Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Maldito el momento en que me dejé convencer por Favio, se suponía que esa llamada era para terminar una relación, pero en cambio solo fue abrir las puertas del infierno…
Ese sábado las cosas habían comenzado mal, con Alberto nos llevábamos como perro y gato, en un final aun no escrito, pero inevitable.
Le dije que por la noches saldría con mis amigas, una explicación la que el respondió con una sonrisa, me contestó que para que seguir mintiéndonos, seguro andaría de puta revolcándome con algún macho, y a esa respuesta vino un nuevo reproche de mi parte, tampoco era el esposo ejemplar, tampoco me respetaba y que yo no dijera nada de sus salidas, de sus llamadas, de los olores a perfumes de mujer en sus ropas, o alguna que otra mancha de rush que había observado, no implicaba que fuera tonta, solo lo dejaba pasar…
Una cosa llevó a otra y una simple ventisca de primavera se transformó en una peligrosa tormenta de verano…
Al dejar el hogar, tras cerrar la puerta, sentí quitarme un peso de encima, empezaba a odiar a mi esposo, como mierda había llegado a ese punto en mi relación?
Como fuera, como de costumbre, tomé un taxi rumbo a casa de mi amante.
Fabio me recibió, estaba excelentemente vestido, con una remara en tono claro con algunas inscripciones, pantalón jean ajustado, zapatos cafés y un saco sport del mismo tono, una cadena con crucifijo adornaba su pecho.
El se arremangó el saco, tirando las mangas hacía atrás, me besó y dijo mirando el reloj
Estamos atrasados, andá al dormitorio y cámbiate, creo que es toda tu talla, lucirás bonita…
Fui al cuarto, él era así, una caja de sorpresas, sobre su cama había prendas muy bonitas y delicadas, me gustó la idea, me desnudé dejando mis prendas a un costado, quedándome apenas en ropa interior, me puse una remera super ajustada en negro con detalles en plateado, que llegaba apenas a mi ombligo, con un escote redondo mayúsculo que hacía sobresalir mis tetas, a pesar del discreto tamaño me sentí provocativa.
Luego vendría lo mejor, una minifalda demasiado pequeña, de licra roja super adherente, cubría con lo justo mi trasero, que por cierto se veía magnífico, demasiado llamativo, de esas faldas que una tiene que cuidar cada movimiento para no mostrar nada indiscreto, mis piernas estaban completamente desnudas, por último, unos zapatos, también en rojo sangre con finísimos y altos tacos, y que más? nada más… eso era todo, estaba tan puta, desde mi adolescencia que no me vestía de esa manera…
Favio era un espectador de lujo de todo lo que sucedía, recostado en silencio contra el marco de la puerta, me miré al espejo y mientras acomodaba mi cabello pregunté
Donde vamos? Me veo una puta…
Sos una puta – dijo en su tono tan vulgar, ese que tanto me excitaba…
Fui a su lado, me reí, puesto que con esos tacos le llevaba como diez centímetros, y el respondió con una fuerte y rica nalgada.
Ya en su coche me moría de intriga, una cena? un baile? una fiesta? Fuera lo que fuera preguntaba una y otra vez, y una y otra vez el respondía con evasivas, era lógico, si yo hubiera sabido seguramente me hubiera negado…
Llegamos, una vieja casona en un lugar privado, muy de gente de plata, supuse una de esas fiestas de gente de nivel, era raro, porque Fabio no era de esa clase de tipos…
Desde fuera se escuchaba música a alto volumen, y observé varias luces encendidas, pero al ingresar comprendería la situación…
Un tal Carlos nos recibió en la puerta, supuse el anfitrión, dijo que aun no habían llegado todos, mientras estrechaba la mano de Favio y comerme con la mirada, al punto de hacerme cohibir…
Cuando entramos… eran solamente hombres, que mierda… yo no dije nada, hasta que llegaron los restantes, ocho hombres y yo…
Fabio entonces me explicó, era noche de hombres, como el acostumbraba a decir, bebidas, copas, naipes, cigarros, y claro, siempre acostumbraban a llevar alguna putita para que los atendiera, me quise morir… yo era la putita? solo eso era yo? ese era el plan?
