To be a cuck is a topic few understand

Becoming cuck is a topic that's not well understood, how can a man leave and accept his partner being unfaithful and enjoy it?. For me, this is one of the fantasies I enjoy most, seeing Yamila enjoying other men, seeing that I'm not the only one she sleeps with and giving her the power to enjoy other bodies, moments, and situations that are unparalleled. Let's be honest, a single man can't satisfy a woman's desires, although our male essence tells us otherwise, reality sometimes hits us and makes us see things from another perspective. Women who practice or don't practice this form of relating have fantasies and desires, situations where they imagine and morbidly think that their HUSBAND can't fulfill, for example if they're in a relationship where both are white and the woman has the fantasy of being with someone of color, clearly it's a fantasy her partner won't fulfill and as an example there are thousands. Many of them fantasize about a friend of hers or his, or some coworker or neighbor who always gives them a vibe and they keep playing this innocent game until it stops being so, or with ex-partners, lovers, and all the EX that come to mind, or simply men or women who were part of a good roll and wanted to go back. That's why it's healthiest to let them do it without guilt, the truth is that life is short, there's no point in not fulfilling our desires. There will always be something the OTHER can give to our women, wives, or girlfriends that we can't, bigger size, more enduring, or simply someone who blows their minds in that sense. They have the opportunity to enjoy what they want so much and we can't give it to them, obviously we also give something unique from our side, the issue isn't choosing between one or the other thing, but adding both. Seeing our partners enjoy, coming with other men, enjoying that Moment when nothing around matters, only that in that moment they are being screwed by someone who is not the husband, someone who usually isn't at home, because the truth is (and I'm a witness) that they enjoy every moment that's different from what it commonly is, whether they scream loudly or are being watched, or if they get up in the morning and have that other guy's cock in their mouth, nothing else matters than sucking it, in that moment they have something new that's different from what they have daily, not better or worse, just different.

And the husband on the other hand enjoys giving his wife something she can't get from him, whether it's another sex, the power to liberate herself from those fantasies she has in her head or a different size, or anything, something as simple as caresses, which aren't the same as what we give her when someone else can give them.

Entering a woman's mind is impossible, knowing what she enjoys most or what she would do in certain situations. If she likes it more with strangers, acquaintances, or what? For my part, I enjoy sharing her with my friends, it's like saying to myself: It's time for your friends to see how slutty your wife is and that's why I share photos or tell them what she does. I love seeing their faces or hearing them say I jerked off thinking about your wife many of them know she turns them on a lot, I can see it when we get together in a pool and she goes with her swimsuit, they stare at her tits or booty. In that moment I imagine taking everything out and letting them enjoy her like I do, the truth is I think she's a 10 in bed, everyone should be with her at least one night to have it like I do, then say 'I was with your wife yesterday' or 'I came from your house after being with your wife', what a great time I'd have I just tell them see you.

I enjoy that she has this complicity, a past full of fantasies some fulfilled and others still to come. fulfilling or uncovering a past that I'm discovering little by little, which makes me realize I wasn't the saint I thought I was and it gets me so excited. Being able to say my wife is a slut who sleeps with everyone and how well she does it. As you've probably noticed, I'm one of those submissive cuckolds where my pleasure comes from her pleasure and humiliation of being cuck. That's why these are my tastes, I know they don't motivate all of them but each person has their own. I find excitement in her cheating on me, whether it's consented or not, just that she does it while we're in bed together, so she thinks about it when she's with me, thinking I'm not the one but one of many who wants to get it. That she looks at me and thinks NOT you were the first and won't be the lastTo be a cuck is a topic few understand







