My name is Five Hundred - Resubbed -

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Con cuarenta y picos de años mi vida era perfecta, un prestigioso y reconocido médico de ciudad, deportólogo, o sea, especialista en atención a deportistas, en especial a los de alto rendimiento. Era muy reconocido y afamado en el medio, había sido especialmente contratado por algunos clubes, fútbol, rugby y hasta la selección provincial de hockey femenino.
También seguía en paralelo las atenciones particulares en algunas instituciones de alta reputación, donde se cobraban valores a los que muy pocos podían acceder. Siempre había sido estrictamente profesional en mis actividades, lo cual significó una alta reputación en mi currículum.

Mi vida personal también iba de maravillas, mi mujer, especialista en bellas artes, andaba de museos en museos y cada tanto hacía exposiciones de sus esculturas, pinturas y afines. Nos llevábamos muy bien, éramos el uno para el otro, y a pesar de nuestras múltiples y continuas ocupaciones siempre encontrábamos lugar para fortalecer nuestro vínculo de pareja.
Teníamos tres niñas, de diez, ocho y siete años, eran mi debilidad, muy rubiecitas de cabellos largos, de ojitos celestes y cristalinos, estudiaban en el prestigioso colegio Alemán. Era un tanto cómico, a mayor se la pasaba jugando al doctor, quería ser como papá, la menor, por el contrario, pintaba hasta las paredes de la casa y era el vivo retrato en miniatura de mi mujer, y la del medio, esa si que era impredecible, decía que quería se bailarina.

Como verán, mi mundo era perfecto, a pesar de los grandes gastos que teníamos en colegios privados, clubes, salidas, coches, hogar, viajes, lo cierto es que ganábamos más dinero del que podíamos gastar.
Y todo eso, todo lo tiraría por la borda con una espina que se clavó en mi corazón.
Ella llegó una tarde a mi vida, era una paciente más, al menos eso creí...
Llegado su turno, la llamé por su apellido, pasó a mi consultorio, Lourdes era sencillamente perfecta, para mis ojos, para mi idealización de la mujer de mis sueños, ella sin dudas lo era.
Nos sentaos frente a frente, escritorio de por medio, mientras abría su historia médica en mi notebook presté especial atención a la información que naturalmente ella me daba, soltera, veinticuatro años, instructora de fitnees, y varias cosas mas, mientras escribía el sonido de su voz demasiado grave, hasta ronca se me hacía irresistible, era muy sexi escucharla, era una voz endulzada con miel, imposible describir con palabras, y un perfume sencillamente exquisito inundaba mi olfato.

La traía a mi consultorio un problema crónico en uno de sus aductores, y me confesó que estaba cansada de deambular por especialistas sin que le dieran solución, y había llegado a mi por recomendación de una amiga.
En fin, me detalló sus dolencias y llegó el momento de revisarla. Aunque me costó, fui todo lo profesional y ético que pude para solo tocar sus piernas para dar un diagnóstico, sin embargo, no pude sentir una contenida erección entre mis piernas.
Le solicité unos estudios, un poco por necesidad, otro poco solo para asegurarme de volver a verla.
Esa noche Lourdes me sacó el sueño, y solo traté de decirme a mi mismo loco que estaba, quién era ella? qué pretendía con ella? recuerdo que la última vez que vi las agujas fluorescentes del reloj de la habitación daban cerca de las tres de la mañana.

Ella volvió a visitarme tiempo después con todos los estudios que le había solicitado, y yo no pude resistirme a su espectacular belleza, y para su desgracia y mi bendición, ella tenía una lesión mal curada, que necesitaría rehabilitación y varias nuevas visitas.
Y en cada una de esas visitas fue aflorando la confianza, una confianza que iba más allá de la mera relación paciente profesional.
Me estaba metiendo en un problema, lo sabía, y lo peor es que Lourdes jugaba conmigo al gato y al ratón, y eso era demasiado peligroso.

Fue así que me animé a dar el siguiente paso, invitarla a salir a tomar un trago, como amigos, nada raro, fue entonces cuando ella carcajeó discretamente y me dijo sin vueltas

Mirá Doc - ella siempre me llamaba Doc - hay algo que no sabes de mi vida, si quieres salir conmigo, pues entonces me llamo quinientos!

Me recliné en mi silla sin entender, solo la miré fijo, animándola a seguir, entonces me dijo con su ronca voz llena miel

Mirá, en verdad crees que yo puedo pagar el precio de tus consultas y darme el nivel de vida que me doy siendo instructora de fitness? ni lo sueñes...

Yo solo le pedí que me contara todo, la animé a seguir

Hago fitness porque me encanta, pero no es solo eso, debo mantener mi cuerpo perfecto, así como lo ves, así como te gusta, porque tus ojos me lo dijeron cuando te conocí, o me equivoco?