Uno de los tipos dijo en voz alta, preguntando a Fabio
Está rica la putita que trajiste, es verdad que le gusta tanto que se la den por el culo?
Ellos se reían, otro agregó
Lindo culo… aunque le faltan tetas…
Y saben que sentía? como esos ganados en exposición, que me examinaban como un objeto a disputar, faltaba que miraran en detalle mi dentadura, o cosas así…
Era humillante, un pedazo de carne, ‘la putita’, ni nombre tenía, solo la putita de turno…
Pero debo ser honesta… al mismo tiempo me excitaba, ser centro de una rueda de machos, la única concha entre tantas vergas, mas cuando me enteré de que eran todos strippers compañeros de Favio, y cuando imaginé las armas que cargaban, ahhh!!!! somo pude mojarme…
Y así empezó la rueda de juegos, ellos repartían naipes, fumaban y bebían, reían, cosas típicas de hombres, y yo había poco a poco entrado en el juego, como una camarera silenciosa repartía rondas de bebidas, cada tanto me quedaba observando como jugaban y mi cuerpo era centro de miradas…
Cada tanto, mientras servía una copa, alguna mano indiscreta se colaba ente mis piernas, o acariciaba mis nalgas, yo sabía que tarde o temprano iban a cogerme y eso me mantenía a la expectativa, ardiente, esperando mi momento, porque aunque sea por una noche, sería la reina del lugar…
Pero evidentemente, yo no estaba todo lo relajada que ellos pretendían que estuviera, o seguramente dispuesta a hacer lo que ellos quisieran, así que me dieron, mejor dicho, me forzaron a tomar algunas bebidas fuertes…
Hasta ahí todo iba mas o menos bien, me hacían sentir como una puta y yo lo permitía, me tocaban como una puta, y yo lo disfrutaba, me mojaba como puta, y yo me excitaba…
Pero algo cambiaría las cosas, estaba preparando una rueda de bebidas cuando Favio me llamó, sobre la mesa donde estaban jugando, habían preparado unas líneas de cocaína, y cada uno aspiraba la suya, reían perdidos en la nada, y obviamente había una para mi…
Fue cuando me negué, no quería hacerlo, la droga no era lo mío, dije que no, pero ellos me tomaron por la fuerza y me llevaron contra la mesa, me pusieron los brazos hacia atrás, me tomaron por la nuca y me hicieron inclinar, alguien metió una pajilla en mi nariz y apretó mi fosa nasal libre, escuché unas palabras que me sonaron a orden
Dale puta, dele con fuerza…
Cerré los ojos y aspiré… mierda…
I felt his laughter while I was trying to recover from what I had just done, I felt strange, but that shit started working slowly, a madness ecstasy seemed to invade every pore of my skin, I felt floating in the air, with an indescribable joy, uninhibited, eager to conquer the world, I went over Favio, threw myself on him and started kissing him as deep as I could, he passed me to one of his friends, and another, and another, I kissed them all, I just wanted them to take me...
Someone took me again against the table, made me lean over it, I stood up on my high heels, with my chest resting on the cold wood, with my ass exposed, closed my eyes, felt like someone was lifting my short skirt, like the thong was running off to one side, I inhaled...
I received a beautiful and perfect penetration, deep, huge, whoever was taking me moved very tasty, I started to moan, someone took one of my hands, which made me open my eyes, it was Favio who was bringing his cock close for me to masturbate him, I started playing with two, then someone started sucking me through the mouth, a beautiful and huge cock that reached my throat, and they brought another cock, and another, and I got lost among so many, never had been in such a situation before, didn't know how to handle it, only knew that those cocks were mine and I was unique at that moment...
Someone tried my ass, it was logical, without much trouble they put an enormous cock in me, my ears were buzzing, but I could hear their words talking about how slutty I was, how good I was, words mixed with my moans that had already turned into screams of pleasure...