Argentine Hotwife

To be a cuck is a topic few understand


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hola visto desde el punto de vista de corneador, es una practica sexual que nos hacerca a nuestro boton de place... algo asi como pasa con la gente que practica bsdm y o bien los sw son formas de hacercarte a lo que te da placer, esta el placer de lo visual de ver al otro gozar desde un lugar de tercero, el que encuentra el placer en la humillacion, el que no tiene una preferencia por el sexo pero entiende que el otro necesita esa descarga... el cuckold (cuernos) como practica es un mundo en si mismo donde disfrutamos 3 a puertas cerradas y donde la pareja es el maximo valor y en mi caso como corneador solo soy un invitado algo asi como un sextoy que despierta el placer maximo de la pareja cunado lo desea.
lindas palabras una verdadera hotwife

25 comentários - To be a cuck is a topic few understand

DrAnal +1
ES muy cierto lo que dicen.
Hay que tener la cabeza muy bien amueblada para practicar el "cuckolding".
Felicitaciones. Me encantó lo bien explicado
Excelente post, gran nivel. Esperemos que vayamos a esa situación algún día y sea capetada como algo natural
Exelente palabras, la mejor descripción que encontré en mucho tiempo, es difícil de explicar a alguien que no está en el tema, pero lo hiciste sencillo. Felicitaciones a vos y Yami
Cada palabra se puede percibir cómo disfrutas de compartir tu mujer, a lo largo del post vas dando unas ganas de probarla. Para terminar con esas fotos espectaculares. Felicitaciones chicos! Van +10.
Esta bien relatado tu deceo.. pero asi como la mujer necesita mas de un hombre en su deceo profundo.. no me niegues que tambien el hombre es insaciable.. siempre quiere mas. Solo que la mujer acepta menos que el hombre ser cornudo...
como cornudo que soy solo puedo felicitar, los que lo somos sabemos lo fantastico que es.
wudz +1
Muy pocos entienden esa sensación
Thecho2 +2
Van + 10. Excelente post, muy bien explicado, soy cuckold y es una experiencia morbosamente excitante y unica, mi placer radica en verla gozar con otros, ver como experimenta su sexualidad abriendose a nuevas experiencias, nuevos cuerpos, nuevos penes. Dejarla desifrutar libremente de su genitalidad nos unio mas como pareja, ahora no solo es mi esposa, es mi putita, mi actriz porno, mi complice, mi confidente, mi compañera . No impòrta quien la este cojiendo, siempre está haciendo el amor conmigo.-
Uuuuuff si que delicia me encantaría ser corneador un sueño a cumplir 😍🔥😋😛
Hermoso poder llegar a eso que bien la disfrutas amigo te felicito
mi placer pasa por el placer de ella y la humillaciónde ser cornudo !!!! van 10, tal cual es asi, solo los que somos cornudos nos sentimos asi, lo que si es muy dificil encontrar buenos corneadores, haber hay pero son pocos, a seguir disfrutando de este morbo que solo es para todos o para unos pocos.
Excelente explicacion. Creo que de una manera u otra todos rondamos la misma idea a la hora de compartir nuestra pareja. Para mi el detonante fue hace muchos años atras ver videos nuestros cojiendo y comprobar que Laura era todo una actriz porno en ciernes y que mejor que ver ese espectaculo en vivo desde el punto de vista del voyeaur. El placer fisico de cojerla me hace sentir mas que verla con otro, pero mentalmente la situacion de que goce arriba (o abajo) de otro macho mejor dotado para el sexo que yo es inigualable. Pura adrenalina. Ademas de que aparecen un monton de matices que uno ni se imaginan hasta que pasa, olores, ruidos gritos, cualquier dialogo te prende fuego, que vuelva a ponerse la ropa de un encuentro, situaciones cotidianas del dia despues, etc. Todo se transforma en morbo!!
La verdad que ser cornudo es lo mas lindo que hay nosotros somos pareja cuckold hace 5 años y no hay nad amas morboso que ver a mi esposa disfrutar coger con otro .
Hermosa mujer ,los sigo hace años q bueno volver a encontrarlos
El tema es como inducir a la esposa está con otros hombres cuando pareces importante la fidelidad es el tipo de mujer que nos acuesta de un día para el otro con alguien es de las que piensan que tiene que haber una conexión en mi caso personal del princip