Sentí un calor vergonzante en mi rostro, tan obvio había sido?, pero siguió adelante

Siempre me encantaron los hombres, y el dinero, y honestamente no vi nada malo en cambiar un poco de mi cuerpo por dinero, no soy una puta que se acuesta con cualquiera si es lo que imaginas, solo diría que soy una mujer que le encanta el sexo, y que si le gusta el hombre que tiene enfrente, y si ese hombre puede comprar mi tiempo, bueno, por que no?. Sabes, desde que soy mayor de edad, mi hermano es quien de alguna manera arma mi agenda, los tipos de dinero, me explico? es como mi protector, quien filtra y me evita problemas. El solo se encarga de organizarme salidas, un par de horas por una cena, o por una merienda, ese es su trabajo. Después, si el tipo me gusta, ya es asunto mío...

Aunque lo pusiera en todas esas palabras, comprendí que Lourdes en verdad era una puta de alto nivel, no la encontrarías en la calle, o en páginas de la web, no tendrías sus fotos hot, pero en el fondo se trataba de lo mismo, vender su tiempo a quien pudiera pagarlo.

Acepté entonces sus palabras y tuve que cumplir con sus requisitos, imploré anonimato y me contacté con su hermano para agendar una cita, esos quinientos pesos era mucho dinero, incluso ni mis consultas privadas cubrían ese importe.

Ese encuentro se produciría un viernes al atardecer, cuando caía el sol, y sería mi primero de muchos. El sitio elegido fue un bar bastante privado y aislado de la ciudad, no podía darme el lujo de levantar sospechas entre conocidos, tenía una reputación que mantener.
Pero en el mundo Lourdes era imposible pasar desapercibido, llegó en su coche importado y lo estacionó cerca de la puerta, y cuando se bajó noté como las miradas indiscretas fueron a su silueta, es que era imposible no hacerlo, lucía una remera ajustada al cuerpo, de cuello cerrado, mangas largas, por cierto, terminaba por debajo de sus pechos dejando desnudo su pequeño vientre, unas ajustadísimas calzas negras que dejaban marcadas todas sus virtudes, sus anchas caderas, su precioso trasero, sus majestuosas piernas y hasta su regordeta vagina. Acompañaba su atuendo unas botas marrones tipo terciopelo que llegaban muy por encima de sus rodillas. A todo esto, acompañaba ese atuendo con un sombrero muy femenino y aniñado.
Como sea Lourdes de por si era una mujer demasiado llamativa, y si además ella se vestía para no pasar desapercibida...

Sacudiendo sus caderas pasó entre las mesas hasta sentarse a mi lado, me saludó efusivamente y empezó a charlar con naturalidad, sin embargo yo me sentía aturdido, sentía demasiadas miradas aún clavadas en nosotros y me costó acostumbrarme a la situación.
Y yo no sabía de que hablar con ella, si ya lo sabía todo de ella, y ella todo de mi, sabía de mi mujer, de mis hijas, pero no le importaba, si solo me estaba vendiendo su tiempo.
Y mas tiempo compartía con ella mas me enredaba en sus redes, solo deseaba llevarla a la cama, hacerla mía, y esa fue mi pregunta, cuanto me costaría...
Lourdes entonces sin tapujos puso una cifra exorbitante a su tiempo, una locura, pero en fin, como dije, me sobraba el dinero, así que en poco tiempo estábamos en un hotel de lujo. Recuerdo sus palabras...

My name is Five Hundred - Resubbed -It will be your best investment, I'll do everything you want me to do... We start kissing passionately, that woman drove me crazy and she provoked in me a feeling that my wife could no longer awaken, in seconds I had a terrible erection and modesty aside I have a good cock, bigger than average and she noticed when I was caressing her, then she told me it was very good sucking if I wanted to try.

Lourdes then undressed her breasts and went in search of my cock, only wrapped them around it and started to masturbate me, her tits were small but well formed, it was like my sex remained large between them but only let her do it, she took one of her hands and started to pass it over her nipples until the moment came, then she put it in her mouth and started to suck it slowly, by my glans, by my shaft, going to my balls, then back, and only did something I had always desired with my wife, little by little she took my 18 centimeters all the way to her throat, holding back her gag reflexes until she swallowed it completely, and feeling traverse the softness of her mucous membranes was the best, it was a spectacular blow job and I felt coming, she noticed and made my hot semen fall on her tits, I finished everything...

Lourdes reclined on her side with her breasts full of semen and playing like a cat, carrying my cum to her mouth with her fingers, with that sweet voice she said...

Now it's my turn, right?

I brought her to my side, with effort I removed one of her boots, then the other, finally I took off her stockings, a tiny black thong covered her sex, I took it between my fingers and pulled hard until it broke, Lourdes laughed and said...

Slowly, daddy, you're going to hurt me!

I just kept looking at her perfection, her perfect tanning told me she was wearing an even smaller swimsuit than the thong of a slut that I had just broken, obviously she was taking sun in topless and what can be said, she was perfect, all muscles, no stretch marks, no fat, nothing, everything just right, everything in its place. I then buried myself between her legs, her completely depilated vagina was smooth and her juices had dripped around me, letting me know that, as I had anticipated, she enjoyed it, it wasn't just sex for money...