I don't know if it was because of what I had inhaled, but my pussy was very sensitive and beautiful and deep orgasms were flowing out of me, so uncontrollable...
And I couldn't do anything, I was surrendered to the will of those guys who made me whatever they wanted...
Without realizing it, I saw myself completely naked, sucking cocks from a side to side, so yummy, so big, they would give it to me by the ass, by the pussy, I was out of myself...
One got up on the table, and they took me there too, made him ride me, that's tasty! I managed the times with his sex in my sex, they were touching my tits, suddenly one slipped behind and put it in my ass, that's tasty! I had never done it before and felt penetrated by both sides, front and back, I was given to those men who were rotating, one by one, trying my holes, I noticed Favio had taken out his phone and started filming and photographing everything, and I was the queen of the night...
We changed positions, again and again, someone gave it to me by the Booty and felt another adjusting and forcing at the same time my bum, I didn't say anything, I think they were trying my limits and I wouldn't have any limits, they had put two cocks in my ass and I just wanted them to break me...
Favio as always gave orders, and protested because he couldn't get good shots of the double anal penetration, felt one of the guys suddenly in my bum, it was very tasty, I felt beautifully dirty, my man asked me to show him my open ass dripping with semen, that I would give him the best shots and look at the camera, like a good slut...
And what I thought was the end, also very porny, I went down, everyone was masturbating around me, those huge cocks, and I waiting for the prize, the light of Favio's phone camera burned my face, suddenly they started cumming on me, in my mouth, one by one, two at the same time, a semen cocktail like volcanoes erupting all at once...
And my face in close-up, filling with viscous liquid, my cheeks, my mouth, my perineum, my eyes, my body, the warm semen was running down my skin, and they asked me to enjoy it in front of the camera, very slut, that I would show them how I swallowed everything, drop by drop, and I did, with great pleasure...
Like I said, I thought that was the end, but... They made me clean up, and Fabio took me to the room alone to take me, privately, he let his instincts run wild, gave me hard spanks because I was a slut, did what he wanted...
When he left the room, another came to keep taking me, and another, and then another, they kept taking me all night without stopping, an endless night of pleasure...
I woke up without understanding anything, it was daytime, sunlight was entering through the window, my whole body hurt, I was confused, my mind was spinning, I tried to orient myself in time and space but failed, it seemed stuck to the bed, I didn't have strength to move a muscle...
I let a few minutes pass, tried to concentrate, things started to become familiar, the decorations on the walls, curtains, light in the room, furniture, damn, I was at home, in my bed, how did I get here? I touched my body, I was wearing the red miniskirt, like the slut, with the clothes Fabio had left me...
I closed my eyes, wanted to get up, didn't have strength, felt the kitchen faucet water running, who was in the house? Was it real or was I dreaming? Maybe I was just stoned from the drug I had inhaled...
When my husband entered the room, I knew there would be no turning back, everything had been calculated by Fabio, step by step, meticulously, like a game of chess...
He had taken off my mask in front of Alberto, he had only given him the tools to prove what he wanted to prove, in what I would have transformed...
There was no going back, my husband had his wife dressed like a slut on the bed, drugged and full of semen, drunk, delivered, he also had a bunch of photos and filmings that he had handed over, the trap closed, divorce began...
I didn't come out well, Alberto kicked me out onto the street like a mangy dog, I felt in my own flesh the power that photos and filmings have, how intimidating they can be, my plan for life to be... With a wealthy man to keep me, I had gone to hell... Signed every paper without complaining, what could I say? Left with my suitcase and the few clothes I could take away, I didn't have many people to turn to. Alberto gave me an envelope with bills that wouldn't last long, and everything was thanks to Favio's bastard... a dangerous guy... And you know what? I went back to him... I needed to talk to him... besides, what I had aspired to had liked it and I wanted to repeat the experience... I only thought about fixing my life, and without knowing it, I was still burying myself... Again I went to Favio's place, to his apartment... CONTINUE If you're over 18, you can write me with the title 'I... THE MOST SLUTTY OF ALL...' at
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Maldito el momento en que me dejé convencer por Favio, se suponía que esa llamada era para terminar una relación, pero en cambio solo fue abrir las puertas del infierno…
Ese sábado las cosas habían comenzado mal, con Alberto nos llevábamos como perro y gato, en un final aun no escrito, pero inevitable.
