going back to the water and while both of us saw my brother playing, without thinking I took his hand and we walked together. The two of us ended up getting in the water.
Without leaving each other's sight that afternoon, desire and complicity reigned between us, but not getting any closer, we went home wanting the two of us to forget everything.
Thanks to our good luck for this happening, since my little brother didn't mention anything about what had happened between my mother and me. So I sighed with tranquility at night and went to sleep with a smile, a smile that grew wider when I didn't hear my parents having relations that night.

Danny's my sonlet go with evidence, at the same time as adding -What kind of perverted mother am I?Finally I could take her in my arms and while she was still wiping away tears to get free from my hands, I hugged her tighter than ever and told her - You're not any kind of perverted mom, you're just a woman who shows me that she loves me like I love you too.Said to obligate her to look at me and kissing her again, not let her separate from me.
Surprised by my attack, she didn't react at first, but like the previous time once she knew herself delivered. She kissed me with fervor again.
Taking advantage of her delivery, I moved my hands and taking her by the ass, I took possession of her buttocks in such a way that she moaned without stopping kissing my mouth.
Loco for demonstrating to her what was awakening in me, I made her feel my desire for her by rubbing my erection on her stomach, moving it to the rhythm she told me, letting her kiss me - How hot it is!
For youteasingly comment while without guilt, taking part of her bikini and running a little the top to leave free a portion of her nipple. Desiring it with madness ahead my mouth and sucking that piece, I licked it so much that she moaned until saying - This is madness, this is really madness.
If only what I desire, never ends –I already played and ran the top part of her bikini all the way up, leaving her tits completely exposed. I started sucking them as if I had a new one again.

I thought about choosing an attribute of my mother, it would surely be her perfect butt. And even though she had good tits, her butt was what caught the attention of any man.
Not leaving us from kissing, I said to her while our lips were still united -I want you to suck me.Surprised I stop kissing her and looking at me with curiosity, I wonder - What did you say?
Suck itI responded as I slowly lowered my bathrobe, once on the floor my cock remained free and so hard it was pointing directly at the sky without a problem. She, upon seeing it, hesitated for a moment, but not letting herself regret it, she took the crown of her head and gently pushed it down towards me, managing to get her on her knees in front of my cock. Feeling her breath on my member, I swallowed some saliva. But wanting her to suck me with enthusiasm, I let her decide what she wanted to do. Waiting a few seconds, I discovered that she actually wanted to swallow my cock. Since advancing, she first gave it a little lick on the head. But not staying with that, she was licking it slowly, so that in the end she ended up putting almost all of it inside her mouth.

I looked at my mother and noticing she wasn't just showing off her tits, but was also somewhat sweaty and sticky. I got excited again in such a way that my erection almost reacted again.
Helping her sit up again and feeling the taste of my orgasm in her mouth, I started handling her so well that her bikini ended up completely on the floor, leaving my mother totally naked.
Looking at her for some seconds, I approached her with my dick and feeling it fit between her legs, rubbed against her in such a way that I felt like her lips were adjusting to mine.
Desperate to put it in, but she wasn't losing all reason. She told me before doing so - Don't put it in me, please.Looking at her I wanted to refuse her request, but knowing that would be a mistake. I decided it was better to fulfill her desire. So instead of thrusting my cock into her, as we were standing still. I proceeded to move my hips and as if we were having sex while standing, I started masturbating with my mother's shell. I really felt like I was in heaven, since my mother, cooperating, also moved her waist just like me and while her breasts bounced from back to front. I was desperate to come, so I put more force into my fake sex. We were so concentrated on finding our own pleasure that we had completely forgotten about my brother. But this one remembering he was there, yelled out loud from close by –look mom, look what I found in the water.Trapped and naked, we didn't know what to do. What my little brother saw us fornicating like rabbits, he asked with great innocence - What are they doing?Quietly we looked at them and waited for our reaction, not separating and totally absorbed. My mother told him - You brother is helping me with something.Too small to understand, my brother looks at us and noticing our nudity. Saying - It seems they are fighting.Scared my mom gave in and praying she would believe it, she then said to him -I'll show affection and wait for you in the water, we'll get together with you right away.If my brother left the case, my fever didn't. As I was moving my hips again, I finished what I started and felt like the race wasn't going to take long to end.
I moved in such a way that it came out with force, my mother following me too. Since I was losing strength, I barely managed to hold on when she wanted to get up.
The two of us kissed again and noticing that everything had ended for the moment, we separated and didn't say anything to each other. Both of us started getting dressed.
Minutes later, we were already going back to the water and while both of us saw my brother playing, without thinking I took his hand and we walked together. The two of us ended up getting in the water.
Without leaving each other's sight that afternoon, desire and complicity reigned between us, but not getting any closer, we went home wanting the two of us to forget everything.
Thanks to our good luck for this happening, since my little brother didn't mention anything about what had happened between my mother and me. So I sighed with tranquility at night and went to sleep with a smile, a smile that grew wider when I didn't hear my parents having relations that night.
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