Let's go with another 100% real one that I never would have imagined, this happened about a year ago or a little less. I used to look at her walking around the office, she's a woman type milf, tall, blonde, big breasts and trained booty... but it's not my type of woman. I prefer women much shorter than me with few curves, but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying the visual of those women like this colleague, they do well by sight and warmth. I always left her notice that I was looking at her because I realized she was a woman who liked attention so both of us enjoyed it. But since it wasn't my type, she was married, had two kids, and fundamentally respected my workplace more than some chick didn't think I would ever advance. There were too many things that weren't my habit and I was fine with that.
One day with little work and not much people in the office because it was late, I'm going to prepare a coffee at the kitchen and I find her with a broken cup and she had spilled the table and floor. Teasing her about her lack of cleaning skills because she's always been a woman with many activities but no domestic work skills, I started helping her. We used paper towels instead of rags so we went back and forth to the trash can and I started noticing strange rubs. My brain immediately sent me the correct signal and said she's getting hot, she's doing it on purpose once this was activated I started causing a lot of excitement because I had already jerked off thinking about this so I put all my concentration. I started cleaning the table again and she did too, and between movements another one rubbed her tits with my arm and then I got really hard because she was aware and adjusting discreetly as if to keep going. Following the game I made a fool of myself making jokes and we both laughed like nothing was happening but I had already started aiming for... pelvis towards her and without wanting I rubbed a cheek with my hard cock... and the very bold one while moving the paper on the table shook her ass against mine... looking like a cow on the road, with a face of nothing happens here.
We finished cleaning, we went each to our own house and nothing else happened.
But I had to have a tremendous masturbation when I got home because I couldn't take it anymore... I had a strange feeling because where you eat you don't fuck and one of my rules is not to mess with married women and the fear of getting it wrong... everything was strange, but I was already in my head.
In the following days we hugged more than usual, joining our bodies, she seemed sad and I as a good companion offered embracing containers... with forks and knives because of the hunger to eat her jajaja I was already volcanized by heat and had imagined many situations, almost all grabbing her huge ass that has.
One afternoon I ran into her again in the kitchen, made a joke and only smiled, asked what was going on and she said nothing important, do you give me a hug? and taking my protective side hugged her without bad intentions, but the hug lasted longer than usual and there I got hot and hard again and all my good intention went to hell and I told her in her ear excuse me but I can't take it anymore and immediately like a kamikaze I lowered both hands from her waist and squeezed both cheeks with an unbearable desire, I swear I thought if I'm wrong, everything will go to hell if I don't forget this ass but luckily she let herself be, sighed in my ear and pressed her against my pelvis so she could feel all the heat I had, we started some gentle movements because she was crossed and I wanted her to feel it all, she was wriggling like a viper and enjoying herself greatly. It was more than obvious that both of us had heated up for many days and couldn't take it anymore... but I expected another Surprise... she searched my mouth to kiss me and then pushed me away, which really confused me and got my heart racing with adrenaline, fear, everything, I didn't want to be kissed but she wouldn't let go of me... we barely separated and she looked at me with her eyes and said this is wrong my face changed to worried and she repeated it again this is wrong but I grabbed her cock above the pants, squeezed it hard and rode it a bit and left her in the kitchen... alone, confused, strange and with her cock all exploded and sloppy... I DON'T UNDERSTAND A THING! But I went to the bathroom and sacrificed the goose because I couldn't take the situation anymore, was I playing with my mind? was I confused? did I feel guilty? I who am the hunter was being hunted? what the hell was happening? That day I must have dedicated 2 or 3 hours but I was still confused... I had to take control of the situation somehow, couldn't let her be the one confusing me. The next day I arrived earlier, sure, confident, playful, with my head expecting another situation of confusion but turning things around to take control myself. I knocked on the door of my office and entered, she had arrived more dressed up than usual in a white shirt and open buttons that showed the line that women with voluptuous breasts have on their chest and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a small hug like nothing was wrong. When she turned around to leave I gave her a good slap on that beautiful ass and it sounded loud, she looked at me confused and I said go prepare me a coffee and bring it she smiled, left her things on her desk and listened as she obediently went to the kitchen to prepare it... ah, there you are I thought, control is mine. Waiting for the coffee and all excited I received a call that needed to be answered, an important client and couldn't cut him off... I was getting all worked up but work is work... we started talking and after a few minutes she entered without knocking with the coffee in her hand and a face of Content. I made signs with my finger that I wanted him to put the cup down while he had his cell phone in his ear, and he did so by placing it on the desk. As we were discussing something, I grabbed his ass with the free hand, and then the surprise was mine, as he immediately got down on all fours, put his index finger in his mouth to signal silence, looked at my cock, and started lowering the zipper of his pants while biting his lip.
I pulled out my cock as hard as it could because it was so stiff that it was hard to bend, and without thinking, I swallowed it all the way down to the bottom, the very horny one couldn't take it anymore, I went in desperately sucking it, making arcs and filling it with saliva, nothing mattered to her, not even the place or that she was talking on the phone, nothing at all, I pulled it out of her mouth, spat it out, sucked it again, put it back in until the bottom, didn't bother with turns or complicit glances, she was in her own world eating my cock like it was made of gold.
I extended the conversation because I realized he was enjoying himself, hung up the phone and didn't even notice, who knows how many years it had been since he'd eaten a strange cock, one that wasn't his wife's, I calculated at least 15 years.
I couldn't take it anymore, I had left the phone and was touching her tits through her white shirt with a delicate lace corset, her nipples were very hard, as she was enjoying my cock, this hot one said give me all the cum very politely and I fulfilled her request, put it in her throat and started squirting cum, gushes and gushes that never ended and she swallowing and following with her throat squeezing everything out.
When I stopped cumming, I looked at her eyes and licked my entire cock clean with gentle and tender kisses, not leaving a single drop behind. She adjusted her clothes, did a little jump of joy, turned around and left.
These situations and others were repeated, but 95% of the time she was happy just sucking me off and swallowing my cum and then doing the same thing again, adjusting her clothes, saying oh. little jump of joy and he was going without saying anything else. I wish a Mariela to everyone at work at least once in life. Greetings!!!
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