Le dije que por la noches saldría con mis amigas, una explicación la que el respondió con una sonrisa, me contestó que para que seguir mintiéndonos, seguro andaría de puta revolcándome con algún macho, y a esa respuesta vino un nuevo reproche de mi parte, tampoco era el esposo ejemplar, tampoco me respetaba y que yo no dijera nada de sus salidas, de sus llamadas, de los olores a perfumes de mujer en sus ropas, o alguna que otra mancha de rush que había observado, no implicaba que fuera tonta, solo lo dejaba pasar…
Una cosa llevó a otra y una simple ventisca de primavera se transformó en una peligrosa tormenta de verano…
Al dejar el hogar, tras cerrar la puerta, sentí quitarme un peso de encima, empezaba a odiar a mi esposo, como mierda había llegado a ese punto en mi relación?
Como fuera, como de costumbre, tomé un taxi rumbo a casa de mi amante.
Fabio me recibió, estaba excelentemente vestido, con una remara en tono claro con algunas inscripciones, pantalón jean ajustado, zapatos cafés y un saco sport del mismo tono, una cadena con crucifijo adornaba su pecho.
El se arremangó el saco, tirando las mangas hacía atrás, me besó y dijo mirando el reloj
Estamos atrasados, andá al dormitorio y cámbiate, creo que es toda tu talla, lucirás bonita…
Fui al cuarto, él era así, una caja de sorpresas, sobre su cama había prendas muy bonitas y delicadas, me gustó la idea, me desnudé dejando mis prendas a un costado, quedándome apenas en ropa interior, me puse una remera super ajustada en negro con detalles en plateado, que llegaba apenas a mi ombligo, con un escote redondo mayúsculo que hacía sobresalir mis tetas, a pesar del discreto tamaño me sentí provocativa.
Luego vendría lo mejor, una minifalda demasiado pequeña, de licra roja super adherente, cubría con lo justo mi trasero, que por cierto se veía magnífico, demasiado llamativo, de esas faldas que una tiene que cuidar cada movimiento para no mostrar nada indiscreto, mis piernas estaban completamente desnudas, por último, unos zapatos, también en rojo sangre con finísimos y altos tacos, y que más? nada más… eso era todo, estaba tan puta, desde mi adolescencia que no me vestía de esa manera…
Favio era un espectador de lujo de todo lo que sucedía, recostado en silencio contra el marco de la puerta, me miré al espejo y mientras acomodaba mi cabello pregunté
Donde vamos? Me veo una puta…
Sos una puta – dijo en su tono tan vulgar, ese que tanto me excitaba…
Fui a su lado, me reí, puesto que con esos tacos le llevaba como diez centímetros, y el respondió con una fuerte y rica nalgada.
Ya en su coche me moría de intriga, una cena? un baile? una fiesta? Fuera lo que fuera preguntaba una y otra vez, y una y otra vez el respondía con evasivas, era lógico, si yo hubiera sabido seguramente me hubiera negado…
Llegamos, una vieja casona en un lugar privado, muy de gente de plata, supuse una de esas fiestas de gente de nivel, era raro, porque Fabio no era de esa clase de tipos…
Desde fuera se escuchaba música a alto volumen, y observé varias luces encendidas, pero al ingresar comprendería la situación…
Un tal Carlos nos recibió en la puerta, supuse el anfitrión, dijo que aun no habían llegado todos, mientras estrechaba la mano de Favio y comerme con la mirada, al punto de hacerme cohibir…
Cuando entramos… eran solamente hombres, que mierda… yo no dije nada, hasta que llegaron los restantes, ocho hombres y yo…
Fabio entonces me explicó, era noche de hombres, como el acostumbraba a decir, bebidas, copas, naipes, cigarros, y claro, siempre acostumbraban a llevar alguna putita para que los atendiera, me quise morir… yo era la putita? solo eso era yo? ese era el plan?
