Mi novia quiere humillarme aún más

It's been over a year since the closest thing to having sex with my girlfriend is her coming home from her dates with her lovers without thong and making me clean up after them, leaving their pussy full of cum and sending videos to my friends where I'm licking the cum off my horned ones, reinforcing that I'm a poor cuck. She wants to take my horns to another level, she wants to humiliate me even more and keeps asking me to take her to the motel with her lovers and record them while they're screwing her and tells me things like -Amoor do you like seeing how my horned ones are screwed, they'll fill me up with cum and all your friends will see jejeje. She wants to open an OnlyFans channel with a cuck theme where she gets screwed by her lovers and then I clean up after them, making fun of me. Already with the gym thing, it seemed too much to me, but humiliating myself at that level seems unnecessary, she says it turns her on when everyone knows she's getting screwed by other guys and I suppose I have no choice but to follow along to make her happy

4 comentários - Mi novia quiere humillarme aún más

ohhh eso es violencia amigo, si te pone asi el tema de plano que sino lo haces te deja, dejala busca otra mujer. no debes permitir que nadie te haga daño de manera violente amigo! cuidate
hqqq +3
Ella no me pone una pistola en la cabeza para seguirle la corriente es sus puterias, lo unico que me pone en la cabeza son cuernos, y bien grandes por cierto
Eso es discriminacion por donde lo mires. Esa es mi opinion, yo no soy un santo pero esto es muy bajo. Si a vos te gusta dale para adelante ya que sos vos el humillado y no vas a estar tranquilo en ninguna parte porque te van a marca y vas a se el asmereir de todos y te vas a estar incomodo. Van puntos
Qué suerte tenés amigo yo disfrutaría mucho de tener una esposa así la mía todavía no se anima