I started licking her, drinking her juices while watching her still clean her breasts by drinking the little semen that was left on them, playing with my cum in her lips, closing her eyes, moaning, sweetening my ears, it was perfect, so perfect, and I only kept going until her moans turned into screams, letting me know she was reaching an orgasm.

I put her on all fours, I wanted to see her amazing ass and went back to licking her lips and went over her sphincter, penetrating it with my tongue and noticed it was so open that I could fit in completely without resistance, had a new erection, turned her around again, opened her legs and buried myself in her completely, started taking her with fury, her breasts moved up and down one and another time, I wanted to see her face of pleasure, feel her screams, make the world fall apart. The bed we were on began to creak and the more I moved the more noise it made, I was hard inside her, it was perfect.

Lourdes then took one of my hands and started licking a couple of fingers and told me 'Dale! Put them in your ass!' And so I did, without stopping taking her, I easily inserted two fingers into her ass, and she started twisting around, felt her nails digging into my back and her teeth on my neck, it was hurting but that pain was part of the game.

I put her on all fours again, this time I chose to go from behind, just aimed and put my fat cock in her ass with barely any resistance, until the end and started giving it to her in the ass, took her by her small waist and pressed her down, arching her well, making her enormous buttocks stand out, with a perfect bronze and the white mark of a small bathing suit that just imagining me sent to hell, and my cock, entering and leaving, one and another time, was all too good. But if something was missing, it was her attitude, because she knew how to warm me up, knew how to drive a man crazy and between moans and screams said without stopping
Dale! tear my whole ass apart! tear it all apart, do you like it? do you like it when I'm your slut?
And not just that, she started moving with force, with rhythm, backing away towards me until her buttocks hit my body again and again, making me have her completely inside
I gave her a strong slap and she ronronó like a slut, and only got more excited, I felt it coming again, pulled out my cock from her ass and my shot flew through the air until it landed on her neck, in her dark hair, then on her back, until it ended in her open sphincter.
We started laughing while she tried unsuccessfully to get the semen out of her hair, then went to take a shower, only to return a little later to the main room, naked and with wet hair, and in those minutes I got lost again in the perfection of that body, thinking about the sex we had and the best money spent in my life.
The real problems would start that same night, my wife wasn't stupid, and no matter how hard I tried, she discovered the deep scratches on my back and the bruises on my neck, we argued a lot, I defended myself as well as I could against evidence that didn't have defense, for the first time in years of marriage I couldn't share the bed with her and slept alone in the living room. From then on everything went downhill...
I swore not to see Lourdes again and try to repair the damage done to my family, but damn, that woman...
I kept paying for her, over and over, enjoying every peso I spent on her and throwing away the thread of my marriage, over and over, more headaches arrived...
I realized what was happening in the balance of my life...
On one plate was all my history, my life, my marriage, my wife, my beloved daughters, my profession, my reputation, my name.
On the other, the woman who was my downfall, my obsession, that one that took me from heaven to hell in the blink of an eye. And I knew that balance was at risk, and if I didn't do something everything would end badly... And I took the wrong path, a madness, for some time I wanted Lourdes to fall in love with me, I thought about my madness for having fallen in love with the same demon who could make her change her life, form a family, that she would desire me, that she would forget the other guys she slept with, that everything could work, even if I didn't care about losing everything I had on the other side. The divorce judgment arrived, where a scorned woman, and with all the reason in the world, took me to the last cent from me and even hit me where it hurt most, separating me from my beloved daughters. Things didn't end there, my scandalous separation due to infidelity brought me work problems, many contracts fell through, I gave a bad image and everything got complicated. But despite all this, I was still blinded by Lourdes, despite losing my family, having to work at small clinics, losing my fortune, despite everything, I was still confident in conquering the heart of that woman. And it was when I realized how pathetic my life was, when I really got to know the woman who was killing me alive. The day arrived when I couldn't even pay her services to take her to bed, barely could I afford to invite her for drinks, at her basic rate of five hundred, I could only talk to her, only offer her my heart, but then Lourdes was clear with me, no longer had that sweet, melodic voice, grave, full of honey, her words sounded aggressive, hurtful, hard, she told me again something I refused to accept, for her I was just one more on her list, a good guy, a good person, but nothing more, just another one on her long list of loves. For the last date, I gathered as much as those dirty five hundred pesos, asked for a last wish, that she dress up as beautiful as that first time, it wasn't much for someone who had lost their head over her.
We met on the street, on the sidewalk, near the fence of a neighborhood club, we argued once more, she was very upset with me, I knew everything was ending, arms crossed and although she was furious, I asked her to let me take one last photo of her, not even wanting to look at me to immortalize her face...
I didn't know anything about her anymore, a few years went by, I'm still in debt trying to lift my head, living alone in a pension lost between alcohol and cigarettes.
Every night before falling asleep, under the light of the streetlights that come through the window, I take out my wallet and pull out her photo, wrinkled with time, only running my fingers over it with melancholy until I fall asleep, my impossible love, my beloved Lourdes...
If you liked the story, you can write to me with title ME LLAMO QUINIENTOS at

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