Uno de los tipos dijo en voz alta, preguntando a Fabio
Está rica la putita que trajiste, es verdad que le gusta tanto que se la den por el culo?
Ellos se reían, otro agregó
Lindo culo… aunque le faltan tetas…
Y saben que sentía? como esos ganados en exposición, que me examinaban como un objeto a disputar, faltaba que miraran en detalle mi dentadura, o cosas así…
Era humillante, un pedazo de carne, ‘la putita’, ni nombre tenía, solo la putita de turno…
Pero debo ser honesta… al mismo tiempo me excitaba, ser centro de una rueda de machos, la única concha entre tantas vergas, mas cuando me enteré de que eran todos strippers compañeros de Favio, y cuando imaginé las armas que cargaban, ahhh!!!! somo pude mojarme…
Y así empezó la rueda de juegos, ellos repartían naipes, fumaban y bebían, reían, cosas típicas de hombres, y yo había poco a poco entrado en el juego, como una camarera silenciosa repartía rondas de bebidas, cada tanto me quedaba observando como jugaban y mi cuerpo era centro de miradas…
Cada tanto, mientras servía una copa, alguna mano indiscreta se colaba ente mis piernas, o acariciaba mis nalgas, yo sabía que tarde o temprano iban a cogerme y eso me mantenía a la expectativa, ardiente, esperando mi momento, porque aunque sea por una noche, sería la reina del lugar…
Pero evidentemente, yo no estaba todo lo relajada que ellos pretendían que estuviera, o seguramente dispuesta a hacer lo que ellos quisieran, así que me dieron, mejor dicho, me forzaron a tomar algunas bebidas fuertes…
Hasta ahí todo iba mas o menos bien, me hacían sentir como una puta y yo lo permitía, me tocaban como una puta, y yo lo disfrutaba, me mojaba como puta, y yo me excitaba…
Pero algo cambiaría las cosas, estaba preparando una rueda de bebidas cuando Favio me llamó, sobre la mesa donde estaban jugando, habían preparado unas líneas de cocaína, y cada uno aspiraba la suya, reían perdidos en la nada, y obviamente había una para mi…
Fue cuando me negué, no quería hacerlo, la droga no era lo mío, dije que no, pero ellos me tomaron por la fuerza y me llevaron contra la mesa, me pusieron los brazos hacia atrás, me tomaron por la nuca y me hicieron inclinar, alguien metió una pajilla en mi nariz y apretó mi fosa nasal libre, escuché unas palabras que me sonaron a orden
Dale puta, dele con fuerza…
Cerré los ojos y aspiré… mierda…
I felt his laughter while I was trying to recover from what I had just done, I felt strange, but that shit started working slowly, a madness ecstasy seemed to invade every pore of my skin, I felt floating in the air, with an indescribable joy, uninhibited, eager to conquer the world, I went over Favio, threw myself on him and started kissing him as deep as I could, he passed me to one of his friends, and another, and another, I kissed them all, I just wanted them to take me...
Someone took me again against the table, made me lean over it, I stood up on my high heels, with my chest resting on the cold wood, with my ass exposed, closed my eyes, felt like someone was lifting my short skirt, like the thong was running off to one side, I inhaled...
I received a beautiful and perfect penetration, deep, huge, whoever was taking me moved very tasty, I started to moan, someone took one of my hands, which made me open my eyes, it was Favio who was bringing his cock close for me to masturbate him, I started playing with two, then someone started sucking me through the mouth, a beautiful and huge cock that reached my throat, and they brought another cock, and another, and I got lost among so many, never had been in such a situation before, didn't know how to handle it, only knew that those cocks were mine and I was unique at that moment...
Someone tried my ass, it was logical, without much trouble they put an enormous cock in me, my ears were buzzing, but I could hear their words talking about how slutty I was, how good I was, words mixed with my moans that had already turned into screams of pleasure...
I don't know if it was because of what I had inhaled, but my pussy was very sensitive and beautiful and deep orgasms were flowing out of me, so uncontrollable...
And I couldn't do anything, I was surrendered to the will of those guys who made me whatever they wanted...
Without realizing it, I saw myself completely naked, sucking cocks from a side to side, so yummy, so big, they would give it to me by the ass, by the pussy, I was out of myself...
One got up on the table, and they took me there too, made him ride me, that's tasty! I managed the times with his sex in my sex, they were touching my tits, suddenly one slipped behind and put it in my ass, that's tasty! I had never done it before and felt penetrated by both sides, front and back, I was given to those men who were rotating, one by one, trying my holes, I noticed Favio had taken out his phone and started filming and photographing everything, and I was the queen of the night...
We changed positions, again and again, someone gave it to me by the Booty and felt another adjusting and forcing at the same time my bum, I didn't say anything, I think they were trying my limits and I wouldn't have any limits, they had put two cocks in my ass and I just wanted them to break me...
Favio as always gave orders, and protested because he couldn't get good shots of the double anal penetration, felt one of the guys suddenly in my bum, it was very tasty, I felt beautifully dirty, my man asked me to show him my open ass dripping with semen, that I would give him the best shots and look at the camera, like a good slut...
And what I thought was the end, also very porny, I went down, everyone was masturbating around me, those huge cocks, and I waiting for the prize, the light of Favio's phone camera burned my face, suddenly they started cumming on me, in my mouth, one by one, two at the same time, a semen cocktail like volcanoes erupting all at once...
And my face in close-up, filling with viscous liquid, my cheeks, my mouth, my perineum, my eyes, my body, the warm semen was running down my skin, and they asked me to enjoy it in front of the camera, very slut, that I would show them how I swallowed everything, drop by drop, and I did, with great pleasure...
Like I said, I thought that was the end, but... They made me clean up, and Fabio took me to the room alone to take me, privately, he let his instincts run wild, gave me hard spanks because I was a slut, did what he wanted...
When he left the room, another came to keep taking me, and another, and then another, they kept taking me all night without stopping, an endless night of pleasure...
I woke up without understanding anything, it was daytime, sunlight was entering through the window, my whole body hurt, I was confused, my mind was spinning, I tried to orient myself in time and space but failed, it seemed stuck to the bed, I didn't have strength to move a muscle...
I let a few minutes pass, tried to concentrate, things started to become familiar, the decorations on the walls, curtains, light in the room, furniture, damn, I was at home, in my bed, how did I get here? I touched my body, I was wearing the red miniskirt, like the slut, with the clothes Fabio had left me...
I closed my eyes, wanted to get up, didn't have strength, felt the kitchen faucet water running, who was in the house? Was it real or was I dreaming? Maybe I was just stoned from the drug I had inhaled...
When my husband entered the room, I knew there would be no turning back, everything had been calculated by Fabio, step by step, meticulously, like a game of chess...
He had taken off my mask in front of Alberto, he had only given him the tools to prove what he wanted to prove, in what I would have transformed...
There was no going back, my husband had his wife dressed like a slut on the bed, drugged and full of semen, drunk, delivered, he also had a bunch of photos and filmings that he had handed over, the trap closed, divorce began...
I didn't come out well, Alberto kicked me out onto the street like a mangy dog, I felt in my own flesh the power that photos and filmings have, how intimidating they can be, my plan for life to be... With a wealthy man to keep me, I had gone to hell... Signed every paper without complaining, what could I say? Left with my suitcase and the few clothes I could take away, I didn't have many people to turn to. Alberto gave me an envelope with bills that wouldn't last long, and everything was thanks to Favio's bastard... a dangerous guy... And you know what? I went back to him... I needed to talk to him... besides, what I had aspired to had liked it and I wanted to repeat the experience... I only thought about fixing my life, and without knowing it, I was still burying myself... Again I went to Favio's place, to his apartment... CONTINUE If you're over 18, you can write me with the title 'I... THE MOST SLUTTY OF ALL...' at
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